why balanced landing gone 0% directly and why not nerfing ds and bt

this is real ######### balancing would i say
why not respect perk you made, because it was 75% and people still didn't used that much
don't you think it should be 25% or 50% first while exhausted, consider this perk only work in usable maps
you should fix those few spots like haddonfield pumpkin house, try to fix before break it
borrowed time and ds is all time most pick for a years and most red players said those are op
and devs buffed borrowed time so it became more unconditaional, now it work agans all killers
what i remember in past days devs always had thought of nerfing ds and bt
but now those are massively buffed and works much better with unbreakable
every people in room can use ds with unbreakable to punish killer for 60seconds after unhooked no matter they good or bad or mistaken with pallets and windows
welcome ds being more consistent, but why keep standard of camping 60sec? its very long time in dbd
in that time you can get another survivor and down pre-unhooked survivor again, thats very possible
so it should be 50sec or under
which enough to prevents patrol and still usable unbreakable when killer camped survivors using this perk
balanced landing just overbuffed and rollbacked when it was useless
it can be reduce 25% or 50% like enduring changed
because current stagger motion is too long above certain height, most drop positions are useless
since survivors drop screaming sound added
i think all recent patches are good except bt buffs
now nerf key and mori to legit feeling of dc penalty to your game
than everyone happy i guess
I'd probably agree with ds needing a change, but bt is fine. Borrowed time shouldn't even go off unless the killer is a d!ck and wants to tunnel them off the hook, in which case the survivor absolutely deserves a chance to actually play the game. It's not an OP perk, nor is it a second chance perk. There aren't any of those in this game.
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Ds needs to turn off if the killer hooks another surv, at the least.
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borrowed time need little rework but ds reworked already :D
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This would make the perk entirely useless. The killer could just tunnel and slug you and then down and hook the unhooker and your DS would be gone.
The perk is fine as it is imo, and I don't even use it anymore because 9/10 games it is just a wasted perk slot.
Also as killer I don't see any problem, I try not to tunnel and when I run into the unhooked person again, I just slug them (one person on the ground and one busy picking them up while I go for someone else means 3 people not doing gens, which is perfect) or sometimes just eat the ds if I have enough pressure anyway, so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
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The problem with DS, is that you could get DSed even if you go out of your way to not tunnel. You could slug, but neither the killer or survivor would enjoy it. Besides, if a survivor jumps in a locker, they're basically invulnerable for the next sixty seconds, and waiting for ds is just throwing the game.
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Slugging isn't much more boring than gens
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True true
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Honestly, after still running BL after the nerf, it still feels better then every other exhaustion perk.
I don't find DS to be much of an issue anymore since they added requirements to the perk.
I've never had a problem with BT at all.
Opinion of a red rank killer and survivor with 2.5k hours in the game.
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BT was already reworked
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BL is too situational compared to the others with very little added benefit. Are you trolling?
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Stop spouting this nonsense.
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If they make ds useless at least people won't complain about it.
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BT got buffed because of the deep wound changes.
As for DS, it's a one time use. So if you're worried about the end game DS, just eat it early on when there's 1-3 gens done.
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It's not nonsense. At that point you're no longer being tunneled. The point of the perk is anti tunneling.
At least have it so it turns off if someone is hooked and you're 32m away.
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I see barley a use of ds as anti tunneling perk. Most of the time it is in use for unhook guys, or bodyblocking a killer.
Usually that is great because it gives us killers more bps because you can punch something that won't die, but when the gates are open it is terrible.
But don't understand my posting please as a support nerf posting, because it isn't. I know that without such perks, survivors would flood the forums with nerf thread to everything and there I prefer second chances above that, even then survivors turn it into something for what it was never meant for.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and your opinion is just as valid as mine, but that doesn't make you or myself correct, hence why it's an opinion. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but there is no need for the hostile attitude. If you want me to state my reasons, why not just ask like a normal human being?
Anyway, why do i still think BL is the better exhaustion perk?
Dead hard doesn't work effectively due to dedicated servers and is probably the most situational exhaustion perk because you firstly need to be injured, you need to be in a position to use it and you don't gain any distance from the killer.
Sprint burst while it's effective for gaining a quick boost while the killer is coming towards you, you either need to walk the entire game or have the perk always on exhaustion. In most situations, it doesn't help you mid chase when you need it. It doesn't suit my play style either because i run everywhere.
Lithe is probably a perk i would say that is on par with BL. You can use it mid chase and there are plenty of windows around the map. However, i don't like it because it will activate when i don't want it to, such as looping a dropped pallet where you don't need to leave the loop.
This leaves, Balance Landing. While you do need somewhere to drop from, and in my experience, only a few maps don't offer these places unless you use basement stairs effectively. I know when i'm going to activate it, i gain distance from the killer, and i benefit more due to it's passive when i have a spot to drop from.
In all honestly, you can be good at chases and looping and can be effective without running a single exhaustion perk. They are all situation perks, and not to be relied on to win a chase.
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BT wouldn't need buffs if the Killer wasn't insistent of hitting them off hook.
60 seconds is a little BS, especially with Unbreakable but the stun is not my gripe.
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I don't see how I was being hostile, maybe you're just a little on edge or not used to dealing with dbd forum users. I asked if you were trolling because there is no other reason to think BL is better than all other exhaustion perks.
It's not an opinion if it's proven how situational BL is. If you want to run it and only activate it in 50% of your chases that's on you but I'm gonna stick with Lithe and DH because they are guaranteed distance.
Prove me wrong bud.
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DH gives NO distance, you need to be already injured (which in a chase i would prefer to not be), and you need to be in the correct situation to use it, otherwise it's easily countered. It is also unreliable due to dedicated servers. It is the most situational exhaustion perk in the game. You don't have to agree, but that is my OPINION.
I also stated that Lithe is on par because of it it's effectiveness to be activated. However i believe that BL's passives outweighs it's weakness for finding a place to be activated. I also do not like to be slowed down during a chase because i need to jump off a high place. You don't have to agree, but that is my OPINION.
I'm not here to try and prove you wrong bud. I came here to give my opinion. It's clear you're just looking for an argument.
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There are no opinions when it comes to a perk's power. There is the meta and there are the objectives. I'm glad you like to play stealthy and self care in the corner but that's not the meta. I don't mean to argue but you need to be corrected. Also BL doesn't have a passive that stops stagger.
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Balanced Landing could be used to turn some loops into infinites, which is something we want to avoid. Typically you wouldn't use the stagger reduction from Balanced Landing more than once in a chase unless you were taking advantage of one of those loops.
As for Decisive Strike, if you have to wait a full 60 seconds, that's because you're tunneling someone immediately off the hook. The perk is designed to prevent that, so of course it's going to be very punishing. If you had chased someone else and returned, their timer will be almost up and you'll be able to wait it out in under 10 seconds. It's fairly easy to avoid.
Borrowed Time, I'll let y'all debate that all you want. Again, it can be mostly avoided by not going for the same guy and instead hitting the unhooker. If you hit them before they get the unhook, you can hit them again right after they finish the unhook and you'll still have someone on the hook in the end.
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Maybe the size of the DS skillcheck box should be get smaller, according to how long it's been since the killer hooked you. At 45-60 seconds for example, you'd need to hit a "great" skillcheck.
Also, 3 DS's pe rmatch and after that the killer is immune or maybe knock 15 seconds off of the timer for other survivors when the killer is hit with it.
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One major problem with DS is that an entire second was added to the stun timer because (at the time) Enduring was a hard counter that made it so there was essentially no stun. But once Enduring changed to only work with pallets, the extra second of DS was not reverted. So now not only has the only hard counter (that doesn't require an unfun tactic) to the perk been removed, but the extra benefit the perk got to make the hard counter less punishing is still there. That just doesn't make sense to me.
And it's very demonstrable that DS is so much more than an anti-tunnel perk. Especially for the killers that excel in 1v1 chases, it's quite common to be able to down someone and hook them within the 60 second window without even having to slug the DS person. So you get punished for being really efficient if the next survivor you happen to find is the one who was previously unhooked. Are you just supposed to ignore them? Or slug them down and wait? Either option is a huge loss of momentum, with slugging being the lesser of the two evils. But again, this means I have to choose a really crappy and UNFUN FOR EVERYONE play style to deal with a perk that the person may not even have, but that I have to respect so long as I see an obsession.
This phenomenon is observable ad nauseum across the gamut of streamers who play this game consistently.
Do I think DS was designed as an anti-tunnel perk? Yes. But it does WAY more than that, which is the entire problem. It is a de facto anti-momentum perk that encourages slugging, which in my opinion is one of the lamest and most unfun tactics in this game for both killers and survivors. I don't say this with malice. I don't think the developers want the game to be unfun. But I also think we have to be realistic about the meta that DS has inspired in its current state.
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BL really could use some hills and high surfaces on maps that lack them.
DS could be given more negatives while keeping the perk doing what it does... like getting broken status for 60 seconds after using DS is just one idea/example.
BT needs to be reworked to a 1 time use and the hook tech should come back... it’d be better if there’s mind-games at hooks rather than perks insisting the outcome. 4 DS’s can potentially waste 80 seconds of the killers time (assuming the killer takes 40 seconds to get the next survivor)... 4 BT’s (when only 2 are needed to do this not 4) however can waste anything from 120 seconds (waiting 15 seconds 8 times) to 40 seconds per new chase... the counter-play to hook rushers is to immediately slug the person that got unhooked then chase and hook the hook rusher...
why would you re-pickup the person that immediately got unhooked when they can DS you?...
because there isn’t always an obsession in the game and DS can be negated if the downed person is right under the hook - those need fixing than needing BT which’d have no real excuse to be as strong as it is which it basically functions as a free save or free time-waste. Killer’s need some pressure at hooks and BT absolutely shreds that.
Edit: the reason for the killer needing to slug the person who got farmed off the hook - if you as the killer let them go/make a habit of this... they’re going to run away and go on a gen... that means 3 people on gens while you chase the person who farmed them... that’s 50% more pressure than before for free which isn’t fair for the killer. The first hook is the hardest and now they have to restart.
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As a survivor I'd rather get slugged than beeing hooked. As long as the killer doesn't go for a 4man slug I don't have a problem with it at all.
With the locker it depends what killer you are playing. Trapper or hag - just place a trap. Spirit: go away and phasewalk back. Or just eat the ds and go into another chase and get more points.
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Technically if BT triggers you are in essense camping which the perk is designed to help with or the person has been farmed off the hook. BT can be negated but it's about choices.
First choice is go after the unhooker as BT can only activate if you hit the one unhooked.
Secondly hit the one unhooked as they still need to mend taking them off gens for a small time and then chase the unhooker.
If they are farmed then the over person isn't on a gen while running to do it. If you are camping when no one is close and don't leave and its activated then its worked as intended.
The perk itself is designed in a way to not give the killer another free down just for them being close to the hook. It can be looked at as overly strong if you camp or tunnel but if you don't then it's really a dead perk in essense.
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“Technically if BT triggers you are in essence camping” - this is an entirely false claim. We spoke before how you can be see a survivor’s scratch-marks to the hook and follow them. Plenty of mainstream twitch streamers have pointed this out and are basically at-least nearly all in consensus that what the survivor does with BT is bad play.
I just provided how DS controls the behaviour of killers and BT doesn’t.
The survivor who gets slugged off a hook isn’t losing anything - no harm done... so what’s wrong with that exactly?
I’m amazed you’re a “trusted” member if you being this juvenile to suggest that the killer near the hook under any circumstance = camping.
If you have ever tested the effectiveness of camping - you’d know you could only camp 2 survivors by the time gens are done... BT doesn’t need to work 8 times which steps into punishing fair killers rather than campers.
You need to play killer at red ranks... M1 killers and the like because I don’t think you do. I also main survivor btw.
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Or ya know, it goes off when a killer sees the survivor or thier scratch marks nearby and patrols. Or the survivor goes for the save as soon as the killer turns thier back and tries to do a dumb play.
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I never said they were always camping as I also said they could have been farmed.
If one stays around the hook for no reason while the others are far away it is camping plain and simple.
The fact still remains BT can only ever activate if you are close enough to trigger it and hit the person being unhooked.
If you go after the uncooked then BT itself can never be activated. Yes there is nothing wrong with hitting that person but it is a risk you take knowing BT is an option.
It's the exact same with NOED if players don't do totems they can't really complain about it activating but they do.
Being trusted means nothing when it comes to common sense when looking at something objectively.
I do play killer and have done since 2016 and never fall foul of BT as I don't tunnel or camp. I became better at the game by not doing the above and actually applying pressure to more survivors. I play Trapper, Hag, Billy, Leatherface and Huntress mainly and do very well thank you.
I do find it funny when people use the argument of "you must not play at red ranks" just because they can do better than others without using a strat many seem to feel is needed for themselves.
If camping had never been an issue BT would not have been put in the game.
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“Killer can you go to the opposite end of the map and count to 10 please”
The killer is a killer and not your friend but someone trying to kill you under the entities rules... that’s something that’s fundamental to the game... all that’s needed to be done is that the survivor who got farmed was given the fair chance to get up... they’ll have 60 seconds (32-40 to be picked up) - that’s more than enough time... if the killer is able to come back and pick them up - put them back on... that’s hard luck... that’s the same amount of time as missing a stage on the hook which there is no blame to the killer but the other survivors not picking up the downed person.
Yeah I’ve played survivor since 2016... granted I was salty/mis-understood decisions killers made earlier on especially given how survivors were way more op back then... but then I learnt you can be good enough to play survivor without band-aids/crutches given how strong survivors already are... you can use stealth, pressure, and jukes to be resourceful enough to get the save you needed to. The only thing that can’t be countered is a face-camping bubba but that’s part of his power. If leatherface says no - do gens then you win. If they do that over 100 games... you won’t be doing that for 100 games like them... let them get bored of it.
And last time I saw a face-camping bubba was when people were getting the jake faces early on... doesn’t happen anymore unless someone wants a change in how a match gets played/curious how fast gens can go/testing how effective camping is without BT/DS.
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That is not for you to decide because you feel its fair on a side you wish to play.
If someone doesn't have BT slug them by all means but never statw its needed or findemental to the game as thats just your opinion. If someone does have BT then you yourself activated it with the choice you alone made.
Just because you feel you need to play in a set way doesn't mean that is the only way and it should be a usable strat every single time.
In your example if there is no BT then the person could be just put straight back on the hook. This is why BT was designed to help with that scenario and give someone a chance against certain strats players used. It's change was also done to promote going after the one who unhooked.
By how you view this it seems it activates quite often versus yourself which can only mean two things. You don't really leave the hook area and always go after the one unhooked first or you have more farmed hooks than I've ever seen and go after the one unhooked first. That's fine and how you wish to play but the choice you are making is why it's strong versus your play style and your play style is why the perk itself was actually designed so not too strong or broken but in fact just working as intended.
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I like how not following the survivor rule-book is an opinion but the survivor rule-book isn’t an opinion. That the entity isn’t a ref between killer and survivors... that the survivor rule-book is bible... killers are guilty until proven innocent and bad survivors are innocent.
You don’t know if they have BT or not... that’s the point. If anything as killer - if someone gets BT’ed I’m forced to tunnel them and I won’t let the hook rusher pip to the best of my ability.
I can’t lose momentum as killer. I will re-hook to punish one way or another but what’s stupid is that the hook divers aren’t punished.
Sorry but you’re not being objective in the slightest... I presented how you don’t need BT in the game just DS... it’s not an opinion - what is an opinion is your belief that killers shouldn’t punish hook rushers.
Obviously you main BT so you feel attacked... and can’t be reasoned with. Any person being rational see’s the flaws with the perk.
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Why does this have anything to do with this silly survivor rulebook thing?
No one says you cant play how you want too as its your own choice but if those choices activate something the devs put in the game then that is solely on you.
It's why I already stated the same in regards to NOED. A perk which no one knows the killer has and is hated by some survivor without realising that it only activates due to them not taking 14s to do a totem they walk past. Again a choice they made with how to play.
I am being objective as I stated your opinion is valid on how you wish to play. I also stated mine is also. Being objective is about understanding why the perk was designed and how you can also stop its activation. There is no set way to play and its only our own choices which make something seem stronger than it is.
The person not being objective is yourself as by your own works you think only one strat should be possible which is being able to slug the one unhooked.
I see your assuming again to try and fit a false narrative. I very rarely use BT if ever as I don't hook rush. I'm a safe player who choses when and if to save when its clear. Just because I don't use it doesn't mean I can't see what its designed for.
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It is nonsense, cause the killer can slug you beforehand, hook the unhooker and your DS is trashed. And thats whats basically will happen all the time, cause people are abusive af.
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I cannot read what you posted, no clue what you are saying or trying to say.
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100% agree on borrowed time; but with Decisive Strike....sorry but that isn't how it works out a lot of the time not at all.
Mostly it's just used as a shield against massive survivor mistakes, and punishing the killer for their screw ups.
Don't even get me started on the matches when it's like, just 4 bills with the sweater on all looking the same- and you have to spend more time paying attention to names than playing the game because you need to try and avoid their DS.
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14s is life and death lmao
I thought you played both sides dude
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dude you want the perk to mechanically punish killers for denying hook rushers emblems...
no your narrative is simple... if the killer is near the hook they shouldn’t punish hook rushers.
If you didn’t use BT you’d see no problem with the change... if BT was one time use it’d be used cleverly - i.e. when the killer isn’t near the hook and used in a dire situation.
You lean too much into the 1v1 mindset forgetting it’s 1v4. You need to see the balance of both and realise a single survivor shouldn’t be able to play hero at all the hooks or freely hit rank 1 without punishment for running a perk at the expense of teammates misery.
Your “opinion” is currently and falsely status quo and it needs to change for the reasons I gave... you haven’t gave any valid defense but said the alternative is just an opinion... a sign of a lost argument.
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Ranking system bad
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If it was actual in game mehanic yes i would say it could do with possible changes.
Since its a perk and a choice then no it doesn't need changes as it does what it is designed too.
BT used to eb one time use the problem is that it didn't help with camping and one person using it means one save was possible.
Not everyone uses the perk and just because some may use it as it wasn't intended doesn't mean it should the changed.
If your argument could hold water it would need to be the same for many things such as slugging itself. That punishes a person for simply being farmed or due to the killers discretion and not allowing them to engage in gameplay.
It's amazing how one thinks a stray they wish to use should be always possible. No strat should always work as there should always be option or choices which need to be made. It's how the game changes each time and why not everyone runs BT or DS. That's a myth and one used by those that simply want to use strats which the devs themselves design something to help with.
I never once leant on the 1v1 situation its actually strange to even mention that as your point isn't valid. People who hook rush risk losing more as they are putting themselves in harms way, giving the killer more time and losing points elsewhere. There is no guarantee to pip just by hook rushing.
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DS once worked as an anti-tunnel perk (people claimed they used it because of this) that assumed the survivor had good will... then it actually got turned into an anti-tunnel perk because it could be abused. No different to what’s been asked for BT. Limited usage so it’s used smartly... only having 1 each use between 4 players means the killer gets half the benefit of the doubt as would the survivor. Which’d be fair.
The fact is you can’t assume good will for one side of the equation and not the other.
Post edited by dont_ask_me_again on0 -
I really, really, really hate how Devs are plugging their ears and refusing to listen to any complaints about Decisive Strike.
*Lalala DS is anti-tunnel lalala even if you down and hook 2 other survivors before finding and downing the DS user again, you were still definitely tunneling and should be punished for outplaying the survivors too hard lalala better keep a timer for each and every survivor and hope that no two survivors are playing with the similar cosmetics lalala still definitely only useful for anti-tunneling*
At least acknowledge the common suggestion of DS canceling when another survivor is hooked while DS is active and explain why that change would be so ground breakingly broken.
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DS has no problems. Just because a perk/killer is meta doesn't mean it's broken.
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BT should have Deep Wounds removed and return to the old "black and white screen, heal yourself or go down" style. That way it becomes less of an extra health state for doing bad and more about an extra few seconds to reposition yourself and get healed by yourself safely or by someone else.
DS should just deactivate if you enter a locker.
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Deep Wounds stop survs from doing gens or healing, what more do you want dude
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A bigger downside for a braindead perk like BT.
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I don't see how saving your mate from a camper is braindead.
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And I see how a perk that removes any kind of strategic thinking when saving in any situation and that encourages farming is braindead.
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You'd have to be thinking at least semi strategically to give your life for your mate.
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What then happens is it becomes and swf only perk as the chances of four solo users having it are slim to none. If it becomes a needed perk then you lose variety and I may as well become a base perk for all survivors.
The only issue I see is it negates some of how you wish to play but that is what it's intended to do after all. Risk v reward you down some and some have BT so you can't. Making it a choice to hit then with the possibility.
It's much like many perks.
Spirit fury which rewards a hit after breaking two pallets if a survivor wants to try and stun. Risk v reward.
Haunted grounds remove the totem risk one hit down. Risk v reward.
Choices aren't bad and not knowing creates many different plays.
You don't know if they have BT so will always risk hitting them which is just how it is.