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BHVR, let us TEST kindred basekit

Member Posts: 2,328

It was a lot discussed here already and I belive this is going to solve A LOT of issues solo survivors have atm.

We could also try to give ONLY SOLOS kindred basekit but 4 men swf won't have it. This would close the gap even more.

Pls, a PTB testing isn't much asked for.

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  • Member Posts: 1,527
    edited December 2019


  • Member Posts: 1,550

    I mentioned rank because I wanted to stress you don’t need the full meta perks to get to high ranks. People who want Kindred as basekit aren’t willing to give up any of their meta perks to experiment and try something new. Kindred is an amazing perk, now more than ever, and honestly imo it was extremely underrated before the buff. There is no other survivor perk I can think of that is as universally useful as Kindred now. If you aren’t willing to swap a perk for it, that’s your choice. Asking for it to be basekit is needlessly greedy, especially post buff.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    "Pls, a PTB testing isn't much asked for" you think :P

    Still +1 but we need a rework of Kindred then XD

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Few try as a Survivor use new Kindred, its absolutely OP now. But honestly its the only way to close gaps between Solo & SWF.

    Though, I prefer to have Killer get buffed when facing SWF, rather than buff Solo to SWF level.

    Tell, the game is supposed to last more than 9min. With 4 Survivor x2 hook stage which giving free info for 8min. For a single perk slot of 12.

  • Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019

    Yeah. The last change to kindred was a step in the right direction, but if BHVR really want to bring solos on swf level they gotta take bigger steps.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    I like how the narative has become solos are helpless and weak. Yes, getting bad teammates sucks but four randoms that are independently good can out play any killer.

    Giving a powerful perk like kindred to all survivors for free and allowing another perk to take that empty spot would throw the "balance" of the game. Kindred alone would remove any hook pressure for the killer.

    As a survivor working on a gen while a teammate gets hooked. I'm not getting off that gen if I see someone else going for the save. Time wasted by two or more survivors going for the save is lost for the killer and it doesn't cost a perk slot.

    So what does the killer get in exchange for the increased gen efficiency? Are you willing to make a non-hex version of Ruin basekit? How about increasing base movement speed from 4.6 to 4.8 and 4.4 to 4.6?

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    If it's not about rank/competitiveness you have no argument to defend the change.

    Bridging the gap of solo and SWF only helps when talking about how a players skill, and playstyle come in. If you're saying "dont balance for rank", are you balancing for fun?

    Closing the gap of SWF and solo is ENTIRELY about rank, even though it's not a true ranking system. Otherwise nobody would ask for it. Because it wouldnt matter.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    I play more survivor than killer these days. The new kindred is really strong.

    If everyone had it this would be an incredible nerf to Every killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    I mean not doing well as a solo Survivor because you don't know what other survivors are doing shouldn't be a factor which determines how miserable you do as a team, it's a solo queue specific issue and it is a step towards total Survivor balance.

    If you run bad perks and easily get to red ranks then you're probably just play really well or a lot. Kindred isn't op or anything it just fills in the missing information solo queue players would have when they play solo.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Are you saying that having the ability to know when another survivor is going for the save isn't strong and doesn't hurt the killer in any way?

    I play solo survivor and don't play in SWFs. That's more than likely why I don't agree to the notion that solos are weak. I feel the ones stating this are thoses that normally play SWF and occasionally solo and try to compare the two. The survival rate is 25%? You know how many times I've seen a 1k turn into a 3k because survivors want to play hero instead of escaping? You should really take the Devs stats with a tub of salt.

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Sorry but you completely missed the point of the discussion and now are trying to attack a strawman.

  • Member Posts: 264

    I'm saying that solo balance is screwed, and solo is the weakest link. And it's obvious even to most killers, it's obvious to survivors, it's obvious to the DEVs. Is that hard to understand? That survival rate is around 25%, yes. Analyzing why it happens doesn't change that fact. For each of your "do you know how many times survivors...?" I can bring as many "do you know how many times killers/SWF....?". So at the end it doesn't matter and doesn't change the fact: ~25% escape rate.

    As for Kindred affecting killer performance. else is it supposed to work? You can't make omelette without breaking eggs.

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Its not about a narrative. Its a about buffing Solos to balance Killers around SWF-Level.

  • Member Posts: 72

    So what you’re saying is. You want the perks to be good enough that would make a one man survivor better than a 4 SWF team!? Do you have any kind of idea what they would have to do to many killer perks to balance that out? Every killers M1 would have an auto insta down.

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    Ok, then please tell me why you feel Kindred isn’t worth a perk slot. Even swfs get more fluid coordination out of it, so it’s helpful to everyone. And if you believe it’s not worth a perk slot then there must be four things you find better than it, despite liking the effects enough you want it to be basekit. So forgive me if I made a logical conclusion that you’re unwilling to drop your current perks (I admit calling them meta without knowing was an overreach), and instead are asking for what is effectively a fifth perk slot that is always Kindred.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Kindred is pretty powerful.

    I think a basekit version that shows other teammates within a specific radius of the hook would be fine. That way you don't get 3 teammates around the hook and not realizing it. But seeing ALL teammates at any distance is OP.

    So too would seeing the killers aura when he's near the hook.

  • Member Posts: 9,419
    edited December 2019

    I know why they are asking for it. But what is never discused is what buffs will killers get to compensate for the amount of information the survivor will now have access to.


    The game is balanced around lack of information and the choices made because of that restraint. It's not that solos are weak but SWF is too strong. SWF have something that is not taken into account when balancing the game and thats communication and coordination. The purpose of buffing solo queue to SWF is to balance SWF. That includes buffing killers to handle the advantages of communication and coordination.

    So what buffs will killers get if solo == swf? I really want to know the plans for this or stop saying buff solos to swf levels and adjust killers later. Because in my experience later never comes.

  • Member Posts: 839

    Add a secondary objective besides gens. Repairing generators is boring anyways.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Many many people have done this - I've done this multiple time - getting to rank 1 without using any exhaustion perk or DS ...or Kindred. Just to counterpoint, it is not Kindred that got you to Rank 1 - just like any other perk it helped in its own way and the old version was not that strong. Most people chose to take perks that kept them off the hook in the first place - Kindred, like Unbreakable is when that failed, but it was no guarantee even with Kindred people would act correctly on the info.

    I would not call the old version strong, the current version is strong (not godly but then that is subjective). Like I said there were plenty of better perks to keep you off the hook in the first place.

    I kind of like the current Kindred as a perk - not necessarily needed as base kit now. But I guess that depends on the long view - is the plan to make solo as viable as swf then balance the killers around swf...or not?

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    I find it absolutely amazing that a perk gets buffed to a degree that makes it a dream for solo players, and people don’t think it’s enough. Kindred was worth a perk slot before, now it’s worth more because it means you, the solo player, are now always fully informed as to postions when someone’s on a hook. That is worth a perk slot.

    You know what the flaw in the argument of “it needs to be base to bring solos to swf” is? It doesn’t fix the core problem of solos not having people who care about them in game. I ran Kindred almost from the beginning of my player experience in 2017. You know what I saw? Team after team ignore the pink killer right near me and come farm me from the hook. It was beneficial when not with these altruism lemmings, sure, but it was never a guaranteed intelligent save. If you want solos buffed to swf you need to change people’s greedy tendencies, and good luck there. New Kindred at least keeps you the solo from falling into a trap when someone else is hooked. That is a HUGE buff and absolutely worth a perk slot, now more than ever.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    I agree holding M1 is very boring. The game is about the chases but how some games go there isn't much time for them. The whole survivor objective needs to be looked into and made more interactive. Not just a bandaid second objective.

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    But swf has it and is basically nerfing killers for free since forever. And you CAN'T stop players from using discord. So the only way to get any balance and fun for EVERYONE is to close the gap between SWF and solos + buffing killers accordingly. There is no way around it, dbd WILL NEVER be balanced (or lets better say: dbd will never be as unbalanced as it is rn) without doing this one important step. It's a necessity, the fundament

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    You are missing the point. It's about closing the gap, nothing more or less. Obviously, after that killers will get buffed accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Base Kindred is a bad idea. It will make this game more of a try hard game for both sides and have a hard time retaining its current player base while be inviting to new players.

    This game is not some competitive game to balance. The escape/kills are based on the map and load outs of each side. Killers can have OP load outs which if used and the player has skill can get them 4 kills every single match.

    The SWF myth is every team is a 3-4 man full of sweaty try hards. While those "squads" exist they are rarer then people want to admit. People need an excuse for their loss in a pvp game.

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    You missed my point entirely as well. Kindred does not change the hearts of the other players. If they want to farm you from the hook they’ll do it, visible killer near you or no. I can upload a video of a game where a Leatherface camped me hard, the other two could see him, had enough time to finish the gens and leave, but despite Kindred telling them this, they BOTH came for me and killer 4ked. They got their unhook points though so it was ok. Kindred is an excellent perk for the non lemmings though, and with the buff lets you act accordingly.

    Also you didn’t answer my question about what four perks you consider too good to swap in Kindred for if you’re solo - since while you were correct that I strawmanned the word meta, the only interpretation of wanting Kindred as basekit I can come up with is that there are four perks you consider irreplaceable regardless of circumstance to consider swapping Kindred in for.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    So to compensate for the power spike in solo players becoming akin to SWF are we making Ruin baseline? Or will Killer players just be forced to play SWF-esq in every match?

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    The best way would be to introduce a second (must-do) objective + give killers specific buffs accordingly

  • Member Posts: 919

    This might be my most controversial opinion but I think BOTH Kindred and BBQ should be baseline....

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Sure, BBQ&C can be baseline aswell. It would be actually very healthy for survivors aswell since its discourage camping and tunneling (if the killer cares)

  • Member Posts: 919

    Exactly BBQ is one of the best, if not the best designed killer perk as it gives super helpful information while promoting a much better and more fun game flow.

  • Member Posts: 912

    no thanks. that would insult my intelligence as competent survivor and ruin my game. and this game doesnt need more hand holding, it has enough already.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    You're making no sense. Swf already have kindred for free because they can say who's going for the unhook and whether or not the killer is camping. Giving this to all players wouldn't change much.

  • Member Posts: 309

    And the developers answer, globally, that it's impossible...

    They invite to experiments, like the one Vanilla in which I participated. And I did not even know for what purpose.

    Here, the goal is clear, and this system seems to me perfectly adequate to this proposal. People are volunteers because they are happy to help in the development of the game, and they know they will be compensated.

    And then they propose that we do it alone, without analyzing any data, using the perk Kindred... It's a joke? That Kindred is no longer a perk is exactly the point.

    I am really clueless. I do not think we understand each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    People keep asking to close the gap between solo and swf and I don't think you all realise what you are asking for is really a buff to survivors in a big way.

    If you make changes for solo survivor purposes, you only make sfw stronger... it is an endless power creep that is one sided.

    You forget perks are just that... perks. You are meant to pick and choose between abilities. Asking to make Kindred base kit is asking for survivors to have a 5th perk slot, and a powerful one at that... oh and times that by 4. So now you have 4 survivors with 20 perks between them and the ability to be on coms.

    The killer has 4 perks, no one to help them, and their most powerful perks cam be removed minutes into a game (hex totems) and can be negated with jumping into a locker (Chilli).

    What would your suggestion be to help balance the game with your Kindred base kit idea in play?

  • Member Posts: 1,250
    edited December 2019

    You are not looking at the big picture. It changes everything.

    You buff solo survivors, you buff the survivor role as a whole.

    I am not against survivors being spoon fed all thr information they desire. However you can't just leave the killer in the dust.

    If Kindred is base kit, what do you think would be needed to balance the game after such a change?

    Slower gen repair? More gens? Hex perks are no longer tied to totems? Maybe survivors have a one hit down? Faster killer speed? Less loops?

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    You're not getting it. Kindred as basekit doesn't buff swf in any way. The only effect it has is that solo queue will have as much information as swf without wasting a perk slot. Tell me how kindred as basekit will buff swf

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    I don’t play SWF to be hyper optimal. Typically there’s a newer friend in our group if we’re a 4 man. Newb Friend won’t know how to callout where they are in relation to the hooked player. This lets us optimize even farther.

    When I do play with all vets, my wife and I still like running Kindred since it makes things smoother for all involved. Yeah I can say where on the map I am, but being able to look around and see me is going to be overall more information than just “I’m by shack.”

    Solo or SWF, I don’t take off Kindred. I strongly dissent with the idea it should be basekit because it’s strong enough to be worth a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    That's like saying a perk that allows you to heal downed survivors shouldn't be basekit because it's strong enough to be a perk. Or a perk that allows you to vault dropped pallets. Or a perk that allows you to recover from Exhaustion unless you're sprinting.

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