New app like MLGA has SWF detection



  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:

    Tsulan said:

    @lyric said:
    Tsulan said:

    @lyric said: pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:    Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said: @powerbats said: @ChraizE said: This app is a must for killers! Screw those swf jerks don't let them use coms just so they can make fun of you post match even though they were cheating. Link it to everyone!!! Good grief the whininess is astounding, the decs have said it's not cheating so therefore it's not cheating. Now before you say anything killers use the devs said camping is a legit strat to defend it. So if the devs have said it's ok it is and therefore isn't cheating. But go ahead and use a software that isn't allowed and get that ban, I'm sure you'll feel so much better having to use that. Instead of doing the same as @Master and dodging on his own if he wants. It gets tiring after the 5th time of checking the profiles and then leaving. If i did not want to throw 40€ worth of content i would use MLGA. But not this new application. who knows what viruses and similar it has. You dont need to check profiles, I dont do that anymore. Just dodge the lobby if too many survivors join at the same time, sure it might hurt some solo guys if they are unlucky and join at the same time, but as long as devs refuse to highlight SWF players, thats not my fault

    Why should they? They said they want the game centered around that type of play, I totally can’t wait for them to implement  punishments for lobby dodging good ping. Killers will sit here and complain about veteran survivor players going against noobs but will lobby dodge and cherry pick a lobby with no items, no prestige, and nobody at all joining together. It’s really a load of garbage that if I put on prestige clothing with a flashlight I might as well not even look for a game unless I last second switch and then they’re gonna dc anyways. Anyone who’s good at this game doesn’t need to dodge anyone and it’s laughable people still make excuses after the devs already stated this is the way they want it.        So anyone who is good at being Ebullied will play with you? .    Nice try but we are adults and we undestand the common social pressure tactics.    So get dodged more. Its for the best.

    So adults cry about playing with a group and dodge because they can’t beat who’s in front of them? Even when the developers want it played that way and said it on a live stream recently I guess to you that’s still a problem  Devs want the survivors to bully the killers? That´s a bold statement to say the least.

    No they want the game centered around SWF team style play and you know that’s what I meant and anyone who watches the streams know 
    The devs gave in to survivors lobby dodging, so they could play with their friends. Thus creating SWF.
    They created a monster and don´t know how to balance it. SWF makes it incredible easy to coordinate around the killer and effectivly bully him.
    Now over 70% of all matches contain SWF (probably way more, since they haven´t released any new data).
    Devs struggle to balance the game around SWF. So they started to give all survivors more information. Like those icons that tell you that NOED is active. Or Huntress Lullaby. Those things were meant to give solo survivors the same information as SWF teams. But in doing so, they made the game way easier for survivors. Since you don´t need to pay attention anymore. You just look at what warning icons are active and play accordingly. This was a huge mistake.
    Now they want to give all survivors inbuild Kindred. This will be a huge thing. Since solo survivors will not only be as coordinated as SWF, but SWF will also have a better control about who is closest to unhook. It will result it gen rushs. Since survivors won´t leave the gen to check the hook.
    SWF has been OP since forever. Now giving all survivors the power of SWF won´t exactly make the life of killers easier. Only the life of survivors. Which hasn´t been exactly hard to begin with.
    This game is tagged as a HORROR game, but it has more in common with the NASCAR simulator than with a Horror game or movie.

    I agree with most of what you said, my point is that the devs have now geared towards THIS direction and that’s what they’ve announced live to everyone, I’m just saying if or when they do get dedicated servers I can’t wait for them to implement time bans on lobby dodgers, people on here are condoning it and  it happens to me high ranked solo playing all the time because they assume swf and don’t know for sure so I end up waiting forever for a match at times only to start right over , if this is part of the game and the direction they are going in , then lobby dodging a good ping shouldn’t be an option and I’ve played solo majority of my time anyway it feels more real like it’s intended in my personal preference , my problem is I feel like I do worse in swf because I’m overly altruistic in situations I should go away in, like camping for example, if you get a good killer who decides to hard camp because bbq didn’t light up if you were for some reason just already in the area when the hook happens , the best option is to do gens , but if I’m with my friends I’m having fun and I run borrowed time and we’ll make it together anyway so I’ll go for it and laugh if I go down, I’m not gonna  let it ruin my day because I made a bad choice, I’m here to have fun win or lose.

    If and when( it wont) happens many killers will just play survivor or leave the game entirelly. You'd kill the game with that.

    So you think preventing lobby dodging would kill the game? 

    Yes, if I am forced to face a deathsquad, then I will DC ingame.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    lyric said:
    Master said:

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:

    Tsulan said:

    @lyric said:
    Tsulan said:

    @lyric said: pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:    Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said: @powerbats said: @ChraizE said: This app is a must for killers! Screw those swf jerks don't let them use coms just so they can make fun of you post match even though they were cheating. Link it to everyone!!! Good grief the whininess is astounding, the decs have said it's not cheating so therefore it's not cheating. Now before you say anything killers use the devs said camping is a legit strat to defend it. So if the devs have said it's ok it is and therefore isn't cheating. But go ahead and use a software that isn't allowed and get that ban, I'm sure you'll feel so much better having to use that. Instead of doing the same as @Master and dodging on his own if he wants. It gets tiring after the 5th time of checking the profiles and then leaving. If i did not want to throw 40€ worth of content i would use MLGA. But not this new application. who knows what viruses and similar it has. You dont need to check profiles, I dont do that anymore. Just dodge the lobby if too many survivors join at the same time, sure it might hurt some solo guys if they are unlucky and join at the same time, but as long as devs refuse to highlight SWF players, thats not my fault

    Why should they? They said they want the game centered around that type of play, I totally can’t wait for them to implement  punishments for lobby dodging good ping. Killers will sit here and complain about veteran survivor players going against noobs but will lobby dodge and cherry pick a lobby with no items, no prestige, and nobody at all joining together. It’s really a load of garbage that if I put on prestige clothing with a flashlight I might as well not even look for a game unless I last second switch and then they’re gonna dc anyways. Anyone who’s good at this game doesn’t need to dodge anyone and it’s laughable people still make excuses after the devs already stated this is the way they want it.        So anyone who is good at being Ebullied will play with you? .    Nice try but we are adults and we undestand the common social pressure tactics.    So get dodged more. Its for the best.

    So adults cry about playing with a group and dodge because they can’t beat who’s in front of them? Even when the developers want it played that way and said it on a live stream recently I guess to you that’s still a problem  Devs want the survivors to bully the killers? That´s a bold statement to say the least.

    No they want the game centered around SWF team style play and you know that’s what I meant and anyone who watches the streams know 
    The devs gave in to survivors lobby dodging, so they could play with their friends. Thus creating SWF.
    They created a monster and don´t know how to balance it. SWF makes it incredible easy to coordinate around the killer and effectivly bully him.
    Now over 70% of all matches contain SWF (probably way more, since they haven´t released any new data).
    Devs struggle to balance the game around SWF. So they started to give all survivors more information. Like those icons that tell you that NOED is active. Or Huntress Lullaby. Those things were meant to give solo survivors the same information as SWF teams. But in doing so, they made the game way easier for survivors. Since you don´t need to pay attention anymore. You just look at what warning icons are active and play accordingly. This was a huge mistake.
    Now they want to give all survivors inbuild Kindred. This will be a huge thing. Since solo survivors will not only be as coordinated as SWF, but SWF will also have a better control about who is closest to unhook. It will result it gen rushs. Since survivors won´t leave the gen to check the hook.
    SWF has been OP since forever. Now giving all survivors the power of SWF won´t exactly make the life of killers easier. Only the life of survivors. Which hasn´t been exactly hard to begin with.
    This game is tagged as a HORROR game, but it has more in common with the NASCAR simulator than with a Horror game or movie.

    I agree with most of what you said, my point is that the devs have now geared towards THIS direction and that’s what they’ve announced live to everyone, I’m just saying if or when they do get dedicated servers I can’t wait for them to implement time bans on lobby dodgers, people on here are condoning it and  it happens to me high ranked solo playing all the time because they assume swf and don’t know for sure so I end up waiting forever for a match at times only to start right over , if this is part of the game and the direction they are going in , then lobby dodging a good ping shouldn’t be an option and I’ve played solo majority of my time anyway it feels more real like it’s intended in my personal preference , my problem is I feel like I do worse in swf because I’m overly altruistic in situations I should go away in, like camping for example, if you get a good killer who decides to hard camp because bbq didn’t light up if you were for some reason just already in the area when the hook happens , the best option is to do gens , but if I’m with my friends I’m having fun and I run borrowed time and we’ll make it together anyway so I’ll go for it and laugh if I go down, I’m not gonna  let it ruin my day because I made a bad choice, I’m here to have fun win or lose.

    If and when( it wont) happens many killers will just play survivor or leave the game entirelly. You'd kill the game with that.

    So you think preventing lobby dodging would kill the game? 

    Yes, if I am forced to face a deathsquad, then I will DC ingame.

    **it’s garbage and it’s weak to cherry pick lobbies that suit your desire in viewing the amount of trophies earned, what items they have, or if they seem to come in together or not.**
    Truth has been spoken.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @meshugganah said:
    for those who, like myself, didn't know what mlga is a link.

    now look at how survivor mains decry the existence of this new program.  is it starting to make sense?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @meshugganah said:
    for those who, like myself, didn't know what mlga is a link.

    now look at how survivor mains decry the existence of this new program.  is it starting to make sense?

    Now look at how killer mains want to bash people including survivor mains that don't use the very program you just complained about. While also ignoring the killers that use same said program to harass survivors in lobbies and or dodge.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    lol. yes.  so many innocent victims in the garden of eden.  forbidden fruit is retaliation against the use of mics.  "how dare they!"  killers really are the problem here.
    Only you is saying that here.

    Maybe they'll be a collective group one day that actually do fit with whatever strawman you make up.

    Besides killers used MLGA as well. So no, they aren't that innocent according to your standards.
  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    Very Interesting, I'd love to see the impact this software is going to have. I've hypothesized on this exact situation. Love to see what becomes of it.> @powerbats said:

    Few things to not copy every post.

    1. While those games are symmetrical both teams are not evenly managed since draft or random games you can get unbalanced teams. So when that happens people dodge the lobbies all the time because they don't like the teams. If someone gets their champ picked or banned they'll dodge the lobby as well. Whether it's ranked or unranked this happens.

    2. If PS4 is so toxic then that's something that needs to be handled via either Sony (fat chance unless you wave money in front of them) or BHVR. I do agree there needs to be a way to get Sony and Xbox to change how they run things with the blocking.

    3. Dedicated servers would help big time at least for pc and you could start implementing lobby dodging penalties. No killers won't stop playing here and if they do survivors will swap over for faster queues. I do wonder if dedicated servers would allow console users to bypass Sony and Xbox services beyond login.

    That way they wouldn't be able to be blocked from playing against people and wouldn't know until post game lobby. I mean they could still enable chat blocking to popup post game lobby as well as profile blocking for comments.

    4.I'll add to this later when my brain gets less foggy from being dehydrated and I'll change this one and add others.

    HAHAHAHAHA you think Survivors will switch over to Killer???????? They will try it for two matches, get rolled and switch back and never play Killer again.

    They already dread Killer dailies, they are always ... thank god I finished the Killer daily , now I can go back to having fun.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018
    Both parties are guilty. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however the only thing I will say is Killers are the ones who have justification. Both have the hackers, lag switch users, ect... but Survivors on voice comms need to realize one thing. You’re using a 3rd party program for an advantage. Killers do have a right to dodge that. You want to play? Fine. However don’t be surprised when you get dodged for using outside game help. 

    It's only justified if you don't want to get harrassed. If you're just dodging for easy matches, it's not justified at all.

    SWF is strong, but it's part of the game now and has been for a long while. Everyone is just better off accepting that, rather then get disappointed when the devs do nothing to balance them specifically.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Outland said:

    HAHAHAHAHA you think Survivors will switch over to Killer???????? They will try it for two matches, get rolled and switch back and never play Killer again.

    They already dread Killer dailies, they are always ... thank god I finished the Killer daily , now I can go back to having fun.

    You're joking right, I already play killer if survivor lobby times are long and same for killer. There's quite a few posts here from others who've said the exact same thing. I actually enjoy the killer dailies and hate the survivor dailies since some are just plain bad.

    Perhaps if you availed yourself to some of the posts including those from before region lock was removed. Then you'd see people saying they switch when 1 sides queues are too long.

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @powerbats said:

    @Outland said:

    HAHAHAHAHA you think Survivors will switch over to Killer???????? They will try it for two matches, get rolled and switch back and never play Killer again.

    They already dread Killer dailies, they are always ... thank god I finished the Killer daily , now I can go back to having fun.

    You're joking right, I already play killer if survivor lobby times are long and same for killer. There's quite a few posts here from others who've said the exact same thing. I actually enjoy the killer dailies and hate the survivor dailies since some are just plain bad.

    Perhaps if you availed yourself to some of the posts including those from before region lock was removed. Then you'd see people saying they switch when 1 sides queues are too long.

    My friend , I'm not joking, there are a ton of people on these forums that say if SWF is removed, they would just stop playing. So anything that would make SWF not viable, like the Killers being able to choose a ranked version where there would be no SWF would mean NO SWF.

    And instead of those survivors switching over to Killer, they all say they'd just stop playing.

    So if you really think that enough survivors would switch sides to allow SWF to not feel the lack of regular Killers you are fooling yourself.

    And you can bet after those survivors that switch to Killer and play a few SWF matches, they will no doubt have one too many run ins with SWF shenanigans, and they will stop playing that mode as well.

    You underestimate how unfun playing a SWF group is for most Killers.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018
    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 
    LOL what the #########?

    Why are you so triggered?

    It's cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.

    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.

    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual ######### lol.
    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:
    SovererignKing said:

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    LOL what the [BAD WORD]?

    Why are you so triggered?

    It's also cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.

    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.

    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual [BAD WORD] lol.

    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited August 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:
    SovererignKing said:

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    LOL what the [BAD WORD]?

    Why are you so triggered?

    It's also cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.

    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.

    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual [BAD WORD] lol.

    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

    *Everyone* should have the right to avoid toxicity.
    Right now, only killers have that option through lobby dodging.
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

    I just said that killers should dodge if they think they're going to get harassed...


  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Visionmaker said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 
    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 
    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 
    LOL what the [BAD WORD]?
    Why are you so triggered?
    It's also cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.
    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.
    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual [BAD WORD] lol.

    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

    Everyone should have the right to avoid toxicity.

    Right now, only killers have that option through lobby dodging.

    When i play survivor (personal view on the matter) I know what the killer feels when camping ( a feeling of impotence or powerlessness (or its an idiot)) so i empathise with them and i dont get mad at them i get "mad" at the game itself.
    SWF mostly have no reason to be bullies unless i was a jerk from the start( and its rarely unprovocked(bad english sorry) or they want to ruin my day and i will 100% do the same to them as best i can too. Be nice too me im nice to you too.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

    I just said that killers should dodge if they think they're going to get harassed...


    Me sees that .

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    And china pings too.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    And china pings too.


  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Visionmaker said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 
    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 
    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 
    LOL what the [BAD WORD]?
    Why are you so triggered?
    It's also cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.
    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.
    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual [BAD WORD] lol.

    I belive killers have the right to avoid potential Ebulliying seesions though.

    Everyone should have the right to avoid toxicity.

    Right now, only killers have that option through lobby dodging.

    I remember only one truly toxic killer and whenever i saw his/her profile with shift/tab i said " Oh its a "insert their profile name here" and i just did my thing. it was when to pip you needed 10000K BP. If the person facecamped me it was sorta normal and good because i wanted to face a normal killer as well so i was fine. The rest were like mostly normal ( i never saw the same facecamper twice in a row for one.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    And china pings too.



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Outland said:

    My friend , I'm not joking, there are a ton of people on these forums that say if SWF is removed, they would just stop playing. So anything that would make SWF not viable, like the Killers being able to choose a ranked version where there would be no SWF would mean NO SWF.

    And instead of those survivors switching over to Killer, they all say they'd just stop playing.

    So if you really think that enough survivors would switch sides to allow SWF to not feel the lack of regular Killers you are fooling yourself.

    And you can bet after those survivors that switch to Killer and play a few SWF matches, they will no doubt have one too many run ins with SWF shenanigans, and they will stop playing that mode as well.

    You underestimate how unfun playing a SWF group is for most Killers.

    Now how many of those saying they'd quit are the majority of the community? Most of the community doesn't really care about a strike, about quitting or about swf. Most of the people will play just fine and swf isn't going anywhere so the what if's are pointless.

    If we want to get into the whole what ifs then what if all the killer mains did the following.

    What if:

    1. They stopped complaining everyday about the same things many of which aren't going to change.

    2. They stopped dodging lobbies because it's swf or they think it's swf.

    3. They stopped dodging lobbies because they don't like what the survivors bring.

    4. They stopped dodging because of the survivors chosen.

    5. They stopped dodging because they don't want to pick the best killer and or perks for what's shown to them.

    6. They stopped insulting people that disagree with them and say survivor main spotted.

    7.They stopped calling survivors no skill or brain dead or other insults like that directly or towards their perks.

    1. They stopped all of the above and everything I didn't list, now wouldn't that be great?

    I could post the same type of list about some of the survivors on here who post the same thing but for some it's understandable. For brand new players killers are op because they've not yet learned how to play the game or best ways to break los and evade.

    For the newer players it's understandable that they'd post that type of stuff but for you experienced killers it's sad. You know how to play the game or should anyways and know all the strengths and weaknesses of every character on both sides.

    The fact is swf isn't going anywhere and it's been here for quite some time so constantly complaining about it and making threats and or insinuations about a strike is both pointless and childish.If and when they make a separate queue for solo and swf it's killer that'll be waiting a long time for a solo queue only lobby to fill.

    If 70% of the population is swf then that only leaves 30% to be split up among the different platforms killers. That means your lobby times are going to be atrocious while the swf ones will be super fast for killers that will go for those.

    Now which do you think is going to get chosen at that point, the fast lobbies or the 15-mins to 1 hour lobbies? Besides once they do if they do make a separate queue the swf lobbies will probably give killers better bp as a reward.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    love the typical survivor strawman of "u just cant deal with the challenge!!!!"
    there's a difference between something being unfair and challenging, but i wouldn't expect survivors intentionally playing on easy mode to understand that
    if you need SWF to win, you are a poor survivor.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    yeet said:

    love the typical survivor strawman of "u just cant deal with the challenge!!!!"
    there's a difference between something being unfair and challenging, but i wouldn't expect survivors intentionally playing on easy mode to understand that
    if you need SWF to win, you are a poor survivor.

    I dont expect you to understand that many survivors around can win when playing solo as well (and they do)  and when they play with friends it's because they got friends and wanna have fun together.
    But sure, keep telling to yourself that swf is what they use to win matches and stuff.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:
    love the typical survivor strawman of "u just cant deal with the challenge!!!!"
    there's a difference between something being unfair and challenging, but i wouldn't expect survivors intentionally playing on easy mode to understand that
    if you need SWF to win, you are a poor survivor.

    Ah yes the typical insult excuse it's gotta be cheating to play with friends, completely ignoring that most people play to have fun with their friends.

    But if and when they make separate queues as I said you'll have to come up with new excuses and insults for your problems. Since then if you get to choose solo only and still can't handle it it'll eman the issue was you all along.

    Now using your logic if you can't beat a single pair of swf and 2 solo's YOU"RE A BAD KILLER !!!!! When that 4 man solo beats you it's must be cause they used crutch perks since swf excuse doesn't work. Well then you've gotta go down the list of insults and excuses for why you did badly.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Mc_Harty said:
    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 
    LOL what the [BAD WORD]?

    Why are you so triggered?

    It's also cute you think I'm a survivor main. Must be because I disagreed with you being justified to dodge matches unless you're going to be harrassed.

    I also never said anything about voicechat being justified at all. You really showed me by arguing against a point I wasn't making. Good job.

    I don't care how bad the balance is in this game, no one is justified to a win. Sorry to burst your bubble but I prefer to not have this victim mentality that plagues the killer community nowadays.

    Seriously, what in the actual [BAD WORD] lol.
    I didn’t call you a Survivor Main? I said *you* and the Survivor community. I don’t care if you are a Killer Main, Survivor Main, or play both equally. Do you play Survivor at all? If yes, then you are part of the Survivor community. I am as well. Read my post carefully, and quit putting words into my mouth. 

    Who said its an automatic win if you face a team of randoms over a SWF on voice comms? The SWF could suck balls so bad, the advantage they get from voice comms could mean jack #########. The randoms could play and abuse everything so well you’ll end up getting tea bagged at every single pallet and be helpless. Who knows what you’ll get. That doesn’t change one absolute fact : Voice comms gives an unintentional and powerful advantage to Survivors that boost them beyond their normal capabilities via shared information. 

    That alone means Killers are justified in the dodge. You are using a 3rd party program for an advantage that the game was not designed or balanced for. Deal with it. How about Killers who use a 3rd party program to know where the Survivors are at all times? SWF gets that on the Killer just by saying “Hear a Heartbeat by X Spot, can do Gens over on other side” or “Killer is chasing me at X Spot”. Fair is fair right? 

    By the way, you know SWF gives advantages besides voice comms, right? Just being in a group with friends you know you can trust, you know will be optimal, will make very little mistakes, you know they have the flashlight timing down. You eliminate the possibility of getting “that random that screwed everything up and was useless.” Which is yet another advantage you get for free from SWF.

    By the by, my original post was about voice chat. I specifically said it was justified because of voice chat, and you tried to change the subject to “Killers want easy matches.” A match can easily be brutal without voice chat if the Survivors are good, or easy as hell with voice chat if the Survivors are just that bad. If the voice chat didn’t exist, maybe I would be willing to let the other advantage of playing SWF go, but both is tipping the scales.

    Harassment isn’t the only reason. Having advantages beyond what the game was designed and balanced for is. 
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    I didn’t call you a Survivor Main? I said you and the Survivor community. I don’t care if you are a Killer Main, Survivor Main, or play both equally. Do you play Survivor at all? If yes, then you are part of the Survivor community. I am as well. Read my post carefully, and quit putting words into my mouth.

    Lol. Mate I'm not the one who put words into peoples mouths.

    Though its funny that while you didn't say I was a survivor main you heavily ######### implied it.

    • Where's your justication for using voicecoms.
    • What about you and your friends

    Because killers are well known for using voice chat and play with friends in this game, as killer. ######### lol.

    If you play survivor at all you're part of the survivor community. Like what the ######### does that even mean, in a forum where people throw ######### at either side. You're just talking outta of your ass at this point.

    Who said its an automatic win if you face a team of randoms over a SWF on voice comms?

    Yeah who said that?

    Certainly, not me... Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

    That alone means Killers are justified in the dodge. You are using a 3rd party program for an advantage that the game was not designed or balanced for. Deal with it.

    Maybe deal with the fact SWF has been part of the game for 2 years and that your not justified to dodge lobbies because you don't like losing.

    I think I'm starting to hit a nerve since you not only blew my original post outta context, you are also making arguments I have never claimed once in this thread.

    By the way, you know SWF gives advantages besides voice comms, right? Just being in a group with friends you know you can trust, you know will be optimal, will make very little mistakes, you know they have the flashlight timing down. You eliminate the possibility of getting “that random that screwed everything up and was useless.” Which is yet another advantage you get for free from SWF.

    Again, who the ######### is claiming otherwise.

    Calm down, and realize you're posting to a guy who said that no one should be able to use non-white listed 3rd party programs.

    By the by, my original post was about voice chat. I specifically said it was justified because of voice chat, and you tried to change the subject to “Killers want easy matches.” A match can easily be brutal without voice chat if the Survivors are good, or easy as hell with voice chat if the Survivors are just that bad. If the voice chat didn’t exist, maybe I would be willing to let the other advantage of playing SWF go, but both is tipping the scales.

    No it ######### wasn't. You put in the ######### I'm justified card in your original post because you don't like going against SWF with coms.

    I could care less about why you dodge them, you're not justified in doing so because you find the matches hard.

    Harassment isn’t the only reason. Having advantages beyond what the game was designed and balanced for is. 

    It's the only justified reason outside of dodging because of bad ping.

    Every other reason isn't justified.

    Get a ######### grip. This is embarrassing.

    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Orion said:

    @lyric said:
    League of legends, heroes of the storm, overwatch, and paladins are four I can name right off the top of my head but I’m sure I could find more if I looked

    I play HotS, and I know it only has a punishment for lobby dodging because "lobbies" happen primarily in ranked mode and what it calls "unranked" (where you can draft teams), meaning people can waste 5-10 minutes just picking their characters and then not get into a game. I hardly think that's comparable to dodging a lobby in DbD, where queue times are shorter than 5 minutes unless you play at very high or very low ranks.

    Actually you can easily wait 30 min or more on low rank since the devs introduced that no depip > @lyric said:

    Master said:

    @lyric said:

    pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:
    Tsulan said:

    @lyric said: Tsulan said:

    @lyric said:    pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said: Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:    @powerbats said:    @ChraizE said:    This app is a must for killers! Screw those swf jerks don't let them use coms just so they can make fun of you post match even though they were cheating. Link it to everyone!!!        Good grief the whininess is astounding, the decs have said it's not cheating so therefore it's not cheating. Now before you say anything killers use the devs said camping is a legit strat to defend it. So if the devs have said it's ok it is and therefore isn't cheating.    But go ahead and use a software that isn't allowed and get that ban, I'm sure you'll feel so much better having to use that. Instead of doing the same as @Master and dodging on his own if he wants.        It gets tiring after the 5th time of checking the profiles and then leaving. If i did not want to throw 40€ worth of content i would use MLGA. But not this new application. who knows what viruses and similar it has.        You dont need to check profiles, I dont do that anymore.    Just dodge the lobby if too many survivors join at the same time, sure it might hurt some solo guys if they are unlucky and join at the same time, but as long as devs refuse to highlight SWF players, thats not my fault

    Why should they? They said they want the game centered around that type of play, I totally can’t wait for them to implement  punishments for lobby dodging good ping. Killers will sit here and complain about veteran survivor players going against noobs but will lobby dodge and cherry pick a lobby with no items, no prestige, and nobody at all joining together. It’s really a load of garbage that if I put on prestige clothing with a flashlight I might as well not even look for a game unless I last second switch and then they’re gonna dc anyways. Anyone who’s good at this game doesn’t need to dodge anyone and it’s laughable people still make excuses after the devs already stated this is the way they want it. So anyone who is good at being Ebullied will play with you? . Nice try but we are adults and we undestand the common social pressure tactics. So get dodged more. Its for the best.

    So adults cry about playing with a group and dodge because they can’t beat who’s in front of them? Even when the developers want it played that way and said it on a live stream recently I guess to you that’s still a problem         Devs want the survivors to bully the killers?    That´s a bold statement to say the least.

    No they want the game centered around SWF team style play and you know that’s what I meant and anyone who watches the streams know  The devs gave in to survivors lobby dodging, so they could play with their friends. Thus creating SWF. They created a monster and don´t know how to balance it. SWF makes it incredible easy to coordinate around the killer and effectivly bully him. Now over 70% of all matches contain SWF (probably way more, since they haven´t released any new data). Devs struggle to balance the game around SWF. So they started to give all survivors more information. Like those icons that tell you that NOED is active. Or Huntress Lullaby. Those things were meant to give solo survivors the same information as SWF teams. But in doing so, they made the game way easier for survivors. Since you don´t need to pay attention anymore. You just look at what warning icons are active and play accordingly. This was a huge mistake. Now they want to give all survivors inbuild Kindred. This will be a huge thing. Since solo survivors will not only be as coordinated as SWF, but SWF will also have a better control about who is closest to unhook. It will result it gen rushs. Since survivors won´t leave the gen to check the hook. SWF has been OP since forever. Now giving all survivors the power of SWF won´t exactly make the life of killers easier. Only the life of survivors. Which hasn´t been exactly hard to begin with. This game is tagged as a HORROR game, but it has more in common with the NASCAR simulator than with a Horror game or movie.

    I agree with most of what you said, my point is that the devs have now geared towards THIS direction and that’s what they’ve announced live to everyone, I’m just saying if or when they do get dedicated servers I can’t wait for them to implement time bans on lobby dodgers, people on here are condoning it and  it happens to me high ranked solo playing all the time because they assume swf and don’t know for sure so I end up waiting forever for a match at times only to start right over , if this is part of the game and the direction they are going in , then lobby dodging a good ping shouldn’t be an option and I’ve played solo majority of my time anyway it feels more real like it’s intended in my personal preference , my problem is I feel like I do worse in swf because I’m overly altruistic in situations I should go away in, like camping for example, if you get a good killer who decides to hard camp because bbq didn’t light up if you were for some reason just already in the area when the hook happens , the best option is to do gens , but if I’m with my friends I’m having fun and I run borrowed time and we’ll make it together anyway so I’ll go for it and laugh if I go down, I’m not gonna  let it ruin my day because I made a bad choice, I’m here to have fun win or lose.
    If and when( it wont) happens many killers will just play survivor or leave the game entirelly. You'd kill the game with that.

    So you think preventing lobby dodging would kill the game? 

    Yes, if I am forced to face a deathsquad, then I will DC ingame.

    I just don’t think it’s fair if I’m playing solo I can’t control if I get a 2 or 3 man group with me which is like no joke 75% of the lobbies on console at least, so why should I be punished by having to wait and then constantly being dodged without being able to play bringing in items either basically forced to use chest play at high ranks if I want to have an item and want to get in a game conveniently, it’s garbage and it’s weak to cherry pick lobbies that suit your desire in viewing the amount of trophies earned, what items they have, or if they seem to come in together or not. 

    Yes its sad, the game has to differentiate ´between SWF and solo play.
    Simply put ranked solo-only because obviously SWF creates several balance issues and let the SWF guys only play casual-mode.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SovererignKing said:
    Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Both parties are guilty. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however the only thing I will say is Killers are the ones who have justification. Both have the hackers, lag switch users, ect... but Survivors on voice comms need to realize one thing. You’re using a 3rd party program for an advantage. Killers do have a right to dodge that. You want to play? Fine. However don’t be surprised when you get dodged for using outside game help. 


    It's only justified if you don't want to get harrassed. If you're just dodging for easy matches, it's not justified at all.

    SWF is strong, but it's part of the game now and has been for a long while. Everyone is just better off accepting that, rather then get disappointed when the devs do nothing to balance them specifically.

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Master said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Both parties are guilty. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however the only thing I will say is Killers are the ones who have justification. Both have the hackers, lag switch users, ect... but Survivors on voice comms need to realize one thing. You’re using a 3rd party program for an advantage. Killers do have a right to dodge that. You want to play? Fine. However don’t be surprised when you get dodged for using outside game help. 


    It's only justified if you don't want to get harrassed. If you're just dodging for easy matches, it's not justified at all.

    SWF is strong, but it's part of the game now and has been for a long while. Everyone is just better off accepting that, rather then get disappointed when the devs do nothing to balance them specifically.

    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 

    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

    I play killer too and I don’t do that at all , this next part isn’t for you @Master  , I never cherry pick my matches and I play solo survivor when I play survivor and You’re telling me man up? How about you man the ######### up and quit being a pussy and play the game that you’re offered, I’ve never hear so many excuses about something that’s intended in game as a play style  if you don’t like swf don’t play the game it’s simple I am at rank 8 killer and rank one survivor right now I never dodge swf and I get rank ones partying up with lower rank friends, I’m sick to death of people acting like I don’t know anything because I don’t main as a killer but I’m going against top ranked players all the time and will be at one before the reset on both but I don’t know ######### and I’m entitled ok gotcha 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @lyric said:
    Master said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:
    Both parties are guilty. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however the only thing I will say is Killers are the ones who have justification. Both have the hackers, lag switch users, ect... but Survivors on voice comms need to realize one thing. You’re using a 3rd party program for an advantage. Killers do have a right to dodge that. You want to play? Fine. However don’t be surprised when you get dodged for using outside game help. 
    It's only justified if you don't want to get harrassed. If you're just dodging for easy matches, it's not justified at all.
    SWF is strong, but it's part of the game now and has been for a long while. Everyone is just better off accepting that, rather then get disappointed when the devs do nothing to balance them specifically.
    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 
    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

    I play killer too and I don’t do that at all , this next part isn’t for you @Master  , I never cherry pick my matches and I play solo survivor when I play survivor and You’re telling me man up? How about you man the [BAD WORD] up and quit being a pussy and play the game that you’re offered, I’ve never hear so many excuses about something that’s intended in game as a play style  if you don’t like swf don’t play the game it’s simple I am at rank 8 killer and rank one survivor right now I never dodge swf and I get rank ones partying up with lower rank friends, I’m sick to death of people acting like I don’t know anything because I don’t main as a killer but I’m going against top ranked players all the time and will be at one before the reset on both but I don’t know ######### and I’m entitled ok gotcha 

    You know there is a problem in that argumentation, There are players out there that bought into DBD when it was a balanced soloplayer game.

    You cant simply tell them to quit the game jsut because they dont like to play against SWF. Sure, against most of the SWF you can easily 4k because they are overaltruistic and a "soft camp" will work most of the time.
    But its the deathsquads, 4x DS, multiple flashlights and instaheals that make me not wanna play against SWF. After being bullied in such a game I will dodge 3man SWF and 4mans for the next weeks, call me a baby killer, I dont care, but this is NOT how this game was intended.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Master said:

    @lyric said:
    Master said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Mc_Harty said:

    SovererignKing said:
    Both parties are guilty. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however the only thing I will say is Killers are the ones who have justification. Both have the hackers, lag switch users, ect... but Survivors on voice comms need to realize one thing. You’re using a 3rd party program for an advantage. Killers do have a right to dodge that. You want to play? Fine. However don’t be surprised when you get dodged for using outside game help. 
    It's only justified if you don't want to get harrassed. If you're just dodging for easy matches, it's not justified at all.
    SWF is strong, but it's part of the game now and has been for a long while. Everyone is just better off accepting that, rather then get disappointed when the devs do nothing to balance them specifically.
    Easy matches my ass. Randoms who are good at the game can stomp Killers without the help of voice comms. Where’s your justification for using voice comms? You can play with your friends without them. Or you can compensate for having that “extra help” by slapping on No Mither. Won’t do that though, will you? 
    Look in the mirror dude, you want to call Killers chicken ######### and “only want easy matches”? What about you and your friends? You want easy matches. 

    Why don’t you, and a large portion of the Survivor community, man up and accept you’re getting help you shouldn’t be getting and play fair with Killers? 

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

    I play killer too and I don’t do that at all , this next part isn’t for you @Master  , I never cherry pick my matches and I play solo survivor when I play survivor and You’re telling me man up? How about you man the [BAD WORD] up and quit being a pussy and play the game that you’re offered, I’ve never hear so many excuses about something that’s intended in game as a play style  if you don’t like swf don’t play the game it’s simple I am at rank 8 killer and rank one survivor right now I never dodge swf and I get rank ones partying up with lower rank friends, I’m sick to death of people acting like I don’t know anything because I don’t main as a killer but I’m going against top ranked players all the time and will be at one before the reset on both but I don’t know ######### and I’m entitled ok gotcha 

    You know there is a problem in that argumentation, There are players out there that bought into DBD when it was a balanced soloplayer game.

    You cant simply tell them to quit the game jsut because they dont like to play against SWF. Sure, against most of the SWF you can easily 4k because they are overaltruistic and a "soft camp" will work most of the time.
    But its the deathsquads, 4x DS, multiple flashlights and instaheals that make me not wanna play against SWF. After being bullied in such a game I will dodge 3man SWF and 4mans for the next weeks, call me a baby killer, I dont care, but this is NOT how this game was intended.

    Honestly, you sound like you gotta deal with those deathsquads almost 24/7, so i dont know if you were unlucky or you're just exaggerating, most probably the 2nd one. For me it's not a problem when i have to face them, i actually have fun and take it as a way to get better, but i understand if you feel quite the opposite.
    My best advice is that you should take it easy and don't take every match like if it was a matter of life or death.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    love the typical survivor strawman of "u just cant deal with the challenge!!!!"
    there's a difference between something being unfair and challenging, but i wouldn't expect survivors intentionally playing on easy mode to understand that
    if you need SWF to win, you are a poor survivor.

    Ah yes the typical insult excuse it's gotta be cheating to play with friends, completely ignoring that most people play to have fun with their friends.

    But if and when they make separate queues as I said you'll have to come up with new excuses and insults for your problems. Since then if you get to choose solo only and still can't handle it it'll eman the issue was you all along.

    Now using your logic if you can't beat a single pair of swf and 2 solo's YOU"RE A BAD KILLER !!!!! When that 4 man solo beats you it's must be cause they used crutch perks since swf excuse doesn't work. Well then you've gotta go down the list of insults and excuses for why you did badly.

    I use aim bot to have fun with my friends
    solo survivors are still overpowered, SWF just compounds that.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited August 2018

    @Master said:

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher

    Sadly you keep pulling made up numbers out of thin air and stating tehma s fact despite being called out on it repeatedly.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    Sadly the other 99% of the survivor community prefer easy matches and actually intentionally queue with low ranks, such that they have easy bully targets

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher

    Sadly you keep pulling made up numbers out of thin air and stating tehma s fact despite being called out on it repeatedly.

    "People who cannot recognize hyperbolic statements and common expressions should not try to debate with others." - Orion.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    "People who cannot recognize hyperbolic statements and common expressions should not try to debate with others." - Orion.

    People who keep posting such things shouldn't be posting them to begin with and stating them as fact. - Powerbats.

    This is especially true considering the influx of newer players to the forums who might not know any better. They see someone with x amount of posts and think that's a true statement.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Outland said:

    So I read your entire post and all I got out of it is, Killers need to stop wanting to have fun games and just take the survivor beat down that they are trying to save themselves from.

    Killers should be happy playing the same killer and build every game. While Survivors get to pick and choose their entire loadout.

    Basically you want Killers to just be bots, that survivors get to beat up on, and they should play it non stop for 4 hours a night and not get salty.

    "Why"? you say because up to 4 players have the right to play together and have fun. But who cares about the Killers fun. Well Killer need to have fun as well, that is why dodging exists. Killers they have learned the hard way what leads to an unfun match. "Tried playing 4 Claudettes with flashlights on Wraith... didn't go so hot. So I'd like to play Wraith, I'm forced to dodge 4 Claudettes with flashlights or the game will be a gong show."

    Don't blame Killer for LEARNING. Many people have limited time to play any game, and they shouldn't be forced to take games where they know with most certainty that its just going to be aggravating.

    Just like you said if Killers didn't dodge items, well how about Survivors don't bring any in? Survivor is easy enough that items, and even perks are optional. Why do SWF survivor groups feel the need to stack the deck in their favor even more then the comms? At some point is just 4 people wanting to ROFL stomp another player.

    If every Killer took your STOP DODGING advice, there would be no Killers , they would all just quit because game after game of UNFUN game play just leads to people leaving.

    I know , I know, good riddance to those scrub Killers, who needs them anyways. But that is a very ignorant way of looking at it.

    And I seriously doubt the SWF survivor population would split itself up to take over the Killer role. You yourself have just said that the SWF would refuse to break up and play solo (thus increasing Killer que times) so why in the heck would they split up to play Killer?

    I'd love to see a segregation of the SWF for one reason only. To see which way the community would go.

    You have your hypothesis, and I have mine.

    So apparently the intense sarcasm passed you by somehow despite the glaring flashing neon sign screaming it.

    What I want is for killers to stop whining about how unfair things are, to stop blaming swf for all their problems..To accept that sometimes it's their own fault they lost not because they had a full 4 man like is claimed.To accept the fact that swef is used as an excuse to lobby shop for easier games.

    I'd love to see solo queue only because all the killers complaining about it would have 15 minutes to 1 hour plus wait times for a lobby. I'd love for them when dedicated servers are up to have to choose solo non swf or wide open lobbies.

    If they choose solo non swf then they get stuck with that choice forever since they dodge every swf lobby now why give them the opportunity to go do it again? If your lobby times suck well then that's your own fault because you don't have a big enough solo population to support you.

    The argument well I paid for the game why should I be stuck with solo only. Well you said solo only and you currently dodge non solo queue. Now to add to that how about the 4 people you keep screwing over by dodging who also bought the game? Once dedicated servers are out you can't use the excuse well I'm the host anymore.

    So if you get locked into solo queue only at that point you should never have a complaint about swf again and therefore have no excuses other than ping to dodge.If you still dodge at that point then we'll know that swf was just an excuse because you want to lobby shop.

    As far as survivors stepping into the killer role they already do when queue times are high. I know friends who'll play a quick solo killer game or games while lobby times on survivor side are atrocious. In fact I do it all the time when playing and if I'm with friends and we can't get a group. Well we all break up our group and do killer matches.

    In other words we adapt just fine and don't come onto the forum complaining about it everyday multiple times a day. Most of the community never even comes on here and posts let alone complains yet seems to adapt just fine. May'be it's a PC user thing since most of the complaints are from PS4 users on here which suggests it's a PS4 issue more.

    For players learning you say they have limited time to play yet then turn around and say they shouldn't play a possibly aggravating game. Well then why bother playing at that point since if you're just going to dodge because you might have a aggravating game you're not learning anything anyways.

    Now to point out the hypocrisy of your statement since newer survivors trying to learn the game go up against highly skilled killers who've intentionally deppiped. Why should newer and inexperienced players trying to learn the game play what they know is sure to be an aggravating and unfun game?

    Lastly the histrionics is getting tiresome by some of the killer mains on here and you're no better than a few certain survivor poster mains that do the same. Like a certain poster starting with jeffe*** who you very same killer mains called out for doing the exact same thing.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Mc_Harty said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    I didn’t call you a Survivor Main? I said you and the Survivor community. I don’t care if you are a Killer Main, Survivor Main, or play both equally. Do you play Survivor at all? If yes, then you are part of the Survivor community. I am as well. Read my post carefully, and quit putting words into my mouth.

    Lol. Mate I'm not the one who put words into peoples mouths.

    Though its funny that while you didn't say I was a survivor main you heavily [BAD WORD] implied it.

    • Where's your justication for using voicecoms.
    • What about you and your friends

    Because killers are well known for using voice chat and play with friends in this game, as killer. [BAD WORD] lol.

    If you play survivor at all you're part of the survivor community. Like what the [BAD WORD] does that even mean, in a forum where people throw ######### at either side. You're just talking outta of your ass at this point.

    Who said its an automatic win if you face a team of randoms over a SWF on voice comms?

    Yeah who said that?

    Certainly, not me... Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

    That alone means Killers are justified in the dodge. You are using a 3rd party program for an advantage that the game was not designed or balanced for. Deal with it.

    Maybe deal with the fact SWF has been part of the game for 2 years and that your not justified to dodge lobbies because you don't like losing.

    I think I'm starting to hit a nerve since you not only blew my original post outta context, you are also making arguments I have never claimed once in this thread.

    By the way, you know SWF gives advantages besides voice comms, right? Just being in a group with friends you know you can trust, you know will be optimal, will make very little mistakes, you know they have the flashlight timing down. You eliminate the possibility of getting “that random that screwed everything up and was useless.” Which is yet another advantage you get for free from SWF.

    Again, who the [BAD WORD] is claiming otherwise.

    Calm down, and realize you're posting to a guy who said that no one should be able to use non-white listed 3rd party programs.

    By the by, my original post was about voice chat. I specifically said it was justified because of voice chat, and you tried to change the subject to “Killers want easy matches.” A match can easily be brutal without voice chat if the Survivors are good, or easy as hell with voice chat if the Survivors are just that bad. If the voice chat didn’t exist, maybe I would be willing to let the other advantage of playing SWF go, but both is tipping the scales.

    No it [BAD WORD] wasn't. You put in the [BAD WORD] I'm justified card in your original post because you don't like going against SWF with coms.

    I could care less about why you dodge them, you're not justified in doing so because you find the matches hard.

    Harassment isn’t the only reason. Having advantages beyond what the game was designed and balanced for is. 

    It's the only justified reason outside of dodging because of bad ping.

    Every other reason isn't justified.

    Get a [BAD WORD] grip. This is embarrassing.

    You must be joking... 

    Well known for using voice chat with Survivors? Are you talking about Kill Your Friends? What exactly does that have to do with SWF? The developers could implement voice chat in game for Kill Your Friends Mode. 

    For the love of... YOU SAID IT. “If you’re just dodging for easy matches, it’s not justified” Who the ruddy hell said it was going to be easy going up against 4 random players? Those randoms could very well stomp a Killer. Easy, hard, it doesn’t matter. SWF provides an advantage, even without voice comms, that the game was not designed or balanced around. Period. Now tell me, what’s your justification for gaining an advantage over your opponent, simply because you clicked SWF and not play solo? What’s your justification for using voice comms? Right, you have none, for either. You should NOT be getting an advantage over the opponent simply because you clicked SWF, and not play solo. 

    Here’s a tip : You should proof read what you type before you post. If I’m not justified in dodging lobbies for “easier games”, then you’re not justified playing SWF for “easier games” either. “Just deal with it” is basically you saying “Look, SWF gives the Survivors advantages that the game was not balanced or designed around. Deal with it.” Yeah, cause that’s what I want to play. An unbalanced and unfair game that’s stacked against me more than it’s supposed to be... because Survivor players clicked on a game mode. 

    Whitelisted doesn’t matter. It still provides an advantage the game was not designed for. Doesn’t mean I can’t lobby for the developers to place restrictions on SWF groups that make the game harder (like for instance and extra 20 seconds per Gen), that makes it fair. 

    Seems to me that I’m the one who “hit a nerve” here What with all the “#########”’s your dropping left and right. 

    Lobby dodging because your opponent(s) have an unfair advantage from the get go is justification. How would you like it if we played Tekken or some other fighting game, and if your opponent so choices to “just hit a button” it automatically forces a handicap match on you? If you win, congratulations, you get the same reward you would have gotten if your opponent didn’t hit that button. Oh, if you lose, you get the same punishment as well. Little bit infuriating to lose Rank and the such because you got stuck in a handicap match you had no say so over, huh? How would you like it if I could just pick “Easy Mode” as Killer, and all Survivors automatically had the No Mither effect applied? Sound fun? 

    Dodging isn't for “easy” matches, it’s for fair matches. 

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited August 2018
    SovererignKing said:
    You must be joking... 

    Well known for using voice chat with Survivors? Are you talking about Kill Your Friends? What exactly does that have to do with SWF? The developers could implement voice chat in game for Kill Your Friends Mode. 
    Omg, you're an actual idiot.

    Killers can't use SWF. That was the whole point of my statement. I was mocking you for thinking I was survivor main.

    And no the devs won't put voice chat in the game. Just like they won't nerf SWF specifically.

    Jesus Christ, when you try to argue against a point mocking you for making assumptions.

    For the love of... YOU SAID IT. “If you’re just dodging for easy matches, it’s not justified” Who the ruddy hell said it was going to be easy going up against 4 random players? Those randoms could very well stomp a Killer. Easy, hard, it doesn’t matter. SWF provides an advantage, even without voice comms, that the game was not designed or balanced around. Period. Now tell me, what’s your justification for gaining an advantage over your opponent, simply because you clicked SWF and not play solo? What’s your justification for using voice comms? Right, you have none, for either. You should NOT be getting an advantage over the opponent simply because you clicked SWF, and not play solo. 

    Yeah I did say that if you're dodging for easy matches you're not justified for doing it. I said that SWF is in the game for two years now and the developers haven't done any nerfs to that group specifically.

    I never said you can't dodge or that SWF is easier then solos. You said you dodge against SWF team because you find it too hard. 

    So, I ask ######### are you even doing? I never made any argument about survivors being justified at all in their matches. Like what in the actual ######### is this paragraph?

    Here’s a tip : You should proof read what you type before you post. If I’m not justified in dodging lobbies for “easier games”, then you’re not justified playing SWF for “easier games” either. “Just deal with it” is basically you saying “Look, SWF gives the Survivors advantages that the game was not balanced or designed around. Deal with it.” Yeah, cause that’s what I want to play. An unbalanced and unfair game that’s stacked against me more than it’s supposed to be... because Survivor players clicked on a game mode. 


    You agree with me that killers aren't justified to dodge lobbies for easy wins. And yet I don't know how to proof-read?

    “Just deal with it” is basically you saying “Look, SWF gives the Survivors advantages that the game was not balanced or designed around. Deal with it.”

    Yeah because that's what I said... :|

    I never said deal with it because it's fair, but because it's part of the game for two ######### years. I said don't be surprised if they don't do any nerfs to SWF. Like how they haven't done for nerfs for them for two years.

    But please continue this is funny as #########.
    Whitelisted doesn’t matter. It still provides an advantage the game was not designed for. Doesn’t mean I can’t lobby for the developers to place restrictions on SWF groups that make the game harder (like for instance and extra 20 seconds per Gen), that makes it fair. 
    Again, who do you think you arguing against?

    I never said that SWF are not at an advantage. I said killers aren't justified to dodge matches for easy wins.

    Also it's cute that you think programs that have an affect on the game being white listed doesn't matter. Of course they do. Considering an application called Curse Voice (a voice chat program) is allowed for support for Dead By Daylight, you have no justification to dodge SWF simply because they talk to each other.

    Sucks I know.

    Link in case you don't believe me.

    Seems to me that I’m the one who “hit a nerve” here What with all the “[BAD WORD]”’s your dropping left and right. 
    I'm Australian.

    We call our friends ######### just for saying hello.

    What's your excuse for flipping out over my first reply?

    Lobby dodging because your opponent(s) have an unfair advantage from the get go is justification. How would you like it if we played Tekken or some other fighting game, and if your opponent so choices to “just hit a button” it automatically forces a handicap match on you? If you win, congratulations, you get the same reward you would have gotten if your opponent didn’t hit that button. Oh, if you lose, you get the same punishment as well. Little bit infuriating to lose Rank and the such because you got stuck in a handicap match you had no say so over, huh? How would you like it if I could just pick “Easy Mode” as Killer, and all Survivors automatically had the No Mither effect applied? Sound fun? 
    No, it's ######### entitlement. It's not justified at all.

    Considering that a fighting game and an asymmetrical game about slashers have nothing in common with each other, I'm inclined to think you pulled this outta your ass too.

    Who the ######### cares about Rank? Of all things you could have chosen to ######### about in this game, you pick rank?

    Dodging isn't for “easy” matches, it’s for fair matches. 
    So you admit you dodge lobbies because you think it's fair to do so.

    Congrats you just proved your entitlement in that one sentence.

    You're not justified to dodge lobbies because you think it's fair for the same reason you are not justified as a survivor to dictate what the killer can do in his matches.

    I said this before, I said this again.

    Get a ######### grip.
    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • Rune
    Rune Member Posts: 17

    lives in solo more often than swf somehow

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    owbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @PureHostility said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    When killers can't get better and they have to use and app to dodge lobbies instead of one button, LUL.

    git gud.

    Didn't you mean to type

    "When survivors can't get better and they have to get carried by having additional 10 perks per person while playing in a group, LUL

    git gud."?

    It is quite common to mistype that.

    SWF teams are completely beatable - and any killer who can't or simply down right refuses to vs anything that looks remotely like SWF is a poor killer and they should practice more.

    you only play swf because you are bad at solo, aka the games balanced mode.

    according to the devs, the game was not balanced for swf.

    you need to practice more.
    Oof getem lowbei
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288

    @Peanits said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    If any SWF White Knights come to this thread and start mocking killers for having no friends and making claims that Survivors just want to play with their friends, I'm equiping Bond, making friends with the Killer, and leading them to the other Survivors.

    Isn't playing with friends great?

    And you can enjoy a spicy softban for your efforts.

    Seriously, wouldn't recommend you do it, you would be banned for it.

    Just like how you guys ban serial ragequitters?

    Stop disrespecting Peanits!
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    fcc2014 said:

    Just an FYI as to how much the forum has sucked in the last couple of weeks. The OP who was highly active got banned and his last topic has 2k views. Pretty good job so far MODS!

    I mean are we at all surprised?! I believe it started going downhill when they were going on a mad jail spree (which if I’m correct you were included in) for no reason!
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mc_Harty said:
    SovererignKing said:You must be joking... 

    Well known for using voice chat with Survivors? Are you talking about Kill Your Friends? What exactly does that have to do with SWF? The developers could implement voice chat in game for Kill Your Friends Mode. 

    Omg, you're an actual idiot.

    Killers can't use SWF. That was the whole point of my statement. I was mocking you for thinking I was survivor main.

    And no the devs won't put voice chat in the game. Just like they won't nerf SWF specifically.

    Jesus Christ, when you try to argue against a point mocking you for making assumptions. SovererignKing said:

    For the love of... YOU SAID IT. “If you’re just dodging for easy matches, it’s not justified” Who the ruddy hell said it was going to be easy going up against 4 random players? Those randoms could very well stomp a Killer. Easy, hard, it doesn’t matter. SWF provides an advantage, even without voice comms, that the game was not designed or balanced around. Period. Now tell me, what’s your justification for gaining an advantage over your opponent, simply because you clicked SWF and not play solo? What’s your justification for using voice comms? Right, you have none, for either. You should NOT be getting an advantage over the opponent simply because you clicked SWF, and not play solo. 

    Yeah I did say that if you're dodging for easy matches you're not justified for doing it. I said that SWF is in the game for two years now and the developers haven't done any nerfs to that group specifically.

    I never said you can't dodge or that SWF is easier then solos. You said you dodge against SWF team because you find it too hard. 

    So, I ask ######### are you even doing? I never made any argument about survivors being justified at all in their matches. Like what in the actual [BAD WORD] is this paragraph? SovererignKing said:

    Here’s a tip : You should proof read what you type before you post. If I’m not justified in dodging lobbies for “easier games”, then you’re not justified playing SWF for “easier games” either. “Just deal with it” is basically you saying “Look, SWF gives the Survivors advantages that the game was not balanced or designed around. Deal with it.” Yeah, cause that’s what I want to play. An unbalanced and unfair game that’s stacked against me more than it’s supposed to be... because Survivor players clicked on a game mode. 


    You agree with me that killers aren't justified to dodge lobbies for easy wins. And yet I don't know how to proof-read?

    “Just deal with it” is basically you saying “Look, SWF gives the Survivors advantages that the game was not balanced or designed around. Deal with it.”

    Yeah because that's what I said... :|

    I never said deal with it because it's fair, but because it's part of the game for two [BAD WORD] years. I said don't be surprised if they don't do any nerfs to SWF. Like how they haven't done for nerfs for them for two years.

    But please continue this is funny as #########. SovererignKing said:

    Whitelisted doesn’t matter. It still provides an advantage the game was not designed for. Doesn’t mean I can’t lobby for the developers to place restrictions on SWF groups that make the game harder (like for instance and extra 20 seconds per Gen), that makes it fair. 

    Again, who do you think you arguing against?

    I never said that SWF are not at an advantage. I said killers aren't justified to dodge matches for easy wins.

    Also it's cute that you think programs that have an affect on the game being white listed doesn't matter. Of course they do. Considering an application called Curse Voice (a voice chat program) is allowed for support for Dead By Daylight, you have no justification to dodge SWF simply because they talk to each other.

    Sucks I know.

    Link in case you don't believe me. SovererignKing said:

    Seems to me that I’m the one who “hit a nerve” here What with all the “[BAD WORD]”’s your dropping left and right. 

    I'm Australian.

    We call our friends ######### just for saying hello.

    What's your excuse for flipping out over my first reply? SovererignKing said:

    Lobby dodging because your opponent(s) have an unfair advantage from the get go is justification. How would you like it if we played Tekken or some other fighting game, and if your opponent so choices to “just hit a button” it automatically forces a handicap match on you? If you win, congratulations, you get the same reward you would have gotten if your opponent didn’t hit that button. Oh, if you lose, you get the same punishment as well. Little bit infuriating to lose Rank and the such because you got stuck in a handicap match you had no say so over, huh? How would you like it if I could just pick “Easy Mode” as Killer, and all Survivors automatically had the No Mither effect applied? Sound fun? 

    No, it's [BAD WORD] entitlement. It's not justified at all.

    Considering that a fighting game and an asymmetrical game about slashers have nothing in common with each other, I'm inclined to think you pulled this outta your ass too.

    Who the [BAD WORD] cares about Rank? Of all things you could have chosen to ######### about in this game, you pick rank?

    SovererignKing said:

    Dodging isn't for “easy” matches, it’s for fair matches. 

    So you admit you dodge lobbies because you think it's fair to do so.

    Congrats you just proved your entitlement in that one sentence.

    You're not justified to dodge lobbies because you think it's fair for the same reason you are not justified as a survivor to dictate what the killer can do in his matches.

    I said this before, I said this again.

    Get a [BAD WORD] grip.

    fair as in fair to win(not bullshit games where you only win if they want you to).

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    fair as in fair to win(not bullshit games where you only win if they want you to).

    Which is about as subjective as a survivors opinion on camping.

This discussion has been closed.