Re: People who play houndmaster:
One reason I don't like playing her.. you take 2 work days just to make the dog go to a gen you want him to go.1 -
Re: Should Unrelenting Work When Hitting Killer Objects?
I'm not sure why Unrelenting doesn't even work on obstructed hits, only whiffing. It should work on obstructed hits as well, which would include turrets. It wouldn't make the Perk good, in fact it wo…4 -
Re: Which Survivor Needs More Love?
David3 -
Re: The Freddy Buffs were a mistake
Freddy feels extremely dynamic now, playing as him is ultra fun now and playing against him I also find fun. I think every Killer should have those kind of different managements during the game for S…1 -
Re: Kill Switch Legion NOW
Judging by how slow he moves he probably got the Frenzy blinding bug where he looks like he's in Frenzy but in reality he moves as a normal M1 Killer.6