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Idea: show to everyone how many totems are left



  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Yeah , let every survivor see how many totems are left so they won't have to worry about NOED in the end.
    Bad idea.

  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Radiant said:
    They are just 5 totems, no need to do that even for solos.

    but if your in solos, how would you know if all 5 totems are cleansed

    if i want to nullify a noed in advance, I usually go around the map: broken ones are pretty visible.
    time consuming but can be worth it.

  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274

    @Radiant said:
    They are just 5 totems, no need to do that even for solos.

    but if your in solos, how would you know if all 5 totems are cleansed

    Mate its useless to discuss here, some people are so dumb, it's ridiculous. They want that every single solo survivor runs around the map to watch out carefully about every totem. And destroyed totems are harder to see, so you need even waste more time to count all 5. Imagine all 4 solo survivors do that just to pretend noed. Guess what, noed wouldn't matter anymore at this point cuz it would be 4k. 
    People here can't balance the game.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Unless you have haunted grounds, then there are 7.

    I don't know where you got this information, but it's not true. Totems are always 5.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    White_Owl said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Unless you have haunted grounds, then there are 7.

    I don't know where you got this information, but it's not true. Totems are always 5.

    "Two trapped Hex Totems will spawn in the Trial."
    It reads like 2 extras will spawn. 
    If I'm wrong, then so be it.
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Radiant said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Radiant said:
    They are just 5 totems, no need to do that even for solos.

    but if your in solos, how would you know if all 5 totems are cleansed

    if i want to nullify a noed in advance, I usually go around the map: broken ones are pretty visible.
    time consuming but can be worth it.

    THATS THE POINT, ffs TIME CONSUMING, that prevents survivors from doing gen rushing, just so no gens are done, and some survivors either have been hooked once or twice because of it

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    As I always suggest, think before posting. Like probably the Deva do, and other devs for other games as well, think to an idea and imagine how can be abuse

    Its an online game, if was offline okay but if its a PvP game, even if asymmetrical, think how people can abuse a mechanic. Because, guess what, its what people do in every single online (and offline) game
  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    Malakir said:

    As I always suggest, think before posting. Like probably the Deva do, and other devs for other games as well, think to an idea and imagine how can be abuse

    Its an online game, if was offline okay but if its a PvP game, even if asymmetrical, think how people can abuse a mechanic. Because, guess what, its what people do in every single online (and offline) game
    Maybe you should think first lol. "Abuse" lmao there is nothing to abuse with that.
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Killers already have it rather rough as is once you get out of rank 10 - 20, and of the many aspects that are weak about them Totems are high up on that list. You have to realize that when you cleanse a Hex Totem you're destroying an entire perk from that Killer, that's one fourth of their power. Simply put, with how long it takes to cleanse a totem (14 seconds, with Thrill of the Hunt and 5 totems it's 18.2 seconds) they are rather vulnerable, especially when you can't exactly camp your Totem unless you're the Hag and even then if the Survivor has a brain they'll just crouch up to it.

    If you were to show Survivors how many Totems are left by default this would weaken them even more and completely take the edge off them once they see that number hit zero. Survivors who might have been keeping an eye out for them despite them having all been cleansed would now stop looking and caring about them, and while that sounds like an obvious and positive thing from a logic standpoint it actually would negatively impact Killers.

    I have my own ideas on how Totems could work better over at if you want to take a look, an inane idea but one that would fix two issues in one fell swoop. I might even agree to your Totem counter if these changes were made as it would have some relevance in keeping track of them.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    White_Owl said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Unless you have haunted grounds, then there are 7.

    I don't know where you got this information, but it's not true. Totems are always 5.

    "Two trapped Hex Totems will spawn in the Trial."
    It reads like 2 extras will spawn. 
    If I'm wrong, then so be it.

    you are, it spawns two trapped totems, 5-2=3, 3 totems left for use, when the haunted grounds totem is cleansed the other totem disappears

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Malakir said:

    As I always suggest, think before posting. Like probably the Deva do, and other devs for other games as well, think to an idea and imagine how can be abuse

    Its an online game, if was offline okay but if its a PvP game, even if asymmetrical, think how people can abuse a mechanic. Because, guess what, its what people do in every single online (and offline) game
    Maybe you should think first lol. "Abuse" lmao there is nothing to abuse with that.
    "Thers is nothing to be abused with the information given for free"
    Sure, as said think before posting

    Too many info has been given for free rn, I won't see even more
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522
    I wouldn't mind it. A group can very easily just call out how many totems they cleansed anyway, so it wouldn't really make a difference to SWF groups and would only bring solo players a tiny bit closer.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Peanits said:
    I wouldn't mind it. A group can very easily just call out how many totems they cleansed anyway, so it wouldn't really make a difference to SWF groups and would only bring solo players a tiny bit closer.
    in a perfect scenario, but even swf won't always tell or remember how many items they did. Plus totems spawns are already dumb, being so easy to locate. When totems are fixed and people can finally use an hex without being anxious about that GAMBLE then you might add that

    Right now tho running and hex mean have a perk for 30s-1m at the most
  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    It's a bad idea for several reasons.

    First, the killer currently doesn't know how many totems are left and gets no notification when a dull totem is cleansed. There's no reason survivors should know either. If NOED pops or not at the end of the game, the killer can't predict any more than the survivors.

    Second, it gives the survivors more information than just how many dull totems there are, but how many hex totems are being used. If they see there are 4 dull totems at the start of the match, they already know they're facing 1 hex. Which hex it is revealed when they touch their first generator and they can see if they have lullaby or Ruin. If not, it's most likely Devour Hope. There's a chance it's Third Seal, but unlikely. Maybe you see there are 2 dull totems, and you know one is Ruin, that means the other two are most likely Haunted Grounds, and all survivors can alter their game play accordingly.

    The claim that it would only help solo survivors determine how many totems to cleanse to avoid NOED is not accurate.

    Lastly, NOED is super overrated. Okay, sure, you got to the end of the match and weren't expecting to get one-hit down, but you did. One of the other survivors can cleanse the NOED totem, or another opportunity may present itself that you can be saved. If not, you got to the end of the match and definitely pip'ed and got a lot of points.

    On the other side of that coin, the killer gets to the end of every match, and doesn't always pip.

    Maybe the killer intentionally put together an end-game build, with Remember Me, Blood Warden and NOED. In turn, they gave up A Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Brutal Strength, BBQ and Chili, or any other perk that would have helped in the early / mid game. The survivors had an easier time getting points and getting their pip, but sure, let's cripple an end-game build that the killer is using to get his points and pip.

    Give me a break. If you see a dull totem, cleanse it. Maybe you avoid a NOED at the end, or maybe you wasted your time because the killer isn't running it. In either case, you don't need any more help. If NOED is that big a problem for you, bring Small Game.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Crizpen said:

    Give me a break.

    Go take a break then, LOL.  

    Survivors need these more then you brainwashed killers. 
    nice troll account
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053
    edited November 2018

    I kinda agree, but it should be only be a notification for all players including the killer. So solo survivors all need to count for themselves how many were cleansed. And Noed users can count as well without using Thrill. Maybe it might be good to come up with a secret offering for an additional dull totem spawning as well.

    I think that would be enough to even out the totem count advantage of SWF without weakening Noed too much.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Radiant said:

    They are just 5 totems, no need to do that even for solos.

    Unless you have haunted grounds, then there are 7. Knowing how many totems there are would reveal that instantly. 
    And that can screw up a totem build.

    There are only ever 5 totems in a trial. No exceptions.