Did they change their mind on giving out event exclusives?



  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    We were given multiple exclusives for free from old events

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    Personally, for legacy I think they should do like a Prestige Levels 4/5/6 where you can get the Prestige clothes from there on the Bloodweb If you don’t already have it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't care either way. In the end, I already got the money, and it'd have been long enough that the fact that I had to work for it means nothing to me.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I prefer just everyone getting it.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I honestly don't get why people care. It's just a cosmetic.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020
  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I got confused about legacy, are they giving away the legacy cosmetics to everyone? because that would be bad

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Yeah I got that, but then they wrote something about apologising to legacy players.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    For the same reason why people care not to give legacy to everyone. It's an exclude and should stay so.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    No they are not giving those out.

    Only reason they gave these out is because they could have just reused them but since the rift is now a thing they have no need for events etc.

    Lucky we even get a 2x bloodpoint twice a year lol.

  • nummycookies
    nummycookies Member Posts: 3

    It feels like my remarks are not 'URGENT' but would like them heard."

    Im happy to great free cosmetics, but i am confused why the update claims "We believe that we do this in the communities best interest." with no additional explanation..

    Why lock away all other cosmetics then?

    I am happy everyone can utilize the cosmetic items. For me, i probably spent an upwards of 10 hours during both events, I earned the items on my PC account.. and i play on console these days so its fortunate for me and others.

    But it doesn't seem in consensus with other games treatment of event-based cosmetics. Apex Legends comes to mind as system of reference..

    After that it goes on to offer an apology for stripping some characters of their legacy items, something that doesn't effect me personally; but

    "o those users: we offer our deepest apologies and hope you understand why this decision has been made." Seems non-apologetic. offer anything like blood-points or create a new item class system. also makes me think of TF2 when they turned items "vintage" and were addressing item rarity stuff.

    It shouldn't be such a grasp for straws on behalf of the "valued 'since start' players". This issue seems under-addressed.

    but the real things that come to mind is i would love every game to open up cosmetic access.. but im also fine to see event items gated, that seems reasonable. In addition i would love to be able to spend blood-points on cosmetic items? its ironic to share access to "valuable" cosmetics and maintain a strict paywall for most of the other cosmetics..

    I appreciate anybody who reads these thoughts.

  • SlingerKing
    SlingerKing Member Posts: 65

    Behavior is literally telling everybody that was loyal and play through those events that their loyalty doesn't matter. It's stupid and it's disgusting that they're doing this.

    I played through the barbecue event and the New Year event to earn all of those cosmetics. There were groups running around trying to sabotage and DC so it was very hard to get the Huntress one in particular. Why the hell why Behavior? Why are you telling us the long-term customers that our loyalty is worth an absolute pile of s***?

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    To anyone who isn't aware, the howling grounds and scorching summer EXCLUSIVE event cosmetics were now given to the entire community for free.

    All those people who grinded their asses off to get those cosmetics while they were available have now just been given the middle finger, myself included. We weren't given any reason as to why, after all, it was different from the code skins that were only available to PC and people were scamming other's because of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember being told that the devs said that they wouldn't be giving away these cosmetics because people actually had to work for them, in game. It pisses me off that the devs are so inconsistent when it comes to exclusive cosmetics.

    Switch and Exclusive get their own exclusive cosmetics despite them saying they don't want to make exclusive cosmetics anymore, then there's the rat's year exclusives cosmetics that were given if you logged on for a certain period, and the trapper shirt for buying merchandise before a certain time (another cosmetic exclusive to pc) that were never discussed. What pisses me off is that they then go on to spit in my face by trying to justify that it's different from legacy. How so? I don't have a pc but I've been following this game since Alpha and I believe it's completely justified for them to keep their legacy, they deserved it, but there's no difference between the two. Both had to be earned before the time limit. Sure you had to work harder for legacy but it wasn't an event, it was a reward to players who grinded their asses off in general to prestige before the bloodweb rework, I seriously doubt there was a large amount of people who suddenly decided to P3 a bunch of characters upon hearing of this mysterious "Legacy" item at the time, most likely it was something along the lines of "Oh cool, now I get exclusive cosmetics AND don't have to deal with that horrible bloodweb again." With the rest just finishing the pretiges they never got around to completing.

    Now don't get me wrong, I didn't have the howling ground cosmetics, I took a break from gaming during that time and I REALLY wanted them, but I knew I missed it and that's final, no room for debate. "We are all too aware that users who earned Legacy and suffered a loss of progress will be incredibly disappointed with this news. To those users, we offer our deepest apologies and hope you understand why this decision has been made," no I don't, and stop saying "disappointed" cause no one is "disappointed" about losing the exclusiveness about the cosmetics they worked for, they're pissed. So it'd be a simple "loss of progress" is someone were to lose their legacy, so that makes the event cosmetics even less than a "loss of progress?" There's already plenty of cosmetics in the shop, there was no need to make these cosmetics among all the exclusives public, the code ones made sense, not this. Go all or nothing, legacy, trapper shirt, death gardens exclusives, mobile exclusives, all of it, and then stop making new exclusives. That or take this back, I don't want the howling ground cosmetics that I didn't earn and I definitely don't want some random newbie running around with the exclusives cosmetics that I got from 2 years back when I worked my ass of to get it.

    You can say I'm whining all you want, but I love the idea of exclusive cosmetics, the sense of pride I get when I possess a rare one and envy when I see one I don't own is great. That envy for my scorching summer cosmetics didn't hurt anyone and they're not worth enough to scam people for it. If you're worried about that Behavior then you better be eyeing Legacy because those are a hell of a lot more likely to be used for a scam.

  • SlingerKing
    SlingerKing Member Posts: 65

    Well the answer is quite clear my man. According to behavior your loyalty is a long-term customer is worth about the same as a steaming pile of dung.

  • ppchalk
    ppchalk Member Posts: 1

    I've actually been playing since 2017 and this is really sad to see, when did this come out? I've always been proud of my nurse pumpkin head and some of the other killers orange eyes. Has everyone else had those too this whole time?

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    What saddens me most about that is that it's wrong in both ways. They care enough to not give away Legacy but say it's for the "community's best interests," like how?

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Exclusive are exclusive to events until the time the are available to everyone, either free or paid through the store.

    Why is this so upsetting. Everyone who got them during events had them to show off for all this time. Now they are in public domain. It's fair to end agreements over these skins, I think.

    They even stated rift cosmetics can be bought down the road. Show off what you earned in the meantime. Then move on to the next cosmetic. Or dont. I don't see the big deal.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Could the reward be that you have exclusive right to these cosmetics but eventually no longer do?

    I switched from console to PC in February. I'm really looking forward to being able to purchase/obtain cosmetics from the first rift because I switched late. When they eventually put these in the store are they neglecting players, again, or are we going to stand by the neglect logic?

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652
    edited June 2020

    Quoting myself from another thread:

    Exclusive are exclusive to events until the time the are available to everyone, either free or paid through the store.

    Why is this so upsetting. Everyone who got them during events had them to show off for all this time. Now they are in public domain. It's fair to end agreements over these skins, I think.

    They even stated rift cosmetics can be bought down the road. Show off what you earned in the meantime. Then move on to the next cosmetic. Or dont. I don't see the big deal.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    I call bull like many others, that's just a petty excuse. People who lost their legacy should take priority then, they worked their asses off harder than we did and I see you doing nothing about it. Don't try to play smart when you're so obviously contradicting yourself.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Completely different, one is 5 dollars more than usual with the difference being guess what? You can't change it in the slightest, worth it right? The other being cosmetics that you could only get within a short period of time after grinding just for it to be released to the public for COMPLETELY free. You're making it way too simplistic.

  • Gravnos
    Gravnos Member Posts: 105

    I'll never understand this mentality. I've been playing since launch, why would I not want people to have an easier time than I had? It was fn horrible to grind at launch and it's barely better now with so many perks. Let people have neat things, it doesn't make yours less special.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    They’re satisfied with the way the In Game Store is doing so there is no need to appease veterans anymore.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    These aren't legacy items, they're event items. Also your argument is selfish, I play on console so I didn't get the chance to get legacy but I'm not screaming I deserve it just because I didn't have the opportunity to get it.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Yeah I absolutely agree there was NO POINT in adding the BBQ and Lunar event cosmetics. I wore the Dog mask to show Ive been a huntress main since 2018 and same with the Kate Denson cosmetic now they're for everyone and its just :/ what was the point?

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    Who takes cosmetics seriously anyway?

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Just wanna say, I completely agree on the difference between the grind, but one was an event and one wasn't. The bloodweb was absurd back then but it wasn't like they said "Oh and by the way you gotta start from the beginning and do it all in four days," it was a reward to all the players who struggled through it. You weren't supposed grind for legacy, you were supposed to be rewarded for playing the game despite the broken bloodweb. The event required a lot less grinding but it was a hell of a lot less shorter too.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Probably because they specialize at pissing the community off.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    But it's the exact problem people have here, what's the point of grinding for the event cosmetics when the devs just give it away for free?

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Honestly I'm so pissed about my exclusives being given away for the sole purpose of it being so annoyingly inconsistent, they say they don't want more exclusives yet they keep making them and for some reason the only true exclusives on console were given away with the excuse that fits perfectly for legacy too, that some people lost it unfairly. If everyone was willing to give away their exclusives, I wouldn't be stubborn either.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333
    edited June 2020

    Its variety in that more ppl have more options. Just because they give stuff away, doesnt mean EVERYONEs gonna use that stuff. I run Feng all the time and still prefer the blue jersey over the golden version for example because the blue matches my headset.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Ask this the cs go community if you find this here serious already.

  • LichQueen
    LichQueen Member Posts: 45

    More excuses, just like you all had when you released the PAX skins sometime go. But, I'll clarify them again, except this time, these event skins are much more similar to Legacy than the PAX skins were, so this will be much easier to explain, although you won't listen but anyway;

    It does not matter how you obtained the Legacy or Event Skins because they were both EARNED (keyword here).

    How did you earn legacy? You prestiged before the deadline.

    How did you earn the event skins? You unlocked them via an event before the deadline.

    Second keyword, "deadline".

    My second point, you claimed you had no way of giving the event skins back to those who earned them. But what do you also say about legacy? THE SAME THING, so how's it any different? It's not.

    BHVR, you all just think because you're the top game in this genre means you're untouchable, but like the saying says, no king rules forever and you're no exception.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    In case someone hasn't told you yet, no they haven't said they're giving away legacy. They gave away the event items that people worked hard for with the excuse "our games broken as hell so some people lost their event cosmetics, so everyone gets them! Aren't we so generous," what people are pissed about is that there's still people who have been waiting for 3 WHOLE YEARS to get their legacy cosmetics back about the loss of progress but we don't see the legacy items being added to the community for free.

  • orpheusbr
    orpheusbr Member Posts: 7

    It's not about making mine or other person's items less special, it's about a poor and terrible way used by BHVR to solve a problem of identification of the players who had owned those cosmetics in 2018 (You can check details here in this post of Peanits: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/164287)

    And more, this message about the cosmetics change is selective with its players. If you really want to let those cosmetics free for everyone, why wouldn't you make legacy free for all or even other skins such as Ohmwrecker Wraith, H2O Trapper Mask, Hype Nea, Bloodletting, and so on?

    The players need to see how BHVR fixes its problems using terrible and non-sense ways passing over its oldest community that was here when the company was just starting to grow.

    That's the point under this ''unlocking event cosmetics'' message.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    The event items were still free when you got them from playing the game during the event. If they were so special people would be wearing them, I haven't seen 1 of the 4 released today in a single game since 2018. People are flipping out that others might wear them but most likely will just sit in their inventory just like those that played the event.

    Lisa cosmetic people have paid for and actually wear because they find it worth it - similar to those that found those single free cosmetics worth a grind. Difference is when the Lisa cosmetic does eventually go on sale those that bought her at the original price won't be flipping out about how unfair it is that others will get to use that skin when they didn't pay as much. Just like with current cosmetics, dlc, or the full game going on sale or becoming free now doesn't result in people getting upset that they paid full price when others didn't have to.

    People are overreacting WAY too much over a free cosmetic when they constantly complain about wanting everything else in this game to go on sale or drop in price.

  • LichQueen
    LichQueen Member Posts: 45

    More excuses, just like you all had when you released the PAX skins sometime go. But, I'll clarify them again, except this time, these new skins are much more similar to Legacy than the PAX skins were, so this will be much easier to explain, although you won't listen but anyway;

    It does not matter how you obtained the Legacy or Event Skins because they were both EARNED (keyword here).

    How did you earn legacy? You prestiged before the deadline.

    How did you earn the event skins? You unlocked them via an event before the deadline.

    Second keyword, "deadline".

    People earned those event skins just like people earned Legacy. People weren't there for the event skins? Let them have them for free!

    People weren't there for Legacy? Nope, you're not getting it. No words can explain it, it's worse than the PAX skins situation.

    You all truly think because you're the top game of this genre means you're untouchable. You're not, no king rules forever, including you.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2020

    I like rare cosmetics too, but it’s not fair that newer player can’t get older „event-outfits“. I would like that you could buy them in the shop like the new year cosmetics than for free...

    And legacy is another thing, it was cause of the grind. But they changed the bloodwebs again so you can get 2 perks at level 41 and the people who max out characters with all perks before get nothing, for example a second kind of legacy... :-(

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Because people worked for them, told they would remain exclusive, and then out of nowhere the devs were just like "nope!" and made them free. No on cares if everyone gets something for free, but when someone works for it just to have someone who didn't get the exact same treatment, of course people are gonna get pissed off.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    You're able to play a game and join a forum and give feedback...you're life is so hard...

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    I agree, I wonder if there's even any reason to grind for the crowns in today's event, very likely they'll be given to everyone anyway...

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    It's the thought that counts man, sure I don't use Kate so I don't have much use for her shirt, but I had a ton of pride in my pro-pain so it feels like betrayal for the devs to say they won't release them just to do it anyways. Also there's so many cosmetics now, back then there was very little and since it's been 2 years the cosmetics have only gotten rarer (or rather, they were getting rarer) so it's natural you wouldn't see it often. Plus it's likely you just don't remember, at most you'll be like "oh cool they have that" and then forget about it after that match.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    People paid real money for cosmetics, dlc, or full game and out of no where the devs decided to put them on sale or make them free. No one gets pissed off when this happens.

    Maybe people should've been wearing the event cosmetics rather than have them sit in their inventory. Not using them doesn't make them seem too special.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I was there Gandalf (for the BBQ event) and guess what? I ain't mad.