Proposal Change N.O.E.D. It's For Zero Skill Killers



  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    As if most hex totems aren't meh enough. NOED and Devour Hope are the only hex totems actually worth the risk and DH hopes still requires a build up period of multiple hook saves. No. I don't agree with this rework idea or that NOED by nature is a signal of a bad player although I respect that having such a sudden power surge out of nowhere at end game can be very frustrating.

    You could argue that maybe NOED should light up a totem prior to the end game itself. Like when one gen is left-unless it does that now. I don't use NOED alot so forgive me- but as a hex perk it has a clear counter play and is one of the few perks in the game that promote survivors from M1 spreeing those gens without the risk of getting instantly dispelled like a minute in because the devs placed a lit totem facing a gen or out in the open.

    I wouldn't be againsta rework to NOED personally though that makes it more fun and have a prior end game match effect at the cost of direct power. It would be nice to have a perk that directly affects killer speeds outside such a circumstantial set up besides play with your food and DH.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    but with my proposed system you can still 1 shot and hook up to 3 survivors given you've leveled up and unlocked T3 NOED, that's tons of pressure and opportunities against the survivors!!! it also gives incentive to keep leveling up a killer to unlock better NOED tiers. If people want to lean on it more it would still be a pesky totem you have to cleanse, just that survivors know maybe 3 out of 4 of them will die from 1 shot but not all of them. Don't forget that people like to add ebony mori's with NOED, which i think should be completely unallowed.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    How about a simple change such as Noed not working for survivors that haven't been hooked? Cause it's not right how the killer just gets handed free pressure like that against someone that has probably been looping them hard all game.

    It's a real shame how ruin got nerfed and now the number of people that call noed a necessity grows. People just want their turn to have "fun" and win but why not try earning it a bit? Instead of just saying they should have done the totems.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    What's the point though. You're already at the end game. All you got to do is get out the gate. If ONE person can't get out the gate even because of NOED-which you're right by the way, it's OP- then you're just bad. Unless the killer is some master mind, big brain, jig saw-esque, DBD denizen domino manipulator.

    It feels like this change would do ultimately nothing because if you ain't out the gate at THAT point all this new NOED does is make the killer slug the 3 while he chases the last survivor trying to open the gate. I feel like it would just prolong the frustration for survivors. Because the hatch ain't open and a survivor with no open exit gate or other survivors probably has no hope to get away at that point.

    Especially if, like you said, he's been looping and breaking most of the maps pallets all game.

    If the exit gate is open at that point but he one hit you all then most of the time you're already at an open gate and will crawl into an escaped while he's off hooking. Especially if you got a perk to increase crawl speeds.

    I get what you're trying to say but I don't think this will have the effect you think it iwll have. I would suggest instead just making NOED a general speed increase all game until the toem is destroyed. Which would be more scary for survivors and have multiple counterplays. Stealth and totem hunting.

    Have a vote up though for the idea. It's interesting

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Actually, you could argue that tunneling is playing as optimally as possible, and therefore, is playing very well.

    Since when did strategically eliminating someone *you know* is going to die sooner a bad thing?

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    With NOED you're playing the majority of the game one perk down with an added risk of the totem being cleansed and you get the boost when the survivors are literally a hair away from winning.

    Still not good enough for survivors.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    You're a survivor with the best perks in the game that can be used multiple times and stack with other Survivors. You come and complain about a perk "that you don't care about" and say to Nerf it and say you just got through being a massive douche+toxic (x10²³) to a killer who sucks. And we're already low on killers so the queue times are longer. So instead of helping them out and giving them tips you just decide ... You're part of the reason we are in the forums. It's people like you destroying the game.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Yikes! An entitled survivor main complaining about a killer perk!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161
    edited February 2020

    It's amazing there are any killers still playing this game, sometimes. With matchmaking as it is, survivors keep going up against newbie killers with little to no experience, and then they taunt them in-game because the killer is "so bad"... the killer hasn't had time to get better yet, and being dicks to them in-game isn't going to encourage them to stick around and get better.

    I've been playing killer to get BP and because the queue times are faster, but I know I'm going up against survivors who are way, way better than me, so I don't even try to play. I've been going in as Clown with Distressing and just throwing bottles at them to max out Deviousness. I often don't even hit them much less hook them. I hope that's what they want from the game, because that's all I'm gonna give them, and with the way they treat killers who actually try, killers like me are all that's gonna be left.

    (Throwing bottles at survivors is actually a lot of fun and really hilarious. Especially if you hit them with the bottle. The constant screams have me laughing all match.)

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's true. If you're good with survivor then getting tunneled is the fastest way for that Killer to lose. Though i'm not going to write a book describing all the map layouts, and loops in the game.

    Juggling the survivors is the strongest way to make the game easier for Killer.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    OP, if you don't like what the perk does, you will need to give it an effect similar to what it has already.

    The perk currently:

    • Punishes survivors for not taking time off generators to do totems.
    • Gives the killer a powerful tool if the survivors refuse to take time off generators to do totems.

    I'll give you my idea for changing the perk while maintaining its strength.

    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    You have a Hex tied to survivor's false hope for survival.

    If there is any dull totem remaining after the Exit Gates are powered, it will have this Hex applied to it.

    While this Hex is active, the EGC will initiate as if an Exit Gate was already opened and the killer receives:

    • 5% Movement speed increase.
    • 10%/15%/20% Successful attack cool-down reduction.

    Upon the related Hex totem is cleansed, if there is any dull totem remaining, it will have this Hex applied to it. Otherwise, the EGC timer will pause until normal conditions are met and the killer lose the bonus effects.

    @Pulsar, I changed my idea for changing NOED if it were to get reworked by the developers. 😁

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Bad survivors reward bad killers the use of NOED. The perk doesn't need a nerf, it's useless against a team of good survivors that know what they are doing.

    This dude is right.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Honestly, I don't like to be that guy but like, you can do gens or totems, its all on you. I don't like it too, but the perk is bad and has an very simple counter to it so....

  • tfareyouthinking
    tfareyouthinking Member Posts: 46

    Awww, baby survivor crying about noed after ruin nerf... ######### did you except people to use when gens are being rushed every game. Ignorant troglodytes should not have the right to speak.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    wow didn't know you need NOED to kill everyone, pathetic lmao

  • tfareyouthinking
    tfareyouthinking Member Posts: 46

    maybe when you reach the higher ranks as a killer you understand baby survivor. Btw if you’re seriously struggling with cleansing totems as survivor..? Obviously a low rank 😂😂

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    The devs have literally put perks and items in the game to counter noed. stop using the "solo survivor "excuse . I literally only play solo , instead of running a toolbox with the 4 meta perks either run small game or detectives hunch or a map.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    love cleansing it and then the ones defending it get nothing afterwards. ^^

    this game was so much better 2-3 years ago. It's losing players because of all of you forum dwellers who keep wanting changes to killers only. now you keep getting dlc with BAD perks and a crap ton of cosmetics to go with your errors every match. the last dlc that was good was jeff and the legion, after that its all been garbage, lmao i bet you all use m1 ghost face no stalking because its optimal. you don't even care about how its ment to be played, just let me kill everyone.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You missed the best part, the perk keeps activating until there's no more totems left. Therefore, if there's 5 totems remaining at the end game, they will need to cleanse your Hex 5 times to deactivate it. 😁

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    you don't have to kill everyone to have a good match btw, probably news to a lot of you.

  • disconnectbybuglite
    disconnectbybuglite Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2020

    Nerf dead hard, bt, d's, adrenaline, self care and every other crutch survivor perk that all you red rank babies run. You shouldn't need them if you have actuall skill. Git gud.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Survivors- Being toxic

    Killers- Runs noed

    Survivors- :o

    It only rewards bad killers if you let it

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    None of those perks tell you if there are any totems left

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394
    edited February 2020

    Id tell you what I really think, but ive already been warned twice this week.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    I was checking out clown, he's only level 10 so I only had 2 perks, Pop and something else. I was trying to get down how far he can throw along with his natural arc as well. It wasn't too bad, I mainly tried him out because of the elephant mask I got from the Tome. Haha

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Oof, that's a decently strong effect tho. What about stacking with STBFL? We don't need another machine gun meta.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Haven't read your comments in a while, would love to see more of your input!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    This is what needs to happen for you the get the machine gun build:

    • Hope survivors don't cleanse totems.
    • Ignore your Obsession all game.

    This is easier said than done, and if this proves to be OP, we can limit the killer to only have a maximum of 50% reduced successful attack cool-down to prevent stacking. 😁

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    True. but detectives literally tells you where and if there are totems. I suggest you try it.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    When I play as survivor generally the only times NOED is annoying is when killer camps with it but even then it's usually a 3 escape 1 dead scenario (Which I would consider a win even if i'm the dead guy) unless the team are braindead and just continually rush hooked survivors until they're all slugged.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    nayy I run sprint burst, self care, sometimes leader or prove thyself, borrowed time if im playing swf, i dont give a sht about randoms in a bad situation, i love to run distortion, (since theres so many doctors lately i run calm spirit) or i do sprint burst with janes perk poised its amazing.

    to sum up , sprint burst , self care , distortion and my 4th perk i always switch out (leader, PTS, poise, calm spirit, sometimes kindered, if i feel like im being tunnel camped alot that day. lol which is generally rare usually my teammates get the bad luck.

    i experiment with builds too like lithe dance with me, breakout boil over with a swf, fast healing builds, gen rush builds. depends on the day kiddo

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Your attitude towards Killers is disgusting.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161

    Yeah, I started using him 'cause I have his Halloween Blight face, and I wear that with a blue suit and the Christmas letter opener weapon; I really like the outfit on him. Then I discovered how fun it is to pelt survivors with bottles. Now, I'm mostly playing as him or, if I see flashlights in my lobby, Doc.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If the killer is garbage for using NoEd then the survivors who fall victim to it must be sewage for not being smart enough to counter it.

  • joeyprtr
    joeyprtr Member Posts: 42

    Yes change the game for new players, disregard the players that have been loyal fans. I mean I want my son to dunk in the NBA so could u drop the rim to 4 feet


  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    Noed has so many counters unlike a lot of survivor crutch perks.

  • Leaky
    Leaky Member Posts: 1

    NOED is completely balanced if you think about it.

    First thing I want to say is not every perk has to be focused around early and mid game. End game builds are a thing, and powerful at that. But it is still balanced.

    The thing with noed is that it does not activate until all the generators are done. You have plenty of time to cleanse totems throughout the match, especially if it is a ######### killer. You not cleansing totems should not be a viable reason for noed being OP.

    Another thing to not is if noed does appear in the end game, and the killer is bad, let's they got one hook all game. If they are really that bad you can go find the totem and cleanse it and still get out. This shouldn't be a problem unless you are bad yourself.

    The last thing is that the killer has to play without at least one perk for 95% of the match. There are trade off to using noed. And even so, you have a chance that noed won't even work because the totems can be cleansed. It's a risky perk for killers to use.

    As for new players, it is not all to bad, they just have to learn to click and hold their mouse button and cleanse a totem. The only problem they would have is finding totems, which is with any other hex perk you could put on.

    The problems for new players is not any of the perks, but the matchmaking. People who have sunk a lot of time into the game as killer and have a ton of their three perks can be matched up with new players. That is not really fair, but that is how it is. So the new players aspect is not noed or any other perks fault, but how the game searches for players. That is an issue I would rather discuss than a balanced perk being nerfed for no logical reason

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Did you ever once stop to think that many of those so-called "bad killers" are new, as well? I'd say not, seeing as the Survivor players are the only ones you aren't calling names.

    POISONOUS_OXIDE Member Posts: 40

    I do t see a problem with it. I’m not bad at the game and I run it just because of how unbalanced the game is for killers. Survivors have a lot going for them right now and NOED helps killers against good survivors even more so now that ruin got nerfed

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    You cant be mad someone was running Noed when you were teabagging and probally genrushed and didnt expect noed

  • StuMacher
    StuMacher Member Posts: 110

    Arguing a perk is detrimental to the game and new players

    "Teabagging him so hard I ruined his life" - the same guy lol

    Take your pink hair elsewhere nea

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Just do bones.

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26

    Imagine being so bad as a survivor that you can’t take 2 seconds to cleanse a totem lol.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    How so? I think it is a fact to say that Survivor's do have more second chance perks.

    Whether or not they have a fair counter is debatable though.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    You mean asking 4 SURVIVORS to use their 3RD PERSON CAMERA to cleanse 5 totems which takes 12 SECONDS each? That's too much to ask? Aside from you also being able bring maps?