No Bloodlust and Beast of Prey Ideas
If this test concludes that Bloodlust should be removed Beast of Prey needs to be reworked. My Idea: Beast of Prey Rework - You've mastered the Art of the Hunt. While not in a chase your red stain is…2 -
Free 150001 Bloodpoints with in game Promo Code!
I was just got an ad on the Dead by Daylight Wiki that said putting in ENTITYPLEASED and ENTITYDISPLEASED into the Redeem Code in Cosmetics Shop would get me bloodpoints. The code ENTITYPLEASED got m…3 -
Connecting the Blight - Has he been in the realm since 2018?
With the PTB release of the Blight we have received, what I think is, the last piece in a larger story that has been told since the first Hallowed Blight Event in 2018. Here is what I think the first…3 -
Re: I need advice on doctor
Don’t forget about using your Shock Blast as well for added pressure. If you know survivors are working in a gen around where you are chasing you can use your shock blast to apply extra pressure, pos…3 -
DbD is a labor of love and everyone should know it!
Its that time of the year again and steam is having their annual Steam Awards. I know that there is sometimes mixed reception with some updates, I’m looking at you delayed Halloween event, but overal…1