Iridescent Head either needs a nerf or a huge tell

Tbh Forever Freddy was FUN next to the nasty combo that is Iridescent Infantry Belt.
It’s demoralizing to play against and honestly I have never met someone who used this combo who DIDN’T tunnel. They often have moris too.
In some ways, Iridescent Huntress is worse than the camping Leatherface.
Moris are in the game so op add ons really aren't too bad to deal with. Just accept defeat like a good little survivor.
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It's like NOED. You should always assume a Huntress has Iri Heads and dodge hatchets accordingly until proven otherwise. The "tell" is if she's super keen on throwing a hatchet even in situations where a melee hit would be a better play, or if she appears to run out of hatchets after one (or at max, three) missed throws.
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It’s nothing like noed though because noed gives you time and counterplay to actually counter it. You have an entire match to make sure you and the other survivors found all 5 totems, and if you didn’ sucks but that’s how the cookie crumbles. Iri has no counterplay before it strikes and once you do get the information, it’s too late because they always play scummy.
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I would prefer changing Iridescent Head(or at least changing the interaction with extra Hatchet add-ons), but if you had to just give it a tell, I think the best tell by far would be the Huntress humming a different tune.
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It's like NOED in the sense that the best play is to assume she has it and work to counter it until proven otherwise. It's a common thing in this game. Other examples include BBQ, or Decisive Strike. All of them encourage players to waste time trying to counter a mechanic that may not even be in play.
Iri Heads are actually pretty tame by comparison, because you don't need to waste time or do anything differently before you know whether or not the mechanic is in play. It's not like you wouldn't still try to dodge her hatchets even if you knew she didn't have it.
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I like the idea of Iri head starting out with no hatchet and reloading only gives you one hatchet at a time. This would give it synergy with reloading speed that devs probably intended.
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My idea would be to make Irihead so that you lose all Hatchets when you throw a Hatchet. That way, it actively has no synergy with add-ons that give you extra Hatchets.
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As long as hitboxes are this ridiculous there shouldnt exist an insta down hatchet addon.
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I don't think iri head needs that big of a nerf. A 110% speed killer has to give up her power for a small chance at an instant down. I like your idea and how it fits in with other mediocre iridescent add ons though.
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If you see a huntress with a mori, generally expect iri heads as well.
Another frequent tell is that a huntress with iri heads tends to be a lot more picky with her shots and will most likely like to make sure she has a clear hit on you before she throws the hatchet, due to there being a much higher penalty to missing a shot. If she has iri, always assume she has 3 hatchets (infantry belt) unless you have proof that she's running another add-on.
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Not all of them
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The important thing is that Irihead lets Huntress insta-down at a distance, something I'm pretty sure no other Killer in the game can lay claim to. Letting her have multiple shots at that seems excessive IMO.
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I think that's an awesome idea, imagine doing a gen and then hearing The Huntress humming the main menu theme and going "oh shiiiiiii..."
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I know that's why I like your idea, but I still lean towards my idea because it isn't a boring "you can't stack this with other specific add ons" effect. We all know how those go for other killers like the Pig.
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Probably not intended, but another killer who can do this is plague with corrupt purge. With relatively high ping (i've experienced this above 180ms) a single puke often puts survivors from healthy straight to the dying state. I think it's because due to latency the game registers 2 hits instead of 1.
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Survivors needs a buff in the brain is all. Go play huntress and realize how much leeway you get against a Huntress without and wind up add ons. Just path to her disadvantage problem solved and don't drop pallets. like a dunce. Taking an M1 hit is better.
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I mean, once someone gets hit by it everyone knows even if they're all solo survivors.
They're usually very hesitant to hit survivors with M1 if they're running it, at least healthy ones. You can't always do it but on the loops where Huntress already struggles you can really mess up an iri head huntress that refuses to swing at you.
The only time it's revealed and the survivor that gets hit doesn't get to use that knowledge is if they get raised-hatchet hard camped or something, but that's just like any other type of camping. Do gens and all that.
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I call it 110% movement speed with only 1/2 of them.
no nerf or tell needed.
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Forgive me if I am missing something, but are there Pig add-ons that don't stack?
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The add-on is heavily reliant on the skill of the user.
Although I wouldn't mind a tell
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There is a huge tell when someone gets hit they get down by it in one hit and if they are injured and down people with it then its just a downside.
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You used Pig as an example of "you can't stack this with other add-ons."
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The add on sounds pretty neat in paper but it shouldn't work with extra hatchets
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Iridescent Heads by themselves aren't a problem. They get really bad when they get mixed with Infantry Belt and Leather Loop. If you are riding on one hatchet constantly and manage to kill all four survivors, I say you've earned it.
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The tell I feel is pretty obvious. Once you see someone go down from healthy once, you know she's using it. Ideally you don't want to get hit by a hatchet even if she's not using it, so it's not really a "too little too late" situation.
Anyway, I'd be totally okay with that personally. The most interesting idea I've heard was to make long range hatchets (>24m or 32m) instantly down people. That way it stays powerful, but requires a lot more skill to use and has way more counterplay. What do y'all have in mind?
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I'm of the idea that the addon should have a range requirement.
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Christmas :)
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Whenever I play Iridescent Head + Infantry Belt (and maybe Ebony Mori), I experience a moment of power as I dominate the match and murder those who stand in my path.
The moment is short-lived and far between due to the rarity of the items.
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I’m a big fan of the range idea, can even add additional hatchets to compensate. Good Huntresses won’t feel guilty for using something completely busted, and survivors won’t feel cheated as it’s much more of a skill shot. Sounds fair and fun to me. Of course, some will still just camp from a distance and throw at survivors going for unhooks, which is annoying, but that can be done now.
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In my personal opinion, is all it needs is to be capped at 1 hatchet, there is not a single hatchet adding add on that could work on it, does not stack, taking two health states in one shot should require skill and punishment, not "I'm gonna whiff 2 hatchets and miss and hit you with the third one."
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I think as long as you make it so you can't have more than one Hatchet with Irihead, you are good to go.
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Just make it so it does not work with the extra hatchets addons. I think everyone can agree that's what makes Iridescent heads annoying and a bit over the top. Make it so it is LOCKED to one hatchet regardless on what addons you are running and everyone should be cool with that.
Iridescent heads should be a high risk high reward addon and allowing a huntress to make mistakes but quickly make up for it while using those two addons together just seems a bit too strong.
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But thats what they already do. Go up close, hatchet you and profit. Low risk high reward
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It would take a whole lot of punishment though as Survivors could force you to waste time and try to free that Survivor by M1 or you hook them and get a new hatchet, regardless, chasing me around with a hatchet is wasting time if you're not good with your shot, you could just completely miss and screw all that time over.
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If they wanted to keep the iridescent head make it so they could only have one hatchet and couldn't increase the amount of hatchets to hold
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i’m so tired of that addon, especially with the ridiculously huge hatchet hitbox. usually when this is the case i just suicide first hook and try to find another match...
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I think Iridescent Head is fine because you only have one hatchet at base and you still need skill to land the hatchet. What good is an instadown if you can't use it at all? I could understand a fully charged hatchet requirement requirement though.
As for following the Survivor around until they're forced to vault or drop a pallet, the Huntress is basically losing the game at that point, especially if it's at a big loop. You get one down but risk losing two or three gens.
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At that point, you're kinda just a riskier Leatherface, no?
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I prefer the add-on as is. The rarity of the item add-on means players encounter it once every blue moon, and offers a moment to relax and enjoy the game rather than playing "sweaty" all the time.
If necessary, give it a clear requirement/downside like 'Decreasing Hatchet Movement Speed' or 'Hatchet must be fully charged to Trigger'. Removes the guess work when figuring out how far the Survivors are.
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okay. and if survivors genrush with 4 BNP/leave with a key and spam gg ez at the end of the game, just accept defeat like a good little killer.
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Dev logic lmao
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Making it only one-shot when fully charged is also a way to go
I like the range idea but i think it will be kinda awkward that the counter to this would be to run towards the huntress when she charges a hatchet
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I'm "only" playing huntress on console with controller, but even there I have enough practice (I hardly play anything else than huntress ...) that with aura perks like BBQ or Bitter Murmur I can hit people with hatchets from halfway across the map who haven't even heard the lullaby yet. It's not much more fun to be instadowned when you don't even know that you were on the killer's radar. Yeah, means the killer has skill, but that doesn't make it much better.
I am hoping for a rework that even good huntresses could equip without feeling like they ruin the match for the other players. New nurse add-ons were really great, would be nice to get a similar add-on rework (not all need to be changed) for huntress that are cool instead of boring (exhaustion hatchets, yawn ...) or op in the right hands (IHs).
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Personally I would ditch the instant down effect entirely.
In my addon rework thread I suggested:
- Hatchets Pierce through Survivors and apply on hit effects (aka: Anything that says it triggers on a basic attack)
Of course that's really weak for an Ultra Rare, which in the addon rework was the point, but here isn't going to cut it.
So maybe have successful hatchet hits auto-refund?
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I’m gonna be sad when all ultra-rare items/add-ons are worthless... oh wait.
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I don't agree. Its obvious when a healthy Survivor is instantly downed from healthy state and theres a Huntress that she's using Iri.
Nerf, eh. She's limited to how many hatchets she can carry, also her hatchets are jukeable. Although I've ran into Huntresses that are phenomenal at aiming. I barely see iri add-on though, so I don't see why this is necessary.