Like I dont mean crows I mean the pople that afk next to doors and wait for the hatch to be closed just to open them right away guys
Just had a match killer was spirit triple dc from my teamates instantly
Like can you do a challenge in a priver game or only pub?
So I double trapped a pallet like normal to cut off a long loop later on the hatch spawns nearby so I go to get traps to make sure it's not used I accidentally broke the pallet and stepped into my trap on that side lol when suddenly the trap on the other side kept teleporting into me triggering a infinate trap stun loop
So from the looks of things the demmamorgon (did I spell that right) is going to be a crawling killer and with a new indoor map it could be multiple levels going up which seems pawsome
Here are my rules 1 only one of each survivor a team weather solo or see if you see 2 of the same one must change to be fair 2 no items you can grab them from chests though or add-ons 3 only survivor and killers original 3 perks are ok under is acceptable if your leveling up a character also each round thoes participating…
Just asking because if it comes out after the servers then it should be possible to cross play stats for people
As it is now you need to play in swf and have a agreement for 3 of you to die when theres one gen left and then find the gate and not die which can be hard to do can you please adjust it to being the last one alive and opening a gate to escape so we dont have to jump though boops for it
Just want to check them out since most ptb streamers cabt be bothers to go over them
Aw the tittle says if no red gens u know there rushing soon (caught a bunch of kills like this with gf on father Campbell church basement
We hit or asleep because that would be good for people attempting the grab off gen trophy
Inside the gate area no chance to win just stacking more points for the end
Just asking so I know when to spam him on people
As my title says I keep hearing about it and it's got me wondering what the issue with it is (would be in kyf btw) Edit somones explained it to me and I'm on the ban wagon on people abusing it
Just asking because it can help with adepts when you do a really fast game I just finished one in under 3 mins because the survivors l swarmed the basement and was locker hiding in it as well
Just asking if not it's got the 3 token visual bug
I got 4k using only ghostface perks but no trophy has it changed?
Have a pallet vacume range like u see the Kate the tester is playing as just teleport to a palette that was half the shack away
Because sometimes theres situations where people are hatch camping or are doing nothing and some survivors might want to rat them out I have before as petty payback but that's because they was deliberately wating for birds to appear before going for a save (one off so wont happen again it was just petty payback) but what…
You have to photo bomb his mori and not be hot for 10 seconds and escape the match for it
Just want to know of hes gonna be abused as a 1 shot killer or of his trick is used on body blockers to down somone endgame?
Why not use the store he buys the rope tape and knife from would be fun and a new take of a indoor map with a real life location used plus it would be hilarious for the jumpscare from the aisles used
I was playing michle with vanity mirror scratch mirror and one with tombstone all 3 someone rage quit though one admitted to doing it to derank not sure how to report that can someone help with that anyway is it good or bad that I'm such a good junpscare Michael that I can cause that also first game 3 people died to egc…
I was playing hag and as my post states 2 people rage quit because I outplayed them and bitterly made the basement a death trap so many fake hags they couldn't see the real me as I slugged em
Hatch camping with a scratch and vanity more Myers still work's still as good as ever just slap on noed wait and stomp it shut right in front of them then hook or chase them up to you hehe
Games was much faster to find on ps4 please change it back to that one
Since the killer no longer hosts would the mean once a match starts there locked in so they cannot rage quit?
But when I saw it despite sharing it to pbt bug reports it got me thinking maby it's not a bug but a lol at a rework to change from 1 hits to 2 hits but it can't be blocked for more unique hits
If a killer has a long reach weapon (huntress ax wraiths ax or sword depending on outfit and hillbilly hammer He has a long reach or the docs stick) then it should he a thing where if your among dead centre of a window to be able to hit close to it say a 1 neater radius from the center (so no more latency ten mete away…
While it's a nuisance and unfun in ranked games I feel it should be kept in kyf as it would be a great way to improve yourself in-game against multiple threats and it would function as a second gsme mode
Forgot to post this ages ago but yerhad a fast game with a ebony and doesn't even pip 3hats the point of then now if your punished for a fast paced game where your really good and effective if you can't rank
It's a auto depips as you only get 2 emblems
As simple as that no dc meaning less reports on it and people know a person won't screw them over or a team using it to give hatch
We all was off the bat and just slugged the entire game only doingn2 hooks for points
Not kidding he rage quits after being juked 2 times and no no for anyone
I mean all there gonna be is a cheap and cheesy killer just tunnel till broken then instantly slug don't hook and repeate to easy to be abused or don't use corruption hold one fountain hostage have all broken then swam them with corruption blasts for instannslugs when they try to heal from broken
Count ag grifing trolling since he then immideatly dc along with 2 others meaning I died off the bat losing a commodius?
It was hilarious since I killed them both right after first Claudette who decided to crouch walk in front of me and then new via tinker
Just curious because if they are they can be a very rare and usefull combo for teams
With object of obsession and I was able to track the killer to avoid them easily this should not be happening as you said you was removing that ability from the game
With bubba people just kept rushing to the basement despite me bot doing anyone and I just kept getting saw downs kills and rage quitters for being dumb lol somone even reported me for tunneling and camping the basement when they and there mate kept rushing the saves