Revert the Mori Change Devs

i do not like that they changed mori's again, AGAIN. with all the survivor perks they should just make it so after they get unhooked once they can no longer be killed for the rest of the trial. Devs always just listen to complaining survivors who suck at the game.
@Peanits ruining the killer experience with every patch. Man i was excited about that patch notes list until i saw that addition. Next they gonna take Mori's out completely cuz survivors dont wanna die in dead by daylight.
I personally wanted different Mori's for the different killers
EDIT: Some seem to think i'm talking about a Free win, if anyone didn't know or doesnt play killer. Mori's only granted you less than 15k or somethin which sometimes made "entity displeased". They should have tweaked survivor's keys before they touch more pinks on killers side. Survivors have a whole arsenal
Sorry that moris aren't a free win anymore that you can bring alongside a killer power, 2 strong add-ons and a full perk loadout
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you say that with ur OP perks and pink keys which guarantees a free escape most of the time
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I honestly don't care for this nerf since i never used mori's and when i did it was when they were on death hook.
a strong nerf is better than letting a game breaking thing stay in the game.
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If you needed moris to get kills then you've got a long road of improvement ahead of you
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Also you're wrong, Mori's Are NOT a free win, you have to balance it with hooking and hits to get a better score. I liked to punish people tho, if you cleared right away thats like 15k maybe
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if you need a mori to win your games you don't need to be playing
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i dont need a mori to win, killers kill dude. First thing this isnt survivors are invincible by daylight
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Changing an offering makes the Killer experience unfun? Such a subtle change and immense outcry really says a lot about the community. Just chill out.
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Now if Moris worked as before but only against those that brought keys, abused DS or were in an SWF that would be balanced!
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Yea a free escape after all the gens are done and you've already lost the trial, the hatch doesn't spawn unless survivors are dead already or you've lost the game anyway, for keys to be broken like old Moris I would be able to hop out the hatch after one gen , that's the equivalent of tunneling straight off hook with a Mori
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it is because with Survivors perks and SWF that teeters more towards them surviving considering it would restart the chase, all their perks and other players they can take more hits
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"Most of the time"? Bro in all my killer matches to date I've never had more than 2 people escape with a key, and that's probably happened maybe 2 or 3 times. It's usually just the 1 person, at the end of the match, after the hatch gets closed and even then that's a very rare thing that happens.
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But...but ....but what about his GG EZ after camping and tunneling with a Mori? Lol they've blew that all to hell for the poor guy
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you can literally use the key to escape the closed hatch
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Moris were free wins if you were bad at the game. You had to be atrocious to lose with a mori.
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While I don't agree with the way Moris were changed, this was laughable. Sorry you can't get a free win anymore lol.
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I'm a Killer main and I agree with @ALostPuppy
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you're saying someone's bad at the game just for bringing a Mori
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..yeah that's how keys work? And if they do it during the egc honestly they're doing the both of you a favour. Now you don't have to walk between doors for 3 minutes straight while the survivor is running around the edges of the map.
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i dont know where these "free WIN" people are coming from, when did mori give you merciless? or Ruthless by killing them right away
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No id like to win the round as killer thanks
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I'll just party instead.
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Moris did have to change. Though it is unfair that keys and nothing else survivor based came to the changes.
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Now killers tunneling with moris have a free tunnel only after the second hook. Sad life.
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Deprive them of a killer, place one more survivor into queue and then play until your queues are ten minutes or over and at that point just pretend it's a facebook game that you pop up every twenty minutes or so to dodge another lobby and go back into queue lol.
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I'm also a killer main, and now I can bring in moris for families without keeping track of hook states because I always want to mori on death hook, and survivors can just chill knowing it won't be all that game-changing and we can play a proper match.
One of the best changes they've ever made.
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Mori's are the only reliable counter to keys, which are untouched. That is the problem with this. Nobody disagreed that they both needed changes, but they need to happen at the same time.
Also personally i don't think making them based on 2nd hook is a good idea. This effectively makes them useless. The mori animation often takes longer than just hooking, and when using a mori you lose out on hook perks like BBQ/Pop/Thrilling. The only thing they are good for now is tunneling a survivor on their last hook, which isn't fun for anyone.
A better mori rework:
- Ebony and Ivory Moris now work on a token system, every time you hook a survivor you gain 1 token, every time survivors complete a generator, you lose 1 token. Spend 4 tokens to mori a downed survivor.
- Ivory mori allows you to do this 1 time.
- Ebony mori allows you to do this 2 times. When the trial begins, the generator furthest from the killer is automatically completed.
- Yellow mori is now basekit.
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Dude come on, let's be real. I play both sides and a key escape is pretty rare if you play well and understand how the hatch spawn works. Most of the time it just gets one guy out at the end and you get 3 other kills. And survivor perks are nowhere near the strength of Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer on a strong killer unless they're amazing at looping to go with it. Unless you tunnel hard, just hold W at loops, and eat every DS I guess, in which case you deserve to lose and a key wasn't going to change that.
Compare that to killers who want the survivors to have a miserable time and bring in iri head infantry belt Huntress or Spirits doing first hook moris.
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If you rely on mori, you're just getting yourself with easy wins.
If you're afraid of keys, it's because you can't pressure gens.
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You already got a 3k in this scenario though, and the exit gates won't have been opened. That's already a win.
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they are a free win, the second too much pressure is on you you just kill someone.
Also the fact that you could kill off hook alone is enough to make them a free win, whether you do so or not doesn't matter.
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THis ^ all i wanted was a happy medium
only after they deal with SWF, Dead Hard, loops, DS, Body blocks, unbreakable, power struggle. There's plenty in survs arsenal
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I still feel like they could have done something different instead of further killing a feature further, and granting entitled survivor mains a more ensured escape. Having to be hooked a 2nd time resets all their protections
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They are working on keys next and the mori change was good. It was good because it was completely unfair to immediately take a survivor out of the game. At least keys require them to do gens. For killer, a hook is almost always much easier and faster to get than a generator which makes the mori's stronger than keys.
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Oh sh1t, here we go again.
Ebony is in a good place now, deal with it.
I never use it as killer and if u think is needed you are just bad
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No keys are problematic even in games you would win as killer, good survivors who realize a key is in the game will basically win since 2 or 3 can easily escape.
survivors that are even decent get at least 2 gens done, most of the time 3 gens get done which makes it spawn for 2 survivors. However it's also not unreasonable to get to the 4th gen which is usually when someone is on death hook, if a survivor dies at that point the killer has to protect gens and the other 3 can simply play stealthy until they find hatch.
For vs'ing a bunch of decent survivors mori's are stronger, but against good survivors or decent swf's keys are stronger. it's a situational thing that depends on who you play against. Both of them basically seal the game for their side, even tunneling a key user out doesn't change the fact that the key is in the trial and still usable.
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it ended the round early for them because they lost to me hunting them? I get punished by less points, kills gran 1k and keys grant 5k with an extra 2.5k to obj and more on Survival for a hatch escape or whatever
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...You do realize moris still work the exact same way and it's just after their second hook now right? Having to hook them an additional time and not completely bypass DS off first hook -- their only means of dissuading tunneling aside from hoping their teammate has BT -- and killing them 2 minutes into the game doesn't ensure a free escape. It just doesn't ensure you a free win, there's a massive difference.
Gonna be honest, you're throwing around the term "entitled survivor mains" but you sound like an entitled killer main who just wants easy games.
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It's completely unfair and another obvious attempt by the devs to cater to the survivor class. Being able to remove opponents from the match in one-third of the normal amount of time is the only way to counter the fact that survivors get to bring perks that slightly inconvenience me and are possibly playing together as a team
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Yea but Franklin's can totally remove it from the game and survivors don't have a perk that stops Moris because they completed an objective, at least the killers have a solid counter to a key while survivors that are camped and one hook Mori'd don't stand a fighting chance and can't even use DS to save themselves unless it's in a locker which the devs have already said they are going to address at some point
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No because i got punished for killing early and you;d know that if you played killer with mori's a lot. I'm having a fun, free win my ass i dont always succeed but i enjoyed it on killer side. I've been beaten plenty of times with how things are currently and i dont need a mori, i liked the mori;s
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Sorry for these killers with pink addons who love tunneling with moris...
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Whoever says i rely on Mori's to win is your own assumptions , you got less points for using them
i liked the Mori's on surv it provided a challenge for me, and on killer is was fun.
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yeah i agree however if the killer has franklins they drop the key to prevent it from being consumed. it's more of a semi counter that again depends on who you vs.
Like i said it just depends on who you vs, even in the case of mori vs key the survivors can escape with 1 or 2.
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Agreed nothing worse than loading into a match, knowing killer had a mori, and that you're more than likely to be tunneled off first hooked and killed, ruins the game. Especially when in an swf, then you have to sit there and wait for your friends, to either win the match, or inevitably meet the same end as you, I love the nerf, like seriously now the match can be properly played, and if you're someone whining about this, then you're part of that toxic issue that brought on the change, and now you can't win matches in just 10 to 15 minutes, now you actually have to play a proper game, so go watch orzdarva and learn how to play properly or watch dowsey.
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No i want a 4k meaning none of you won against me, 1 isn't magically entitled to live because 3 is enough for you
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Stop complaining. To escape with a key requires a lot more effort. since the hatch spawn depends on the amount of survivors alive and generators done. Not to mention you also need to search for the hatch, and if you bring offerings to control the hatch spawn the killer sees them too and knows where to look. And keys are not that easy to get from chests even with the new perk.
Would i like to see a key rework? Sure, but compared to moris i think moris were far more "busted" than keys are. Not to mention there are plenty of ways to win without a mori but only 1 way to win without a key.
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But how do you know they have Franklin's until someone is already hit with it? If I ran the hag and Franklin's I could literally negate every key in the trial by simply trapping the items when I knock them out but I have nothing like that to negate the old Mori is my point, now Moris are equally balanced with a key
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You being unhappy that you lost and have to sit there because i beat you is your own issue. I'm not supposed to let you win?? If you can't loop and are getting hooked that fast and still dying then you lost. "playing a proper match" okay mate lemme just go afk for 5 minutes at the start too