BHVR thanks for forcing me into crossplay



  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    Well if you and another guy join a lobby and he has x-play on and you don't, then you will extend Q times for him since your setting makes it a no x-play match.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    You seriously have a chip on your shoulder. Behavior is not forcing you to do anything. They have enabled you to do something. So here it is:

    1) Crossplay is an option, you can toggle it on or off thus you have a CHOICE.

    2) if more players wanted to turn it off then it is not behavior forcing anyone of you to do anything players are not behavior.

    3) you are insulting enough to say that if you enable crossplay you only get potatoes and cheaters is insulting to everyone that plays that isn't a cheaters and calling someone a potato just because you think you're gods gift to players I don't care if you are or aren't. I've seen damn good players on pc, ps and xbox.

    4) crossplay only enables you to have access to more matchmaking options, it does not block you from playing with others what so ever. How ever if you have it off it will stop you from joining a lobby with anyone that is considered cross play.

    5) if the X box series X is considered a different platform than the xbox1 then you have a choice, go back to xbox one or turn on crossplay or even keep it off and deal with the length of matches. just because you got an xbox series x doesnt make anyone else get one, hell i didn't get a ps5 and wouldn't have been able to even if I DID try as I was not in a place to order when the places started selling them EARLY! gotta love retail over selling, price gouging (not seen this time), and playing favorites.

    6) your argument was broken in my first comment and then it was shattered in comments 2 and 3. refute them if you wish but I am glad you are one that is a xbox elitist because that means I'll never face you. YEA this is a win for me and everyone else because you won't turn cross play on. You must be a barrel of laughs at parties, and also if the x box series x is a different platform you will have talk to microsoft about making it such a different console that it reads as a different platform! oh wait it's a NEW unit, different specs, new commands it was going to be this way from the begining when the console was first talked about! use common sense.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Is there any evidence you can only be matched with people that have crossplay off?

    The way i think it works is that people are in the matchmaking queue until they get a full game, then it opens a lobby.

    However, people with crossplay leave the queue so fast, that you don´t get to match with them, while you stay in the queue until you find enough matching player (which have to be in front of the queue).

    I might be wrong, but that was my impression (or a solution of how i think it could be easily implemented)

    So you would like to change that matchmaking to have ppl on your plattform match with you as a priority, even if it means they get longer queue times if for example no killer is found.

    That leads to a lot of priority-questions. For the ones with crossplay on, what should have priority (at the moment its shorter matchmaking times) : Own plattfrom over game balance? Aka would you either play on your own plattform in an imbalanced match where the killer is either way above or below your skill level? Or would you prefer a balanced match, even if matched with other plattforms?

    Its not a trivial matter (but i know its somewhat contradicted by not having a propper matchmaking anyway).

    Your "request" comes with a lot of decission making, and in the end a lot of people might still prefer the current solution.

  • NeaMainNoob
    NeaMainNoob Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2020

    Plase dont Tell me that this Post is real and Not made as a joke. Why dont you want to crossplay.

    1.If you dont crossplay the queues are long so just turn It on if you dont want to wait 5min before every match

    2.Why the hell so you call someone "lazy" for not doing the same Thing you do. Im a ps4 Player and i turn crossplay intentionally because i acctually enjoy It. Even of the crossplay Feature is OFF the matchmaking time will not last longer than 5min

    3.Your complaining is completly USELESS and BHVR didnt FORCE you to turn crossplay on you're just unsatisfied wity the matchmaking time.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Not a dev, but if you were matched with players who turned it on, you would be imposing your choice on them, since they now can't be matched with PC, PS, etc., players because you can't be matched with those players.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Didn't know he showed it atall/if there's a video - but I can verify the truth to the statement, crossplay has actually been one of the best things they've ever introduced because of this if you're a good/comp level player. Wanna play for fun, ######### about, play with less experienced friends, have a chill/funny match? Crossplay on. Wanna play with a strong premade and go vs a sweaty af killer? Basically ranked/comp mode. Crossplay off.

    And again to clarify, because some people don't understand this - crossplay off on PC isn't about PC players being better than players from other platforms - it's about the fact basically the only people turning crossplay off are the actual good players

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    No idea why you are getting so much stick. I am presuming your point is that crossplay off should mean you can get matched with your own players who have it enabled on your platform only - rather than hardcore separation of the queues. Seems reasonable to me.

    I'd actually be against this because of personal reasons documented in my comment above, but no idea why you are getting so much ######### for a super reasonable suggestion (and also, your suggestion is how I thought it would work initially)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's neither feasible nor reasonable to impose OP's choice to disable crossplay on everyone else who happens to play on their platform, as well as everyone not on their platform who would otherwise get matched with players from their platform.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So you got a next gen console, something most people either have to wait on or got their preorder delayed and are now complaining about being given the option to play against other platforms instead of the small pool of people who have a next gen?

    You would have to be a fool to turn off crossplay so shortly after the release of a new console.

    You turning the option off while it's so obviously a bad idea is your fault not the devs

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714
    edited November 2020

    I don't see any difference between console players and pc players, maybe u are just bad and everything u see wrong is an excuse to point your finger, crossplay is one of the best thing they have done in the last year or two

  • praxZ
    praxZ Member Posts: 8

    Matchmaking was bad before crossplay. Guess what? It's still bad.

    You're on a console that runs the game at a locked 60fps, you shouldn't be afraid of facing PC killers now.

    If you, for some weird ass reason, only want Xbox survivors on your team then you should only be matched with those who think the same (which are very few, since honestly it makes absolutely no sense)

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Ah ok, yeah I get you now. When crossplay first came out I was on ps4 only, and I had it on for survivor and off for killer - the performance on console was even worse than usual and I really wasn't into the idea of potentially going against people with a stable 60FPS, if not more. But I was playing killer at PS4's "sweat hours" where almost everyone seems to be playing as a 3-4 man swf who manage do get two gens done while you're loading in, and I like playing weak killers with weird perks/addons for the most part so I thought F it, crossplay can't be much worse than this, and it actually got a lot better. No disrespect to any players who like to give it everything they've got every match but that sorta thing ain't my bag, baby

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "You don't want people asking you questions (which normally will be asked, because a good *discussion* is based on information), you don't want to answer quesrions. So what exactly is your point posting here?"

    Dude I said like 50 times why I made the post. My reason to turn it off has nothing to do with the fact that I'm forced into crossplay and can't turn it off.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No it wouldn't if it prioritized your own platform first and only used crossplay to fill in the gaps.

    There are plenty of players on Xbox for normal que times. But as it stands, if you play with crossplay OFF your que times are way way longer because the pool is way way smaller than it should be, since it doesn't include other Xbox players with crossplay ON.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2020

    1) It's not an option. If I turn it off I'm punished with longer que times. That's literally forcing me to eventually move to crossplay because over time my pool will shrink more and more as people switch to crossplay on.

    2) No it's BHVR forcing me because they made it so that you can't play with someone ON THE SAME PLATFORM that has a different crossplay setting.

    3) You took it as an insult, which is why I don't want to say why I want it off. It doesn't matter to the conversation anyway, because I CANNOT turn it off on Series X and even if I could I'm punished for doing it with longer que times. You just wanna get mad and shame/bully me for my reasons to turn off crossplay, period end of story.

    4) "crossplay only enables you to have access to more matchmaking options, it does not block you from playing with others what so ever." FALSE. If you play on Xbox with crossplay on and I play on Xbox with crossplay off we can't play together unless you literally invite me to your lobby. The matchmaking system puts us in different pools. It 1000% blocks me from playing with others.

    5) Series X is not a different platform. It is Xbox. I bought an Xbox to play on Xbox. Imagine if they separated players on Steam by crossplay such that if you have a better computer you get put in a different pool. Also LOL at mentioning I should downgrade my Xbox to play with crossplay off. You can't be serious with that.

    6) Broken in the first comment? LMAO because I don't want to tell you why I don't want it off that's a valid excuse to not let me turn it off. Yea makes total sense. LOL. Imagine telling someone they can only play how YOU want them to play then get all salty when they don't agree with you.

    No you wouldn't because YOU ARE ON THE SAME PLATFORM. No one wants crossplay to specifically play with people NOT on their platform, they do it for faster ques. Find me one MF'er out there that supports crossplay on PC that wants to play with nothing but PS4 players all day. I'll wait.

    But yea it's fair to force me into crossplay with longer que times when off than to potentially force someone out of crossplay without actually affecting their que times.

    It says XBOX on my console. Therefore I should be playing with XBOX players. They didn't do this when the X came out. Series X is not exactly next gen in the same way that Xbox One was next gen to Xbox 360. It's different. I'm on the same platform.

    Also DBD is the only game where I have this problem. My other games run great and don't have issues like this. This is a problem with the GAME not my platform.

    Yes that's exactly my point. I shouldn't be in a separate pool from other Xbox players if they have crossplay on. It's an optional feature, and therefore the game should prioritize matching people on the same platform and only use crossplay to fill in the gaps when necessary/available. Also so that you can play with friends on other platforms. It 100% should not be made in such a way that I'm being forced to use it if I want a reasonable que time. I'm literally punished for turning it off, why these other people can't see it and insist on wanting to know why I have crossplay off, which is irrelevant, is completely and utterly astounding to me.

    And people wonder why this forum is so toxic. Thanks for at least understanding my point even if you disagree with it. No one else even gets what I'm saying.

    It's not the killers that are the problem.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    there are literally tons of hackers on PC. And that’s not me just saying that, there really is

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    I wish they would turn it off so I could have team mates running tiles at least once before dropping pallets and looking behind them :)

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    I completely agree. Console players are guaranteed loss.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Good point, though not why I turn off crossplay.

    Been playing DBD on Xbox since the game came out, I have close to 3.5k hours. Guess how many hackers I encountered on Xbox?


    I was hit with a lagswitch/standby 3 times, twice was the same dude on the same day. But that was back before dedi's, and that's not hacking it's just manipulating your connection which can be done on other Xbox games too.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yikes,if that isn't the wrongest thing i read so far today

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944


    I've only seen like 1 or maybe 2 hackers since the devs added crossplay and i play quite a lot

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    The wrongest thing. Well that sounds so... wrong. Why would that be the case I wonder?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    please show your proof of tons of hackers? are we talking about 2000? 4000? 10000? wow... I agree there are some hackers here yes, maybe even 100's i don't know i've played against 2 i can verify in 2+ years and 3K hours. now I've played against people on crossplay platform blinding me as killer by shining their light to my right or left (comepletely away from me! then after that got fixed I laughed when they kept trying it for a day or two, now no one shines the flash light 90 degress from a killer anymore....

    You are the one acting like a spoiled child. I am a PC player, you called me a potato and a cheater just because i play on pc doesn't mean i'm either, I don't want to play with an elitist so please turn crossplay off as I don't want to hear you whine. Now wanna talk about platforms? on the PC there are several platforms, but only two have dead by daylight. first is Steam, and players connect through the steam/valve connections, next you have the microsoft store and they are considered cross-platform because they go through the microsoft servers. (other pc platforms: Epic (hairball), GoG, Origin, direct pc (installed directly on pc not through a platform) and all of these are cross-play if they have dead by daylight). Xbox has 3 current active platforms: 360, one (all the series of the one) and now Xbox series X. these three are cross-platform to each other. Play station has the ps3, ps4 and ps5 I am pretty sure that the ps5 is considered cross platform to the ps4. but i have no hard data as no one from there has complained.

    Now your point is that you get no games or it takes ages to get a match? well if xbox series x sold a million copies alread of the console i'd say there might be 1000-4000 people playing dbd at any one time, possibly more but they don't share stats like steam does! Behavior did not make it cross-play between the series x and the one, they made their software to recognize the differences between the various servers running them and that means microsoft has separated the consoles for some reason, it is not behavior's making though they MIGHT be able to fix that I don't know. You re-write your argument each time you say it, originally and many other times you complain about long wait times then in the same post to me you complain about not being able to play at all. The option for cross-play is on by default actually mirrors your cell phone. imagine that when you buy a cell phone they turn the cell connection off because they don't want people to be charged more because they make calls well these people get a cell phone and call it defective and so the cell phones are connecting to cellular signals by default to prevent this. cross-play is on by default to give people the best chances to get matches. You can turn it off so thus you have a choice, the consequences of that choice is for you to deal with, not behavior trying to stop you from doing anything.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Hmm,i kinda get what you mean now.

    Requesting that crossplay should focus on your own plattform and after that other plattforms sounds possible,sure.

    But try to imagine the devs situation.Why should the devs make changes to how crossplay works if there aren't any functional issues with it and risking to possibly break something in the process?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "I am a PC player, you called me a potato and a cheater"

    I didn't actually. I was making a generalization. Furthermore that shouldn't nullify my points. Why I think a certain way doesn't change the fact I shouldn't be forced to play a way I don't want by an OPTIONAL feature.

    The rest of your post says you didn't actually read or understand what my issue is. I'm not going to explain myself again. Go back and re-read what I was saying.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) generalization means you equated ALL pc players that way. I did not make a generalization about you I made a direct comment on your attitude.

    2) it is an OPTIONAL feature.... use it or don't use it. That is for you to decide. if you turn it off you will (and even I do) get longer wait time for matches. that is a consequence of turning cross-play off! do not tell me that I don't understand what so ever when you actually can't decide if you get no matches or long wait times. please which is it? if no matches at all well i doubt that. See if I turn cross play off I am only matched to people that are on the steam client, not even the microsoft store gets in with the option off! I can't even play with people on other pc's if they are through the microsoft store yet you don't hear people complaining?!

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    No, I haven’t graduated as a psychic yet. Do elaborate.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I never called you specifically anything though, so I never said anything about you. I'm talking from my GENERAL experience.

    An optional feature means that I don't suffer a penalty for NOT using. When you literally punish someone for not taking an option you are invariably forcing them to use that option, and therefore it is no longer an option. In other words, crossplay is a MANDATORY feature not an OPTIONAL one by the way it's designed.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    maybe the user pool with crossplay off is so tiny because the series x just came out and adoption rate is nowhere near the size you're used to with the x1? Maybe it'll get larger as more people likeminded to yourself are actually able to get the console, rather than smaller like you posit? Also maybe matchmaking is a lot harder to code with the conditional checks you seem to think are simple?

    BHVR has issues with matchmaking on the best of days. There are a lot more important things for them to fix about it.

    Also, as for being "forced to use it," you're not. You have an option. people like Colorblind players who are unable to see because we still don't have a colorblind option in *current year argument* are an example of people who are forced to put up with a lack of accommodation, not early adopters for a new console who are too impatient to wait for more people to migrate to it just to get a specific flavor of matchmaking.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I just disagree with our opinion that console players are supposedly bad at the game.

    I've seen enough survivors from PC as well that play absolutely horrible

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    We have to clarify something first: 99% of survivors are incompetent. Have you ever played solo queue ? Have you seen death rates? Yeah.

    So, starting from there, console players are usually even more incompetent than Pc players. But that doesn’t mean PC players are good. They are incompetent as well.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    Well hackers doesn’t just mean wall hacks, etc. they can get unlimited everything

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you are not being punished for deciding to not play in cross play. however you must accept what happens when you take that option. for instance you go to a restaurant and order a burger, their description says that it has onion on it and you hate onion (this is me here) since you asked for the burger but forgot to say "No onion" is the restaurant punishing you for not telling them to take the onion off (since that is an option you can do)? NO they are not punishing you, you made a decision and you have to deal with the consequences of said decision. if you want cross-play off you get longer wait times, that is the norm on ALL PLATFORMS with the option off. this is not a punishment it is the reality. You need to reconnect, and btw you did not say your general experience until now, your post says I don't want to play with pc and ps4 people as they are potatoes and cheaters. this is not you saying your experience it is saying that you don't want to play with the platforms because of that and that lumps all pc and ps users into this grouping. so get over yourself and make your choice, stand by it and wait for more xbox one people to get the money for their series x console and then it won't be so bad.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I'm well aware of that but that still doesn't explain why console players are supposed to be more incompetent than PC players.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    I guess it’s the use of the controller. Or that they’re newer in the game. Or they experience some technical difficulties. I can’t say for sure. But personal experience has taught me over the course of thousands of matches console player = danger.

    I turned off cross-play when playing survivor (as a killer it’s instant win) upon release.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "you are not being punished for deciding to not play in cross play. however you must accept what happens when you take that option."

    That's literally what a punishment is. I don't do the thing my experience gets WORSE than it would if the thing didn't exist.

    No I'm talking about the general Xbox pool. Right now, if I turn off crossplay I can only play with other Series X players. In order to play with other Xbox players I have to turn it on. JUST to play on Xbox I have to have it on. But that's an issue specific to Series X, my complaint there is that the game shouldn't have even launched in this state and I shouldn't be forced into crossplay to play with Xbox players. This isn't a thing in any other game I play.

    But besides the Series X, my other complaint is that the Xbox pool is gutted because players with crossplay on and crossplay off don't get matched together. If the feature didn't exist we would all be able to play together. If it existed as I suggest, where it still matches you to your own platform regardless of which option you choose and in fact prioritizes matching you on that platform and only uses crossplay to speed up the que times, then I wouldn't have an issue because I'm not being punished with longer than normal wait times by having it off.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I think that meme came from three main assumptions: that console players are less likely to use headphones than speakers (meaning less directional and frequency audio precision), more likely to be sitting further away from their screen (more likely to miss small details) and the inferiority of controls (those that one is mostly in regards to killer, controller on survivor is barely any difference.) Performance can be listed here too I suppose, since most consoles have lower average framerates.

    That said, none of things have anything to do with any players individual skill, and are sweeping generalizations. But they're likely what people are thinking around when having that presumption.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    In a way it is punishing console players that don’t want it. Before cross play came out you could find lobbies within a couple minutes on console. Then they came out with cross platform, and maybe some people just don’t want to play cross platform so they turn it off. But since it’s automatically activated most of the dbd players will just keep it on. So now 80% of the players are cross platform on console which means the person who doesn’t want to play cross platform was punished for no reason. And the main reason why these people still have cross platform on was because they didn’t care enough to turn it off. I think OP just wants it the other way around. If it was automatically turned off and had to be activated it would be a fair deal because that means a lot of people who just not activate it which means they have more players on their own system/platform, but if they do activate cross platform they also gain a lot of other platform from ALL platforms. So everybody gets what they want

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The only real reason could be the frame drops we get all the time.Unfortunately we don't have any control about situations like these:

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    That’s not a punishment. That is a consequence that you are well aware off. It’s not something someone decided to punish you for, BHVR did not implement a feature to have longer queues for everyone with crossplay off.

    you are literally asking for all people on XBox who decided to have crossplay turned on for various reasons to suffer longer queues just because you as a single individual want it that way. That is super unreasonable.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    a fair deal because that means there* would* be* a lot of people who just dont** activate it

    They also gain a lot of other players** for ALL platforms

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    I’m not saying it’s necessarily their fault. It’s like pc players who own bad or mediocre computers. I suppose that also has an impact in your performance. Is that their fault? I guess not.

    But regardless of whose fault it is, it affects me as a player and it affects my experience because this is a team based, cooperative game. So I choose to not ruin my experience even further playing with console players.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes, consequence of not using an OPTIONAL feature. Therefore it is punishment.

    If turning it off didn't turn que times to complete ######### I wouldn't be complaining. But as it stands, it removes a chunk of players from the pool OF THEIR OWN PLATFORM and thus forces you to turn on crossplay.

    Why should there be a consequence of having WORSE THAN BEFORE que times for an OPTIONAL feature? That's like saying because you opted out of the upgraded stereo system that your car should be 80% less fuel efficient than what it normally would have been if the stereo didn't exist.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2020

    If this were true then I would need to enable crossplay on every game I play to play with friends.

    As it stands I don't. Literally DBD and no other game requires this. I'm not on a different platform, I'm on Xbox and therefore should be able to play with Xbox players without needing to enable crossplay. In fact some games crossplay doesn't even exist. Borderlands 3 doesn't block me from playing with my friends on Xbox.

    Also you misunderstand what I said about general Xbox pool. Just imagine we went back in times a month before Series X came out. I'm talking about that. Where Xbox players with crossplay on don't get matched with Xbox with crossplay off. There are 2 different pools, Xbox, and crossplay Xbox. There is no reason for the system to do this. It shouldn't be prioritizing matching across platforms, it should prioritize the same platform and use crossplay to make que times faster. That's it.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    See,that's a much more reasonable explanation than "console players bad".Thank you

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    this is the SAME as pc.... what is different? please? tell me? i turn it off and it takes forever for me to get a match too... yet I don't complain why? because i keep it on because i get more matches that way.... nothing different than is a fallacy that if you turn it off, you only play against others that have it off and only others, that is not true. i've talked with people in the lobbies where it's all steam and i found some have it off yet i had crossplay on. funny that when i'm in crossplay i get put in matches with people that have crossplay off. this person just wants to whine that he can't play anymore because it takes too long. it's the option they want to take so they have to accept what will happen.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    You don't because those games already have their limited crossplay enabled by default, or as the only option. Unless you somehow have access to those games source code and can prove otherwise, the burden of proof is on you considering what I described is literally how cross generational compatibility works. The only exception is when the newer system is emulating the previous system, and doing so in a way that all internal code references would be unable to tell the difference (including clock timings.) Since that generally takes multiple generations worth of power difference, it is usually limited to things like sourceports and not incremental console upgrades.

This discussion has been closed.