Ice Trapper & Hillbilly Cosmetics
When are they coming to the store? I've been waiting for ages, please release them soon. I'd def buy both of them right away. EDIT: didn't realize I was on the feedback and suggestions category. I guess my suggestion is that you should add them to the store soon.
What Am I Doing Wrong?
I've been going against tons of killers who constantly hit me on hook while nodding, I don't understand why. Like I'm talking about hitting me on hook about 20 times or more while nodding (not exaggerating). I haven't done any forms of BM, so I'm unsure why they're doing this. I usually SWF with my brother, who's basically…
Misinformation About Basekit Unbreakable
Been seeing a lot of people say that perks like unbreakable and exponential will only affect the recovery bar, but not the ability to pick yourself up, stating that it'll always take 45 seconds. This is not true, and unbreakable will allow you to have 22.5 second unlimited pickups, since unbreakable has been buffed to 100%…
Using Bloodpoints Is Mind Numbing
Nothing is more boring than having a ton of bloodpoints and spending them on a killer/survivor, and it takes like half an hour to use them. It is the most tedious garbage in the game, probably 1/5th of my playtime is just me spending bloodpoints. Is there anyway we can make spending them quicker? Like instead of waiting…
Thana Nerf Useless?
Is it just me, or is it quite obvious that this will literally barely have an effect on how strong legion and plague is with it, but will make it absolutely useless on killers other than them? I'm all for a Thana "nerf" but this isn't it. I like using Thana on killers other than plague and legion (it's easier to injure…
Coup De Grace Change
Just a simple change. Make it so you get stacks from hooking instead of gens being completed. Rewards you for going for more hooks, and it's not even that strong of a reward, but worth running the perk for. Kind've annoying how you have to wait for a gen to pop in order to get 1 use out of it each time.
Yellow/Golden Progression Bar Satisfaction
Is it just me, or do you guys also get this really nice feeling when you see the progression bar yellow/golden when doing an objective with a perk. Stuff like leader or wake up working on an exit gate, or using resilience on a gen and seeing the progress bar become golden. Or using Brutal strength to kick a gen and seeing…
Weird Double Standards
Weird how some survivors don't like going against nemesis and pyramid head and think they're horrible designed killers because "anti loop" when demogorgon is literally anti loop himself but people don't trash talk him because "oOOOo DemO PUppY". Not saying people should hate demogorgon, I'm a demo main, but the double…
How Did StarLost Get Banned?
Seen the guy make comments and posts for a while, as I was lurking before I made this account. What did he do to get his account banned? I just noticed today.