Audio Tracks duplicating
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After playing a game, the last 30 seconds of the match audio duplicates or at least I can hear the SFX from that time period roughly when I'm back in the main menu. PLATFORM: Xb…1 -
Re: People still dc against skull merchant
I'm aiming to play devil's advocate with this response. The nerfs didn't really change her overall power from what it existed as a chase-oriented tool, it just made it way weaker of a tool. If the su…8 -
Re: Seriously, calm down already during special events.
What BP gains, they are non existent this time around.1 -
Re: A Theory on The DC Epidemic: Perk Changes & MMR
this is exactly my feeling on this.2 -
Re: Scratched mirror and tombstone
Scratched mirror Myer's devolves into the killer just waiting outside the anti-face camping range of the hook and going after whoever goes for the rescue. It is a boring stupid addon that is only sca…3