Revert the Mori Change Devs



  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    You say they changed it for bad survivors complaining they don't want to die, but your post here sounds like a bad killer who is not able to kill survs without moris.

    I mean, I play both sides equally, and I just can agree with that change. Dude, i used pink moris and, unless there was a very very annoying survivor, i would hook them twice before moriying the survs.

    Playing solo survivor can be a pain in the ass tho if you get bad mates, if you get tunneled camped or whatever.... and a lot of killer (i presume like you) bring moris to kill right away a just unhooked survivor.

    You complain that waiting two hooks before being able to mori someone is bad, but it kills the fun of a survivor pretty fast in a trial.

    Otherwise, use devour hope, but according to me, you look like one of those complaining killers exactly like complaining bad survivors.

    Don't change moris, it is very well balanced like that.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'd be fine with reverting green moris

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    No because with spam perks like DS, Adrenaline, Dead hard, and #########. It makes survivors too powerful, they need another crutch by the devs

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Killer players upset about the changes. Since it's killers, nothing will happen. Nothing new. Honestly, it's time to let it go. The whole point of the NERF was to yet again make it so survivors wouldn't keep crying about it.

    Same thing happened to Nurse, same will happen to Huntress (she's going to get butchered), same will happen to Freddy and so on.

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    I get your point!


    For real, as I play killer AND survivor, the real thing that can be upsetting about a killer is abusive SWF. Yeah a 4 SWF team with mikes very well coordinated can be a pain in the ass. That said, solo survs, even if they use those kind of things, won't be as abusive as SWF. I can tell, I recognize these types of teams, and when it comes to solo survs, we can SEE IT, even if they run these kind of perks.

    I, most of the time, play solo queue survivor.... and when it comes to a bad team, I mean, even with the highest tier perks, I can't troll easily and abuse a game.... because a survivior sided trial is first of all a good teamwork with coordiniation.

    Finally, I think that the real problem is about SWF than with perks.

    Some offer ways to nerf swf, but it is pretty hard to handle because some teams are 2 friends, some 3, some other 4... and a lot will complain about a nerf, etc.

    Even if I would agree with a nerf of SWF when I play some trials as killer, unfortunately I don't think it is about to happen.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    killers who are actually a threat and not if you don't LoOp correctly. That's what i want

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    oPpReSseD lOwEr cLAsS

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    No, learn how to play the game without getting a mori as a free pass to win.

    Might as well not play.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited December 2020

    Here lemme translate this to survivor side

    No, learn how to play without taking a pink key and 3 talking teammates to tell you where ######### is as a free pass to win

    Might as well not play.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Lmao jokes on you, I don't use pink keys and I usually play with 1 other friend if any.

    So, back to my statement before, learn how to play the game without wanting to win with no effort.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Offerings are arbitrary things in the game and should not affect the game too much.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    theres things that survivor has that are just as ridiculous soooo, like the fact that dead hard creates more distance than just dodging a melee. it's a 2 for 1

  • Lightpkm
    Lightpkm Member Posts: 93

    Old Morris's are broken, new mori's are actually balanced. If you need old moris for free wins then you have a long road to improve on. Good luck.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    pls tell me where i said "i need a mori to win" that wasn't the point of the post

  • Lightpkm
    Lightpkm Member Posts: 93

    Nah I was just repeating what another post said because I'm lazy.

  • Forsaken_Sins22
    Forsaken_Sins22 Member Posts: 1

    infinites were needed, our perks aren’t that op unless you consider ds. Dead hard is bated by any good killer. Wanna talk about OP y’all’s add one for killers are free buffs, Instadowns like leather face, Moris, bbq&chili, nurses, noed, franklins, doctor as a killer is free W. We have pallets, keys, flashlight l, a select few perks worth a damn. Maybe if you were good you wouldn’t complain. I 4ked with the mori rework. It’s not hard. Killer is easy asf. Free blood points. Rank2 btw at that. Our perks are based off killers tunneling and camping because that’s all killers do anymore.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    You know, you howl about the mori change, but they were literally just used to punish survivors the killer was mad at. It's not like they were fun. They just knocked a third of the time off your match, and presumably, let you murder that pink-haired Nea or Steve with a key that you were grinding your gears about when you saw them in the lobby. No idea if they're actually a SWF death squad out to get you, no idea if they're even good players, no idea if the key is even good enough to open a hatch or just a Broken Key with some aura add-ons. You read the room and freaked out.

    Moris were a panic button and a way to bully someone else before you could get bullied. The change is fine.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited December 2020

    I like how ######### up this comment is.

    You in the same breath recognize the emotions that cause people to really not like certain things the survivors do that radically shift the win condition of the game, yet deny the validity of wanting the ability to do it yourself. It feels like you think of killer players as subhuman: your more upset with the REACTION to a negative play experience than a negative play experience.

    If you bring a key to allow you and a friend to escape despite only doing 3 gens instead of 5, why should the killer not be allowed to bring a tool that lets them remove you from the game at 2 won chases instead of 3? Keys remove more game time from the survivor objective, assuming a duo, 40% even ignoring gates, compared to Moris removing 33%.

    While I think Moris are broken, acting like killers don't have good reason to be MASSIVELY upset by this very obvious preferential treatment towards survivors here sucks and is scummy.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200
    edited December 2020

    Okay clearly I need someone to explain what the [BAD WORD] deal is with [BAD WORD] keys. At this point, I don't bring them into a match unless I need it for a challenge, and even then, I'm extremely reluctant because I'd like to actually play and not just get my [BAD WORD] kicked in because a killer thinks I'm going to... I don't even know. Herd the whole survivor team out through the hatch? Most of the time, if I have a challenge like that, I just have to get it done in a farming match.

    And please don't tell me that if I want to use a key, I need to "git gud." I've tried using them, and I've been summarily tunneled, mori'd, and hit with Franklin's. I get it, killers hate them. I just don't see why it makes them lose their minds.

    And I'd really like to have characters in outfits I like without them assuming I'm in comms or looking to bully them. Same [BAD WORD] happens, only not the Franklin's because my clothes aren't going to let me escape while the killer isn't paying attention.

    Edit: Upon reviewing your comment, I realize that I am reacting negatively to a reaction to a negative experience. So no, I'm not mad at the killers and I don't see them as subhuman. They just drive me bonkers when they do this [BAD WORD] because I have no idea what's going on, nor what could possibly make them want to punish me for bringing in an object that, at this point, is just a source of fear for me.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    The reason killers act with such disgust towards keys is that keys completely change the rules of how killers play the game.

    Killers normally win via applying pressure to the survivors and preventing them from efficiently repairing gens by reducing their overall repair power and forcing them to focus on other things, like chases and rescues. A killer can't defend every single gen, but they can stop all 5 gens from getting done if they are clever.

    Keys ANIHILATE this dynamic. A duo with a key who play cleverly are a duo the killer basically can't pip against, and will struggle to safety pip against, because suddenly the killer goes from needing to ensure 3 gens aren't completed, to needing to ensure 5 of the 7 aren't completed, which is a completely unrealistic count. What is worse is that it messes with the freedom of the killer to try to eliminate players: suddenly punishing bad survivor play like unhook farming actually is bad for the killer, which means key holders can be way more reckless and in your face than a regular survivor in an unfun way, because you get in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' position: Do you punish unhook farming? The key duo doesn't care if you kill the people they are matched with, they WANT them to die on some level. Do you not punish the farm? Ok, the survivors win conventionally by doing 5 gens because your pressuring 0 survivors after wasting time unhooking.

    Its just awful, and so most killers pretty reasonably do everything in their power to kill the key-holder as their main objective, both to discourage survivors from bringing keys, and because they literally have to because if you have a key by two kills the killer loses!

    And this style of play isn't fun for the killer at all. And unlike Moris, which also create an unfun 'avoid chases at any cost' playstyle for survivors, there is no 'out' for the killer. Games with keys don't end fast, its an exercise in teeth pulling and you having to be this maximal sweaty stressed out jerk if you want to win cleanly.

    This is why so many killers were pissed about the mori change but not the key change happening: Moris weren't a great counter to keys victory wise, but they allowed you to 'punish' survivors for trying to do something so awful to you: 'sure you brought in your key, but you lost and depipped with 5k bloodpoints, get the hell out of my lobby and think about what you tried to pull.'

    So there is both an in game strategy (You NEED to get rid of the key) and a meta-strategy (Killers want less keys in the game, so killers overall collectively punish bringing a key).

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    Revert Mori's changes, add Bloodlust 42069, remove BT,..

    Just kiddin', new Mori's are best change so far for last year. And actually it's working on 1st hook when Survivors are send into 2nd phase, I was moried like this many times.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    it sounds like you don't play killer that much cuz Doctor can get out played because of the detonation of his shock delay just basically benefits with the survivor anyway since in most cases they still get to vault or drop the pallet while screaming, which makes no sense

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    no it is not by any means, you get more points for hooking why would you kill at that point? It just makes survivors stronger

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I can't believe this is still going on.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    it will go on because this game's devs need to listen to killers for once

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    This update to moris was a massive slap in the killers face. Making the suv stronger and the killers weaker.

    Hook a survivor and they die on hook or kill a survivor with mori.

    Waste of a perk slot.

    I've avoided prob atleast 10 mori whilst ranking killers up.

    People complain about q times being so long and you wonder why. Stop asking for killer to br nerfed every update.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2021

    you know what's the bigger thing to complain about? How survivors can gen rush the game in 4 ######### minutes or less but they can't be taken out of the game or killed until a "fair match" ######### is that

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2021

    I just decided to try a mori.

    4 kills yeah. Guess how many was moris? 0 kills was. I got 0 kills with a mori.

    Once the survivors had been hooked twice the other team mates didn't even try to unhook them. They was left on the hook to die. I didn't even get the chance to even kill 1 player with mori.

    That was a wastw of offering. I could have used ardent shrike wreath. 100% bp in sacrifice.

    One of the most pointless offerings to be used by me.

    0 kills with a mori and this was just a nerf.

    Id like to add. I was acrros map kicking gens and going after other survivors not camping at the hook. I think there was 3 gens left on map at finish.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Have you not played survivor before? People do this all the time. They used to just do it on first hook. Unhooking someone else just so they can die to a mori is a waste of time. It puts you at risk just so the killer can get a creepy murder cutscene. Of course they didn't bother.

    What are you using the mori for? Are you using it for the creepy murder cutscene? Are you using it to scare or punish survivors?

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    So I definitely am not familiar with the playstyle you describe, I guess I'm just not at that level? I'm just used to getting my [BAD WORD] kicked in any time someone brings a key, and it appears the killer is just bullying us for no reason. Keys, to me, are super chancey, and usually not worth the effort it takes to not be destroyed while you have it. I've even been in matches with people who found a broken key in a chest, and the killer still punished all of us for it. Then there was the match where a Huntress used iri heads and camped me to death, when I wasn't even the one who brought the key.

    Basically, I think a lot of killers have an overblown idea of keys, based on things they've seen on rank 1 streams, and they're inaccurate to most levels of play, and the killers are just using this as an excuse to be bullies and have it seem justified.

  • Kadajacs
    Kadajacs Member Posts: 43

    It isn't just the rank 1 streams we see keys ending games early. We also get it all the time from the rank 1 survivors we ourselves somehow face all the time after reaching green ranks. We hate keys cos it is very disheartening to feel like your maybe on to a win just for the survivors to say 'nope we win now, game over' . I'm sure survivors would hate if there was an item that made the entity immediately kill all survivors after each has been hooked once.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    which is why this mori change is the dumbest change when it comes to the subject. Now nobody will get mori'd they'd rather just die on hook. So spending blood points on it and all that we can't even enjoy it over some butthurt survivor loser, that time with how it is now, fair and square.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The 1 hook moris before were by far the biggest deterrent from the game for me above everything else. They were so unfair that I can't tell you how many times I stopped playing the game. It got to a point to where I would only do swf 1 day out of the week. This change has actually made me want to play more often even though I think there are more things that need to be changed in the game. 1 hook moris were simply not fair.

    I also don't understand why killers keep using the key as some sort of major survivor advantage. Its not! KEYS ARE CONDITIONAL! Stop using that as your go to excuse every time they change something with killers. You HAVE to do 5 gens to even use the key if everyone is alive and if everyone is alive at that point then what is the killer doing wrong? If 1 person dies I STILL have to do 4 gens to use it and so on. If everyone dies and you're the last one you'll find yourself wishing you had a key. Keys are in a great place and I hope they stay that way.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I mean killers should be grateful moris are even in the game because what do survivors get thats on the same level as a mori? A flashlight flick and tbags?

  • Kadajacs
    Kadajacs Member Posts: 43

    Survivors do have these small metal devices that let them instantly escape from the game. I would say that is on the same level if not higher.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    lmao what? so in horror movies you just aren't allowed to die? Mori's are an important part of the game, there needs be more animations for the killers in the game!

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Dead Hard was designed to be a perk that when a survivor timed it well, a killer would miss an attack that would otherwise hit. The A Lullaby for the Dark chapter had some CRAZY survivor perk ideas in it whose like hadn't been seen before, but Dead Hard wasn't meant to be so crazy as to be a free extra few feet whenever the survivor wanted/needed it. It was designed that way because the invincibility frames for DH are shorter than a max killer's lunge (longer invincibility frames would feel really bad for the killer and requires less precise timing from survivors), and the DbD devs needed a way to make sure that killers couldn't just consistently out-lunge the perk regardless of how precise the survivor's timing was.

    The current and past* side effects are/were because of that :/

    *dashing forward in the air onto places the killer couldn't reach

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    i just don't like how it's a 2 for one, gives you a speed boost in a direction and also makes you immune to a hit. You can do great things if you time it correctly. Keep it mind it's not that hard to press a button at the right time, at least imo

  • yea revert the mori change its trash survivors need to be killed game is too survivor sided lol its boring when all we do is gen rush :P +1 revert mori garbage now typical dbd hide everything with cosmetics #fixthedamngame

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited January 2021
  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    Keys aren't okay either, but moris were worse. Killers have a hard early game, and a mori cuts unfairly to the easiest part of the game for Killers by instantly killing a Survivor.

    Keys do not guarantee a free escape for more than 2 Survivors most of the time, but moris are a guaranteed win unless you're actually so trash you can't get 1 hook and tunnel off hook, then capitalize on killing a Survivor before the first gen is done.

    Both sides have OP perks, next.

    Moral of the story: You're stupid, stop crying about your free win button being made to be helpful, but not broken.

    Was I harsh here? Yes. Is it undeserved? Read this crap for yourself.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    But it also ignores Decisive Strike, Flashlights, Breakout, firecrackers, pallet stuns, and body blocking. It also doesn't waste a hook, which is incredibly helpful.

    Your suggestion for Ebony and Ivory moris is... fine? It's not necessary as moris are fine being just cool and avoiding some stupid scenarios, but they work. Ebony mori seems like a downgrade from how it is currently, though.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    No it doesn't in this type of game setting you either hide successfully and make it out or die. Survivors have way to many forgiving shortcuts through the match as it is

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    They have enough, you mean?

    Also we all know stealth is ineffective. If stealth was the only way to win, this game would have died years ago.

    Keys are the same as moris in the aspect that they reward you for doing half of your entire job. Getting 3 hooks? Nahhh you only need 1 for a kill. Completing 5 gens? Nahhh you only need to complete 3 for 2 people to escape. But even then, Survivors have to put in more effort in order to get into a situation to use the key, while the Killer does not.

    Also, Killers have a lot of tools as well. BBQ is just free BP ontop of an amazing aura reading perk. Ruin is free gen regression for doing your job. Pop is free generator regression, but with a cost of having to cause the regression.

    Everyone has OP things in this game, that's how it is. BUT none of it is more op than what the other side has. Just scummy. Keys are scummy, and a bit OP. But moris were also scummy, and VERY op.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I don't agree, you failed to mention many of the other things survivors have in their disposal to constantly run the killer around in voice chat while the other gen rush. The Meta build for survivors needs changing, i don't think you've been up against survivors who are all at rank 1, in voice chat, bring all the forgiving perks x4 and keys and what have you. Don't forget survivors have OOO which takes the stealth away from the killer further. Bills perks allow quick success saves and he even has one that tells you where hatch is. Even if the killer found it first, and you had a key, CLICK and you win. Survivor needs nerf

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    also keys got left alone and again in this patch, do did DS and many other OP ass survivor perks.