According to BHVR's own stats



  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I haven't really seen any DBD montages or anything, but I'll take your word for it. And I've only ever played solo survivor. I haven't played SWF before. Comm's in a SWF group seems unfair, but a killer shouldn't be balanced around its ability to deal with that..

    Nothing has been done against SWF yet because people shouldn't be punished for wanting to play with their friends. And there is certainly people playing SWF that aren't in comms with eachother. The people that are in comms have an advantage, but just based on the nature of the game being asymmetrical, I don't think there's anything that can/should be done about it. Especially since there is no way to prove that a SWF group is in comms. The most BHVR can do is not support voice chat.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    That would make no sense. Practically nobody complains about Billy. Nobody complains about him because he's balanced. He's a strong killer with solid counter play. They might touch his addons. But even those are fine really.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I don't want to punish friends who play together, but you admit it yourself the advantage it provides is basically unfair.

    Killers need to be design around this because if they don't have the capability to deal with the most broken and powerful techniques in the game from survivors, survivors will always win and the game will become extremely stale very quickly. Of course survivors have been getting weaker with updates but that just shows you how strong and how much of the power role they really are if even after years of nerfs they are still too powerful in some aspects.

    But my suggestion to fix this, and many others suggestion, doesn't even affect SWF. If we make solo survivors comparable or on the same level as SWF, then we can make the game much easier to balance around. Right now there are essentially 2 game modes, solo survivor and SWF survivor. 1 of them is significantly harder than the other, and 1 uses tactics and 3rd party software that was never intended to be a part of Dead by Daylight.

    This makes balancing the game very harder because if something is too weak for solo survivors that doesn't mean it isn't broken and game breaking with SWF, or vice versa. Some killers can deal with SWF (cough like Nurse USED to be able to) and some just can't. That is bad game design especially when the problem can be mitigated by fixing the survivor issue of SWF.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Actually you are wrong about the map - it is Rotten Fields. But while we are on that you mentioned BL would you also ask since BL was part of that map being actully strong and that perk being changed now, are they going to consider changing Haddonfield to be friendly to non BL users too ?

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Honestly, it will never be fun to play against a good Nurse. Ever. These nerfs have just made it harder to be a good Nurse. Right now, you do what you can to mindgame and juke the Nurse, and pray that they make a mistake. Survivors now just have more time to separate themselves from the Nurse if she messes up.

    I've said it during every nerf they've made to the Nurse since release, that she will never be 'balanced' until they change her blink power. Windows, pallets, and mindgames are the 3 things you can use to defend yourself from killers in this game when in a chase. The Nurse negates 2 of those things. You are left with hoping the Nurse doesn't predict you correctly as your only defense. They could increase the blink recharge fatigue to 10 seconds and that would still be your only defense.

    Until they add another form of defense or remove her ability to go through things, she won't be fun to play against. I used to only play Nurse for the first several months that I had the game, but I've realized that the game would just be better without her. I want both sides to have fun.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 635

    By survivors running at the killer as soon as they know who it is, getting downed and hooked, then killing themselves on hook - wouldn’t give a killer a higher kill rate.

    Knowing you ‘look at’ killers who statistically are ‘over performing’ - this is a clear way to protest certain killers by artificially making them ‘look’ like they are over performing in kill rate, when in actuality players aren’t even trying to play against them.

    A team can easily abuse this and even if a solo survivor does this, it will almost guarantee a 3 or 4 kill match if they do it early enough in the match.

    Im desperate to hear dev comments on this as it seems like an obvious loophole to be abused with no real way to tell from statistics.

    Have you guys thought about this?

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    That is correct, I mistakenly read the percentages for the safest maps incorrectly.

    As for Haddonfield, the problems around the map extend outside of Balanced Landing, BL just unlocked the maps full potential for survivors.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I have a question for OP; what percent killrate would you consider to be viable if you are basing viability on how the community performs with them in red ranks?

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219
    edited November 2019

    @Venom368 Yeah I got you, what I'm referring to is that others find her boring to play against now as well since she is not much a challenge after the nerf. There are multiple survivor mains like this one for example:

    I may sound biased as I mained base kit nurse etc but I'm playing mainly survivor this season (rank 1 last season) and find the new nurse boring to play against as well since she's so easy to juke now, it's not much of a mind-game anymore which takes away the fun from her as she used to be a "high skilled killer" (without the broken add ons)

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2019

    I have to disagree with you. If you think about the map a bit, there are just very few loops that are not on a second floor. Probably 80%+ are with stagger. That is really bad. You just don't realise how bad is a staggered jump when that is the majority of the loops

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I agree that it is an unfair advantage. But, I think it is an inherent flaw with the game and there is nothing that can reasonably be done about it.

    The only possible way to balance the existing issue would be to enable comms in game for all survivors. That's the only way. And that would require rebalancing everything about the game. It would be far too much to reasonably change. It would be a completely different game.

    I can't think of any other change that could be made that wouldn't make you feel disadvantaged for playing SWF. Any other change would be subjective.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    I honestly don't know. For me, "viability" means "able to win", which means a killer should be able to 3-4K consistently in the hands of a good killer.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It's funny you say there is nothing that can be done to fix the flaw, when the flaw was actually introduced due to review bombing :^)

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited November 2019

    So 75%+?

    The devs said a long time ago that they want it to be around a 60% kill rate in red ranks. Idk if they still stick to that, but these stats seem to fit somewhat well with that.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    The reason hag is the least popular is because she requires thinking ahead, being skillful in reaction time and trap placement, and being very difficult to play if not used properly. If you're the kind of person who just mindlessly places traps and chase survivors you're going to do bad with her hence why her pick rate is so low because her play style is hard to grasp. Same with nurse she takes a HELL of a lot of skill now so really the only people who can 4k every game are the pros and they are very rare to come across. So while nurse does have some bad stats it does not reflect how a god nurse does because they 4k pretty much every game.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2019

    What do you mean by this? And why did you add a smiley face? We were having a civil discussion 😞

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Wasn't he mentioned a lot of times on streams that he will be changed? All that talk about balance with addons?

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    That is in line with her killrate on the graph I was analyzing for this post. A 65% killrate means a 35% escape rate. That's below almost every killer in the game at red ranks save for Demogorgon and Clown.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I agree with everything you just said except for the use of the redundant phrase "hence why"

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I'm not surprised that rotten fields is a safest map.

    Most killers don't have an actually counterplay to survivor just holding W. If survivor gets far enough he dissappears in the corn and that's it.

    If he somehow stays in killers vision they just have to slowly catch up to them. Many other maps have certain structures which allow some killers to outdo survivors on them but not there.

  • Joekillu
    Joekillu Member Posts: 164

    Careful what you say or they will chop down more perks an more killer. Then all there will be is surv. Going into a match running from each other. Lol

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I don't spam the tp button because i would break my controller so i do rely on my reactions but besides that i do see your point. Once you learn how to properly place traps it becomes second nature but knowing were to place them and what paths survivors take is where people struggle. I also often see hags who don't know how to manage their traps well or what they should do when everyone sets off the traps when she goes to hook someone. So while it may be easy to just set traps at pallets and vaults and get hits when they are activated, if that's all you're doing then survivors can just avoid the pallets near the gens you're protecting and run to other safe areas of the map. like i said its grasping her play style is what makes her a unpopular pick among killers.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2019

    Gotcha. That makes sense.

    Another option I could see addressing the issue would be having an unranked mode. And you could play solo/SWF in that mode. In ranked you could only play solo.

    The issue with that is rank really isn't important anyways. All it's used for is matchmaking. There's no leaderboards or anything like that. And there is too many aspects of the game that can be abused on both sides that would prevent any form of competitive experience from being enjoyable. I can see it being a cool idea if in ranked mode certain perks/items/add-ons were removed/restricted. But then again, I feel like that would just be forcing a game to be competitive that doesn't feel like it's meant to be competitive on that level.

    Or maybe, introducing this restricted mode as a new mode with its own separate rankings or something while leaving the normal game how it is would be a solution. Call it Hardcore mode or something.

    EDIT: I just made a post about this because it actually seems like a somewhat feasible way to address the SWF issue. Or at least have a more competitive mode in the game.

    Post edited by Venom368 on
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    edited November 2019

    I agree on that. She takes a different approach on the game, which needs experience with the game. So many hags trap the hook 7 times while camping. The hardest part about Hag is dealing with those escape routes to the safe areas of the map and not trapping pallets but those sneaky paths. It just feels like she has only one way to play against her and if one of the 4 survivors dont know how to do it, they will lose.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited November 2019

    Survivors complain about him quite a bit, actually, now they're just too busy taking a dump on the nurse's grave, that's all.

    Just search the forum for the keywords "hillbilly+op+no+skill".

    With that said, he still gets looped, he still gets ran around the shack/the preschool/Myers' house, he still suffers from DS. And the new maps, wich are a clusterfuck of ultrasafe pallets, god windows, and general clutter that prevents him from using his mobility, are certainly of no help. He is not balanced. He is underpowered. If the survivors are bad, he wins. If the survivors are good, he gets rushed and looped, just like every other killer.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    We will have to agree to disagree here. He is the most balanced killer in the game in my opinion. Yes he can be looped. But he also has tremendous snowball potential and map pressure. To say he only wins if the survivors are bad is just not true.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    If i had to guess: Because nothing is wrong with her. Its the same 5 players making 90% of the nurse posts. The good nurses still 4k with her. Most streamers say she is still the strongest killer. If she was released today, she would be called op. Just because they dont have fun, doesnt mean we should buff the strongest killer. That nerf was waaaay overdue and they kept her core gameplay and muscle memory.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Hag is enjoyable at least for me because you have to think a head and don't need to chase as much. It's refreshing to play her since her play style is very unique compared to the average killer.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Pardon me. If she was the strongest killer then why is Freddy on top of the stats?

    Streamers are survivor mains.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,403

    Nurse's winrate is dragged down by people learning to play her or just bad at her since she takes the most skill to play. Her kill rate was low before and she was definitely still the strongest killer in the game. She is still strong now, stats aren't everything for her.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,226

    Sorry but the same can be said about survivor. Just replace "Nurse" with "survivor "and "kill" with "escape."

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,403

    Sorry but no you can't say the same. Survivor is not as hard to play as Nurse is. A red rank Nurse can be new to her or bad at her. A red rank survivor cannot because All survivors play the same. If we could isolate good Nurse players then her stats might be more reliable.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Every killer at red is above 55% killrate? I'm impressed. Pretty good job so far. (My escape rate on rotten fields has to be like 20%, I hate that map so much)

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Because Freddy has a lower skillfloor and Nurse has a high skillfloor.

    Same reason why survivors have a low 30% escape rate at r1, even though good survivors mop the floor with good killers. The average gamer is pretty bad, so even if a characters potential is very high, making them toptier, the average stats for them look worse than others. Same as in other videogames: Highskill characters suck statistically

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    Nurse has been stated after the ptb to be harder to use than she was before. So it only makes sense that after a few changes that have been done to make her harder to use. You will expect the kill rate of hers to drop as shown in the graphs when comparing the old nurse to the new one. So I personally think it's self explanatory to think that once changes have been done to a killer (especially if it is a nerf), the outcome would be that the killer will be performing worst than she was before. So it's logical to wait for the second release to the data graph to come out before making an conclusion based on only one data. This just makes your opinion on the matter not reliable and may be seen as you being bias from your profile pic being the nurse.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2019

    "What is the reason behind Hag having an incredibly low pickrate. There are very few metrics that consider Hag to be a weak killer. The only logic behind her low pickrate is that people simply do not enjoy her playstyle for whatever reason. Is there any plan to make Hag a more fun killer to play as without necessarily increasing her strength?"

    I think Hag isn't picked much because she is a very defensive style character, and generally speaking defensive tactics in games are less fun than offensive ones. All the top 5 killers are very offensive type of killers. Trapper is the only other defensive killer, however you have to take his pick rate with a grain of salt considering he is the cover child for the game. Plus the current Rift has challenges focus around Trapper, so that could be influencing his pick rate.

    Regarding Nurse, even though she is statistically a weak killer doesn't mean she is actually a weak killer. Her potential is extremely high, but so is the skill required to play her. Since she is so mechanically different from other killers you need to consider this stuff. Stats alone don't paint the full picture.

    I think Demo has a low pick rate/kill rate because he is the newest killer. They say these stats are from the last 3 months, and his DLC is only 2 months old. I've played less than 10 games in this time against Demo. I would disregard any of his stats completely for this reason. You should give at least 6 months for players to really work out the best way to play him AND for them to level him up enough to be able to truly experiment with builds.

    GF is probably higher pick rate than it shows. His pick rate only recently start to shoot up. I literally see GF every other game now at red ranks, sometimes even like 5 in a row. Wasn't the case 2 months ago.

    Even though Clown is statistically the weakest killer, he still has a kill rate over 60% (or just on it, hard to tell exactly). That means, on average, he still walks out of a trial with at least 2 kills. By contrast Freddy, with a kill rate over 75%, will only manage 1 more kill on average. Pretty small difference if you ask me. Clown and above are still entirely viable at red ranks if we consider the fact that "balance" according to the devs is 2 kills 2 escapes. If you want a 4k, yea you can argue he isn't viable, but that's honestly an unrealistic goal anyway.

    I expect Haddonfield's escape rate to change little after the Balanced Landing change. The house loops can still be run without BL, just only 2 or 3 times instead of 4 or 5. There are still tons of safe pallet loops on the map. It is still super easy to hide from the killer or split the map. It will still be the third safest map for survivors, albeit only a fraction less safe.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Sorry for double post:

    Also this regarding Nurse's stats:

    Basically the stats include all platforms, and Nurse on console is a different beast. Still potentially the best killer in the game, but WAY harder to achieve that ideal. Most Nurse's are bad, sorry to say. Only a handful, literally, have the ability to play at red ranks and dominate (on Xbox at least). No joke, I could name them all in one breathe (and I know them all too).

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Only it didnt..and looking at the stats..her playrate dropped like a stone...and the only people I've seen say shes ok are 0eopke whom never play her or are known to dislike no..shes not fine

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Hag has a great playstyle, but people like m1 killers that require less thought and more reaction like a fps.

This discussion has been closed.