Proposal Change N.O.E.D. It's For Zero Skill Killers

mike4156 Member Posts: 222
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm here just to question why bad killers use it as a crutch. Most of the time resulting in their only kill. It's just certain days I go on this luck streak of killers who are SO BAD, i literally just ran an oni for 5 minutes around 1 pallet,so it begins with us all blinding and pallet slamming him quite a lot. Getting triggered reading that? don't forget he is learning, no one said it'd be easy. Then mister no skill killer has the audacity to be running NOED. If you're good at tracking and hunting and you get a lot of chase points,hits, and hooks you're a good killer. You don't have to kill everyone to have fun. I also don't see the need for this perk seeing as half the killers have 1 shot abilities they can get standard. Face it that you're not that good until you practice more, why reward no skill?

Next match, boy was this a funny one, a trapper with NOED who couldn't even loop. Every time he wanted to try to swing at the pallet and let me slam him. It's hard to take this guy seriously and then he gets 1 hook all game, guess what perk he's playing with? NOED

It's so amusing how you guys rely on a perk just to have 1 kill in the most pathetic way lol. my suggestion to survivors is unless the killers complete garbage just let the random die on NOED, OR take a look in the most immediate areas to check really quickly, don't feed these bums, I'm perfectly fine with killers not developing skill through means of NOED to get 1 - 2 kills . Most survivors aren't going to clean all 5 totems and sometimes it takes extremely long to find all 5 so I don't understand this. noed should appear at the start of the match to be cleansed

A major issue in this game is how people prioritize killing someone even if it means on the first hook. This I don't understand unless you truely don't care about even bloodpoints. Pips aren't going to be rewarded for you, so I don't understand that method of play, why even play? even at purple ranks now you'll get gold and gray rank killers on PS4. Even at Red and Purple rank I'll get linked with gold and gray survivors who would rather watch you loop for 5 minutes instead of doing generators. Even so with dumb survivors and a dumb killer with NOED 1-2 experienced survivors is all it takes to change those matches.

This perk is the biggest hurdle in the game toward survivors , to be fair it always has been, i think I'd rather have this reworked than ruin, ruin was bareable, although admittedly it was the cause of disaster in a lot of games. Why should No One Escapes Death work on every survivor multiple times until its cleansed, depending on what level of NOED you have should be how many times you can use it;


(NOED will appear at the start of the match as a lit totem.


As the Exit gates power up the survivors know that the killer has NOED before he hits someone.)

(NOED lvl 1 - You get a 1 hit down on 1 survivor, only works 1 time)

(NOED lvl 2 - You get a 1 hit down on 2 survivors, only works 1 time on each selected survivor)

(NOED lvl 3 - You get a 1 hit down on 3 survivors, only works 1 time on each selected survivor)

There's absolutely no reason you need a crutch bigger than 3 free 1 shots.

It's more fair this way with a high likely hood of success still should NOED rema especially for super low rank noobie survivors who don't know where to look for totems, or that the situation calls for them to just escape rather than rescue.

Post edited by mike4156 on


  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    nerf noed its for all you garbage killers lmao

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    more of a recommendation than a complaint, i really dont give a sh** about the perk its amusing to me.

    Also I told a story about how dumb people generally are as a example of why its strong against total noobs, seeing as BHVR is aiming to make the game more user friendly especially with the expanding player base since introducing stranger things

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    do you even read? im talking about how op it is that bad killers get one over on new survivors all the time. I might escape but it pains me to see lack of skill getting a reward on a poor guy that doesn't really understand the game or where the hell the totems are for that matter. Atleast it gives some sort of chance to noobies who may never even cleanse NOED in their match, with my proposal it'll still work on 3 survivors with LEVEL 3 NOED

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    man, that's really cool!!

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 535

    Saying "just do totems" is not a solution as most of the players base are solo players. Survivor cannot be running around waisting time without knowing if there are still totems left or all are already broken.

    For this to be actually a valid argument, there should be a totem counter in the game.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    70 seconds is pretty much a whole gen. Do an extra gen or give the killer free one hits and speed boost? Noed isn't as bad as people say.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    Please tell me why you defend NOED so much, let me guess it must be everyones favorite perk that complains here. lol

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Asking a survivor to run around looking for 5 tiny totems and cleansing them all to stop the killer from going turbo with speed boost and instadowns = perfectly fine counterplay

    Asking a killer to not tunnel to avoid a 5 second stun = ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    AGAIN im not talking about me, im talking about people who havent played much at all, please read everything I feel like no one has reading comprehension here

    and hell no if you;re trying to kill me im t-bagging the hell out of you lol

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's countered by BT and Bottled Time, also Hope sort of. Not to mention the Inner Strength + Detective's Hunch combo. Just get good and learn to counter it. (Sarcasm btw, this is what survivors say about things like BT, DS, and keys)

    Conclusion: Noed can be countered but so can DS so either complain about both or neither.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    oh you want me to complain about DS? i think its a garbage piece of ######### perk i never run that lmao, over 50% of the time i get slugged when i run it its like the game knows im trying it out. seriously tho DS is not my go to

    by adding a timer to it they encouraged slugging for killers, another advantage for them, now with incentive

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Me neither, DS is garbage imo. But killers say NOED is garbage. Both or neither man, can't be in the middle or have an independent opinion.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You don't even need to do totems, you can just wait until the last generator is completed and find the lit totem — this method requires you to do a single totem rather than relying on your team to help you get all 5 of them. 😁

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    plain and simple if you have the skill there's no need to be running it, im just saying the match making is SO messed up that you got red purple and gold killers with no skill and no ed wondering why the games so hard, because instead of using tracking perks they go for m1 enhancing / damage perks.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    like come on i get a 4K as nurse on yamaoka the other night haven't played her in almost a year, without noed.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    in todays society you cant be too sure of that. haha but i understand you lol

    however I never once refered to me having difficulty with noed so I don't know why everyone keeps saying "you" to me as this is a topic about new survivors being gunned down by it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Protecting their totem has a lower weight than defending the Exit Gates. This is because most killers won't bother to defend their totem unless they know for sure someone is there and secure a hook. It's a complete gamble to catch a survivor on their totem, so why gamble when you can guarantee the survivor will be at an Exit Gate? 😁

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I think a couple different factors that might answer your question are:

    1. It just blatantly has a good effect, and is simply better than a decent amount of other perks. Some I have in mind here are Iron Maiden (for killers other than Huntress mostly,) Predator, Monstrous Shrine and whatnot.
    2. It's a default perk that everybody starts off with the potential of unlocking, which is more of a guarantee for a newbie who doesn't have any teachables.

    That might be why you see killers using the perk. I don't think it means somebody is automatically bad if they choose to use it either. That's just closed-minded to say. People definitely can use it as a crutch, just the same way Ruin could be used as a crutch by bad killers or to greater effect by a good killer. I just don't think it's only a perk for the "garbage killers." Although you wouldn't want to run it on some better ones, like Hillbilly.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Right it's a guaranteed down if you don't cleanse it early. A down in end game usually = a kill.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    Because you're talking from a place that you aren't in. You've said yourself you're not a new player. Yet, you're speaking for them. NOED is a learning experience, much like everything else. Take a minute out of the match to clear totems, or suffer in the endgame. It's more relevant now, because without Old Ruin, games go by in several minutes. So instead of building for the early game, killers aim for the end game. New players will learn this, just like everything else.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    very true, and with good reasoning, finally a good response. thank you lol, even if i disagree doesn't mean i can't still see the other point of view. But I do feel it needs a rework, don't panic everyone you'll still get your 1 shots just not infinitely, as i proposed lol

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    or perhaps NOED with a cool down? you get to 1 shot someone every 60, 50, or 40 seconds depending on the Tier of noed you have 1 , 2 , or 3

    just rough ideas

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,099

    It only good against those who finish the gens and stick around at the end game. It doesn't need any nerf especially when it now work on all tiers to 1 hit down. I rather they changed it back to only tier 3 getting the exposed effects.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,099

    Can't you read? He can't be bothered to do totems cause all he want is noed changed.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    i do totems man, what are you getting at? this topic is to keep NOED's integrity but to ease up on new survivors. you telling me having your next 3 attacks be 1 shots isn't enough? considering the end game doors are always near each other now compared to how it used to be. You're literally on your final objective why do you need all that firepower. lol, you weren't going to get 4 kills you don't deserve it now at the very end. you can still get a 3k easy with this proposal

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Have you tried cleansing totems? Killer has nothing to do with how this perk works, survivors are the ones who either cleanse it or activate it. Don't see how noed is a bigger crutch then ds or bt

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Add DS and Adrenaline totems and spawn them in the most open places or next to hooks, pls. It should be the same as NOED. After I put a survivor on hook, the DS Hex light up next to us, I stomp it before it can be used and we are even.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    I'd also say it equally penalizes people who bring in toolboxes and gen speed perks.

    I wouldn't say it necessarily rewards bad killers. There's killers who's playstyle is based entirely around the end game. NOED is crucial to that playstyle.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 590

    And breaking the totem and doing the secondary objective of the game would you like to do?

    All my survivor games i am the only one saving us all from noed you guys only like to gen rush and be toxic.

    The game is unbalanced as it is let them get at least 6 hook in a game

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    edited February 2020

    Tunneling isn't playing well. I do agree DS should deactivate in certain scenarios but I disagree that DS doesn't discourage tunneling.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    Tunneling isn't playing well for whom? It is for the killer, because it gets a survivor out of the way. Much easier to run against three players than four.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 582

    I don't understand why people even bother bringing up NOED as a thing...

    Honestly, I very rarely face it, Idk if it is just because I'm good at cleansing totems or if Killers don't use it all that often in the Green/Purple Ranks but even when I face it I think I've only died to NOED a handful of times total in my 400+ hours of playing DBD.

    It's never been something that worried me, and I've always personally thought any Killer wasting a Perk slot on it is basically giving up a free game (unless their entire build revolves around using NOED endgame)

    Just my thoughts..

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Well my good friend @Pythonheir is convinced tunneling is an inefficient strategy that puts you at a disadvantage against good survivors. You may refer to his posts as I am not a tunneling expert.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    Nothing sucks worse at the end of a match than having cleansed four totems and then dying to NOED because no one else bothered, but NOED has already been changed multiple times in DbD's history. Changing NOED any more than it already is would screw up the balance too much: NOED counters Adrenaline.

    Either NOED and Adrenaline both go, or survivors need to learn to cleanse totems.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    When playing by yourself without friends, no situation is guaranteed, i may not have time for a cleanse or my team mates might not comprehend they should look for totems. current noed allows for face camping with a guaranteed kill, ill have to BT someone and get placed on hook, only to keep the cyclle going or to be the one who takes the L for my team mate. now if end game collapse lasts long enough and survivors are smart enough you can go about this in 2 ways if my proposed system was in place;

    1. cleansing the totem
    2. you already were hit with noed so it wont work again on you again... to even take the time for hook rescue you'll need a full heal and that's almost always going to be during endgame collapse so it's not like you have alot of time to make choices.

    1. most low rank survivors arent even playing with borrowed time so that's what I'm getting at. At this rate this game will live and die with its current player base, it'll never expand, seeing as most people are put off by the way this game is to begin with. I mean they already took away ruin which kind of makes the game alot more stale.. i look up n see 3 gens done all the time in like 3minutes.. even as a survivor im like geeze
  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    I just said that not tunneling doesnt counter DS.

    DS discourages playing well AND tunneling.

    Why? Because downing 4 and hooking 3 surviviors in less than 60s is playing well, not tunneling. Just like catching surviviors in Bear Traps, Phantasm Traps or making use of information perks. But you still get hit by DS.