The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
whilst Consoles are not specifically mentioned these are pertinent issues to consoles.
I will be interested in hearing all your feedback once you've had chance to test the patch out. Please update this thread, if you wouldn't mind - you can also tag me as it's things I'm looking out for specifically.
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Loading into the game my ps4 was quiet until I got to the main menus, once in main menus the fans started going crazy like normal. I was so excited too when at the "press x to continue" screen it was quiet, thought maybe they finally fixed the fans issue.
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Menu looks different too. But fans were always quiet when you first boot up the console. It might be that.
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Anyone has already tested Pinhead yet? I want to know if he's playable on controller or causing hitches before spending my money.
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I will make post on here later today detailing my experience.
I'l try to include some clips as well.
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Thank you.
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My console was already on. Had been using it watch something.
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Then they might changed it which is cool I guess.
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@MandyTalk here's some footage from a single match on Ps4 slim.
Dead Hard seems to be working okay now. Also chases against Pinhead were mostly fine, although I must admit this guy barely used his power.
Destroying a Hex totem used to make the game freeze for 3+ seconds, it didn't happen now.
The only freezes I had in the match were on hooks/unhooks. This one was particularly noticeable, probably due to the amount of status effects on the right.
Will try killer now.
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Can you try dead hard?
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Thats good. Hope they fixed at least that.
I guess Myers isn't fixed right? I mean freezing after tiering up.
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Yeah sorry for being annoying lol. I don't really feel like playing myself atm so I am interested in changes.
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Thank you so much! That's so helpful of you, I really do appreciate that.
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Oops I missed this post somehow. Thank you so much for testing. I am glad dh looks good now. :)
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@MandyTalk unfortunately killer side still needs a lot of improvement. I don't know if it's because RCPD is a super heavy map and Nurse usually causes a lot of freezes, but this match had incredibly poor performance.
Sloppy Butcher lag.
BBQ stack lag.
I don't even know how to explain this one. The flashbang Feng used made me slutter into the stairs and I couldn't move until I blinked out of it.
Unhook lag.
Gen explosion lag.
Unfortunately nobody used Dead Hard on this match so I couldn't record it on the killers' perspective.
Also, off topic, but is Shadowborn bugged? Wasn't the FOV bigger than that on Nurse?
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Getting a ton of sync errors and infinite loading screens.
I literally cannot level up anyone because the game says "Currency sync error" and boots me to the main menu then hits me with the infinite loading screen.
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The loading screen no longer displays particle effects. My console is quiet. I’m gonna cry
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I only had one game and as a survivor but I am honestly surprised. Positively. It is too early to say tho. But they might be on right track finally.
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Is anyone else on PC noticing that their gpu is working harder just to maintain the same graphics settings since the update?
After the update, i now have to lower the graphics settings and resolution to maintain 60 fps, where before I could max it out just fine.
Really disappointing honestly.
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Ugh, c'mon. The overheating issue on the campfire menu/lobby screens is now WORSE. My PS4 Pro's fans immediately go to max. The game spends eons in lobby screens! What the hell am I supposed to do?!
The fans are now silent on the opening splash screen, so that's awesome. It also proves this is something for the devs to fix on their end.
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Guys on ps4 pro. Take this post seriously and listen to your fans. If I didn't read this and TS's thread about it I probably wouldn't notice it soon enough since I always have headphones on.
I will not play dbd unless they revert this and risk my console dying. I never heard fans go this loud in any other game or at all like they did in rift and now in main menu/lobby screens which you can't really avoid and will spend too much time on them.
Be careful. I know I will. Even if the game was runing perfect I would not play it with fans this loud and console going on fire.
Watch out!
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Part of me wondered if they were actually louder on menu/lobby/archives or if I was just thinking that because of how quiet they now are at start and during loading. When I first had the fans be quiet at "press x to continue" I was so hopeful and that hope went away so fast when I heard them jet engine on the menu. I really hope this is something they look into further because the noise is very worrisome.
I played some survivor matches today. Overall the game does feel better than it has the last few months but I'm still getting plenty of freezes. Most freezes are from triggers I could name like unhooks or Sloppy Butcher but I also had some I couldn't pinpoint what they were from - not sure if something happened on other side of map to trigger them or what. Freezes don't feel as harsh as they have been, but killer/map still make a difference in how hard a freeze hits from a triggers like Sloppy and unhook.
Start of session I had a bunch of Pinheads but after like maybe 4 matches no more Pinheads. Had some Nemesis, some Wraith, one Trapper and one Demo. Pinhead I didn't notice any freezes related to his power while playing against him. I did have a few freezes in those matches when no one was near me and couldn't pinpoint cause so can't say if he did/didn't do anything to cause them. Wraith I noticed the most performance issues while playing against him, they were all wearing glowy cosmetics and were on Cronus Prenn or Coldwind maps so not sure if just bad combo of cosmetic and map that made performance worse or if it is Wraith himself that causes more issues. I am interested in playing against a Huntress because performance was terrible for me against her before this patch.
For maps I mostly had Coldwind and Cronus Prenn and they were where I experienced the most performance issues. Had single match each on Haddonfield, Yamoaka, and MacMillan maps - those matches went fairly smooth, only known triggers caused freezes.
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Definitely noticing a drop in quality on PC/Steam. The game chugs along during certain things, usually when a killer picks up a survivor or certain parts of the map. Auto Heaven going through the entrance of the garage once it's open as killer caused some severe frame drop when passing under the flickering lights for example.
Additionally it makes other things chug as well, turning other programs/videos on my other monitor into slideshows.
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Has anyone else gotten stuck at the exit line after the gates? It’s happened to me twice now.
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@MandyTalk since ps4 fans have become quiet during the "press x to continue" and loading screens since the unnecessary fog effect was removed could you suggest maybe removing the fog and unnecessary smokey effects (like on survivor lobby the smokey/sparkly effect in friend spots when not filled) from lobbies as well? *edit: remove from menus and archives too. Just realized I left those out and just said lobbies, my bad.
Post edited by bm33 on8 -
If they just removed the fog altogether entirely it would be better, ik it's supposed to add eerie vibes and make the game darker but honestly it would be a much better game on last gen without all that stuff
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Honestly I'd love for them to remove fog all together because, like luck, it's just useless and the offerings are just wasted BP. Look at this fog on Coldwind, it looks like exhaust from an old crappy city bus. That doesn't make this map look creepy, it just looks crappy.
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Yeah, Shadowborne is bugged and not giving a FOV increase. I heard Monitor and Abuse is also bugged for the same reason on the forums but I dont have confirmation.
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Dead Hard seems to be working okay on killer's perspective. This match was overall better than the one on RCPD, only had very few minor freezes. Maybe it's worth investigating performance issues on that map.
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You’ve got a point here. Loading screens are definitely better but particle effects in lobby or in the rift menu are an useless overheat source.
Another really wonderful feature I have this patch, I can hear footsteps and moaning so clearly now through my headphones. They really nailed it. I’ve never heard any pc streamers talk about it since tuesday so I assume this is how the game is supposed to be. I dont’t talk about the walls bug fixes mentionned in the patch notes, I mean even open spaced sounds. It’s such a gameplay improvements for me as a killer.
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I agree with this so much! The fog in-game looks so silly. It eats resources, it has useless offerings cluttering the Bloodweb, and it looks awful. Seriously, it doesn't look even halfway decent, there is no justification for leaving it in, especially not when it's taxing the hardware.
The fog on the menu/lobby screens and all the visual effects on the Rift/Tome screens need to go. Any effects on those are so nonessential it's baffling that we're even having to discuss this.
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Sadly the fog used to look good, i don't remember in which patch they changed it.
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It was a long time ago.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: I regret not investing a damn good PC. That I regret investing in this game for the old gen PS4 and it shouldn't be that way. Now I'm hearing even really decent PCs is getting a slice of the action... It just ain't right.
As much as I love new content, I'd be 10x happier to be able to actually play it 100% smoothly. I can't remember if I've shared it before but here is what it is like to verse Nemesis on console:
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My game randomly froze and then crashed yesterday, so the crashes might have caught up to the series X now.
I also got a five minute ban over a crash which was… annoying.
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Myers still freezing often when tier 3 pops.
Wonder if I l'll ever be able to play him properly on last gen anymore.
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So I noticed there are some issues with my controller input in matches. At start when I go to run I can't, I just walk slowly until I hit run again. In some chases I'm getting quite a bit of movement issues, like my survivor is drifting to a side instead of running straight or isn't turning when I try to turn. I thought maybe killer was a hacker because it was when he was losing at end of match but it happened again in next match towards end when different killer was losing - it was like the more gens completed the more my survivor wasn't responding well to movement controls. In other games I'm having no controller issues, it's just DBD.
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The fan noise is really an issue that needs to be addressed asap imo; and what I noticed that was strange is that once the match loads and the loading bar is finished, you can clearly hear the fan spin down to a regular speed which it remains at until returning to the lobby screen. So its stressing the console more in the lobby than in a match??
The freezes have all but gone for me, none on hooking, Dead Hard, Sloppy Butcher, Ruin etc - slight hitch sometimes on an unhook or the first time you use an action. Its as if it doesn't load things until its used and needs to, then once its loaded once it runs fine but you get a hitch when it access stuff initially.
This update has honestly fixed more than I was expecting and I have to say I'm impressed, even though there is still a lot that needs to be done.
My biggest issue and always has been is the really low base FPS which makes first person games in particular feel awful and difficult to play\control.
Its been difficult to test things so far as the new killer means queues are really long to play the side with the most impactful issues; and when I have got a game my MMR\rank is so low because I haven't been able to play since the Nemesis DLC\updates, that I'm playing people who aren't really playing well and that is where the issues are most apparent, when every little thing that costs you a few seconds can lose the game.
I still think the best solution for me is to drop all the fancy graphic\textures\lighting etc that are the most resource hungry and less impactful to gameplay to bare minimum so we can instantly improve FPS; then I would look to optimise things and slowly reintroduce things to push the hardware and see where the limit is while still retaining the most important thing - how smooth the game feels to play. Its 2021 and I don't feel the base FPS is reasonable, even if the PS4 version was running like it does but on some handheld device.
I've been playing Aliens Fireteam which is the first game made by the studio, cost £35 brand new at launch, and runs smooth as butter while looking great and having a reasonable amount of AI enemies on screen. I just can't see a reason DbD runs so bad in comparison to most other games, especially with the money earned and time spent on it.
I really strongly feel that BHVR could do with at least 1 person there who plays on the older consoles and can offer insight into small changes that would massively improve console QoL. Controller acceleration options and dead zone settings for example are still bafflingly absent.
Overall though I'm surprised and impressed with this patch, its done a lot more than I expected from what I've experienced so far.
Edit to add its definitely killer\map dependent, just had a horrible game as Pyramid on Yamaoka Temple where I got really bad freezing when trying to use the power, and a choppy framerate in general that game making basic control of the character a real challenge.
I think Spirit as a killer is fine and maybe the Midwich School map that was causing the general low FPS I was feeling on my previous match.
Post edited by DarKStaR350z on3 -
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This happen to me in every match mostly and I play on PC.
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At least I can play some Piggy :). She works fine for me.
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I thought I could still play if I don't hang out too long in menu/lobbies. Then I had to get something from the bloodweb for a minute, and just touched my ps4 pro out of curiosity.
I nearly burned my hand, not even exaggerating.
Dangerous game playing dbd since the update. I should probably try to control my urges and play other games until they do something.
But it is hard.
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Did they fix some performance issues in the last patch? Played again on my Xbox One and it was actually very smooth most of the time (just a few hiccups every now and then). I haven't looked at the patch notes yet.
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I don’t know if it’s just me but the game seems to playing worse on my series x since the update.
Wednesday I crashed and got a DC penalty.
Last night I played 3 games but only got to play one. Game 1 the killer crashed instantly.
Game 2 I got half a game, and then the killer crashed, but I somehow got a DC penalty.
Game 3 I actually got to play. I can’t see me playing for much longer if these are how the games are going to go.
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Okay. Here's my post-patch analysis.
Dead Hard can still freeze the game. It's about 80% fixed, I would say. As seen here, it will still freeze your game.
There are also unbreakable pallets on the game, but that's less of an optimization issue.
I also got a hacker when my Crossplay was turned off, so watch out for that everyone.
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After 5.2 is the performance again really horrible on Nintendo Switch. Feels like you are playing again with 20-25 FPS. Before the update everything works fine because of reduced graphics.
5.2 is a step into the wrong direction. Or maybe 2 steps.
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I feel like Ormond is a map that enhances the performance issues. I had a match against a Clown there running Sloppy and both myself and my swf teammate were experiencing a 1-2 second freeze just before the hit actually connected - was like the game knew the hit would connect but was freezing to load up the status effect. Sloppy is bad on any map but it's terrible on maps like Ormond that have increased performance issues.
Same clown was also finding people without any sort of informational perk. He was finding players hidden in areas he shouldn't have seen or heard them, sometimes going straight for them across map after a hook like he was running BBQ. Hoping he was just very lucky at finding people and not hacking.
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Sloppy is pretty awful, I've found it to be the worst on the Crotus Prenn maps tho. Probably cuz of all the smoke and particle effects
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Sloppy is such a drag on performance for both sides that I haven't run it for over a year. Sad we have to decide between frames and perks, especially the known trigger ones that have been with us for many a patch.