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Making David King Homosexual



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Because again, NO PART of the lore says any of those male AREN'T gay.

    It isn't other people "projecting being straight" on them, it's entirely up to you.

    Being neither confirmed straight nor confirmed gay is the most accessible a character can be because it opens that character to everyone no matter how they see them. David already has a large gay fan base but he also has a heap of players who probably see him as straight.

    Giving him, or any other character a sexuality doesn't magically make them a better person or suddenly make them likable one way or the other, it only serves to detract from the players who now no longer have that choice or as close an association to the character.

    I'm saying this as a gay guy; people take the sexuality of imaginary characters far too seriously if you can't connect to characters because they don't have the words "he is gay" stamped on the forehead.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Well to be fair, as one poster above us has already pointed out, there are in fact several characters in the game who do have confirmed sexualities (straight). Yes most of them are licensed but you do have original characters like Nurse and Wraith, and while it might be a small minority of the cast, it’s still there.

    With that being said, I understand the desire to want a characters sexuality to remain ambiguous, as it allows you to project yourself onto them, but at the same time I think there’s nothing wrong with giving characters sexuality either.

    And I’m not saying that there absolutely NEEDS to be a canonically gay character in the game, but on the off chance that BHVR did in fact reveal one of the characters to be gay, I would hope that this community wouldn’t lose their minds.

    In the end of the day, it’s 100% up to BHVR what they want to do with their characters, and if sexuality is something they don’t want to focus too much on, that’s totally fine! On the other hand if they do decide to focus on it, (ya know since the archives are coming out it’s totally possible), that’s also totally fine!

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't think killers matter as much. Each is unique in their power so 99.99% of the time that's what they're picked for, not their sexuality.

    Survivors are interchangeable, and one of the reasons they have no "passive bonuses" which are asked for so often is so that the player chooses the one that most resonates with themselves.

    Choosing a feature to include which is as likely to alienate people as it is to create a draw to that character just seems bad to me.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Are you as gay man alienated from playing straight characters? Because as a gay man myself I can tell you that I’m not. If you can’t connect to a character simply because they don’t share the same sexual orientation as you then I don’t know what to say.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited October 2019

    No, I'm not, but it's dumb to pretend that there aren't people who would be put off a character based on its sexuality.

    "If you can’t connect to a character simply because they don’t share the same sexual orientation as you then I don’t know what to say." has been my whole point through this whole thread.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919
    edited October 2019

    Do you not see the contradiction you just made?

    You agree with this:

    "If you can’t connect to a character simply because they don’t share the same sexual orientation as you then I don’t know what to say."

    But at the same time say this:

    “We shouldn’t give characters sexuality because people will be put off by it”

    So which is it?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Both. People are saying that they can't connect to a character unless it's gay. I'm saying there are a lot more people who have issues with sexuality that would be put off by being gay.

    If you can't deal with a character that isn't "gay" but isn't "not gay" either, that's just sad.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    You can’t agree with both because they are literally opposing statements.

    But it’s very clear to me that you agree with the latter one, otherwise you wouldn’t care about people being potentially upset by a gay character.

    Also like I said earlier, I think it’s totally fine if BHVR chooses to not focus on characters sexuality. Totally up to them! But if they do choose to focus on it that’s also totally fine! And if people really get upset by that, that’s on them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145
    edited October 2019

    Steve and Nancy aren't original characters m8, talk to Duffer bros.

    As for sexuality, no original character has a confirmed sexuality, so why bother? It's better like this, you can think of David as a gay dude, I can think of David as a str8 dude, we are all happy.

    As for diversity, we still don't have an asian male character so imo that must be the priority for now.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Why do we need sexuality explored in a game as this?

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    I believe he's Korean, considering his last name is a common Korean surname, but his specific ethnicity hasn't been confirmed iirc

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Not true, we have both Nurse and Wraith who are straight. Plus all the licensed characters. Go read Ash’s lore and see just how much it’s mentioned.

    And besides I don’t understand why people are so opposed to giving fictional characters sexuality? Like it’s fine if they don’t, but what exactly is the problem if they do?

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145

    1. I specifically ruled out the licensed characters by saying "no original character". Bhvr don't have control over them or their sexuality.

    2. Until it is shown in-game that the Nurse and Wraith are actually together (and I doubt it will ever be), I call bs, they just JK Rowling-ed us, besides it also sounds dumb, yeah an undead killer brought by the Entity to kill people also has a relationship with another character in the spare time, in what mainstream horror franchise have you seen that? Imagine Myers being in love with Huntress, yeah right.

    3. Why are people opposed to giving fictional characters sexuality? I'm honestly not, but left ambigous like that, a character can be whatever the player wants to be. Like I've said, if the OP wants David to be gay, he can be gay, if I want David to be str8, he can be str8. Besides, it's the horror genre, why do people care so much about sexuality anyway?

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919
    edited October 2019

    1) Why does it matter if they are licensed or not? If people are so opposed to sexuality existing in this game, then they should be opposed to these characters as well. If anything, the inclusion of licensed characters with defined sexuality shows that it’s not a big deal and can just be a small detail to make the characters more interesting and fleshed out.

    2) Umm it is actually explicitly stated in game. Go read Nurses lore. Before she was taken by the entitiy, she had a husband named Andrew and wanted to have kids one day in the house they built together. Sounds pretty confirmed to me. As for the wraith, the description for his costume states that he and the Nurse are together to comfort each other in the world of the entity. No one is being “JK-Rowling-Ed” here, it’s literally been this way since the beginning. (Also there are a ton of horror themed movies where two psycho killers are in love)

    3) I understand the desire to leave it ambiguous, so as to allow the player to imagine the character how they want, but there’s nothing wrong with making it explicit either (which they already have with the characters mentioned above). After all these are not your characters, they belong to BHVR, and if they choose to leave it ambiguous, that’s fine and totally up to them! On the other hand, if they do choose to explore that part of a character, it’s also totally fine and up to them! And you as the player have no right to be upset over it because they are not your characters.

    Post edited by PrincessPoop on
  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Just imagine that David is gay :)🎃

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Is nice that people relate to a fictional character n all, but in the game i feel the devs etc aren't too concentrated on anyones sexuality, we can allmake up our minds and wonder if one is etc, but it's just a game after all and here to survive, i don't think or feel anything like sexuality etc needs to be introduced into this game.Nice tattoo n all but nah sorry, we don't need too much in depth of such.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I guess you'll just have to wait for David Kind to appear on the Archives.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    I’m really hoping they explore more than two characters per tome, otherwise it could be YEARS before we get lore for some characters.... I doubt I would even still be playing this in a couple years lol.

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145
    edited October 2019

    1. It matters, because BHVR is not responsible with their sexuality, lol, BHVR can't come now and say that Ash is gay because it is not their character to decide his sexuality.

    2. Even if I didn't read her lore, go figure she is from the World Wars, no wonder she is straight. The outfits don't mean Jack for me, a Hag in an Orient Express doesn't make sense either and it is not related to her lore.

    3. Can you name me some? Cuz none of the DbD killers have a loved one. (Can't talk about Bubba since I haven't seen his movies). I can tell you the same if they don't give a sexuality to their characters, so what's your point? I'm won't be upset, but by my standards, David doesn't look or act gay. Revealing their sexuality won't move the lore forward in any way, so what I'm telling you is that there is no need for this. You can always play Doki Doki tho.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    I feel as if this added into his lore is unneeded, but maybe an upcoming survivor could be in the LGBT?

    I just feel already established characters shouldn't be pushed into the LGBT realm.

    So maybe someone could make an LGBT character concept, But other than that lore wise, no one established should be pushed into that realm.

    That's my thoughts on the matter.

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