Re: Love keys.
Keys are perfect. survivors must work to earn the hatch its not like the game starts and there you go. a hatch is right there escape whenever you feel like lol moris happen after one hook, its that s…4 -
Re: Survs carrying Key in the lobby is hardly noticeable
a lobby dodge just how killers dodge when our items scare them1 -
Re: This forum is very killer biased.
here and on reddit, killers cry a lot as if they are victims or something...?? survivors don't complain as much even tho we too get bad games and toxic killers but i guess because killers are always …1 -
Re: SWF after SWF after SWF after SWF
play survivor then for a change, maybe you'll have some fun?? idk, i'm sorry2 -
Re: Camping is a legitimate strategy that works well.
Yiks. and the devs let people like you play free...gross1