Best new game feature
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1683743446100302649/D47B0AD185814B524F9041888A3C3BD057EAEA4D/ It's real nightmare fuel but I love the new camera poses :D
Survivor turning animation
I've noticed lately that survivors turning have less frames of animation while doing a 360. I remember back in the day survivors doing 360 were moving and turning fast but you could see each and every frame of it. Now it looks like survivors turning have half or less frames. I don't know if it is connected to graphic…
More severe DC penalties?
Is there a reason why survivors OR killers aren't getting more severe punishments for DC'ing at the very start of the game? I sincerely doubt anyone would even notice 5 minute penalty as sometimes game can take more to load.
Question to Mobile players
How are the bots in mobile DBD? Why aren't they a part of live game? Even braindead AI that holds W or M1 would be better then current DC's.
EGS, Keys, Mori's rework
Certain content creator did a video about possible change to above. To summ it up: Remove Hatch EGS Starts when the last gen pops or only one survivor remains in the trial Make the gates spread out enough so that killer can patrol them but not far enough so he has no chance or close enough so that survivors have no chance…
Entity blocker
Is hit validation applying to windows as well? Just had a situation when 1 survivor blocked the window and 2nd survivor vaulted it 5 seconds later...
DC penalty?
So many dc's is it off again?
When are DC penalties coming back?
Just wondering.
Where can I get latest release of survivors rulebook? I just got a lecture from ragequitter and I understood I'm the one at fault.
Silent footsteps?
So I've just played the game with trapper on the game and I've noticed I made no sounds whatsoever while walking. It was wonderful, I could hear survivors and gens way easier without contant thumping. I'm assuming it's a bug but maybe, just maybe, is it a new feature?
When is the new killer released?
Is it tomorrow? Everybody knows it's Shrek but when it gets released?
Fog and Corn
Two completely unrelated things I have spotted and I'm not sure how long it has been there. As survivor while crouching in the corn I no longer appear to move it at all. It just clips through me. Were fog offerrings buffed? I have played a single game against "Greatly increased fog" and It essentially removed my vision…
Graphics settings
Can we get full fledged graphics settings? I was always under impressing that lack of options was for competitive side of things so you can't just make stuff disappear with them but I just found out that lowering your graphics allows you to see red stain through walls...
Bad map preschool infinite
Is it still present on the PTB?
Devs, any nerfs for survivors coming?
Hi, I love the change to the one infinite in one map, hopefully it will be applied to all other infinite windows in the game but are we expecting any similar changes to other mechanics? I'm mainly focusing on the sheer fact that survivor queues are getting longer and longer each passing day while killer queues stay…
Doctor's chase music
Why is doctor's chase music so annoying to listen to? It's only when playing as killer but it gets worse and worse as you chase longer.
Game is freezing on the loading screen. Randomly. Out of 4 games it occurred twice. Nothing else on my computer freezed at the same time.
Crossplay on?
I got a pop up with info that I can play with people from "other networks" and there is a new button in the option. Crossplay on?
Did I understood it correctly?
So first we lost ruin so that survivors have it easier which pretty much results in almost every game being very short. Now devs decided that best way to fix it is to let survivors always keep their item(it's not like every survivor has hundreds of copies of the same one after all), change every toolbox into BNP and bring…
Hook "tech" exploit consequences
Will there be any consequences to people that abuse it? I mean the tech that everybody knows by now and even devs finally noticed it. Now, will there be any consequences for abusing it or should be treat it as an invite for exploit abuse?
Matchmaking vs Maps vs Perks
As scott already pointed out most of things that pretty much rule out any viable rank matchmaking of the game I have one that pretty much sums it up. How do you want to match players based on match history if you take these games into the account: Game 1: Perkless clown vs 4man swf with unbreakable, DS, adrenaline combo…
'Overused' Perks
Which perks do you think are overused and how would you rework them? I'm seeing a lot of DS, Sprint burst and Unbreakable so to hold on to devs approach of nerfing overused stuff. DS - I propose to make it increase speed of altruistic actions when DS is active but disable "the safety" when you do any other action(that's…
Solution for the game problems
Wouldn't it be reasonable to invite the fog whisperers that are widely regarded as very skilled in the game to discuss what changes the game need instead of taking away the only bandaid fix devs ever introduced to game ending too fast just to see " How long will games last without being affected by the perk"? Off the top…
Can't we just remove ranks from the game?
What's the point of ranks other then forcefully make new players not be able to play as they wait ages for games? We get it that devs try to attract new SURVIVOR players to the game and rank system hinders that greatly. I assume the rank restriction will be removed in the patch following 3.5 as we have no means of checking…
Question about the ban system(current one)
I'm just wondering what kind of punishment will player see after using some of the not nice words in the chat? I mean some words that specifically were mentioned as bannable.
What is more important then sounds in DBD?
It's to wish you all merry christmas and Happy New Year! Have fun folks!
Matchmaking is Pepega
What is going on? It wasn't that bad few weeks ago. I have played a game against two rank 6's and two rank 12's that were not in swf, earlier today I have played a game with randoms which happend to be ranks 2-3(me included) and we demolished rank 14 baby killer.
Doc's rework
I honestly think devs could have added the changed doc to the live servers as it is hard to make him worse then he actually is as Bahroo summed up: https://clips.twitch.tv/BombasticBitterPenguinCurseLit
Bannable offense question
Is survivor that is not willing to play the game and instead just stands there and points at the hook to instantly suicide on it breaking any rules? It really sounds like a definition of "refusing to participate in normal gameplay" but I'd love some clarification on it. @Peanits
Can we get some kind of weekly stats batch?
I'd love to see how effective Oni is after his power removal aka. bug fix and how are other killers doing kill wise after pretty much all sounds survivors make are muffled or completely removed by the hotfix.
Oneshot with plague?
I have managed to trap survivor in the corner as plague while I had corrupt purge mode active. Somehow game registered 2 hits on her at once. Anyone else had something similar happen? PC, no 1 shot perks active.
Crow question to the devs
Hi, I have noticed that new maps have quite substantial amount of crows on them and it doesn't appear to be affecting performance, at least not for me. In that case, could you add crows back to the older maps which were almost completely stripped of them long time ago? Thanks in advance.
Oni-chan's deviousness gain
I have a feeling that something is missing about his bp gain. Wrath gives a lot, dash gives a bit but it doesn't look like Demon Strike gives any deviousness points while it feels like it should.
Oni and grabs
He doesn't get blood if survivor is grabbed but he does when he grabs survivor from the locker. Is it a bug?
Killer achievements
Why are they so hard? Now that rank reset pretty much means that everyone gets to red ranks you have to get all iredescents to get the achievements while only using 3 new perks. Meantime, as survivor you just have to escape...
Servers affecting killer's powers
Will we get a fix to these issues (some of which can be abused)? Trapper gets trapped in his just placed trap and apparently wraith can be perma stunned because on dedicated servers flashlights don't uncloak him so you can instantly go back into burning him again.
Ban question
So will the new "ban" system actually change anything about people that instantly kill themselves on hooks? If not, can we expand it to it? I can kinda get it if killer is facecamping you but every game I played today had at least one(and at best three) people DC or instantly suicide. They either did not like the killer,…
Monstrous shrine idea
I have two ideas one of which sounds OP as hell, other one not so much. Monstrous shrine decreases hook time by 30-40-50% when survivor is on the hook and is outside of killer terror radius. Auras of survivors on the hook are hidden from other survivors and they do not make noise while on the hook(to limit the tracking)
Is there something going on with the servers? One every few games killer randomly disconnects. It doesn't look like he is tilted or anything like that. About 1-2 minutes into the game with no reason in particular game ends and I get escape bonus. Did game became unstable recently or something?
Leatherface slightly less loud chainsaw addon
It's probably the most pointless addon in existence but I have no clue as to how change it to be useful... at all. Making chainsaw completely silent wouldn't do anything (I think) .
These challanges are mad
Unhook 2 people while EGC is on in the single trial?
Window in the rancid abattoir
Ok fair question to the devs and design team: Why is that window, followed by small labyrinth of fences even exists? This is pretty much a safe zone in the middle of the map, why is it a thing?
Dedicated servers and grabs
So is it by design that they aren't happening anymore ? For some reason whenever I should grab a survivor animation gets stuck and I have to spam the M1 button to even hit a survivor that I should have grabbed. Devs?
Let's discuss plague
I fail to see what she actually has going for her. As of now I can't see the killer that is actually worse then her. So from I see: Abyssmal early game Delayed puke thanks to dedicated servers No actual useful power even if survivors cleansed before the last gen is popped(they have a freebie) From what I see, the oni is in…
Idea for insidious change
Instead of losing TR after standing still you get undetectable for like 20-30 seconds after hooking someone and going outside of 16 meters radius from the hook. Slam a cooldown on it and were good to go. The process remains the same but perk isn't used for camping.
Behaviour dedicated map balance person
Here's an idea: In addition to that dedicated map design person man, you should also hire someone dedicated to the map balance. He would mark loops as safe/unsafe/very safe/ultra-long-near-infinite-loops and add additional option for the idea if survivor can see the killer while looping. It would take a while to check all…