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  • Survivors really do everything in their power to make you hate them and then go "Why you tunnel me?" This is a problem I call "Abusing Anti-Tunnel Survivor Bias" There are 2 things I'd count as such: Bodyblocking after unhook so you can use Basekit /Perk BT to tank a hit and also freely slow down the killer, even though…
  • No Perks should be Tier 3 if you are only Prestige 1, but Perks you unlocked through prestige can appear as their higher-tiered versions in the Bloodweb, so my assumption is, that you Prestiged one of your survivors first, and unlocked their Perks in the Bloodweb, then levelled them when you prestiged your second survivor.…
    in help Comment by RhodosGuard July 6
  • I'd say most of the older Killers Unique Perks. And Hexes. I'd say an easy fix for Hexes would be a rework of Undying. Make Undying not be a Hex Perk and instead, baseline, transfer the first cleansed Hex Totem to a Dull Totem, then deactivate. That way Undying cannot be wasted by being cleansed first due to RNG spawns.
  • I dont understand people saying Gen Times are okay. I know people in this community are split about otzdarva, but a year ago, he made a video about why gen repair times are/were problematic. With the thesis being, that it is hard to play around gen times that can vary as widely as they do considering toolboxes and perks.…
  • But this can't happen. There cant be firm definitions when there is gameplay freedom. In other games there is feeding. It is negatively connotated and usually boils down to intentionally dying over and over in order to sandbag your own team. The problem is, that it can be hard to determine intent. So everyone calls it…
  • OH I thought this poster was OP. And it seemed like they described sandbagging.
  • You are not optimizing Gen-Repair Speed if you dont bring items or perks. The reason I brought up the situation with a pre-first hook gen repair, is that it's not fun. Of course it can happen by circumstance. All Survivors spawn together, 3 of them work on one gen immediately, they get it done quick. But with quick pops,…
  • Across this thread I get the feeling that a survivor that is intentionally sandbagging their team is upset that a killer rather takes the easy kill they provide than put effort into chasing people that actually get involved in chases? This games community is all black and white, and in absolute denial about their own…
  • Then dont pre-drop them, which is the only way you dont gain distance. If you stun you are guaranteed 8m of distance.
  • I recently had a game with a Bot. The Bot was significantly better than all the human players in terms of mechanical skill. I mean, 180-Turn into instant blind, perfect shack loops, ability to deny shack mindgames, timing the Event-Window-Block perfectly to get to the next tile. Like solid stuff that a lot of survivors I…
  • Tunneling is a strategy to fast track an objective. This was/is just a thing Killers could do. Yes it was unfun, but it was a gameplay decision. "I want to get Kills, I get Kills faster and safer if I remove the Survivors quickly 1-by-1" Gen-Rushing is a strategy to fast Track an objective. Survivors can do that. It is a…
  • People are not using the window block to keep running shack, they use Window Block to force you through the long way round while they have a head start to next tile. The reason it's unfun to do is because it denies potential mindgames, like moonwalking vault or double vault. It adds another bottleneck besides the…
  • The problem is the asynchronous nature. Which, unsurprisingly, is tied to the asymmetric nature of the game. Of course if the game was easy it wouldnt be fun, but I feel like when it comes to counterplay, we put on different standards onto Killers and Survivors. The problem isnt setting limits and forcing decision making,…
  • Killer shack is even more unbearable with Window-Blocks.
  • The problem is that chases need to come to some conclusion. I can exit a chase after getting a hit, a down or a hook. But these things need time. If I intentionally limit the time I need for each change, because I have to fear losing gens to fast every single game, then on some killers, chases will not be winnable. During…
  • It'd be okay if they at least moved the gens a bit further away. But in the library the portal is literally right next to the gen, and on the other end they put the portal behind a wall so ranged killers cant even attempt to intercept.
  • Killers: run meta perks "SO unfair, this game is a boring slog because my gen takes more than 30 seconds to pop. UGH" Killers: play adept " WOW this is so killer-sided they think they can take us on with adept perks!"
  • Call it a God pallet or not. What you get is a fixed tile that is already guaranteed to spawn a god pallet, and are given the ability to place down a second pallet in the same tile, on the same path. That the second pallet breaks itself is irrelevant unless you pre-drop the Party pallet. Within that Tile, in a singular…
  • Survivors be setting up double back-to-back god pallets in RPD but remote breaking is somehow bad.
  • Basically, if you start the game. And you get into chase. And you get a down. Within let's say a Minute, and 1 or more gens pop. You have been gen-rushed. It's any strategy in which the time to repair has been optimized in a way that allows for very little counterplay. How this is achieved can vary. I'd say it's more…
  • I'D be okay with gen-rushes if the repair times weren't as short as they are after the regression nerf. I usually run Killers as "Adept +" meaning I pick up their personal perks and 1 Perk I like. This limits me and makes me stomach it easier when I lose. Huntress Perks suck ass. So I run her with a different Build. Full…
  • I dunno about you, but for like 50% of my Masquerade Games, I get suicidal lemming Survivors. Just yesterday I had a game where 3 people facecamped me. The killer. They facecamped me and 2 of them always tried to blind me out of every pickup. So I did what Killers do. I downed one, hurt the others, hooked, downed the next,…
  • My option is to slug the downed survivor and hope to find the dedicated clicker, but that is slugging, and evil and toxic and boohoo daddy BHVR make unbreakable baseline pwease.
  • It's not Tunneling when the survivor is just the only one constantly bumping into you and failing their chases. I just had a game, where there was 1 player, who didnt know you can dodge Skelebros by crouching, so of course I hit them every single time they vaulted. I didnt ignore the entire enemy team to focus them, they…
  • There is a thin line between "You need to know when to use your powers" and "All your powers have counterplay built in" And yes, he is the only Killer with 4 powers, but he is also the only Killer who gives Survivors extra Items specifically to counter these Powers on top of all these powers having counterplay built in.…
  • You sure that it isnt when Killers get every hook denied by sabo or being blinded? Or Maps generating a large amount of pallettes you can't mindgame? Or Maps that are just bad for some killers? Or Loops with multiple Pallettes in it? Like 2 Pallettes between 3 objects multiple times on the same map? Or a buggy map where…
  • "Mage Hand needs counterplay" "Being Flashlight Stunned and Dropping a Survivor needs counterplay" "Just slug" "OK" "No sluggins is evil actually because 1 person doesnt get to play the game!"
  • If a survivor is playing against Vecna, and stops moving next to pallette without crouching, that isnt really vecnas fault is it?
  • FoTD, just looking at the numbers Doing the Math it just doesnt work out. During FoTD Cast, you slow down to 4.0m/s (losing 0.6 meters assuming you take 1 second to aim and cast) In the Post Cast Period you are slowed to 3.68m/s for 2 seconds (losing 2*0.92 = 1.84 meters) So compared to just walking Vecna loses 2.44 meters…
  • Since people are talking about FoTD, I just recently, very roughly, ran the numbers. While casting Vecna is slowed to 4.0 (losing 0.6) For 2 Seconds after Casing, Vecna is Slowed to 3.68 (losing 0.92) If you cast for 1 second considering Aiming and predicting Movement, the slowdown over those 3 seconds is 2.34m The real…
  • It's a principle design flaw of the game. I just hoped survivors would realize instead that of getting defensive about it. Of course you need to use them, that doesnt make them a good interactable with. But hey, everything survivors do to win, or need to do to win is fine, but what killers need to do to win is evil and…
  • Another Survivor spotted who is stuck thinking that "If I just drop a pallette I win this chase" and then go surprise pikachu faced when Vecna lifts it back up.
  • Why are you talking in circles? Of course you'd rather have weak regression perks stacked than stronger ones, but if your nerf did nothing to the pick rate of these perks, or maybe even increased the pickrate, then maybe that points to a deeper problem, no? Like maybe that the base problem as to why people played these…
  • You mean like Shape EW1 builds that simply dont have lunges? Lunges are also not crutches because Killers dont uniquely rely on them to win chases, and because they dont guarantee you will either. Lunges have counterplays, Pallettes are forced and guaranteed 50/50s that are completely controlled by survivors. A crutch isnt…
  • You asked "How are they a crutch" And literally right after said "They would last seconds without them" I said it somewhere else. But if being able to stop you from utilizing a mechanic once every 40 seconds is enough for almost all the survivors to throw a fit large enough to have BHVR nerf that spell less than 2 days…
  • "Flight of the Damned is good" It can literally be crouched under and announces itself loudly "Fly is good" It has a Recovery Time of 2.5 seconds during which you cannot attack and are slowed down to 2 m/s causing it to usually be a time loss in any chase and reveals you earlier to survs outside of a chase "Dispelling…
  • I currently use Telekinetic Ring and Boots of Speed because Mage Hand was the most reliable Spell. Since they are nerfing Mage Hand and Reworking Telekinetic Ring in the next minor Patch, I guess I'll go and use the CD reduction on basic attack hits with whatever I think feels right.
  • Less than 2 days on live servers and BHVR already announced a Nerf to the only reliably usefull Spell Vecna has. BHVR has favorite children, but they dont say who it is so it wont hurt Killers feelings.
  • Something being a core mechanic and a crutch are not mutually exclusive. Something that is strong and decides a lot of situations with usually very little thought? That is a crutch. A pallette is a crutch, if the second you cant utilize them as you used to, you cry to papa BHVR about how Mage Hand is broken and needs a…
  • Imagine securing your team a win and still trying to present yourself as the victim. Peak.
  • Cool I love how this Killer who had 3 pretty bad and 1 mediocre power will now have 4 pretty bad powers.
  • How is that relevant to my post? I said nothing about tunneling. And even if I said something about Tunneling. Yes, some Killers tunneled even with better slowdown perks, but it's delusional to pretend nerfing those slowdown perks did not increase tunnelling as a reaction. It's simply a chain of reactions Gens started to…
  • Survivors the second Pallettes stop being crutches that grind a chase to a halt, writing essays on why an ability that has counterplay available needs to be nerfed for even more counterplay. The only way Vecna gets a guaranteed hit at a pallette is if you treat a pallette as a crutch to stop a chase after he has basically…
  • Flight of the Damned is a Zero sum. The survivor loses a bit of speed/momentum to crouch, Vecna loses Speed/Momentum because the Cast slows him down. After playing Vecna a bit, the only way to reliantly get some hits with it, is using it on a tile when you are not in direct view of the Survivor. They can still prematurely…
  • I think it's sad. Vecna isnt as good as people try to sell him being. All of his abilities can be countered, and even mage hand, the thing people hate him for, is just a signifier of a different problem: Survivors use Pallettes as crutches. Mage Hand either lifts or holds a pallette. If you lift, the survivor can slam it…
  • Regression Perks were a reaction to escalating Repair Times. And instead of adjusting how different factors impact repair times BHVR, as usual, sided with Survivors and decided to nerf Regression. And now people are surprised that killers still run regression Perks. Of course they do. They didnt use them because it grinded…
  • I played Vecna on release day and a bit yesterday. I havent had extremely bad games yet, but they are sure to come. To me he seems like he is only strong against, well, bad survivors? But that is my mindset in general. Killers always only feel as strong as survivors let them be. Mage Hand is predictable and both variants…
  • I think it's funny how Vecna revealed for how many Survivors baiting Killers to a pallette is a crutch in chases. The second they released a Killer that can do something about pallettes without being required to let themselves be hit (like Knight or Chucky) people go nuts and call him OP Lifting a pallette is a free…
    in The lich Comment by RhodosGuard June 5
  • Which side is currently so ridiculously underplayed, that they have that +100% Bloodpoints bonus almost 24/7? Maybe it is time Survivors get nerfed? I am just saying. Considering the fact that they got BT for free and have that really unfun to play against version of DH now, Survivors seem awefully insistent on getting…
  • Couldnt find anything about stbfl in the patchnotes And was brutal strength really relevant? The time is still enought to be blinded while breaking. Meanwhile Survivors got BT.
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