Grant more BP for being on hook.
So due to DC penalty there's another problem as we know of survivors suiciding on hook. Also a problem with survivors suffering greatly I'm the BP department especially if tunneled out of the match early. I think to solve both issues, simply give survivors a lot of BP each struggle phase skill check they hit. The smaller…
I'm getting sick of it. Almost every match, almost every killer hard tunnels at 4~5 gens and you know what? They need to be punished. Yep. I said it. Before you go saying punishing this action isn't a good idea or that survivors aren't punished, yes they are. Survivors can only vault the same window over and over, the…
Not able to join/invite
Some on my friend's list are online, on game, but appear as just online not in game. On my end I'm not on the list though I'm on their friends list and we can't join or invite one another.
I Hate Wraith!
Idk why but every freaking time the killer is Wraith they tunnel. Like hard tunneling at 5 Gens. It's like they just go out of their way to make the match as miserable as possible! Now, dealing with with tunneling killers is annoying enough but sometimes you can try to counter but with Wraith? Good luck with that. It's…
Resurgence and RH buff
Resurgence and Reactive Healing need a simple buff due to Sloppy Butcher rendering these perks useless. All that needs fixed is to make it to where the health gained from these 2 perks are locked in place. Sloppy Butcher should only effect healing the rest of the way. This ensures you retain value of these perks without a…
Camping and Tunneling fix ideas.
Idk what's going on with killers lately but the past few days there have been way too much camping, tunneling, slugging going on and something needs to be done. First of all, the face camp mechanic alone doesn't help for several reasons. 1 meter stops moving if survivor's in area but they're too timid to move in for save…
No Terror Radius
Since the last update I've experienced a few matches where the killer had no terror radius at all on PS4. I'm not talking about small radius either, I mean the killer is right there, hitting me and there is NO sound. At all. And this got us killed easily. My Stake Out perk wasn't even collecting tokens due to this, too.