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  • Definitely messed up something with the matchmaking, 3 days without raid now.
  • "Major" cost? Literally one of the cheapest kill trap in the game, As the king of pitfall trap (Self proclaimed** ) y'all are gonna hate ground holocubes if this mod is a thing. You're gonna have to count your steps ahah.
  • Yes and no, I spent a little under 2 whole weeks without using more than 5 consumables in total because I was worried about part costs, despite hovering around a reasonable part amount. Yes the limited amount per mission was part of it, but I was also thinking "Oh I don't need to use it here, I should keep it for another…
  • That's kind of the issue. Long term players have so much parts that its practically infinite, but still don't use equipment because of consummable fear. New players don't spend parts because they're worried about future item costs so they raid without equipment. Moe has over 300+ equipment, and probably enough explosive to…
  • Cube exploit was just a cheap copy-cat trap cope for free kills, it turned most builders lazy. Rank penalties would punish you for winning. I got out of bases, 0 death, 3 minutes clearing traps and got -24 points People would actively leave after 1 death because the map wasn't a free win. Brutal maps were actively avoided…
  • Legit think equipment shouldn't cost a thing. So many times I see raiders not use their grenades or shields in a situation they absolutely would benefit from them, simply because of consumable fear? It's like that thing in mmorpg where you stockpile 2500 health potions and never use them. Dropping parts from a tomb is the…
  • You got there before me cx Glad this isn't a thing anymore though. What an annoying mecanic it would be to maintain an average of visits.
  • Touching on the lunge and compass issues ; Compass ; there are 3, Danger compass appearing from previously detonated bombs, so you walk in on an empty space and there's a danger mark warning you even though there's nothing. Yellow warnings killing you, there's not exactly a good visual distance ratio, I apparently carried…
  • Thanks for finding out where that issue was coming from, I spent 30 minutes shredding my base block by block and never figured out why he stood there.
  • As a double melee user, my only gripes so far are ; The Extended Range flamethrowers mod in a hallway. The danger compass for cannonback and bomb traps being awfully wrong, The lunge on sledgesword teleporting me inside activated traps even if my intention is to hit the side of it with the wide swing, or even worst, the…
  • The abandon exp punishment is getting fixed next update to, well, allow you as the raider to leave unpunished if you see something that you don't like. It's hard to prevent builders from making toxic traps like these which can only be exitted with a shield weapon. But it's even harder to actually "Fix" this, since you'd…
  • I didn't experience this, however I'd like to know, have you re-cycled the genmat multiple time without prestige? You mentioned not getting raiders so I imagine you might have reached some sort of dumb Refill cap. Just considering this an option, I really have no other ideas of what could cause it. edit ; Auto-correct was…
  • Ohh, that's why so many thumbnails are rainbow glitter fests, corrupted bedrock, makes sense.
  • Harvey got me killed more often than hornets. i don't know if that speaks volume about Hornets, or if Harvey is just all-powerful
  • I'm inclined to disagree with that one though. I casually stroll through outposts just because, i mean, it's a linear path it's hard to not hold "W" and bypass the traps by just jumping around in lots of normal/dangerous, you kinda very loudly hear the type of trap and the general direction so it's fairly possible to do…
  • Say less. That's all i needed to hear
  • To a certain extent that would kill artistics accolades and brutal maps. If theres a timer I'm less inclined to explore for tombs or look at the way people made their beautiful traps. speedrunners will speedrun regardless of timer or not, so we're kinda just punishing people who like to go slowly. And those people are just…
  • That's the one, clipping between the two diagonal blocks and hitting the trap hitbox with the wide sledge attack, essentially as long as the game thinks you have line of sight on your cursor and the trap, it just triggers the 8 meter lunge and destroys it.
  • This pool is kinda redundant anyway, you voted builders, which is totally understandable with the exploits known to the community abused by builders. But if I were to tell you, there's a way for the raiders ( Its a coop lag thing ) to destroy traps placed inside, from outside the outpost with the sledge melee, you'd…
  • Hey, i might be wrong but, from the way this is phrased, "after starting, If you don't like how an outpost looks you can leave without losing ranks" This means, to me, "I can leave at 0 death without rank loss because I saw someone block off a tomb" not "I can leave after 20 deaths with no consequences" I think this update…
  • Wrong quote, don't put words in my mouth <3 I learned to deal with grapples trap and got better at the game, but my points still stand. Infinite ammo traps are causing issues to a certain extent, especially in brutal where you can spam 15 of them together like a braindead monkey, but if they're here to stay, you can always…
  • I'm reading this reply, sort of, maybe a tiny bit sarcastically so my bad if I didn't pick up on the right intention ; Good builders can also ingeniously beat a raider without the use of permanent exploited traps and glitches. And while it's not exactly broken strong in hallways, it's annoying to stick to walls for the…
  • Who can exploit ; Both who should exploit ; Neither (: Raiders can melee and destroy traps that were meant to activate a whole hallway later through floors and walls if certain conditions are met. Builders can soft lock raiders using specific cube placements.
  • Consider that you may have accidentally split up the path in two while building, or put a wall on the main path and now harvey is telling you ;"Yo there's a wall in my way" Try to quickly walk the entire path from 0 to a 100 and see if you accidentally put a wedge in the wrong direction or deleted a block that was crucial…
  • One way door -> Tomb -> Intended goal -> Soft lock. There's no defending that exploit and you know it. I don't want to repeat myself, but JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE AND USE IT FAIRLY, DOESN'T MAKE IT A FAIR TRAP. The analogy doesn't work neither because you essentially told the raider to jump down the well and grab…
  • As much as I respect your building attitude, using good traps and ideology, I dare say, you're not 99% of the other users who purposedly build their trap like that. Trapping their tombs behind a one way wall, making it extremely tedious on 4 floors worth wedge flamethrower traps which forces you to walk on the sides, and…
  • Love watching the replay and screaming to myself "YES! You dodged that trap that everyone died to" Or "Noo, you saw my sneaky impaler, nice job" +1
  • Makes a fun outpost -> Raider gets lost on a singular path because of his own incompetence -> Negative accolade -> Outpost was Large, now impossible to prestige -> Try not to cry -> Cry a lot. Kindly leave the outpost, reroll it into something different, go get your fun into a different raid. No need for negative accolades…
  • Well, 2 quick things to consider you might have gotten wrong. 1. Second wave cubes are "Bedrock" they're not "Solid holocubes", so Harvey does indeed find a path on bedrock, however he still needs a Main path thats not connected through trap blocks. This makes it possible to make a fake path out of Second wave corrosive…
  • Wait doesn't the game pick up every dropped currency and give it to you when you return to the lobby? I know building modes does it, so i just stopped caring about both drops and my currency is just kinda rising on its own. Honest question, I'm totally not paying attention to drops anymore
  • I dont know how far back it goes but ; Replay feature "My raids on other outposts"or whatever it's called. it saves the thumbnail and your replay on other outposts, even social ones
  • As Sera said above, there's some blocks and props unique to owning Dead by daylight. Quite powerfuls one when you consider the cage block being the same colors as traps and the motor making lots of noise and hiding guard grunts. Edit ; Look in "Props" if you own DBD
  • Cumulative team deaths. So your deaths also counts for your teammate, and at the limit it just prompts a restart like any other solo raid. i think the amount was 2 to 5 revives before restart? something along those lines And there's two categories of coop raiders. The jump around and die silly And the sit behind and wait…
  • Did we read the same survey? Bases are supposed to give rank. Kills/accolades/exploits all of those matters. 70 kills is a huge inflation to the rank of a base. You were complaining about ranks being broken and unfun/unfair, and here we are again ignoring more broken stuff that affect ranks. Hell, your very own OPENING…
  • Sounds like a problem inherent to the game's core mecanic. About 90% of the coop replays I've watched share the exact same problem, someone triggers all the traps and dies to them, while his exploring teammate comes back to revive him, experiencing absolutely nothing of the thrill. And then they both die. And the exact…
  • "Infinite revives are fun for coop" Must be nice being the coop leader... cuz I get the crumbles of a biscuit in the back as my teammate speed runs through outposts triggering 90% of the traps while I sit behind him and revive. Coop isn't fun as it is right now and, as subjective as "Fun" is, you can't tell me that it's…
  • For the lava cube thing, i can actually respect Brutal and Dangerous using it as an ingenious trap. I've seen outpost which were actually extremely fun with the second wave cube. But it's just not a trap meant for normal, these guys have bare bone knowledge of those features/exploit and you didn't exactly try to teach them…
    in Raid Me Comment by Darkyan April 2023
  • Ellington -> I had nothing but praises at the start, looked pretty with the light, first tomb trap had a very good and simple distraction, dead man warmongers on slopes was also extremely good, you had my accolades until I made it to the killbox warmonger spam in the hallway, died to controller drift on the lava cube and…
    in Raid Me Comment by Darkyan April 2023
  • WadesBoro -> I can't believe you reversed the genmat and the tomb I was so confused Navarre Beach -> For a normal, that was totally ok, died a couple time to controller drift above the lava cubes tho, totally my fault, good trap to teach newbies. Mclean -> Very good bloodlust use on the entrance, I hate warmonger spam in…
    in Raid Me Comment by Darkyan April 2023
  • I absolutely wish the same. I think it increases the difficulty because I increase the amount of blocks his "Visions" touches as i patrol. In the spot he is now his vision only covers the semi block in front of him, and 2 open space behind him. But on patrol, he suddenly gets access to a 3 path wide hallway which is on…
  • There's time where I get 1 raid per day, then the next day after a prestige it goes to 7 people in the morning. And then today I got 2, eventually, like any other outpost I get a spike of people at around prestige 4-5, maybe 20 in a day. Ratio of around 90% double accolade votes so I imagine it's a decent outpost. But…
  • Raiders keep in memory your last updated outposts in their folder. So if your "Dangerous" outpost turns into "Brutal" while you're updating, it doesn't matter because the raiders that rolled your outpost keep your "Dangerous" version until it cycles. Essentially, your 20 deaths were from your old outpost version, possibly…
  • I just witnessed someone walk to my 3 tombs, stare at them, confused about the noise, and then walk back to find their way to the GenMat. If I had nails, I'd be bitting them right now in pure anxiety.
  • That increases the difficulty rating to brutal though ): I can't patrol my very last guard without it updating to brutal, so he's just facing a wall in the corner now, being bait for bolts which triggers another trap ( that thing somehow has a 80% unintended kill rate so far. So... good for him, I guess his life, sitting…
  • Someone else reported dropping over 6500 points in one raid abandon Needless to say, the ranking system is effin' bad and broken.
  • I'll throw myself at the outpost full speed for the first death, then explore the possibilities, throw myself at it a different way and then finally do it for real carefully on the third try. If I encounter any frustating bs after that like 15 warmongers rushing at me in a 1x10 hallway with grenadiers and pistons or a…
  • I play coop with a friend once in a while. It makes for a very casual experience, but at the same time the hallways are so small and compact, 80% of my raids end up with me staying at the back with my sword because the second I swing it I team kill him, and I don't want to make him leave the game. Coop is very.... sad. I…
  • From my testing, with the big sword at least, it appears that a guards have a 4 block wide "Movement input" detection, so if you're touch your movement key at any moment between those 4 blocks the guard will trigger "Alerted" and bloodlust will alert everyone around. Its possible to sneak up on a guard by just spamming…
  • Started an entire artistic building in poobrown before noticing I was gonna use Red props. Had to change the entire thing back xd +1 Need more color decals and ability to change original block colors from a palette If I want red, green and blue containers, I shouldn't need to paint every single blue container cubes with…
  • I see "Sharon" by mas-punk But no Willard