How did killers 4k in 2017?

Isnt that when double pallet jungle gyms were a thing so how did they 4k? The game must have been very hard
Don’t forget the pallet vacuum.
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It was obviously more difficult and much more frustrating to play Killer, but 4ks weren't impossible. I played Myers most of the time in 2017, and saw a decent amount of success. There was a lot less 4k-ing, however.
Another thing is survivors were nowhere near as good as they are now. No one really looped that optimally.
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Just people adapt. Like when they removed the pallet vacuum you could tell a difference, but after time went on it didn't really matter.
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This. More people learned the loops and where to waste a killers time the most on any map which leads to more success over time despite nerfs to survivors.
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If the survivors were good, you didn't. Granted, the way the game has played has changed a ton since then. Every time something gets harder, people adjust and gradually get better at the game. In early 2017, looping hardly even existed. Most people would run from pallet to pallet, dropping them as soon as the killer got close.
Early 2018 was a little more rough since people were starting to get better, but things long double pallets, vacuums and first-down DS were still in full effect.
But to answer the original question, a lot of people ran Nurse because of that.
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What was the pallet vacuum?
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Basically, instead of having to run to the other side of the pallet to drop it, if you pressed the button to drop it while running, you were instantly teleported to the other side, causing a lot of missed hits that nowadays you could've gotten easily.
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Survivors were lazy.
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survivors didn't have all the hand holding perks they do now, and moris didn't require hooking
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Speaking of Nurse, are there going to be any bug fixes or changes coming her way to address the abismal state she is in right now?
Strong or not isn't what I'm getting at here. We as a community have offered you guys plenty of better changes that actually reward managing blinks (if that's what the goal of the rework was) way better than what we got, while still keeping her fun intact.
I really want to play this game again but as a Nurse main I have no reason to currently.
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Old nurse. She used to have three blinks base. She was the weapon we used to destroy the survivor menace.
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I remember back then survivor queue time in red ranks was quite long and you had much less killer variety. Mostly Billy and Nurses and sometimes Huntress.
To all fairness survivors were less used dealing with Ruin, hadn't developed the No-Heal-Meta, etc. and because the map tended to give them so much security, were probably more sloppy and bold. It was though, but doable and very frustrating. Did my Rank 1 killer achievement back then and it was a nightmare to pull that off. And probably required extrem play and a couple of Iridiscent Heads.
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I wasn't around that early on, but from the videos I've seen it looked like a majority of players didn't understand how to play Nurse and saved her blinks only for chases (a lot like now actually, but they had the freedom to choose to do that,) so was there actually a lot of Nurses back in the day able to play her right? I'd love to see any old videos like that, just for nostalgia.
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Camping that's how.
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First version of nurse had a much faster movement speed and like said three blinks. Probably because of that. When I started playing (Sept 2017), Nurse had already the current movement speed two blinks, but a less controllable blink mechanic. (Vertical control came only with the introducation of The Game.) By my experience good Nurse players were already using her blinks for movement at the time. So people got her play probably when they changed her Speed and Blinks.
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Potatoes exist at all times.
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That's what I figured, I don't see any reason they would've even touched her if she was still unkown lol. It must've been right before those changes that people really started to understand her.
I also came in a little bit before her vertical changes which were so nice and really fleshed her out. Until they janked her up again :/
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It's honestly why I get so annoyed when killers complain the devs are survivor sided. If you look at where the game started to where it is now. It's clear they have made a ton of progress balancing the game. Which is not to say it has happened as fast as we'd have liked. Or that there isn't still progress that needs to be made. But they have come along way.
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I think the devs arnt intentionally survivor sided they just don't play there game in red ranks there probably all rank 20s except maybe a few
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During a time that Mori's didn't require a hook, and half the crutch perks were not even there. You're statement isn't really that strong.
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I believe Peanits is red ranks. Though I could be mistaken. The other thing I think everyone seems to forget is red rank game play is not the only games that matter. Balancing around either high or low ranks is a mistake in my opinion.
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Pretty sure DS, BT, DH, and Adrenaline all existed.
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Adrenaline is not a crutch perk, your potato is showing.
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I don't consider any of them crutch perks. I'm going off the perks killers complain about the most.
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Survivors be potatoes sometimes.
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Hows that different then most red ranks today? :)
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Idk i got the information from the fourms alot of people said that the devs are rank 20s. Are most of you red ranks or rank 20s?
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It's basically just a cop out to discredit what we say, there's not really any truth to it. There's a bunch of people here who play on a regular basis, and there's other people who don't play much (someone like an artist doesn't need to play at a high level to make nice art, for example). Anyone who has a say in balance is well versed in the game, though.
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Ik this is unrelated but whats your opinion on gen speeds? since your a rank 1 killer and rank 3 survivor
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I'd love to believe you on that but sometimes the balance team don't really show all this "well versed in the game" side (just some examples to help me express) like when flashlights/pallets time were "changed" to work at anytime in some old patch, when Nemesis and DW interaction was literally old Legion.
Even though looking on the overall the Devs actually are you know doing a great job... so far.
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A certain dev is chatty today. Really interesting reading your thoughts on this.
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Second unrelated question sorry. Do you think the game is in a balanced state now. And will billys baskit be changed when he gets his add ons changed? idk if your allowed to answer the second question
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I can only answer the first from my perspective; while it's in a better spot now than ever before, it's not perfect. We wouldn't be continually updating the game if we were happy with everything. There's still a long list of stuff we'd like to change.
The second half, I can't answer.
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Same like today.
Camping and tunneling.
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Ok well thats all my questions thanks for answering
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Survivors would just drop the pallets and run to the next one because nobody really knew or needed to loop and I include myself in that group lmfao (only a small group of veteran survivors knew how to loop and they were invincible indeed), if the game still had double pallets it would be impossible to down survivors you'd literally have to chase them in the same jungle gym for 3 minutes until both pallets were gone and by then 3 gens minimum would already be done. Those old times, can't believe how easy the game was back then and how it survived for this long. The only way to 4k in the red ranks was tunneling tbh, ds wasn't an anti tunneling perk back then so at least you could tunnel without survivors being able to counter it unless they had bt which back in the day gave both the survivor unhooking and the unhooked survivor the endurance status effect.
Post edited by AStupidDavid on0 -
Who on the BHVR dev team do I make a cheque out to in order to ensure that Billy gets the treatment he deserves when you do the adjustments for him?
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The vast majority of r1 killers were nurse and Billy's. Those were the only killers I saw consistently 4k and stay highly competitive despite how strong survs were. Killers also relied far more on tunneling, basement camping etc. Killers could face camp with traps under hooks. That made trapper pretty strong at times.
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Killers had to rely on survivors mistakes, its still the same case today, but its just a little bit more balanced.
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People, me included get upset because when a Q&A comes up, all they talk about are stupid questions, or discussions about freaking skins... Or they do talk about things nobody really cares about. Why don't they even mention the actual problems instead of "will Claudette get a new skin"? This would help a lot. That's why many people get upset, they pick the wrong questions, or try to avoid the "difficult" questions, or simply do not care about .
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I played huntress and just let survivors throw down the double pallets and hit them with a hatchet for it. It was also easier to hit them in chase or at a distance because most survivors weren't good at predicting your predictions. Before she released that year it's easy, I didn't without being a potato farmer. The days of legitimate infinites are mostly gone.
When I first tried the game in 2016 I tried being the trapper and got all of my traps sabotaged when hooks and traps never respawned, double windows right next to each other with no entity block, no bloodlust and flashlights with that god awful pure white screen that hurt your eyes in real life. I just stopped playing for a year.
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Survivors weren’t as tough and sweaty as now, they just didn’t know their power. So, 4k was more than real.
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Pre-nerf Ruin. Also used MYC and NOED a lot.
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Which is a completely fair complaint. My issue, is when people rant that the devs only care about one side. Which, if you look at the changes made over the years. Is clearly not the case.