This entire update was bad for killer

Yea we have the mori thing which is already bad they reverted changes to yellow flashlight but now the locker blocking makes the twins sorta bad I haven't tested the twins yet but with the wording up to 10s makes it seem like they can get out quicker than 10 s not to mention the 3s where you can't move so it's more like 7s or less
Think about all the time you have to capitalize on iron maiden.... now realize you have less than half that time to capitalize on victor trapping a locker.
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Also,other survivors seem to be able to kick victor while he's blocking the locker
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Is.... that a glitch or intended?
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I think it is intended.
You can see that red glow on victor when he's blocking the locker which indicates that you should be able to kick him
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Not to mention the nerfed/buffed hoarder more range removed less chance for good items so yay more chance for keys
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Victor cannot be kicked or interacted with (except than the Survivor inside the locker) while he is on the locker. It is also full 10 sec. lower than this, is a bug. Yes we counted the 3sec wake up of the killer when we decided on the 10 sec. It might feel as a conservative value but its a new feature and was not on the PTB so we do not know how this feature will really affect the gameplay yet. If it requires a buff, we will readjust.
Also, Victor locker check was never approached as a sure grab, so its totally ok that the Survivor can still escape under certain conditions. If Survivor would know that its a 100% bad outcome, they would simply not use the locker.
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Except that it locks them into place for 10 seconds so you know where they'll be and even if you don't get to the locker in time you still have a headstart. I mean how long did you honestly think the devs were going to make it so survivors literally couldn't do anything? 20 seconds? 30?
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This Victor update is so bad. 10 seconds is nothing considering that most of the chases you are going to be using Victor from the other side of the map. Not only that, but it simply conflicts with the Twins playstyle. Everyone has been just unbinding Victor and letting him go on a rampage, only returning to Charlotte when her brother gets crushed or attached to someone. People do this to avoid the ridiculously slow process of going from point A to B to grab and hook the survivor. Having Victor hold the locker instead of hitting the survivor inside of it just breaks the entire momentum. This makes entering a locker a viable strategy to counter the Twins which is simply absurd. Lockers should be used as high risk high reward stealth not as straight up protection from a chase.
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Thank you very much for the feedback .You should be more often on this forum :)
When i was using Charlotte to grab the survivor out of the locker victor was blocking i noticed that red glow on him and assumed that you would be able to kick him because that is usually the indicator that you can.
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12-14s something for the amount of time it takes to cross half the map after the wake up because certain maps like swamp or huntress map are huge and can take between around 15 to 25s to get across depending on rng and if they are out by the time I get there I'm a m1 killer or body blocker hag at that point I could play trapper and have simmlar results
And thank you for clarifying janick the wording ( up to 10s) made it sound like they could get out quicker and I do agree it is a new feature but It dosent seem like it will work
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I think you mean under 'most' conditions.
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So this whole update was bad for killer was it?
I guess ormand was never nerfed into the ground, or opression wasn't released, or the twins who are insane at camping and slugging were never released. Ruin undying ofcourse isn't in the game anymore cause why would it be right?
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And how about the way hoarder already a weak borderline useless perk now literally benefits the survivors? You want to nerf something nerf Object of obsession! You know that perk that literally breaks several killers and completely removes any semblance of fun from the game?
Or how about doing something about keys soon and not two years down the line? Yeah Mori's needed a nerf but only when keys get the same treatment!
But back to the topic at hand 10 seconds is obviously nowhere near enough time as if Charlotte isn't already close to the locker you get nothing and have wasted considerable time during which the survivors will have no pressure at all on any of them.
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The mori thing was necessary. & tbf Victor moves 150% faster than a survivor and his pounces are pretty easy to land, so I get why lockers aren't a guaranteed down.
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Thank you for being the only dev, I've seen in months; actually comment on an issue and address it. Even if it isn't what people want to hear or agree with; this is the first time in a while I've seen ANY bridge of communication and it is appreciated.
There are so many more that could use a reply.... If you guys can't make the time, I wish you could hire a community manager who can relay information and respond to people; because right now having ZERO communication is the single biggest problem with BHVR.
Anyways again, thank you.
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Screaming your list of grievances at devs every time they actually show up is probably not that productive.
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It’s to emphasise the fact that The Twins shouldn’t be used in a way where Victor is taken incredibly far from Charlotte.
A player shouldn’t be putting them on opposite sides of the map from each other.
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plus it's a free iron maiden that holds the guy there for you, sparing a perk slot. this isn't a bad part of the patch for killers actually, and is fairer for both sides as well as probably fun in that it hopefully won't be so buggy and lead to bs situations that have you wanting to throw your router out the window.
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What change to flashlight did they revert
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I mean, autohaven and ormond are basically gimmies now, so not really?
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I'd be down for an object nerf once ruin undying gets nerf and pallets get buffed from being almost totally unusuable, you see where this goes right?
Strong stuff on both sides, don't act like it's just survivors.
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Wasn't aware I'd ever interacted with the devs 🤔
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nvm didn't see the dev post
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I use him to track gens getting fixed before switching and controlling him again, it's really good with her silencing cloth add on!!
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Ah yes undying ruin. That combo that requires two perks just to benefit from the effect of one as well as good map rng and can still be completely countered 10 seconds in by spawning right on top of the totems having a map, small game, detective's hunch, or simply not being blind.
Meanwhile object is only countered by the otherwise useless third seal offers free zero counterplay information for an entire swf prevents multiple killers from even having a power (Trapper Demo Hag Freddy) all but guarantees that none of your swf will EVER be caught unawares allows you to run around maps like Midwich without ever being in the killers hit range and kills any fun in playing killer...
Yeah they're sooo very similar.
Then let's look at survivors meta perks. DS can win a game with no other perks needed.
Borrowed time can win a game with no other perks needed.
Adrenaline can win a game with no other perks needed.
I could go on but if you don't get the point already then you never will.
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They always nerf killers they never make anything harder for survivors because the devs kiss all the survivors asses. Why not nerf these crutch perk using survivors. Thanks for making it harder for killers yet again to just have fun with something.
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Why the hell shouldn't it be a sure grab?
Lockers aren't bunkers.
Lockers are death traps that provide the potential of a stealth play with the downside of immediate death if you get found out.
If they're jumping into a locker in the killer's face, that should be suicide.
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Lol, your entire point circles around "keep going through" mentality.
It's not like you have other 3 survivors to hunt while unhooked person is on the DS timer.
It's not like you have a second person who just unhooked survivor that is likely to have BT.
It's not like Adrenaline by itself is idle and activates only after every gen is finished, making it extremely situational.
You complain at the fact, that you can not bruteforce your gameplay go win, instead of thinking ahead and planning your actions. Yes, some perks or perk combinations make it easier to survive, but you don't need perks to survive and you make it sound as if these noted ones make survivors invincible.
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10 seconds is simply way too short. Honestly, the whole locker situation was handled much better before this patch.
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Lol, your entire point is basically a "keep going through" mentality.
It's not like you have other three survivors to hunt down, while unhooked one is on a DS timer.
It's not like you still have other 2 and another one person, unhooking the last one and likey to have BT on him. Surely an aggressive or close to you save doesn't mean they have it.
It's not like Adrenaline idling in your load out until the last gen is complete, making it a very situational and easily expected perk to fight against.
It's not like person with an object can be dealt with before taking on another three.
And so on, and so on, and so on...
You are complaining, because you refuse to think ahead and try to plan your actions. Instead you expect to bruteforce every game and then complain, making survivors to look like they are invincible just because of a perk or some perk combinations. Funny enough, I never had any problems you describe through my 1.3 k hours of gameplay in dbd.
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You make it sound as though I claimed they have no counterplay. I never said that. The only perk that is true for is OoO.
What I did say is they are strong on their own and need no other perk to prop them up. Undying ruin requires two perks one of which is there entirely to prop up the other and that is why undying ruin is perfectly fine. Something that absolutely cannot be said for OoO.
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Dev's don't care about the Killer base. It's gonna suck when I stop streaming their game, or answering their promotions if it keeps up any longer.
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Something about the accuracy being less than the others idk what it dose because I haven't used them since they started changing with them but it might of been noticable if they stated it as not a bug fix
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Let me just say this:
hiding in locker against victor now is way better than getting down.
So victor can't go for teammate for more pressure.
There is no incentive to stop people going in lockers, and its certainly a downside for the killer.
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That's part of the issue because even if you are near down someone gets kicked and the only way to play them effectively is like hag put vic under hook guaranteed down on unhooked kicked hit the other person down after a year repeat not much fun for both players
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Yea I never really get a comment from a dev so Its nice to see that they read posts
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This hot xif 4.0.1 not the last one the last one was sorta useless love the map rework tho
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"Victor locker check was never approached as a sure grab, so its totally ok that the Survivor can still escape under certain conditions. If Survivor would know that its a 100% bad outcome, they would simply not use the locker."
Survivors have been using lockers against Killers despite risking getting grabbed since the beginning of the game. Lockers were clearly designed to hardcore punish Survivors should they be grabbed in them. Survivors have attempted to juke a Killer in the middle of a chase by hopping into a locker for years despite knowing a mistake will get them grabbed. Why do they get a free pass when it's Victor?
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I feel like the current 10s of being held inside the locker isn't good enough, but instead of increasing the time the survivor is held in a locker, perhaps it could be buffed by marking the survivor with Killer Instinct for a few seconds after they're freed from the locker, that way even if you can't get to the locker they were trapped in before they leave you can at least get an idea as to where they went.
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Can the 2 children stop complaining about ooo I never have many issues when. There's a ooo unless its paired with empathy and its s swf
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You have to understand something OP. We are far past the days of killers like Spirit & Nurse. I didn't buy this killer, or any killer past Clown/Spirit because I saw the trend. I saw the bait and switch tactics. Have you noticed EVERY KILLER RELEASED SINCE SPIRIT HAS BEEN NERFED IN A WEEK AFTER RELEASE?
Every single one has. This killer was so terrible and unfinished, it needed a fix... But the fix is a nerf lol. Again, I'm not upset and mean no disrespect. I've simply learned my lesson.
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@Janick The issue is there are too many lockers in the game. It also defeats the purpose of Twins being a killer that is in two places at once. The change artificially limits the range that victor can be used similar to the Hag Phantasm traps where going too far out with victor is irrelevant and it reduces interaction that killer has with a survivor as lockers instantly win against victor without input from the killer(a problem stated in PTB). Overall it promotes killer to play excessively defensive with little to no interest in playing offensive. The previous change was a better compromise as it gave killer an opportunity to attack the survivor and the survivor the opportunity to counter-attack victor.
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Today i've played with the Twins in "The Game". Adam jumped in a locker on the first floor and Victor hold it, when i switched back to Charllote I was right above the locker, but by the time i got there he was gone already and far AF. Unfortunatelly i'm not playing Twins anymore. Back to Oni it is.
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So ur complaining about the hotfix which just made some small QOL changes?
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Unless Charlotte is litterally right next to you, there's no reason to try to dodge Victor if you're injured now. You just go in a locker. Not only do you take victor off the map, you force Charlotte to come to you. Its 100% upside for the survivor and no downside. In fact, even if Charlotte is right next to you, you should still go in a locker because it will force them to stop slugging to come pick you out of the locker.
Slugging was one of two viable strats for the Twins pre-patch, and now that Victor can't slug anywhere in the vicinity of a locker, the only remaining strategy is to just hide Victor near a hooked survivor and camp.
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If gif you think ruin undying is fine and doesn’t win games for killers with ease and make beating killers extremely hard, then come vs my ruin undying blight, and bring ur best team along whilst ur at it. I’ve literally gotten 4ks because of ruin undying on blight in tournaments. No survivor perk combination can be said the same for, not even Ds unbreakable.
If ur losing because of borrowed or Ds or adrenaline, then you need to shake up ur game play. All of those perks are extremely situation and require the killer to be committing to some sort of tunnel or camp play to work. There are plenty of ways to avoid those perks, which can not be said for ruin undying.
The only argument I accept is ds unbreakable in endgame, but even then you arguably could have avoided getting to there.
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As a lot of people are saying Victor holding down the lock for 10 seconds really isn't enough because waking Charlotte up takes 3 seconds which only gives you a total of 7 seconds to haul your ass where the survivor is and grab them out of the locker which really isn't a lot of time at all especially if they're far away from you.
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I guess you’ll have to tune in to your favorite streamer to learn how to play them then 🤷♀️
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Look at it this way people. The survivors are the bread and butter for BHVR. There are always 4 survivor's to 1 Killer. So the majority will play survivor. Yes, there are people who play both equally. However the survivors get most cosmetics they have the most 2nd chances etc..
They want to cater to them so they can make more money. If you give them what they want they will come back. Make it easier so we can draw more people in. They won't be as frustrated playing survivor. That is their mentality. I can't really blame them.
From a business sense it makes sense. Cater to the majority the rest will just accept it. People complain enough and they will act to keep the numbers up.
I'm disappointed, but im one of the people who just accept it and play. Nothing I can do will change it. Just roll woth the punches. See you guys in the fog.