Fix the hitboxes already

Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Devs, you said that hitboxes were fine only for melee based gameplay, but Huntress has been out for 2.5 year already, and now we will have the Deathslinger with an even more precise power...

So, just fix them already. I know that they are simplified so that they are easier to calculate, but its 2020, no one uses pill shaped hitboxes anymore. Not to mention that DBD is made on Unreal Engine, FPS based game engine that can handle such things.

Make something that at least resembels human figure, with separate animations for crouching, healing, being healed and vaults. And remove the Aim Dressing. Its really funny that we have a special feature just so that we can have bad hitboxes...

Post edited by Archimedes5000 on


  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    So Deathslingers power doesnt count as a precise aiming? I could argue about Huntess and how hatchet hit detection works, but Deathslingers power is just impossible to use with current hitboxes. Sometimes it goes through the survivior, sometimes it hits when flying by the side of surviviors head.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    No the hitboxes are not BROKEN. They are bigger than they look but they are not broken. The hitboxes are just misleading. Last time they tried making hitboxes more fair against huntress the axe legit wiffed through the survivors body.

    And no again because the awkward hits are only so awkward due to sudden movements, aka 360s. They are legit there to make hits look better. You dont want stuff to look better now? Because thats what your asking by not wanting aim dressing.

    Your idea will make some survivors more meta than others because of their hitbox sizes and will just limit more of the devs creative freedom.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    What about dome hitboxes on a foreign server for Xbox Australia? Think you neglect that existence.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620


    I think you need to see how Deathslinger gameplay looks like lol.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    yess adjust hit boxes theyre too wide

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Then balance it with different stats. Make survivors actually be unique instead of reskins so people will be just as hyped for a new survivor as they are for new killers.Make the large survivors slower with a larger hitbox, but then buff them with increase repair or action speed, Then give smaller survivors smaller hitbox with faster speed, but they can't repair as fast. It would give the game so much more repeatability.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    D/c survivors set to increase?

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372
    edited February 2020

    In fact, it’s hard for Deathslinger to hit a survivor with a harpoon, much harder than for Huntress. If only because the harpoon has a small hitbox. Huntress just needs to reduce hitboxes of axes and everything will be fine.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Huntress can hit surviviors better than Deathslinger ONLY because hatchet hitbox is too big. If it was smaller, then it would be the same.

  • Anverto
    Anverto Member Posts: 32

    What most people don't realise is that most of these issues all come down to the Dedicated Servers being bad. And them publicly saying that 150ms is a "pretty good ping" either means that they have no idea what they're talking about or they think everyone is stupid enough to believe that so they won't have to improve the servers. The "short test" is running for several months now and I don't think there are any people that, in hindsight, prefer these dedicated servers over the old P2P way of playing. Not only hitboxes but several bugs occur only because of the server desynch (like Nurse not being able to blink/swing sometimes).

    Anyways, I agree that Huntress Hatchets should have a smaller hitbox, that way hits don't look as bullshitty and you can even do more shots through stuff. Also, on Dedicated Servers Deathslinger should have a slightly bigger hitbox with his harpune than he currently has on PTB.

  • Anverto
    Anverto Member Posts: 32

    I saw the stream and that has nothing to do with the hits that happen because of Dedicated Servers. Things like Hatchets hitting the Survivor, the blood splashes, THEN the Dead Hard animation starts and the Survivor is still up and running. Sure, the hitboxes do work like they said but most problems lead back to Dedicated Servers. They also vastly increased the amount of false hits that happen. They would fix so many problems by just bringing back P2P imo.

    But I guess the discussion about Servers belongs into a different thread.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Servers definitely play a part in these wierd hits, but as I explained above, hitboxes are flawed so much that there are wierd hits even at 0 latency.

    Devs say that they cant fix lags, so it has to stay as it is for a while, but they could fix hitboxes if they wanted.

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    It's not hitboxes, it's hit dressing. Imagine making a FPS character and you have this bad of hitbox/lag. Can't wait for this dumpsterfire to go live.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    Hitboxes are fine to me. You must have a bad internet connection.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Aim Dressing exists solely to make bad hitboxes look acceptable. So yes, its hitboxes fault

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Nah, hitboxes do not work with Deathslinger at all, even if the target is standing still. This has nothing to do with lag.

    Look at this image and imagine what would happen if you tried to shoot right arm/side of the claudette. Or if you "missed" her head

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    That's a dedicated server issue, and it's hit Xbox users harder than any other platform. Not just us in Kangaroo Land.

  • Fickta
    Fickta Member Posts: 41

    Yea hit boxes are great. I love getting hit by a killer 3 ft over a pallet, through a wall or after I’ve clearly rounded a corner. Super fun. There’s no reason BHVR can’t use accurate hit boxes. It’s laziness.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    You can't do that because then that would create one or two survivors that would always be the meta and you would never see the others in a match ever again.

  • Rothul
    Rothul Member Posts: 72

    I swear they will always say that the hitboxes are fine even tho are not! I wish they didn't change the hitboxes because some years ago they were actually really good. But since they added auto aim and all, and then added dedicated servers you get hit from miles away which is stupid

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    so you admit the hitboxes are not necessary to be super accurate, so that would leave plenty of wild unfair hits... so I would say in fact your hitboxes are not fine, and they need fixed

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It's less hitboxes and more killer ping and dedicated servers

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Accurate hitboxes ("pixel perfect sirvivor models or slightly bigger") will extremely skew the balance towards survivors, especially when injured, as any melee attack would need to be inititated at a far shorter distance to hit.

    Not saying projectiles couldnt use accurate hitboxes, but survivors dont wanna see the consequences of accurate melee hitboxes.

    There'd be massive compensations in basic killer mechanics needed if melee hitboxes were to change.

    Really spooky example:

    • All killers faster by default, short weapon killers even faster.
    • Or worse, all survivors slower.
  • kennupennu
    kennupennu Member Posts: 1

    if you think so you are part of the problem with this game, ######### community. I just made a account to say this to u. If u cant see that the killers knives, weapons, etc arent hitting the player model but still get injured or downed, you are officially the most ######### ######### guy on earth. Please everyone stfu and game... fix the hitboxes.

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    I don't think you understand how much that would break the game lol

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Ur totally right. But I been hit by the huntress hatchet thru wooden walls before. I was clearly on the other side of the wall and the hatchet went thru the door and Bam, I got hit.

    Even the killer told me that shouldn't of been a hit, but who cares...

    It happened at the killer shack. While I think most hitboxes should favor killer, too many times the huntress hatchet had extremely broken hitboxes.

  • CrossMode
    CrossMode Member Posts: 20

    "we have a problem, but not so bad problem, if we gonna fixed it, we have a new problem... so... deal with"

    Arrogant and disrespectful idea.

  • People are saying hitboxes are not broken but I have actually video proof of it being ridiculous. And so do many different YouTubers. You can literally look up clips of hitboxes being broken. Idk why people say they aren't.

  • RabidMeg
    RabidMeg Member Posts: 4

    Actually I'd like to see some of this proof you speak of. I tried to search for it just now and all I found was countless videos/post of how bad the hitboxes are.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    maybe they are just using call of duty's wonderful net code...

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i get hit by michael myers when his knife is 3 feet away, same goes for the huntress, and legion, and ghostface, and freddy, OK ALL OF THE KILLERS

  • The one thing I want them to fix; that I don't think is even related to latency- is the fact that if you vault a window and there is a drop you can be hit substantially later than you can be hit from any other window.

    Best way I can describe it is that if you vault a window from say the second story of a building; you can still be hit even if you are here for example:

    It will do this 100% of the time regardless of the connection quality. If you swing you'll hit them well after they have fallen because the game treats it like it's a normal window you are just...on the other side of.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    It definitely isn't the latency, it has always happened and can be seen on both the killer and survivor. This seriously can't be too hard to fix but nothing has been done about it, all maps don't have any place where this can happen but high windows are getting more common with new maps

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    People who keep saying that the hitboxes are fine are mostly killer mains (especially huntress mains), so of course they don't want them to be fixed: the broken hitboxes give them so many free hits!

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    oh the hitboxes are really bad. not going to lie. like... atrocious and there to give bad players the upperhand. Sucks when someone skilled abuses how bad they are

    very skilled at both killer and survivor. It's annoying to go against and it's funny when I know I shouldnt have hit something

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    The only hitboxes that really need to be addressed are Huntress's hatchets, I honestly think they are way to forgiving, there are plenty of times I see the hatchet very clearly miss the survivor but I still hit them anyway, and I know for a fact on their screen it was even further away. I believe they buffed it a while back when they added dedicated servers, I do think that should be undone though. Her hatchets being just a bit larger than Slinger's shot would be fair, but the trucks she throws are just silly.

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