We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Bardic Inspiration is censored lol
  • I got 3 skull merchant dailies since the rework. DCs every game lol. I'm just gonna reroll em from now on.
  • Do you DC against Myers or Ghostface?
  • I've posted about this before. The way to make a mimic killer work is to give a power that lets you "infect" a survivor, without any visual cue that the survivor is infected. The "spy" survivor wouldn't know they were on your side. While infected, the killer would see their aura, as well as any survivors near them.The…
  • I still don't understand how anyone can defend Ace in the Hole not being able to get Iri addons, when Dramaturgy can. Chest perks as a whole need a buff.
  • As a killer main, I've suggested something like this for a while. After 60 seconds on the ground survivors can pick themselves up at the cost of a hook state. Would be interesting and not exploitable.
  • I'd really like to see Skull Merchant added(back) to Dead by Daylight.
  • It doesn't prove anything except BHVR has a competency crisis.
  • But we don't have the specifics. And personally I do notice pretty big skill differences between survivors when I switch killers. Given the number of balance and bug issues in the game's history, I can see the rubber banding causing an issue with how they analyze kill rates.
  • Gonna give this one more bump
  • You're right…except a smart solo survivor could do that too. I intentionally made it trap based to allow some counterplay, and that's why I suggested the killer get a second power for chase. Regardless, even in the worst case scenario this provides information to the killer. It tells him 2 things: That gen is being…
  • Not even close. The only commonality is traps and a lack of indicator. Hag traps are used to attack the person who trips them. This is used to attack anyone else, and provide a lot of information. By that logic isn't Skull Merchant just Trapper with extra steps?
  • No idea. But Xeno feels weak in my hands because of how terrible your vision is. Being so low makes you much easier to juke, and harder to see movement if you're moving through grass and junk on swamp maps or whatever.
  • Nah he just needs a Myers style addon that keeps his whip in level 1 permanently but gives him like 4 or 5 zombies lol.
  • I know it's not exactly on topic, but I always found his grenade launcher just felt really bad to use. It might be my history of playing FPS games like Quake, Unreal Tournament, etc., but nothing about it feels good or consistent. It bounces like a timed grenade, but has a variable time because it detonates on the second…
  • I'm a killer main who hates slugging. The reason it's so popular is because killers are insanely vulnerable when picking up or carrying survivors. This is in addition to actually hooking taking quite a bit of time on the killer side. Hooking advances the game state for the killer, but at the cost of reducing pressure on…
  • Also, I play on PC, so maybe they assume I'm more likely to be using a lagswitching program? But if I was it would be detected by VAC. Does DBD not use VAC?
  • They SHOULD, but then again these are the same devs who can't balance the game for crap, as shown by the Depip squad. Ugh.
  • Apparently not. Either way it's absolutely absurd to get banned for lagging. Funny thing is I fired up Deceit just a bit ago and I'm having zero issues. Been playing for the last 3 hours with no problems. It's sporadic enough that it shouldn't be an issue. And for games with dedicated servers it ISN'T an issue most of the…
  • If I see a full SWF stack, I throw it on. But I don't use it unless they're toxic generally. TBH, I think it should only work after 2 hooks though. It may be rare, but it unfortunately does make the game less fun for survivors.
  • It's a problem with where I rent, so I don't have any other ISP options. The real killer is that 70% of the time there's no issues. When it transitions to bad connection I stop playing. And it can sometimes happen very suddenly. Or If I'm doing a ritual I do farm runs where I don't kill, and I don't do survivor rituals…
  • Wait and I just realized. Sorry still processing this. Wouldn't VAC detect a lag switch? I'm not VAC banned on steam. Or do people who lag switch unplug their cables really fast from their computer....? How can you get a ban for lag switching without getting a VAC ban on steam?
  • Oh, and if the devs are watching. Do yourself a favor and check how many disconnects I have had DURING loading screen, or at the start of a game. You'd find an actual lag switcher wouldn't have so many D/Cs during load screen or start of game. Just saying.
  • Sorry to be clear the grab was more of a comparison. Essentially you could only attack(for one health state) in situations where you COULD grab. Not a full blown grab. Just a regular attack out of stealth but only in grab situations.
  • Even if it could ONLY be used on survivors that are using actions? It would be completely useless in a chase. Well not completely but it wouldn't guarantee hits and would only be used to catch up after a juke.
  • Also, because the infection is hidden from the survivors, even voice comms won't help. One of the survivors is simply infected. And no one knows who. I imagine this power only being used a few times a game, but imagine going to heal another survivor only to have the killers tentacles and limbs burst from your body and down…
    in The THING Comment by Garresh May 2019
  • Here's a random thought. The killer could infect crows, lockers, chests, or certain areas. A survivor who interacts or crosses that area becomes infected, but doesn't realize it. Only one survivor can be infected at a time. The killer sees the infected survivors aura and the aura of any other survivors within 8 meters.…
    in The THING Comment by Garresh May 2019
  • Just to be clear, I think the instant-unstealth attack should probably not be a grab, but a single health state hit like normal. This attack should have a longer cool down/stun following it than a regular attack, allowing a survivor to gain distance. In this way the wraith starts a chase at an advantage if he lands his…
  • What if a survivor with RBT on saw the aura of the hatch along with the the jigsaw boxes? They get to make their choice between trying for boxes or getting near the hatch and trying to stay hidden til the other players leave. In the case of TWO active rbt during endgame collapse then the timer slows down massively, or even…