Why are people so salty?
Tldr: Ritz players are jerks why? Don't be a jerk to people, you don't know the impact it'll have I honestly can't understand it? I've read some really horrendous things in the after game chat... over pretend characters in a video game? Literally cgi characters pretending to die can make people come up with the most vile…
Can we call people out in the forum by player name?
Some really disgusting people, I'm not talking about camping or all that malarky, but general awful people in the comments after who seem to carry on their vile during matches and after. Clearly reporting it does nothing. Last game, some chap attempted to "hack"..cough cough "hack" apparently? into players steam because he…
Entity Language?
So I know I'm super late to the party and there has been some discussion surrounding this for a few years- but the odd language we see on some of the weapons: " 'anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo eydok'x sekall'o ammkix " A few places on reddit say it has been solved as a form of language like Urdu, or something similar to…
When is enough far enough?
So we're all use to the salty behaviour of this community, but when I play killer, good Lord does it reak new peaks. I just cannot understand this secret survivor rule book that killers most obey, and when they're not followed, such as playing noed, the abuse you receive afterwards: some really disgusting abuse anyone…