Banned for Intentionally Deranking (not me but a friend)



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Elegant said:
    Honestly people wouldn't even want to de rank if they reworked/gutted the nurse, nerfed Billy, and extended the games. The game becomes almost unplayable on both sides with how unfun it is at low ranks. Either super sweaty survivors extend loops for a long time and you lose off gens being done while you are chasing someone for a long time. Or, you play the of the top tier killers and become really oppressive for survivors to play against. The game is always really unbalanced for one side or the other. And it's incredibly frustrating and not fun to encounter this. I don't blame anyone for de ranking.

    Those Killers are fine. You need to learn how to counter them instead of trying to pallet loop your way to an easy win.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @redsopine1 said:
    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @scerckan said:

    so your "friend" is way too much of a scrub to compete against high rank players and decides to fck all the items, add ons and offerings of the survivors he crosses path with when hes lowering his rank by DCing? I say good job devs, keep on it

    Survivors dont lose their items and addons when the killer DCs. Its actually the killer who loses all his loadout when survivors DC (at least he gets 2,5k BP for compensation lul)

    Yer tell that to my purple mechanic toolboxes medkits with insta heals for emergency saves for others or me if I need to because and I am being serious here they couldn't catch somone or someone outplayed them with a clever hide (like I have footage of a doc dcing because he couldn't make me scream and catch me thanks to calm spirit and a spirit because they couldn't find anyone like they hit me chased me lost me I worked on a gen heard them coming hid in a locker while bleeding they just dc dispute the easy to find grab and that's just my latest two others gave dc at the very start because somone put in party streamers to be blunt the games bucked deal with it stop calling for reworks or nurfs devs take your tine to fix the game not every small detail people complain about

    Yes the core issues of the game have to be fixed, those are
    1. SWF balance
    2. dedicated servers
    3. gentime
    4. mandatory perks

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    ScottJund said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    ScottJund said:

    @Kilmeran said:
    @ScottJund said:
    @Kilmeran said:
    @ScottJund said:
    @Kilmeran said:
    @AChaoticKiller said:
    Your friend deserved it, I don't buy that bs that people are nicer in low rank so lets depip he did it to play with lower skilled people because he does not want to play with people equal of his skill. Yes I did not read the wall of text because deranking for whatever reason is bs and your scum for doing it. Deranking only results in you making the new players feel like trash and you getting easy wins. Next time I hope he gets a longer ban. As for a causal mode with no rank this would not work in a game such as dbd. 1 player can literally kill your whole team if he's bad. I encounter this all the time in rank 1, you get a swf group with 3 rank 1 and a rank 10 or 15 and its an easy 4k because the low rank will die with no long chases so the team now has 3 people early in the game which makes the game a hell of a lot harder for them. Such will be the case in a casual mode.
    As a new player to DBD, I completely agree with you. I'd like Behavior to take it a step further in the next ban-wave and permaban the ######### who derank on purpose. And this goes for their precious little streamers like Jendenise and all of them.
    I derank as killer on purpose for at least a week after rank reset. If I don't, I rank up too fast and cannot play Dead by Daylight at all. Am I an #########?
    In my opinion: Yes
    Damn that's just unreasonable of you. You blame me instead of the terrible ranking system, so much so that you literally would prefer I don't play the game at all. What if you just randomly got banned on the 13th of every month for a week? You'd be totally cool with that, right?

    Being a new player with Vets who deranked to Rank 15 before the 13th, only to then reset to Rank 17 with the reset, and come into the grey ranks with us newbies, I am unable to play the game now. Nothing like facing Survivor SWFs at Rank 20 Killer all in Bloody Clothes, which also means Perks and Add-Ons that no newbie has yet. Which I did not encounter prior to reset. And yeah, they were all Rank 17 or 16. And I encountered crap like that more than once last night, to the point that I just walked away and fired Overwatch up for the night.

    So, yeah, cry me a river, pal. I am unable to play as a newbie and not be screwed by the system you Vets love to abuse.
    First of all, I don't personally derank past where I'm reset to (Rank 10). In fact, just about every person I know that intentionally deranks goes nowhere near 15, because that's actually in the 15-20 zone of new players and is pretty nasty bullying.
    If you have people deranking to 15-20, I agree, then they are #########. Rank reset is also usually a bad time for newer players as well, as people still get jumbled together even if they do not de-rank. Your games will get better in a few days.

    You said that you derank for atleast a week AFTER the reset, even if i was generous enough to give you the benefit of the doubt that you dont intent to smurf then why should other players still have their time wasted with your deranking and inevitable stomps you dish out that take place when most people started to rank back up again? 

    Because rank is so irrelevant I notice no difference in survivors between 1-10. Most of the time they're getting stomped either way, regardless of whatever rank anyone is. The only variable is whether or not I physically get to play.

    Rank 1 is easy to achieve. That means there are plenty of people that will be instantly deranked to R10 along with you and climb right back up. I still dont see the reason of intentionally derank, never had an issue finding games after resets, not to mention an entire week. 

    When the game is your job because you do it for a living, you tend to play it more than the normal player and will rank up faster than everyone else.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    @Orion said:

    @Elegant said:
    Honestly people wouldn't even want to de rank if they reworked/gutted the nurse, nerfed Billy, and extended the games. The game becomes almost unplayable on both sides with how unfun it is at low ranks. Either super sweaty survivors extend loops for a long time and you lose off gens being done while you are chasing someone for a long time. Or, you play the of the top tier killers and become really oppressive for survivors to play against. The game is always really unbalanced for one side or the other. And it's incredibly frustrating and not fun to encounter this. I don't blame anyone for de ranking.

    Those Killers are fine. You need to learn how to counter them instead of trying to pallet loop your way to an easy win.

    The nurse is not fine. At all. She is so stupidly overpowered that it's pathetic the Devs haven't gutted her yet. The most unbalanced character i have ever encountered in a game. And the only thing they really need to nerf on Billy is his cross map mobility. If they fix that he will be fine.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Elegant said:
    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

    That's only because you don't play as well as you think you do.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Elegant said:

    @Orion said:

    @Elegant said:
    Honestly people wouldn't even want to de rank if they reworked/gutted the nurse, nerfed Billy, and extended the games. The game becomes almost unplayable on both sides with how unfun it is at low ranks. Either super sweaty survivors extend loops for a long time and you lose off gens being done while you are chasing someone for a long time. Or, you play the of the top tier killers and become really oppressive for survivors to play against. The game is always really unbalanced for one side or the other. And it's incredibly frustrating and not fun to encounter this. I don't blame anyone for de ranking.

    Those Killers are fine. You need to learn how to counter them instead of trying to pallet loop your way to an easy win.

    The nurse is not fine. At all. She is so stupidly overpowered that it's pathetic the Devs haven't gutted her yet. The most unbalanced character i have ever encountered in a game. And the only thing they really need to nerf on Billy is his cross map mobility. If they fix that he will be fine.

    Check the official tournament.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2018

    @Elegant said:
    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

    "There are zero SWF counters. You can't counter SWF. The only way you win vs SWF is for the SWF to play badly or to play Nurse. If you play well and the SWF plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance."

    It's a 2-way street bud. Survivors hate when there's a counter to perfectly executed pallet looping, suddenly when the match result is determined by the killer's level of skill as opposed to the survivor's then it's complete blasphemy. Chasing around a looper who actually knows what they're doing as a basic M1 killer is formulaic and predictable and the onus is on the survivor to mess up as opposed to the killer outplaying the survivor. You can try to mind game in rare instances but that will more often than not make the loop longer and, of coarse, the ball is still in the survivor's court to mess up. Take away the survivor's toys (looping) and watch them have a meltdown :)

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626
    High rank gameplay isn't that bad, it's around rank 12-8 That in my experience houses the real scummy players.
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Jendenise said:

    @shasta said:
    Elegant said:

    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

    There are plenty of ways to mind game the nurse and you can even burn her with a flashlight while she’s charging a blink , you just need someone to go into kyf and figure out what works for your play style 

    Okay, this statement alone makes me feel as though you rarely play survivor. That's incredibly difficult to do these days with new blind timing. You can only burn a nurse if she's incredibly bad. It's a waste to even try burning her. Only time we do it is when 2-3 of us blind at the same time. You could say this if insta blinds were still a thing...
    Anyway, a truly skilled nurse against most groups is unstoppable (ie. svekeren, zubatlel, etc). You also fail to mention that many nurses run more than 2 blinks and omegablink as well (ataxic and pinecone) which is incredibly strong. You must LOS a nurse and know when to double back or not, and a good nurse has excellent prediction, so sometimes you're just #########. I don't know your skill level, the way you play nurse, or your survivor experience, but saying that burning her with a flashlight is a counter is a big yikes.

    I guarantee I’m a better survivor than you because I don’t derank  to impress anyone and the timing isn’t hard you just have to know when to start your burn and it is definitely a counter to the blink if used properly, does it work well with short range blinks? No  not if she’s already on your ass but when the nurse first is approaching it’s not so hard and you can use it to get away, I’ve saw your streams your not even a good survivor and anyone who deranks doesn’t even deserve an opinion on here because you just do it to play with newer players or those who don’t play the game often, you must be so good huh? Deranking to impress your stream and still sucking haha
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    @Jendenise @shasta

    Didn't think I’d have to spell this out, but, alright then...

    First off, Shasta, stop taking this personally. That’s not what this is about. 

    Now then, the reason is very simple : It only takes one good Survivor to change the whole outcome of a match. Shasta, you may very well *be* that one good Survivor. Jendenise, you should know by now all it takes is one good Survivor to carry a whole team of potato Survivors. Any Survivor can easily play Gen Jockey. All it takes is one good Survivor to carry a team. One good Survivor not even using the meta mind you, to Loop a Killer, do safe hook saves, ect.

    The rest of the team can easily just Gen Jockey, maybe get caught once, do a lucky hook save (or hell, just toss on Borrowed Time for a guaranteed “safe unhook” score event), and escape off the hard work of just ONE Survivor busting his balls. This in place effect “boost” those Survivor’s Rank. They can play “immersion Claudette” all they want. They’ll still pip if they just Gen Jockey while the *real* Survivor does all the hard work. Now imagine that *already* actually good Survivor is packing the DS/SB/BT/SC meta? Catching my point here? ONE Survivor can carry a whole team, hard. Where do you think all these “boosted” Survivors come from?

    Question : What do you think happens when there *isn’t* one of those good Survivors on the team. Where the whole team is a bunch of these “boosted” Survivors?

    Answer : They get slaughtered by a Killer who actually isn’t really that good at all. Which “boost” him up the ranks. Not because he is good, but because he faced a bunch of boosted crap Survivors who didn’t luck out and get that one good Survivor to carry their asses.

    Granted, NOED can also boost a ######### Killer beyond his rank, something I’ve vehemently said is NOED needs deleted. It’s a ######### crutch perk that boost Killers. Same with DS for Survivors, and a host of other Survivor perks need a strong looking at, but nothing major. Just some minor tweaks.

    The big problem with the balance of the game is that ONE good Survivor can carry a team. Hard. I have advocated for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs. However, not without due deliberation. The maps are now balanced imo. Loops are fine now as is. The developers can not do anything more with Pallet Count or Loops without cold cucking Survivors. Minor perks need tweaking on both sides. Mostly the Survivor meta.

    This is simply because the Survivor meta is based on one thing : Being near on totally self sufficient in a team oriented game. You’re either the number role, or the power role. With the meta perks, a single Survivor can be self sufficient to the point they don’t even need more than one or two team mates. Never mind 3 others. If all four run the meta? What is even the point of having that many on the numbers side if they’re THAT self sufficient and powerful on their own?

    Gen Rush is really the biggest issue plaguing the game. As I said, boosted Survivors can easy make it to high rank just playing Gen Jockey while ONE Survivor does all the hard work. The developers have focused too hard core on giving that ONE Survivor so much of a chance, it’s redundant to have four Survivors in the match.

    You want to see better play from both Killers and Survivors who deserve their Rank? Get rid of NOED. Nerf the damn Survivor meta. Stop the Survivors being able to Rush the gens in 4-5 minutes flat. Stop letting Survivors be so stupidly self sufficient they don’t even NEED much teamwork. 
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    @Jendenise @shasta

    Didn't think I’d have to spell this out, but, alright then...

    First off, Shasta, stop taking this personally. That’s not what this is about. 

    Now then, the reason is very simple : It only takes one good Survivor to change the whole outcome of a match. Shasta, you may very well *be* that one good Survivor. Jendenise, you should know by now all it takes is one good Survivor to carry a whole team of potato Survivors. Any Survivor can easily play Gen Jockey. All it takes is one good Survivor to carry a team. One good Survivor not even using the meta mind you, to Loop a Killer, do safe hook saves, ect.

    The rest of the team can easily just Gen Jockey, maybe get caught once, do a lucky hook save (or hell, just toss on Borrowed Time for a guaranteed “safe unhook” score event), and escape off the hard work of just ONE Survivor busting his balls. This in place effect “boost” those Survivor’s Rank. They can play “immersion Claudette” all they want. They’ll still pip if they just Gen Jockey while the *real* Survivor does all the hard work. Now imagine that *already* actually good Survivor is packing the DS/SB/BT/SC meta? Catching my point here? ONE Survivor can carry a whole team, hard. Where do you think all these “boosted” Survivors come from?

    Question : What do you think happens when there *isn’t* one of those good Survivors on the team. Where the whole team is a bunch of these “boosted” Survivors?

    Answer : They get slaughtered by a Killer who actually isn’t really that good at all. Which “boost” him up the ranks. Not because he is good, but because he faced a bunch of boosted crap Survivors who didn’t luck out and get that one good Survivor to carry their asses.

    Granted, NOED can also boost a ######### Killer beyond his rank, something I’ve vehemently said is NOED needs deleted. It’s a ######### crutch perk that boost Killers. Same with DS for Survivors, and a host of other Survivor perks need a strong looking at, but nothing major. Just some minor tweaks.

    The big problem with the balance of the game is that ONE good Survivor can carry a team. Hard. I have advocated for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs. However, not without due deliberation. The maps are now balanced imo. Loops are fine now as is. The developers can not do anything more with Pallet Count or Loops without cold cucking Survivors. Minor perks need tweaking on both sides. Mostly the Survivor meta.

    This is simply because the Survivor meta is based on one thing : Being near on totally self sufficient in a team oriented game. You’re either the number role, or the power role. With the meta perks, a single Survivor can be self sufficient to the point they don’t even need more than one or two team mates. Never mind 3 others. If all four run the meta? What is even the point of having that many on the numbers side if they’re THAT self sufficient and powerful on their own?

    Gen Rush is really the biggest issue plaguing the game. As I said, boosted Survivors can easy make it to high rank just playing Gen Jockey while ONE Survivor does all the hard work. The developers have focused too hard core on giving that ONE Survivor so much of a chance, it’s redundant to have four Survivors in the match.

    You want to see better play from both Killers and Survivors who deserve their Rank? Get rid of NOED. Nerf the damn Survivor meta. Stop the Survivors being able to Rush the gens in 4-5 minutes flat. Stop letting Survivors be so stupidly self sufficient they don’t even NEED much teamwork. 
    Sorry guess I misunderstood I know I’m not the best in the world at this game but I definitely am not the worst and I think majority of the problem was the tutorial glitch that I heard got patched recently, so this rank season we should see higher skill at red ranks
  • Jendenise
    Jendenise Member Posts: 11

    @SovererignKing said:
    @Jendenise @shasta

    Didn't think I’d have to spell this out, but, alright then...

    First off, Shasta, stop taking this personally. That’s not what this is about. 

    Now then, the reason is very simple : It only takes one good Survivor to change the whole outcome of a match. Shasta, you may very well be that one good Survivor. Jendenise, you should know by now all it takes is one good Survivor to carry a whole team of potato Survivors. Any Survivor can easily play Gen Jockey. All it takes is one good Survivor to carry a team. One good Survivor not even using the meta mind you, to Loop a Killer, do safe hook saves, ect.

    The rest of the team can easily just Gen Jockey, maybe get caught once, do a lucky hook save (or hell, just toss on Borrowed Time for a guaranteed “safe unhook” score event), and escape off the hard work of just ONE Survivor busting his balls. This in place effect “boost” those Survivor’s Rank. They can play “immersion Claudette” all they want. They’ll still pip if they just Gen Jockey while the real Survivor does all the hard work. Now imagine that already actually good Survivor is packing the DS/SB/BT/SC meta? Catching my point here? ONE Survivor can carry a whole team, hard. Where do you think all these “boosted” Survivors come from?

    Question : What do you think happens when there isn’t one of those good Survivors on the team. Where the whole team is a bunch of these “boosted” Survivors?

    Answer : They get slaughtered by a Killer who actually isn’t really that good at all. Which “boost” him up the ranks. Not because he is good, but because he faced a bunch of boosted crap Survivors who didn’t luck out and get that one good Survivor to carry their asses.

    Granted, NOED can also boost a ######### Killer beyond his rank, something I’ve vehemently said is NOED needs deleted. It’s a ######### crutch perk that boost Killers. Same with DS for Survivors, and a host of other Survivor perks need a strong looking at, but nothing major. Just some minor tweaks.

    The big problem with the balance of the game is that ONE good Survivor can carry a team. Hard. I have advocated for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs. However, not without due deliberation. The maps are now balanced imo. Loops are fine now as is. The developers can not do anything more with Pallet Count or Loops without cold cucking Survivors. Minor perks need tweaking on both sides. Mostly the Survivor meta.

    This is simply because the Survivor meta is based on one thing : Being near on totally self sufficient in a team oriented game. You’re either the number role, or the power role. With the meta perks, a single Survivor can be self sufficient to the point they don’t even need more than one or two team mates. Never mind 3 others. If all four run the meta? What is even the point of having that many on the numbers side if they’re THAT self sufficient and powerful on their own?

    Gen Rush is really the biggest issue plaguing the game. As I said, boosted Survivors can easy make it to high rank just playing Gen Jockey while ONE Survivor does all the hard work. The developers have focused too hard core on giving that ONE Survivor so much of a chance, it’s redundant to have four Survivors in the match.

    You want to see better play from both Killers and Survivors who deserve their Rank? Get rid of NOED. Nerf the damn Survivor meta. Stop the Survivors being able to Rush the gens in 4-5 minutes flat. Stop letting Survivors be so stupidly self sufficient they don’t even NEED much teamwork. 

    Agreed. Though, I don't really have much an issue with noed. I do agree that it rewards killers who play very poorly though. But I also go around breaking totems, even ran small game for a bit until the noise alert annoyed the crap out of me.

    I'm starting to think maybe the other guy might play on console? It's a different game over there...and I know nurse is not great on console.

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Jendenise said:

    You obviously haven't read my posts. I didn't insult you, so why are you so heated? I explained really clearly as to why I do what I do. It isn't for easy games. There are easy games at rank 1. If you are a better survivor than me, that's fine, but it isn't relevant really. What counters a good nurse? LOS and knowing when to double back...iron will and whatnot, but certainly not burning her. Can you do that every time? To ONLY bad nurses, and I'm sure nurse mains here will back me up on that, at least. Anyway, I'm happy for you and your confidence in survivor :)

    Well it works for me when I burn her but like I said it’s only when the nurse is first approaching me not while I’m already in chase , I don’t mean to insult I apologize, I need to take a break from reading forum posts because in my world the game is balanced I can play both sides without issue and when I see all these posts acting like everything is op it drives me crazy and my eye twitches from the OCD of wanting to correct them , then again I’m at 5 devotion points I probably just need to quit playing 
  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
    shasta said:
    Jendenise said:

    @shasta said:
    Elegant said:

    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

    There are plenty of ways to mind game the nurse and you can even burn her with a flashlight while she’s charging a blink , you just need someone to go into kyf and figure out what works for your play style 

    Okay, this statement alone makes me feel as though you rarely play survivor. That's incredibly difficult to do these days with new blind timing. You can only burn a nurse if she's incredibly bad. It's a waste to even try burning her. Only time we do it is when 2-3 of us blind at the same time. You could say this if insta blinds were still a thing...
    Anyway, a truly skilled nurse against most groups is unstoppable (ie. svekeren, zubatlel, etc). You also fail to mention that many nurses run more than 2 blinks and omegablink as well (ataxic and pinecone) which is incredibly strong. You must LOS a nurse and know when to double back or not, and a good nurse has excellent prediction, so sometimes you're just #########. I don't know your skill level, the way you play nurse, or your survivor experience, but saying that burning her with a flashlight is a counter is a big yikes.

    I guarantee I’m a better survivor than you because I don’t derank  to impress anyone and the timing isn’t hard you just have to know when to start your burn and it is definitely a counter to the blink if used properly, does it work well with short range blinks? No  not if she’s already on your ass but when the nurse first is approaching it’s not so hard and you can use it to get away, I’ve saw your streams your not even a good survivor and anyone who deranks doesn’t even deserve an opinion on here because you just do it to play with newer players or those who don’t play the game often, you must be so good huh? Deranking to impress your stream and still sucking haha
    "Just lightburn the Nurse. But like not at short range. Do it long range as she's charging it, with your Sniper Flashlight that goes across the map."

    I guarantee you're one of those adorable survivors that points their flashlight at the killer while slowly walking backwards until you get hit.
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    everyone knew d/cing constantly was not okay months ago, the bans are all well deserved.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Jendenise said:
    You obviously haven't read my posts. I didn't insult you, so why are you so heated? I explained really clearly as to why I do what I do. It isn't for easy games. There are easy games at rank 1. If you are a better survivor than me, that's fine, but it isn't relevant really. What counters a good nurse? LOS and knowing when to double back...iron will and whatnot, but certainly not burning her. Can you do that every time? To ONLY bad nurses, and I'm sure nurse mains here will back me up on that, at least. Anyway, I'm happy for you and your confidence in survivor :)

    Yet you derank and play against lowrank killers with your SWF, even using DS flashlights and all that stuff.
    If that isnt easy mode, then I dont know what to say

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    @Peanits @MandyTalk
    just go ahead and give me a month ban I could use the break honestly to keep me off here for a while 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @shasta said:
    @Peanits @MandyTalk
    just go ahead and give me a month ban I could use the break honestly to keep me off here for a while 

    I don't think I've seen anyone get a solid 1 month ban, jailed yes where you're posting privileges are reduced and the dreaded perma ban in bright red. But you'd still be able to see stuff posted in either case and besides you'd miss something good if you stepped away.

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    powerbats said:

    @shasta said:
    @Peanits @MandyTalk
    just go ahead and give me a month ban I could use the break honestly to keep me off here for a while 

    I don't think I've seen anyone get a solid 1 month ban, jailed yes where you're posting privileges are reduced and the dreaded perma ban in bright red. But you'd still be able to see stuff posted in either case and besides you'd miss something good if you stepped away.

    Red isn’t permanent or @Lowbei would still be gone
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @shasta said:
    powerbats said:

    @shasta said:

    @Peanits @MandyTalk

    just go ahead and give me a month ban I could use the break honestly to keep me off here for a while 

    I don't think I've seen anyone get a solid 1 month ban, jailed yes where you're posting privileges are reduced and the dreaded perma ban in bright red. But you'd still be able to see stuff posted in either case and besides you'd miss something good if you stepped away.

    Red isn’t permanent or @Lowbei would still be gone

    Well permanent in the sense that the avatar shows permanently banned.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Perhaps. Though I am on console myself. PS4 player. Usually a Nurse Main, though I’ve been relaxing as of late and playing Spirit and Trapper.

    I have followed DBD though since beta and watched thousands upon thousands of hours, not to mention once it dropped on console, played thousands of hours. Sitting at 90%+ of the achievements already.

    Not all of us console players are woefully ignorant of how things are. Nurse could very well use a nerf on PC, but us on console can’t handle her getting any weaker, just for example. I know full well there are limitations of console, that console players demand unnecessary buffs/nerfs that would absolutely trash PC play, because they are unable to differentiate what’s an actual balance concern, and what’s just a problem because they are playing on inferior hardware with inferior controls. 

    I will be buying myself a PC here within the comming few months though to gain a better perspective on PC play. Many console players need to realize it’s not the game that is at fault, it’s the hardware limitations as well as a few faults with actual balance. 

    I would be so bold as to say I have pushed console play to the limit. I know PC is a whole other ball game, but some issues are universal across platforms. It will be interesting to see how I fare with better FPS, better control with M&KB. I’m also interested in how I will fair against Survivors who dwarf my playtime hours. 

    As a console player party chat is standard even with randoms, so SWF will be very little different than my usual matches of Survivor coordination.

    I look forward to the challenge presented to me on PC, both as Killer and Survivor. 
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    powerbats said:

    @shasta said:
    powerbats said:

    @shasta said:

    @Peanits @MandyTalk

    just go ahead and give me a month ban I could use the break honestly to keep me off here for a while 

    I don't think I've seen anyone get a solid 1 month ban, jailed yes where you're posting privileges are reduced and the dreaded perma ban in bright red. But you'd still be able to see stuff posted in either case and besides you'd miss something good if you stepped away.

    Red isn’t permanent or @Lowbei would still be gone

    Well permanent in the sense that the avatar shows permanently banned.

    I almost wish they would at this point these people will never be happy @powerbats it’s the same group of people and then you have people like @Orion who find reasons to disagree even when you don’t mean it that way and then complain about posts getting derailed by survivors when everyone starts turning on him 
  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Sounds like a very toxic person, if they are ranking up that easy then they should stay there as that is where they belong. not against fresh rank 15's

    Killers don't want to rank up either but they just get told to suck it up and "git gud" and "take on the challenge of swf" pfft.........

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Damn it's like waking up on christmas morning. (Listen, I have some sad holidays okay).
    First seeing the steam forum post about the increased ban punishment times (, and now already seeing people crying about being rightfully temp banned (or a friend getting it)? Damn, that's good.

    DCing is the worst thing in this game, so hopefully this either gets rid of the biggest offenders, or gets them to clue in and stop. I'm sure being banned during the event will be super fun for them :lol:

    It's pretty simple...
    -Want to derank as survivor? Play horrible meme builds and don't actually try to win that much. Don't intentionally screw your team over, hell even if you only do 1/4 of a single gen, it's more than just leaving them with 5 gens and only 3 survivors.
    -Want to derank as killer? Again, meme build. Basement security, Paranoia Freddy, Get off my Lawn Trapper, etc.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    Lets just be honest about one thing: No one deranks because of a better mentality. You derank, cause you cant outplay the killer anymore and you want easier games.
    So the killer did learn, but you refuse to learn too and adept a different playstyle.
    Its always other survivors fault, they are idiots. But if you are that good, then why cant you outplay the killer 1 vs 1?

    There is just never an excuse for deranking. If you got there by playing like an idiot and now the game is to hard, thats your problem. Dont make it the same problem for your fellow teammates, who actually want to enjoy a game.

  • Jendenise
    Jendenise Member Posts: 11

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Jendenise said:
    You obviously haven't read my posts. I didn't insult you, so why are you so heated? I explained really clearly as to why I do what I do. It isn't for easy games. There are easy games at rank 1. If you are a better survivor than me, that's fine, but it isn't relevant really. What counters a good nurse? LOS and knowing when to double back...iron will and whatnot, but certainly not burning her. Can you do that every time? To ONLY bad nurses, and I'm sure nurse mains here will back me up on that, at least. Anyway, I'm happy for you and your confidence in survivor :)

    Yet you derank and play against lowrank killers with your SWF, even using DS flashlights and all that stuff.
    If that isnt easy mode, then I dont know what to say

    i like the part where you didnt actually address anything she said

    I watched her stream.
    Deranking and then reking low rank killers while calling them "baby killers" and bullying them with DS/flashlight and then complaining about "noob killers camping" etc. I mean, what should I say about that? I think this fact speaks for itself

    When's the last time you watched my stream? 2016? lmao. I don't think I've said noob unironically in a long time. If I call someone out for camping, it's merely stating a fact, not insulting them over it. What is the issue with flashlights? Do you not know how to counter them? Also, with DS, I have used it over the last couple weeks, but before that, I hadn't used DS in a very long time. But, I do think being condescending and ######### towards someone outside of the game is pretty crappy tbh. Someone isn't a bad person because they choose to use a certain build and set of addons or play both sides a certain way? Also...again...I don't think you read my first response in this thread. Do you honestly think there is a huge difference in skill with people at rank 1 and people at rank 10? You act like I'm in the rank 13-20 range, which I refuse to be at.
    I see you talking about me a lot...kind of weird.

  • Jendenise
    Jendenise Member Posts: 11

    @SovererignKing said:

    Perhaps. Though I am on console myself. PS4 player. Usually a Nurse Main, though I’ve been relaxing as of late and playing Spirit and Trapper.

    I have followed DBD though since beta and watched thousands upon thousands of hours, not to mention once it dropped on console, played thousands of hours. Sitting at 90%+ of the achievements already.

    Not all of us console players are woefully ignorant of how things are. Nurse could very well use a nerf on PC, but us on console can’t handle her getting any weaker, just for example. I know full well there are limitations of console, that console players demand unnecessary buffs/nerfs that would absolutely trash PC play, because they are unable to differentiate what’s an actual balance concern, and what’s just a problem because they are playing on inferior hardware with inferior controls. 

    I will be buying myself a PC here within the comming few months though to gain a better perspective on PC play. Many console players need to realize it’s not the game that is at fault, it’s the hardware limitations as well as a few faults with actual balance. 

    I would be so bold as to say I have pushed console play to the limit. I know PC is a whole other ball game, but some issues are universal across platforms. It will be interesting to see how I fare with better FPS, better control with M&KB. I’m also interested in how I will fair against Survivors who dwarf my playtime hours. 

    As a console player party chat is standard even with randoms, so SWF will be very little different than my usual matches of Survivor coordination.

    I look forward to the challenge presented to me on PC, both as Killer and Survivor. 

    May I ask how many hours you have in the game? I would actually love to watch a competent player play on ps4. Am very curious as to what gameplay is like there these days. Anyway, thanks for being respectful, not many people are.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    Jendenise said:

    You obviously haven't read my posts. I didn't insult you, so why are you so heated? I explained really clearly as to why I do what I do. It isn't for easy games. There are easy games at rank 1. If you are a better survivor than me, that's fine, but it isn't relevant really. What counters a good nurse? LOS and knowing when to double back...iron will and whatnot, but certainly not burning her. Can you do that every time? To ONLY bad nurses, and I'm sure nurse mains here will back me up on that, at least. Anyway, I'm happy for you and your confidence in survivor :)

    You claim R1 games are easy (which i dont even disagree with) but yet you abuse the ranking system with your SWF team, fair play and fun is surely your mindset there, there is no reason to smurf when the top ranks are already to easy for you. You just make absolutely sure you find the newer Killers with good intentions sure.

    Sorry but you are #########, the only reason you are a fog streamer is cause BHVR looks strictly at numbers and have weak ass leadership within the company that allows someone like you to earn privileges despite not respecting the Company nor Community outside of the middle school fanbase you created. 

    Must be satisfying to earn a living by being an embodiment of whats wrong with DBD and BHVR.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Peanits i would love to hear some official thoughts on sponsored streamers intentionally DCing to ruin games, to then ruin low rank killers games as well by bullying new players.
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Jendenise said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Jendenise said:
    You obviously haven't read my posts. I didn't insult you, so why are you so heated? I explained really clearly as to why I do what I do. It isn't for easy games. There are easy games at rank 1. If you are a better survivor than me, that's fine, but it isn't relevant really. What counters a good nurse? LOS and knowing when to double back...iron will and whatnot, but certainly not burning her. Can you do that every time? To ONLY bad nurses, and I'm sure nurse mains here will back me up on that, at least. Anyway, I'm happy for you and your confidence in survivor :)

    Yet you derank and play against lowrank killers with your SWF, even using DS flashlights and all that stuff.
    If that isnt easy mode, then I dont know what to say

    i like the part where you didnt actually address anything she said

    I watched her stream.
    Deranking and then reking low rank killers while calling them "baby killers" and bullying them with DS/flashlight and then complaining about "noob killers camping" etc. I mean, what should I say about that? I think this fact speaks for itself

    When's the last time you watched my stream? 2016? lmao. I don't think I've said noob unironically in a long time. If I call someone out for camping, it's merely stating a fact, not insulting them over it. What is the issue with flashlights? Do you not know how to counter them? Also, with DS, I have used it over the last couple weeks, but before that, I hadn't used DS in a very long time. But, I do think being condescending and ######### towards someone outside of the game is pretty crappy tbh. Someone isn't a bad person because they choose to use a certain build and set of addons or play both sides a certain way? Also...again...I don't think you read my first response in this thread. Do you honestly think there is a huge difference in skill with people at rank 1 and people at rank 10? You act like I'm in the rank 13-20 range, which I refuse to be at.
    I see you talking about me a lot...kind of weird.

    Lol because from 10 on down to the noob ranks are so far apart right? 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said: You claim R1 games are easy (which i dont even disagree with) but yet you abuse the ranking system with your SWF team, fair play and fun is surely your mindset there, there is no reason to smurf when the top ranks are already to easy for you. You just make absolutely sure you find the newer Killers with good intentions sure.

    Sorry but you are #########, the only reason you are a fog streamer is cause BHVR looks strictly at numbers and have weak ass leadership within the company that allows someone like you to earn privileges despite not respecting the Company nor Community outside of the middle school fanbase you created. 

    Must be satisfying to earn a living by being an embodiment of whats wrong with DBD and BHVR.

    I really can't agree with this more. A couple months ago, when I was researching the game again before buying it, her stream happened to be one of the first ones I went to because, well, it was top of the list due to viewer count, so I clicked it.

    After lurking for an hour, I almost didn't buy the game. That, was what the community was like? Oh christ, no thanks.

    But then I stumbled on a few smaller streamers (around 10k followers and 100-200 viewers), and saw something very different. That is what helped make my decision to then purchase the game.

    Those are the streamers BHVR needs to support, not streamers like her and a couple she's friends with and also plays with that I've seen be toxic as hell.

  • Jendenise
    Jendenise Member Posts: 11

    @Mediva said:
    Lets just be honest about one thing: No one deranks because of a better mentality. You derank, cause you cant outplay the killer anymore and you want easier games.
    So the killer did learn, but you refuse to learn too and adept a different playstyle.
    Its always other survivors fault, they are idiots. But if you are that good, then why cant you outplay the killer 1 vs 1?

    There is just never an excuse for deranking. If you got there by playing like an idiot and now the game is to hard, thats your problem. Dont make it the same problem for your fellow teammates, who actually want to enjoy a game.

    ??? I've spent a ton of time at rank 1. Started playing at release, and I use to never derank and sat at rank 1 for a very long time every month. I stopped doing that when I kept facing the same couple killers repeatedly over the course of the night, and they would always play billy. I started deranking at the start of this year. There truly isn't a gap in skill from red to green ranks. There are good and bad players at rank 1, and good and bad players at rank 10. I guess that's difficult for people to believe.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Jendenise said:

    @Mediva said:
    Lets just be honest about one thing: No one deranks because of a better mentality. You derank, cause you cant outplay the killer anymore and you want easier games.
    So the killer did learn, but you refuse to learn too and adept a different playstyle.
    Its always other survivors fault, they are idiots. But if you are that good, then why cant you outplay the killer 1 vs 1?

    There is just never an excuse for deranking. If you got there by playing like an idiot and now the game is to hard, thats your problem. Dont make it the same problem for your fellow teammates, who actually want to enjoy a game.

    ??? I've spent a ton of time at rank 1. Started playing at release, and I use to never derank and sat at rank 1 for a very long time every month. I stopped doing that when I kept facing the same couple killers repeatedly over the course of the night, and they would always play billy. I started deranking at the start of this year. There truly isn't a gap in skill from red to green ranks. There are good and bad players at rank 1, and good and bad players at rank 10. I guess that's difficult for people to believe.

    I don’t know you nor have I seen you play so I’m not gonna judge your skill but I must agree with @Lowbei on this that de ranking is very trashy and if you truly are representing BHVR that shouldn’t be tolerated I would expect better from a sponsored player. 

    What is your stream on? I would like to check it out sometime I like seeing different players and I’m on vacation and unable to play at the moment.
  • Darktronik
    Darktronik Member Posts: 94

    The girl is confessing she derank. Can we get her a ban, please?

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Jendenise said:

    ??? I've spent a ton of time at rank 1. Started playing at release, and I use to never derank and sat at rank 1 for a very long time every month. I stopped doing that when I kept facing the same couple killers repeatedly over the course of the night, and they would always play billy. I started deranking at the start of this year. There truly isn't a gap in skill from red to green ranks. There are good and bad players at rank 1, and good and bad players at rank 10. I guess that's difficult for people to believe.

    You're laughtable.

    You, alongside Ochipedo or 72hrs back then have left a toxic mark on this game.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Jendenise said:

    @Mediva said:
    Lets just be honest about one thing: No one deranks because of a better mentality. You derank, cause you cant outplay the killer anymore and you want easier games.
    So the killer did learn, but you refuse to learn too and adept a different playstyle.
    Its always other survivors fault, they are idiots. But if you are that good, then why cant you outplay the killer 1 vs 1?

    There is just never an excuse for deranking. If you got there by playing like an idiot and now the game is to hard, thats your problem. Dont make it the same problem for your fellow teammates, who actually want to enjoy a game.

    ??? I've spent a ton of time at rank 1. Started playing at release, and I use to never derank and sat at rank 1 for a very long time every month. I stopped doing that when I kept facing the same couple killers repeatedly over the course of the night, and they would always play billy. I started deranking at the start of this year. There truly isn't a gap in skill from red to green ranks. There are good and bad players at rank 1, and good and bad players at rank 10. I guess that's difficult for people to believe.

    Which is created by balance problems, and you know it. Of course the Top Ranks are full of Billies cause hes strong enough and doesnt screech like nurse who spends half the game looking at the ground like she lost her lenses. Out of 13 Killers are 2 that dont suffer from the Meta snd you know that. Yet you are looking for the Killers that do while failing to use your influence to adress the issues and go for unfair matches in the lower ranks instead.

    On this forum most active users are know the problems well and try to get BHVR to solve them. Is it a wonder that you are not making friends here?
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Jendenise said:

    @Mediva said:
    Lets just be honest about one thing: No one deranks because of a better mentality. You derank, cause you cant outplay the killer anymore and you want easier games.
    So the killer did learn, but you refuse to learn too and adept a different playstyle.
    Its always other survivors fault, they are idiots. But if you are that good, then why cant you outplay the killer 1 vs 1?

    There is just never an excuse for deranking. If you got there by playing like an idiot and now the game is to hard, thats your problem. Dont make it the same problem for your fellow teammates, who actually want to enjoy a game.

    ??? I've spent a ton of time at rank 1. Started playing at release, and I use to never derank and sat at rank 1 for a very long time every month. I stopped doing that when I kept facing the same couple killers repeatedly over the course of the night, and they would always play billy. I started deranking at the start of this year. There truly isn't a gap in skill from red to green ranks. There are good and bad players at rank 1, and good and bad players at rank 10. I guess that's difficult for people to believe.

    Which is created by balance problems, and you know it. Of course the Top Ranks are full of Billies cause hes strong enough and doesnt screech like nurse who spends half the game looking at the ground like she lost her lenses. Out of 13 Killers are 2 that dont suffer from the Meta snd you know that. Yet you are looking for the Killers that do while failing to use your influence to adress the issues and go for unfair matches in the lower ranks instead.

    On this forum most active users are know the problems well and try to get BHVR to solve them. Is it a wonder that you are not making friends here?
    I personally think the spirit is viable, I know she gets knocked on a lot , but I’ve yet to get under a 2k using her and this is at rank one 
This discussion has been closed.