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Member, Alpha Surveyor


  • I have a counter proposal. Limit co-op to Brutal bases only and keep the unlimited revives.
  • I don't know the exact amount. But when you consider the fact that an a base in Overdrive will get fewer raiders then for it to be worth it the number of deaths is probably more than 4 kills on average. I would guess that it's probably around 5 or 6 kills. Personally I wouldn't run it unless my kills were greater than 10.
  • I've mastered 6 bases. And the only thing that really bothers me is that there is no reward for getting to Prestige 10. I feel like it's way to easy to prestige in the first place When you do get to level 10 you get nothing for it So you expect me to continue playing after that. I've taken a break for now because getting…
  • So I aim to get as many deaths as possible. But I also only make normal difficulty bases. In my opinion that keeps things fair, You can't make a killbox at that difficulty so traps have to be clever not overwhelming. I rely on trickery for my kills. My 2 bases were 4.2 kills and 4.5 kills average.
  • I do think there are going to see some balance changes. I expect to see the shield reworked in some way. I expect that the plasma sentinal deathcloud will also be changed because the area of denial effect slows down the game too drastically. I also wouldn't be surprised if the modification dead man's switch is either…
  • I use them as references for future bases. I take my best performing traps and use those designs in new bases. Once all of the traps that I care for have been migrated I'll remove all the blocks from them and then use them as a creative world that has all of my different trap designs.
  • As the player base matures there will be greater demand to play brutal maps. Right now though, I would suggest trying to build a brutal normal map. I had a normal map that was getting an AKR (average kill ratio) of 5. Can you do that? With extremely limited resources can you design an absolutely devastating map?
  • Masquerade prevents guards from pathing through them. You can use them for ambushes where once the cube is triggered they will start pathing through the block. If you compare that to a standard holocube, a guard will path through the holocube without issue.
  • You can simply aim for the parts of the body that do not have armor It can be paired with the heavy sword or with the other gun for those situations where you need to break the armor A strategy that I use, especially with melee guards is to use the regular gun for removing the armor and the falcon crossbow to kill them.…
  • Maybe in Meet Your Maker 2. But if there is a Meet Your Maker 2 it'll be many years from now.
  • 10 is the final level
  • I have a moderate base and an easy base. My easy base gets an average of 4 kills but has killed 2.5 thousand players. My moderate base gets an average of 7 kills and has killed 1 thousand players. They are the same prestige. Prestige 7. Now I'm not sure what all the factors are. I think my easy one is the first advisor in…
  • I say don't go all out on these kinds of traps. But if it just eats a single bolt, then I think that's fine. You don't want to actually starve them of resources but removing 1 makes the map just a bit harder. And the strategy has a counter, just use the crossbow that has more charges.
  • I have people raiding my bases, right? I have 2.5 thousand kills in an easy map with an average kill ratio of 4.1 and I have nearly 1k for moderate base with a kill ratio of 7 and I am not earning enough synthite to pay the synthite prestige cost. Like what the hell. I'm almost certain that I'm in the top 10 percent of…
  • If the bonus for synthite only cost parts then that would at least allow me to essentially trade parts for synthite. I get that cells are hard to get but why is it that I can choose to raid and that's fine but I can't afford to build and only build. My bases are doing phenomenally, like actually super amazing. But I can't…
  • The real question is how in the hell do I earn enough synthite to maintain bases? One of my bases is an Easy champion base that's averaging 4 kills and gets 10 plays per hour and it's not earning enough synthite to maintain itself. Like why??? And the best way that I've found to get synthite is by raiding and looking for…
  • Ggjustice, have you ever been involved with an actual development cycle. The way that things work is that when a bug is reported they are first categorized, then prioritized, and then they need to be reproduced, and then they need to be debugged, the root cause identified and then a suggested fix is created and a version…
  • This. Not to mention actions speak louder than words. I feel that it's better that they we are able to communicate what we want through the forums and the developers can work towards making improvements based off of our feedback. Before they implement the changes they will likely have a survey to make sure that they are on…
  • If you don't like a strategy being used by a base then just leave. Even if there are additional traps or suits unlocked in the future as DLC the base game right now is good enough to get kills and prestige. If you want to play without additional content then you don't need to purchase it. But for myself, I would like to…
  • Honestly IMHO, break the bases into just 2 categories. Normal and Brutal. Keep Brutal the way it is and have normal go to the current Dangerous.
  • While I feel like the shield should have a longer cool-down. The whole point of that item is to allow someone to survive getting caught in a trap. And the traps that you described as not being fun are actually quite easy for someone who has the default bolt to take care of. I don't understand why you're against using any…
  • You've simply described one type of base. It's strong, but there's not a meta after one day of base building and I'd hardly say that's the best design.
  • @Rookie1978 let's say they were to add skins. How much would you pay for skins in a year? If they were to release free content, how often do you feel that they should be adding new content? Is there another game that you play that you purchase skins from?
  • I believe the difficulty rating is what goes into that field. The capacity is only at 177 which makes me think that's a new plot of land.
  • I'm a bit surprised that the beta is only for 1 week. I was hoping we would get between 2 and 3 weeks. Once the open Beta ends, it'll be back to waiting for a little over a month for the game to release.
  • ---- Spend time and resources making the front of your outpost look nice. It is going to make all the difference in the world when raiders choose which outpost to raid. Make the outpost fun to play! An Outpost will do well if it's fun even if it isn't super deadly. If you see a particular strategy being complained about in…
  • Not an active one...
  • Lore could also be revealed when unlocking something through one of the advisors. It would also be nice to have ways of discovering secrets about the world if you reach a specific prestige for an outpost.
  • When are Alpha Surveyors no longer bound by the NDA? Once the Open Beta goes live?
  • What about if we aren't receiving the invite link?
  • Yeah, I don't understand how to get it either
  • 45 seconds of the first slugged individual. For example, you could hook 1 survivor and then slug 2,3, then 4. As long as survivor 1 is not unhooked you would be able to win. So to put this into perspective, Imagine a scenerio where you've hooked 1 and you defend the hook to the first stage, you then down survivor 2 at the…
  • I don't think that Franklin's needs any changes made to that perk at all. As for this perk, It could have another use added to it. Give the killer the ability to see the aura's of depleted items. (even if a survivor is carrying them) Within the terror radius.
  • Two wrongs don't make a right. What a terrible take on this situation.
  • I don't think that sounds dumb at all. Survivor or killer both have to accept that they are going to lose some games. But I definitely think that for Solo Queue they're much less in control of an outcome of a game. At least with killer you don't have to worry about your team mates.
  • Daniel, anytime I see a post of yours you make me roll my eyes. Every post that you post is one where you make it perfectly clear that you are entirely biased in your opinion. Let's take a look at what I'm talking about. "Why can't solos and mid MMR just deal with it? We need them to deal with it, because they know it's…
  • If there are mechanics that inflate statistics, those mechanics should be changed. Once the mechanics are changed then if you're right and those are the reasons for the inflated killer wins, then those changes should increase survival rates. However, if those changes do not bring the game in balance which in my opinion is…
  • I play blight, pin head and wesker. But I want this said, overall killer balance is based off the best killers because that's what people are playing.
  • MMR by definition obscures balance. Let's say that you are a mediocre killer, just for arguments' sake. The update is released which objectively makes killers stronger. This is backed up by data, killers are on average killing more survivors in more matches. When the change went live, the groups of survivors that you would…
  • I am going to say something and I want you to take it to heart. You are not going to win every match. You are not entitled to any kills at all. Survivors being able to beat you, especially if they are playing well as you've described is intended. Read that to yourself 10 times.
  • Honestly the problem is with Star struck works and not with the fact that Wesker has a larger terror radius. IMHO Star struck is an unhealthy perk.
  • I don't think what you said is true. I'll debunk your statement easily. Let's take a group of 4 survivors and 1 killer. The survivors and killer are both new to the game. The killer after much searching finally finds a stealthy survivor, because he's new it takes a couple minutes. But because the survivors are new, none of…
  • Yeah, go figure. I'm not saying that high MMR players don't complain, but if you're complaining about repeatedly getting 1k, then you've simply gone as high as you can go in the MMR. Those who are high MMR whether it's killer or survivor win the majority of their games. It's actually a requirement.
  • Then nerf the ability for killers to get 2 kills from 2 hooks. It seems to me if that was done, we would increase the ability for survivors to survive without nerfing killers who are going for hooks and not just camping to get kills.
  • People in high MMR don't complain about losing...
  • I think it would be useful information to post into this thread. Please reference your source, I feel that that is a reasonable request.
  • Statistics are facts, plain and simple. Now it's true there are different philosophies regarding balance, but I think it's personally reasonable to say that balance is at 50 percent. If you do not think that 50 percent win rate is balanced I'd like to know why not. It seems to me that the statistics are very clearly…
  • Can you point me to where they said that they are aiming for 61% kill rate. Did they specifically say 61 percent?
  • His power is making survivors kill themselves. I'm just kidding of course, but it feels like whenever I verse a Freddy invariably someone suicides, I don't even understand.
  • The overall mechanics of the game have not changed. The game is essentially a race to complete generators, so it's not surprising that popular perks are going to be those that make survivors spend more time (for killer) and those that extend the amount of time being chased for survivor. I really hate the term 2nd chance…