Dead hard isn't working
I haven't been able to get this perk to work, it used to be fine
Background player
This perk should only activate when lm actually near the survivor being carried and not across the map, thank you
killer has no terror radius
The last gen gets popped and shortly after a survivor goes down, he sits on the hook for over 30 seconds, l run up within 2 metres and the blight is there walking around him with no terror radius. The blight had bbq and chili, tinkerer, hex undying and ruin and two recovery addon's for his power. Tinkerer can't doesn't…
4 gens in two minutes...
I keep putting off playing killer because its been non stop gen rushing at red rank but today l decided on playing and two games in l got gen rushed into oblivion. l downed a guy within the first minute of the game and than 10 seconds later l immediately find another guy, chase for 30 seconds and down him and l'm already…
spirit not making phasing sounds during chase
is this intended? because every time l'm in a chase vs spirit I cant hear her phasing but when l'm not getting chased l can hear her
survivors sitting under the hooked survivor
just this week l've seen 3 people doing this, every time I try to hit them i just end up hitting the hooked person.and they make the save with borrowed time. Its frustrating because they sit there and wait for you to leave.
Is anyone else on ps4 also experiencing mismatched ranks?
Every killer game I've played this week has been like this, always matched with red ranks, even when I play as survivor (rank 2) I'm finding green rank killers that don't stand a chance.
whats the difference?
Mom and insta heals can extend a chase for another 30+ seconds, exposed status and insta down killers can can end a chase in under 10 seconds. lm seeing alot of people wanting mom nerfed and l just wanna know whats the difference between the two?
Tunnelling on ps4
I got tunnelled off the hook every game l played today. I don't teabag or use decisive and it still happens. It's the most frustrating thing waiting 5 to 10 minutes only for this to happen. Please just do something about it, the killers that l see do it every game don't care about losing blood points
So this is a thing...
How have the devs not fixed this???
ok so i just got 14 hex ruin skill checks on a single genarator
people always say "a good player can work through hex ruin" but come on 14!!!! and on top of that the killer picked Gideon meat plant with tuft of hair, he gets the easiest 4k in just 3 minutes!!!! please for the love of god tone it down to like 5 or 6 skill checks because 14 is just crazy