Dear Behaviour... (David King)



  • Wrecked
    Wrecked Member Posts: 87

    Thank you! I appreciate that. And everybody is a stranger at some point lol. I hope you’re also in a better place now or at least on your way to getting there. It’s a journey at the end of the day and not a race. 🧡

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    yea this community had some good thread just not a lot.

    btw I do like your story we all been there and a lot of LGBTQ play this games.

    side noote I don't know about anyone else but I find survivors smiling like that creepy I see it a lot.😳

  • GeekyBrummie89
    GeekyBrummie89 Member Posts: 2

    All these stories in how games, characters and new lore help people or inspire to tell their own stories is amazing.

    Sometimes you need things to relate to, to help you deal with what life throws at you.

    Playing as Dwight has helped me embrace the geek and help my deal with my anxiety of being a geek and gay. I'm becoming less anxious of telling others yeah I love my video games at 33, still play Pokémon, enjoy my sci fi shows like Star Trek etc, play dnd and Warhammer.

    Some people maybe part of LGBTIQA+, allies, straight, have different religions or different race. But we are all individual and all have our own journies and thats what makes us Human

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    This is very touching, you actually convinced me with your story, that it actually matters.

    Thank you.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I love this. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us 💜

  • SteveThebot_welp
    SteveThebot_welp Member Posts: 9

    This was a beautiful story thank you for being so Open and sharing this story with us much love to you my dear friend.

  • Martine1979
    Martine1979 Member Posts: 58

    Hello. I am happy that you found out who you are. <3 I found out when i were between 12-15 year old that i am not so called "normal" person. I've autistic (autism) and also felt that i were different and i notice that i also were into same gender as i am. (I'm gay).

    However I am more fashion guy when it comes to characters outfits and it comes when i play DbD every day since i bought game and all dlc some months ago. (sadly; i missed The Stranger Things DLC because of late joining).

    I play mostly with Meg, Kate and a few girl characters on survivor but i uses pride flags. best idea ever to put them in game. I play them mostly because as i mention above i love fashion and those survivors outfits suits me and my wardrobe. I wish however it existed some nice leather pants to someone. :)

    OP: Thanks a lot for your post. It make me very happy and i support this to over 100 %. Wish you a happy life and find your partner one day.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    very wholesome to read and I think it’s great that you as a guy can play girl characters because they resonate more with you because of similar styles!

    i really think BHVR are doing a great job in representing many different kind of people - even though there might not always be one perfect fit like in the case with OP and David.

    btw i thought Kate has a pair of black leather pants, doesn’t she?

  • Martine1979
    Martine1979 Member Posts: 58

    I double-checked and it seems she have a pair of leather pants. :) I guess i were blind or something to not notice that leather set earlier. XD

    Thank you, and i shall buy it when i can. :D

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    I have nothing constructive to add to this thread apart from I feel 2nd hand joy for you, my allosexual fellow Brit

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250
    edited May 2022

    has anyone fully read "the importance of being king"? I have and i loved it, it's definitely my favourite tome story with yui's / trickster's as a close second. As a fellow british gay man, I have to say, I couldn't imagine a better way for David's sexuality to be revealed.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I read it day one. It is honestly possibly the best Tome BHVR have made to date, and if not the best it's definitely on-par with Plague and Twins.

    Also, the ending is such a gut punch.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    These comments passed the vibe check. It's nice to see support coming from this community

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Oh wow. That's pretty cool. I guess David King being gay here is a good thing.

    I'm not really into the background stories. I just play the game.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Great post.

    The only thing that worries me about David's matter is... would have he wanted to be outted like that? I don't know... I mean, I wouldn't... "Oh, and by the way, he is gay". It feel like we didn't need an announcement, I would have loved it had it been different.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Not really something that is really appropriate in this thread to ask as it’s not exactly on topic but eh i will try to answer:

    David is a fictional character and the devs that made this announcement created him, so it doesn’t really matter if he wanted it.

    the announcement was really mostly a follow up to their statement two years ago and it was them announcing the results of their collaboration with GaymerX. I do understand that it didn’t feel appropriate to announce this matter but there are reasonable arguments as to why they did it this way.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Some people are also just trolling and false flagging as well as internalized homophobia are actually pretty wide-spread. You don’t need to defend those people, they can do it themselves and by the latest reaction you should really be able to see what their intention was.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Ah. Good point. If people are doing that here then all I can say is shame on them. Things like this deserve an honest discussion when it comes up. I'll try to keep a better eye out for people like that, though it may not always be an easy thing to see.

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    Let on, Wrecked. I read your post again today and decided to leave a nice word (and a little reaction) anyway. After all, it was one of the few posts that didn't cause me any anger outbursts at all. Quite the opposite. I think I understand ye. That is something that I 've actually been missing for a while. I 've once again been at war with my own ranks since the twenty-seventh of April and have finally reached the point of becomin more rational and understandin again. I think it has somethin to do with people who don't push and complain about representation, who just insult strangers because they have different opinion and all that. I perceived your post as grateful to BHVR, nothing more. And your experience made me remember some things. I think that if no one like me (people who still ride on two roads) really admits it, then at least I want to voice that here. After all, it is no secret that there are many different sides to the same experience.

    To cut a long story short: It's a pity that there are people who would treat you differently only on your sexuality. That can put quite a bit of pressure on you and can definitely shatter an otherwise positive mood for somethin that you like, I know from my own experience. And I'm happy for you that you don't let yourself be put in a cage anymore. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous - personal trainer sounds mint. To be completely honest, somehow your post motivated me in some way to approach things differently.

    I've always seen representation as a guide on how to recognise certain less obvious groups of people and it gave me stomach cramps to know that someone similar to me now also belongs in that "how to recognise xy" directory. I won't compare myself here, it's of no importance in this comment. Doesn't matter anyways and I don't mither. My point's I've screwed up quite a bit for myself. Didn't want to be pigeonholed with colourful canaries as well, without wantin to attack anyone here. This was, simply put, the wrong way to go. Seein it as a bad thing, just like a few other old-fashioned blockheads. And above all, to see only those well-hated entrenched extravagant extremes of stereotypes. I've never perceived representation to have any real benefit for individuals, say, in the way you present it, as sort of an fictional figure to help accept who you are. I'd prefer a few beers and a heart-to-heart with my best friend. But then, that's just me.

    To each his own, I'm simply not the type to talk openly about it outside the internet. It's nobody's bloody business anyway. That doesn't change the fact that I misbehaved, in one way or another. Maybe not necessarily here and it just doesn't matter, but I want to say thank you for being open about your experience and all and apologise to anyone who has met me here or elsewhere in unfortunate circumstances. I am curious to see who will share memories in the lore next and how it will be implemented.

    ....If even one person holds it against me, however, I will drop in and it will be uncomfortable. I swear down!

    Laters, guys.

    Oh, and thanks for readin. It got a bit lengthy and hopefully not a pain in the arse to read.

  • Fenril
    Fenril Member Posts: 47

    I feel happy for you, trully, although, at the same time, I feel sad for me. I live in a country where if you're a masculine gay man, you're not welcome within the gay community. In my country, we (me and you) are seen as "straight-people-pleasers". It is as if we're desperately seeking for heterosexuals approval. Being effeminate is almost like a prerequisite if you want to be accepted by your own community. It's really sad. I always thought that LGBTQIA+ meant, basically, DIVERSITY. Apparently I was wrong. When Behavior announced David as the first gay character of DbD, I was totally hyped. It's the first step towards a future where we won't be seen as straight-pleasers anymore, where people will understand that that is how we express ourselves... we like sports, we like jackets, we like motorcycles, we like rock, we like a lot of things that are considered "straight-men-exclusive" and that's ok. We're not trying to be accepted by the straight community... we're just trying to be ourselves. I got public humilliated in a gay group for saying that I do not watch Ru Paul's Drag Race. I was "?????????". Not watching RPDR does not mean that I hate drags or anything like that. It's just not my cup of tea. I prefer watching some strategy game, some fight, etc. Anyway... really happy for you, pal.

  • Walex90
    Walex90 Member Posts: 52


    ...and that's how they made me have no main character.

  • Rise432
    Rise432 Member Posts: 162

    This was pretty wholesome to read

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Tell Milo I say hi back and if you can give head pats I would greatly appreciate it !!

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    Oh wow, same here. I grew up without knowing gay exists. We didn't have the internet back then. I felt horrible for all my feelings, and I couldn't see any hope in my future, I even had suicidal thoughts multiple times. After I learned that there are people like me all over the world, I felt there's life I could look forward to first time in ever.

  • badrepo
    badrepo Member Posts: 93

    This actually made me tear up a bit. Great post and I’m glad you’re in a good place today

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,060

    This is cute! Thanks for sharing, hope you're doing great today and this was a wonderful post to read!

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Lovely thread, didn't know that david was canonically homosexual, but i do like it when companies do thatvwith characters. And glad it helps you OP sorry to hear about the stuff you've had to deal with before, can't be easy

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I've been away from the forums for quite awhile but it's nice to see this post is still popular, it was really refreshing to read and see what a positive influence representation has on groups that often feel excluded (to phrase it politely) in media. A lot of people like to say representation "doesn't matter" but they're wrong about that. There is a bit of a caveat of it having to feel organic and be done respectfully to avoid coming off as lazy corporate pandering, but I think DbD did good on this and I was happy to read about how positively it impacted the OP.

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104
  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I don't see how the setting is what puts you off here. How is this any different from people firing guns at each other in other games (think Overwatch, Apex, etc.)?

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,072

    Ok, enough.

    We want to keep this thread positive and welcoming, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything and move on, thank you.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    And im so its still pinned up. Hope it stays for a long time. David's my main and always has been.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Be yourself, I'm not homosexual but no one should ever feel ashamed of them selves,I always get made fun of because of my high anxiety and awkwardness so I kinda of know what you mean,I had to be forced into a role of street mannerisms to not be looked at as if I wasn't black enough for some people.When I realized that people really just don't give a sh about you in the end or they'll make fun of the next thing regardless,I became so much free'r if the people that I once knew want appreciate me then I rather be friendless.its better than having to play a role.

    but there's nothing wrong with roleplay,if you're into that."Ladies" 😉

    I totally made this about me, that's such a Legion thing to do haha,anyway take care.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    It will probably stay pinned forever. I don't see any reason why they'd unpin it.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Actually, I really liked that David was "obviously" gay. As a bi women, I know gender and sexuality is a flexible spectrum, so it was nice seeing him on that "masculine" side of it. =)

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