Skull merchant rework
Hey guys just asking is skull merchant getting another rework or is she staying the way she is 🤔
Trickster changes
Hey guys what’s everyone’s thoughts on tricksters changes going to live I thought his adding only needed to be adjusted his main power feels clunky now and this is a console player saying this 😂😂. I hope the devs revert his throwing knife per second and maybe lower the amount of knives thrown 🤔
Bug after bugfix update
Hey guys does anyone know how to get rid of the Halloween event trailer it keeps coming up on my game everytime I load into dbd and I can’t play any of my killers or survivors 🥺🥺❤️❤️
Devs I wanna give ye a hug
I give some positive vibes to the devs I play both sides and I am liking what ye are doing in the future patches with the game just wanna give ye a high five because ye don’t get it enough ❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉
If I get the new map as killer I’m leaving
That map is to big you can’t do any chases as killer
Devs has any thing been nerfed or reworked to dead hard and boons
I was wondering is there any changes to circle of healing and to dead hard?
Hey guys any ideas ye think to make the trickster fun to go against and also making his power good in a match I love him obviously but it can be hard as hell playing him 🥺
Can we nerf swf pls
How the hell are you suppose to give a swf a game but after one small chase 3 gens are gone can the devs pls do something I don’t want to proxy camp at a hook as one resort 🙏🏻🤔
Dev pls read boons
I don’t mind expeditional, but circle of healing and shadow step needs to be toned down I think I love that it give survivors other objectives but those two boons I feel are to strong
Should boons be able to proke on multiple floors ?
my Problem with boons is on floor maps it’s kind of hard for a killer to track the boon on a floor map I feel it should only affect that one floor that it was blessed on.🤷🏻♂️
Buff Stridor
Hey guys what do you think of a buff to stridor to counter iron will? I believe every perk a killer have should at least counter one or two survivor perks, since the stridor lane nerf no one is really using it 🤷🏻♂️🤔
Survivors can be so entitled
Just did a game and they tried to bully me and I won um but they dc because they couldn’t bully me why do some survivors so that I just don’t get it …
Devs can you look into swfs at high level
I completely don’t mind solo q survivors or duos but when a 4 man swf are together the game becomes to hard to deal for a lot of killers is there anyway ye can look into this to help the killer out. I also play survivor so I’m not biased to one but I want to enjoy killer as much as I do survivor
Justice for clown
Hey guys what do ye think of clowns current state he isn’t in a good spot atm what do ye think behaviour should do to help him ?
Killers need something to counter boons
I play both sides , recently since noon perks came in they impacted the game enormously I like the idea but for killer they should be aloud to either break the totem or have a perk that counters boons. My survivors games are after getting way easier and the boons are after affecting some killer perks like nurses calling…