Is post rework Knight just bad?
I've only just played Knight for the first time after the rework and he just feels bad. I dont even wanna say he is bad outright, but something is weird and doesnt feel good. I've looked at posts from when the rework was fresh, but it all just sounds and feels like they added unneeded complexity and counterplay that I…
Boons and Hexes, Oh my
I know there has been a discussion about Boons 3 years back, when the first ones were introduced, but I just recently learned something: A single person with a Boon Perk can counter a Hex Build entirely. Placing a Boon on a Hex causes the Hex to becom dull once I snuff the boon. If I play Hex Perks, this just means my…
Arguing about Anti-Slugging is self-destructive
People hate slugging. Understandable. Arguing for nerfs and adjustments, because slugging is bad, is often self-destructive though. Any time people ask for changes to how the game works to counter slugging, it inevitably impacts non-slugging killers as well, promoting different "toxic" behaviors instead on either side.…
What this game is really about
Every bad thing a killer can do needs counterplay, every bad thing a survivor can do they just need to do to win! So you either submit to having to use the less nice strategies, or you simply accept that unless you do, you get bullied by the other side.
New Ring of Telekinesis
Am I missing something, or is the new effect just useless? More Vault Speed when I Mage Hand a standing Pallet? What kind of niche situation am I gonne use that in? If I chose to hold a pallet, I either get a hit, because I timed it well, or the survivor just walks the loop 1 more time and can use it again, so what am I…
Survivors cant be satisfied
I dont know how else to phrase it. Looking at different forums and different opinions, I get the feeling that Survivors are generally a unhealthy element in the way the game is discussed. Like, recently I read "Why dont knight or Skull Merchant commit to every chase when I wanna bait them into running after me for 3…