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Lost access to my characters [Geforce Now- STEAM]

So I was one of the small percent who fully invested in Dead by Daylight when Stadia began. I was so happy when I got to merge my account to Steam when Stadia shut down. I've been only able to play DBD via Geforce and have had access to all my stuff. Please tell me why today the DLCs were removed for me? help! Did you guys post something stating this would happen or is this a bug? Do I got to buy all of the DLCs again? I literally had all of this yesterday.
Same problem here.
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same. i lost access to several killers and characters
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Came here looking to see if others were having the same issue. My son and I lost most of our characters. He has The Knight now which he didn't have before. So that's new.
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I can confirm also. I had them all earlier this evening. DLC for killers and survivors gone.
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Same thing happened here. Most of my characters are gone... I'm hoping it's a bug. Following.
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Frustrating that this is happening halfway through an anniversary event. I know they'll probably look into it, but.
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Same here for me and my spouse. I hope they fix it soon.
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Were you all previously on Stadia?
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@Mandy. Yes, I had content from Stadia, but since they closed shop I've been on Steam.
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@Mandy +1 started on Stadia, moved over to Steam. Hoping for a quick fix.. Had just purchased the season pass.
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Thank you for your replies...we will take a look into this.
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i was on stadia yes
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Hi, can you reboot and see if you've regained access to your content please?
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@Mandy all resolved on my end! Much appreciated! 💀🪓
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@Mandy fixed, thank you
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Just popping in to also confirm I have my characters back!
I also moved from Stadia to Steam. Yay Steam Deck!
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Yes this is working now! Thanks so much!!!!
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Thank you so much for popping back to let me know, much appreciated <3
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Fixed for me, too. Thanks for getting this done so quickly. Didn't get to play the first few days of the event because I was busy with something other than DBD for once in my life.