This forum is so biased towards killers



  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You missed the fact that I said its licensed.

    Even if it takes 20 seconds, if the creators aren't happy it won't go through.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    lmao dude, I am not the one uttering the exact same arguments without second thought and playing victim just to prove my point, not sure who are you trying to call desperate.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited February 2020

    I'm calling the guy who has an issue with me, having an issue with the devs, desperate. Who the ######### cares if I have an issue with them?

    You are not going to convenience me these devs care about quality in their game.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Fine, maybe not haddonfield.

    Doesn't explain the rest of the ######### non-licensed maps.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Sounds about right. I think what you don’t realize is that killers in this game are insanely OP. Killers have Plenty of speed. Plenty of ways to do gen control WITHOUT killing people. You guys are so worried about getting kills. You should be satisfied with 1-2 per game. If you’re getting whole teams of 4 consistently as I’ve seen playing with randoms then there’s a problem. Wraith has ability to go invisible without a heartbeat indicator and has a perk that can hit faster out of uncloaking. How is that not excessive? How do you think people playing survivor feel having only LB/RB interactions with 5 long noisy generators and nothing else to do. Sounds more like a chore than having fun. It’s really fun to be a killer whether you get 0,1,2,3 or 4 kills. Killers walk out with so many points more than survivors at the end of a match that feels unbalanced. How about being the first one that goes out because killer spawned right next to you and there’s a lack of pallets around you? How is that fun? Please tell me. Being survivor feels like a chore. Don’t complain because survivors want to actually survive. That’s 4 OUT OF 5 people in the lobby that aren’t having fun if you’re slaying 4 people with ease. Nah I want a refund. Friday 13th is so much more fun to die in 😂 at least I don’t have to wait in the lobby finding a game for an hour just to die moments after spawning in from the killer because he’s right next to me. I shouldn’t have to use an offering to have my personal space. Perks feel useless for the most part and don’t give match duration effects like they should. If they do it’s very limited And requires specific killer or specific events to take place for it to be effective. That’s nonsense. Killers are lucky survivors can’t fight back why are they complaining about stuns/perks that require very specific things to happen to even be able to use them? Why can’t I find a bat with limited uses on it so the game becomes more interesting in terms of getting away once INEVITABLY getting found? A bat that you’d have to find In a chest? Something to make the game more fun... id like to have those “screw you killer” Moments during chases besides stupid pallets that apparently legion can slide over like a survivor can 😂 Ridiculous. Range on window hits - FIX THAT . I just don’t find getting ONE hit any fun. Nor window hit while trying to vault through it. Going into a game to push LB and RB a bunch of times and die. Just give more ways that Someone can shake a killer. Maybe put more hiding places in if my life is so valuable as a survivor that I’m only getting hooked once in most matches and getting camped on. Killer rakes in blood points , rinse and repeat.

  • That's because from early on killers have been conditioned to feel that 4k is normal. They forget that survivors are human players too.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Gen speed should remain the way it is now if not faster . There ARE FIVE of them to do and they make noise, there are killer perks that allow you to see survivors on them. There aren’t even that many generators to control and they are HIGHLIGHTED for you. What more do you want? If anything gen speeds need to be faster. Maybe gen repair boost while killer hook camps how about that? Are these just Entitled killers that feel like they should be able to kill everyone every game? Jesus. If your gens are being popped that fast and you didn’t get anyone then you are really bad 😂 if you get ONLY one, then just be happy with that. You don’t need to get everyone. Survivors don’t get many points if you do. My vote - increase gen speeds as penalties for killer hook camping

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Unhappy killer mains, and the same usual suspects of survivor mains who are too green to be able to dodge a Hillbilly and want him nerfed.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Because those streamers are skilled players playing against the same survivors everybody else is fighting.

    90% of the time it doesn't matter how overpowered the survivors are because the players piloting them are just trash.

    The other 10% of the time, the survivors know how to play the game, and as a result not only does the killer lose, they lose without ever having had the chance to win.

    That is what we're complaining about. The devs balance around players who aren't good, which means that those players don't need to improve and that the players who have improved to a certain level more or less just auto-win.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    The way you complain about killers being OP and stating things about wraith, which isn't even considered a high tier killer is just telling of the fact you need to get better skills as a survivor. I doubt any experienced survivors will go through this banter about killers this and that because they can 1v1 most killers unless the player has much better skills than he has, or he was caught off guard in a dead zone.

    Most survivors you will encounter (with experience) can prolong a chase for so much time the match is already won by the time he is caught, popping between 2-3 gens IF the killer doesnt change targets fast enough and desist on the chase.

    The reason you will mostly see killers talking in the Forums along with survivors with low experience is what makes it look as the thread asked, that the forum is skewed. Killers will complain because they know for a fact, from statistic (not personal experience only) that the game isnt ballanced for them against experienced survivors. And right now killers even on yellow and green ranks will face Red ranks all the time which will make them even more vocal in their complaints with reason.

    The survivors you will mostly see on this forums COMPLAINING about ballance are mostly inexperienced, having trouble on yellow or green ranks. Others you will see are mostly trolls or elitists that think their experience dictates what the game is or what it should be, when the devs need to look at statistical data, not their feelings.

    ( Most recent data sheet I know. Cant find anything else in the forum.

    Post edited by Chekita on
  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Of course the forum is biased towards killers.

    That's what happens when the devs are biased towards survivors and, unlike Reddit, the numbers of the survivor playerbase can't downvote vocal killers into oblivion for saying that "this obviously overpowered thing is overpowered."

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Wait Reddit is full of survivors?

    I feel like I've seen the complete opposite.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    if You want to slow the game down do it the right way, not by lowering gen speeds 😂 you’re just basically giving killers more time to kill everyone when they already have plenty. Like I said they should only really be happy getting 1-2 a game. I’m upset at the fact that my experience playing starting out I see all 3 other teammates going down and backing out before a gen pops. It’s ridiculous how is that fun? I just sat in a lobby queued up for like an hour to see this? 😂 dying and leaving with 5K bloodpoints? Killer has 25K? What the hell.... or the fact that I’m left with 5 noisy generators last alive... I think hatch needs to be highlighted for me at that point 😂 ridiculous. Never do I ever want to feel like I paid money for a game where frustrations set in about my opponent just being able to do WAY too much to find me. Don’t call it hide and seek if I can’t hide 😂 get good? No... make the perks better. Make the killer have less melee range. He doesn’t need to be smashing people down into the earth in one hit or once I’ve Vaulted through a window.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Pick wraith right now, 50 games rank1, all have to be 4ks in a row. Stream it, i will watch. Since wraith is so op, no addons, no perks allowed. Deal?

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Reddit is full of Shitposters and not much else.

    Anybody trying to discuss gameplay usually gets kept in low upvote ranges due to survivor downvote bombing.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    ruin was worthless at high level play anyway. good players power through it easy or cleanse it quick

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Impeccable melee range killers have.. absolutely astonishing. Almost makes it not fun. Killers need a good nerf if anything . I’m not spending a dollar on this game until i see it happen. When I first saw this game I thought, well that looks scary. After getting it I realized rather than getting scared I get frustrated (other than Craping myself after Setting off a hag trap 😂 or panicking while making 1000 attempts to get out of a trappers trap - odds are low - give survivors better chances of removing the trap as the killer already has a lot of traps and they notify him once it goes off... what more do you really need? I shouldn’t feel as though I should just let the killer take me after stepping in one, you’re LITERALLY preventing a player from playing your game)

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    its subjective sort of, the main issue is, it now provides great killers with free regression but really bad killers get nothing out of it. all in all it kinda helped but not in the sense that it should of imo

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    I like this challenge. I would say you can even tone it down and the person that complained about wraith will never do it. Just video 15 games where you faced red ranks without using Mori (he can use any addons) and he will probably get massacred in at least half or more of those games and stop trolling around saying the killer is OP.

    I can do very well with wraith against inexperienced survivors, but so using most killers. That's probably why this person thinks very killer needs nerf. Either that or he is simply trolling.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    another killer main. Look at them coming out the woodworks to defend their territory lmaooo. No... I know I’m not wrong here when I say that regardless of my experience which... I believe I’ve seen everything there is to see. I don’t need to use perks 5000 times to know who they counter or what they do. Because the way I see it, there are a lot of survivor perks that just don’t do enough to fill the standards of what these types of survival games need. Not pallet looping. I don’t need to be rank 1 to see that this game has many things that need fixing on the killer side. I don’t need to play 5000 games to see that when the killer swings at a vault window it absolutely demolishes anything on the other side of it. If I vault through a window the killer should have to go through it or around before landing a hit.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited February 2020

    TrueTalent doesn't play perfectly every game and still 4ks while getting close to max points.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I still don’t see why people complain about survivor perks “costing” them kills because it allowed them to escape your grasp. Survivor perks are too situational which makes them not as good as you think. It’s not like the stuns are really that long anyways. In a game where killers have speed, melee range that seems godly, one hit downs, I think killers are too strong actually. Survivors can’t fight back so why are you mad they have the ability to escape you after fulfilling specific requirements ? Nonsense. So, you think Killers should just be able to slay all 4 every match as soon as you inevitably find someone? No... I think more lone survivability/stealth options needs to be made available or just all around improved for survivors. More hiding Places rather than obvious lockers, more stun options. Those are all valid things that keep the chase going and fun, NOT looping killers. That’s not why I paid money for a video game 😂 the killer is fast as hell anyways so that shouldn’t be a thing. Stuns are a key component in these types of video games. Not enough available imo. Pocket knives and baseball bats please 😊

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Why do you ignore my challenge? Go on dude, killers so op, make the challenge and show everybody. Back up your trashtalk which just screams in experienced noob who has no clue of the game.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited February 2020

    The game might get better because of the Ruin changes. Ruin covered up a lot of problems with the game. It was most likely changed because of new players as well. I think most of us did adapt to it. I rarely seen any threads talking about ruin.  I think survivors that knew how to play did not have much of a problem with Ruin. It just made the game so damn boring looking for Ruin every single game.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Probably it can be toned down but I wanna see him suffer. Would be fun. Everybody demand the video from the clown @BulletsNonstop

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Too bad you get called out for your bullshit, now back it up unless you can not which we all know is exactly the case.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    What a predicament. Here my survivor games are boring because all the generators are completed in less than 4 mins. The only time they are not is when everyone royally ######### ups.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Watched videos of new sabo. The killer has gotten several hooks on non basement hooks. Watch videos of current sabo. Killer next to never gets a single hook on a non basement hook and almost never even gets a basement hook. Both no mither SWF.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    no clue of the game huh? I’m absolutely sure you are wrong. I know that being a survivor consists of a bunch of LB and RB interactions with generators and chests. And that the loop here is to have the right combination of perks. That’s what keeps people wanting more. I get it. After analyzing everything I still have come to the conclusion that Something about killers reach is intolerable and certain combinations just simply shouldn’t exist. You sound like an angry child who has completely lost his or her temper after playing against some good survivors that showed you up 🤣

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    This thread has lost its purpose and just become a series of people attacking one another.

    Keep in mind others are allowed to have a different opinion and it's good to discuss with someone with a different point of view, but if you turn that in a series of attacks and insults because the other person doesn't share your particular view, then the discussion loses purpose.

This discussion has been closed.