Banned for Intentionally Deranking (not me but a friend)



  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71

    @Lowbei said:
    missW said:

    Yes, the production team has no servers, can't detect cheating, and can only ban it at will.

    They will only let you go to EAC, EAC will only let you find developers

    This happened in our China region as long as many people maliciously reported players.

    Whether you are disconnected or not, as long as you are reported, you will be banned.

    Now we are here, no one dares to play the game, because innocent people are afraid of being banned 7 days

    And before it banned short term, all the processing results are permanent ban

    I have to replace the host hardware to play this game.

    Now DBD is being complained too much by players, and it is changed to short-term ban.

    The production team does not care about the interests of the players at all, and the BUG does not repair the frequently updated skin to earn money.

    No wonder the players are getting less and less


    I am just explaining what happened to me. I have complained for more than a month.
    And because of the kindness of the production team, I spent money to replace the new computer host to play the game.
    I am very grateful for this.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lowbei said:
    your trashy swf biased opinions are discarded into the garbage here as well.

    When rank 15 killers moan about SWF when I myself play at rank 1 killer and don't dodge swf.
    Clearly I'm more experience than you at this game, soon you'll get better if you keep practicing honey.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:
    your trashy swf biased opinions are discarded into the garbage here as well.

    When rank 15 killers moan about SWF when I myself play at rank 1 killer and don't dodge swf.
    Clearly I'm more experience than you at this game, soon you'll get better if you keep practicing honey.

    lol im a survivor main, rank1, and was doing a daily. even someone else pointed that out to you. youre just butthurt that everyone laughs at your opinion and discards it. also, you arent a rank1 killer son, you already admitted you only play swf. git gud.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lowbei said:
    lol im a survivor main, rank1, and was doing a daily. even someone else pointed that out to you. youre just butthurt that everyone laughs at your opinion and discards it. also, you arent a rank1 killer son, you already admitted you only play swf. git gud.

    Don't worry, I do truly believe you'll be good one day, anyone on planet earth can google my name and see that I play killer so I don't really mind you lying about it to make me look bad, it just invalidates what you say because you find it so easy to lie to try and prove a point.

    Hey look, it's me playing really poorly as a killer, I figure if you're going to lie I might as well just disprove it by adding proof, don't worry - one day you'll make a valid point that doesn't consist of you lying through your teeth.

    The game is easy, and maybe once you get a little more practice in you'll be able to play at a rank one level like myself and so many other people do.

    I believe in you Lowbei.

  • Drunkie
    Drunkie Member Posts: 6
    lyric said:
    Drunkie said:

    @Drunkie said:
    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

    I said there were differences, but rank 1 survivors can be just as ######### as rank 20s. Rank really doesn't mean anything and never has. People derank because sometimes you can't find games, or you keep running into the same players and the game because stale and boring because you never verse anyone else.
    Jendenise burner account folks check out the number of vote ups and posts, this person made the account just to defend her it’s way too obvious 
    chief if you actually believe that I don't know what to say.
  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @Rottimic said:

    @ScottJund said:

    Also very noble of you to judge people without even slightly knowing them. Dann dude ironically you sound more toxic than the people you're complaining about.

    Considering this is the bulk of what makes up yours and Jen's stream, this is truly the pot calling the kettle black. Neither one of you are capable of going 10-15 minutes without insulting and passing judgement on random strangers for how they play

    I don't discriminate. If someone does a dumb thing, I'll say they did a dumb thing. If I do a dumb thing, I'll say I did a dumb thing. Half of it is an educational tool: "What this Claudette did was dumb, she should have done X, etc"

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @ScottJund said:

    @Rottimic said:

    @ScottJund said:

    Also very noble of you to judge people without even slightly knowing them. Dann dude ironically you sound more toxic than the people you're complaining about.

    Considering this is the bulk of what makes up yours and Jen's stream, this is truly the pot calling the kettle black. Neither one of you are capable of going 10-15 minutes without insulting and passing judgement on random strangers for how they play

    I don't discriminate. If someone does a dumb thing, I'll say they did a dumb thing. If I do a dumb thing, I'll say I did a dumb thing. Half of it is an educational tool: "What this Claudette did was dumb, she should have done X, etc"

    These people are beyond me... If you watch any streamer that plays a VS game they'll always comment on if someone does something stupid, it just so happens they're targeting you and Jen, therefore they're going to ignore every other streamer and act as if it's only something you two do, ridiculous.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:
    lol im a survivor main, rank1, and was doing a daily. even someone else pointed that out to you. youre just butthurt that everyone laughs at your opinion and discards it. also, you arent a rank1 killer son, you already admitted you only play swf. git gud.

    Don't worry, I do truly believe you'll be good one day, anyone on planet earth can google my name and see that I play killer so I don't really mind you lying about it to make me look bad, it just invalidates what you say because you find it so easy to lie to try and prove a point.

    Hey look, it's me playing really poorly as a killer, I figure if you're going to lie I might as well just disprove it by adding proof, don't worry - one day you'll make a valid point that doesn't consist of you lying through your teeth.

    The game is easy, and maybe once you get a little more practice in you'll be able to play at a rank one level like myself and so many other people do.

    I believe in you Lowbei.

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lowbei said:
    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.

    You've stated several times rank 1 is the place to play and considering you want SWF to be done away with I think it's safe to assume you also think Killer must be the harder game mode, as you're clearly trying to make it easier to stand a chance.

    Therefore I can only conclude that because I play at rank one killer, which is obviously the harder game mode, it doesn't matter how I play survivor as I can clearly compete against the things you wish to remove.
    It is very unfortunate that you, as a survivor main wish to make a game mode you can't even comprehend, easier so you can benefit and show off your spectacular super rare super duper super rank one badge.

    That by the way, means absolutely sweet eff all because survivor and killer are both easy.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @Lowbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol im a survivor main, rank1, and was doing a daily. even someone else pointed that out to you. youre just butthurt that everyone laughs at your opinion and discards it. also, you arent a rank1 killer son, you already admitted you only play swf. git gud.

    Don't worry, I do truly believe you'll be good one day, anyone on planet earth can google my name and see that I play killer so I don't really mind you lying about it to make me look bad, it just invalidates what you say because you find it so easy to lie to try and prove a point.

    Hey look, it's me playing really poorly as a killer, I figure if you're going to lie I might as well just disprove it by adding proof, don't worry - one day you'll make a valid point that doesn't consist of you lying through your teeth.

    The game is easy, and maybe once you get a little more practice in you'll be able to play at a rank one level like myself and so many other people do.

    I believe in you Lowbei.

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.

    How after 2000 hours you can still be so dumb as to equate rank to skill, I just don't know how you messed up that much.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol im a survivor main, rank1, and was doing a daily. even someone else pointed that out to you. youre just butthurt that everyone laughs at your opinion and discards it. also, you arent a rank1 killer son, you already admitted you only play swf. git gud.

    Don't worry, I do truly believe you'll be good one day, anyone on planet earth can google my name and see that I play killer so I don't really mind you lying about it to make me look bad, it just invalidates what you say because you find it so easy to lie to try and prove a point.

    Hey look, it's me playing really poorly as a killer, I figure if you're going to lie I might as well just disprove it by adding proof, don't worry - one day you'll make a valid point that doesn't consist of you lying through your teeth.

    The game is easy, and maybe once you get a little more practice in you'll be able to play at a rank one level like myself and so many other people do.

    I believe in you Lowbei.

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.

    How after 2000 hours you can still be so dumb as to equate rank to skill, I just don't know how you messed up that much.

    i never said that rank1 = skill, thats something you came up with during your butthurt. i said that gameplay at rank1 is far different from low ranks. if you dont know that, then i see why your opinion is so laughable son, and the fact that you are still here getting defensive about getting laughed at many hours ago, tells us a lot about your fragile bruised ego.
  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:

    i never said that rank1 = skill,

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:

    i never said that rank1 = skill,

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.


    i replied that to senzu. do you have reading issues also?

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @Lowbei said:
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:

    i never said that rank1 = skill,

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.


    i replied that to senzu. do you have reading issues also?

    ""Hey Senzu, let me know when you're skillful enough to hit rank 1."
    "I never said that rank 1 = skill."

    if you can't see what you said there I think you legitimately might have something wrong with your brain.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:

    i never said that rank1 = skill,

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.


    i replied that to senzu. do you have reading issues also?

    ""Hey Senzu, let me know when you're skillful enough to hit rank 1."
    "I never said that rank 1 = skill."

    if you can't see what you said there I think you legitimately might have something wrong with your brain.

    this isnt rocket science. you have to have slightly more skill to hit rank1 than rolling your face on the keyboard. that doesnt mean that hitting rank1 = being skilled.

    also, you have to be slightly more skilled to drive a car than a 5yr old has, but that doesnt mean that you are a skilled driver just because you can drive.

    stay in school kids!
  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @Lowbei said:
    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:

    ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:

    i never said that rank1 = skill,

    lol i only play at rank1 kiddo, solo, no swf. let me know when you git gud enough to do that. dont worry, its not hard, youll make it someday.

    i replied that to senzu. do you have reading issues also?

    ""Hey Senzu, let me know when you're skillful enough to hit rank 1."

    "I never said that rank 1 = skill."

    if you can't see what you said there I think you legitimately might have something wrong with your brain.

    this isnt rocket science. you have to have slightly more skill to hit rank1 than rolling your face on the keyboard. that doesnt mean that hitting rank1 = being skilled.

    also, you have to be slightly more skilled to drive a car than a 5yr old has, but that doesnt mean that you are a skilled driver just because you can drive.

    stay in school kids!

    god bless

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @ScottJund said:

    @Lowbei said:
    i think its hilarious that jen cried in her stream that shes being laughed off the forums and her trashy fans came here to defend her with new forum accounts.

    shes not welcome here any more than ochido. nobody is buying your bullshit about rank1 players playing the same as low ranks, or that you derank to play against other killers while we have 15-25k players online at a time. the truth is that she doesnt like losing and her trashy followers are too immature to understand how balance works.

    git gud and you wont need to derank. better yet, play solo sometime to develop some real skill.

    Damn you are obviously very personally affected by her.

    Because she, alongside Ochipedo or 72hrs back then, has left a toxic mark on this game.

    You reap what you sow.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    Here's my question: why is there a leave game button/function if they are banning ppl from using it?, surely they need to remove this as I've legit had ppl tell me that you are free to leave any game you want due to the inclusion of does lead to a lot of confusion.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Spicybarbecue said:
    Here's my question: why is there a leave game button/function if they are banning ppl from using it?, surely they need to remove this as I've legit had ppl tell me that you are free to leave any game you want due to the inclusion of does lead to a lot of confusion.

    There's a certain quota to hit, you're not being banned for using it once or twice a day, you're being banned if you're using it dozens of times a day, the normal user who has an issue once in a while wont be banned for using the leave button.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Apolgies for the leave of absence for a bit. Sleep and work. 

    His growth may be slower, but it’s more consistent and his viewers won’t jump ship as soon as things go south on DBD. If your viewers are abandoning ship just because they have to wait 10 min for your lobby to fill, you shouldn’t be catering to them. You’re putting all your eggs in one basket, and a frail basket at that. 

    Setting the obvious mortality issues aside, this is me coming from a “life advice” standpoint. I’m just a random dude on the internet mind you, so take it for what you will. 

    Agressive expansion is nice, but your retention rate will be low. What would happen if you WERE to get banned from DBD? What would happen if DBD were to have serious issues that left you unable to play for an extended period of time? Your viewership will crumble. Your income will crumble. If they are so fickle that even waiting 10 minutes with just your company isn’t good enough, what would happen if you were to stop playing DBD? 

    I can can tell you and Jendenise are good people, but you’re falling into a bad practice that going to bite you in the ass some day. Unloyal viewers and subs who are there only for the content, and not the creator. You jump ship to another game or get banned, you’re in for a world of hurt. 

    You, Jen, and I have had previous arguments on here. We don’t agree a whole lot on the subject of DBD balance wise and such, but that’s not my main concern. My concern is simply for other people, both of you included. The Killers and Survivors you both face from intentional de-ranking are having unfair matches against a Killer or against Survivors who are way too much for them to handle. They are not having fun, they are not having a good time. 

    Jen can’t not afford to appease her fickle crowd nor do whatever suits her taste for what her and her fans consider “fun”. She is setting a bad example with this. That her and what her fans consider “fun” is higher priority than others. If she needs an example, just look to haw badly OchiDO crashed and burned. She’s nowhere near him mind you in terms of a bad person, but it’s a slippery slope and it’s not too far fetched in terms of simply what happens when you stop giving your viewers exactly what they want in terms of gameplay, because they are not there for *you* instead are only there for your gameplay. 

    You both are very much in the same boat when it comes to your viewers. For the both of you : If your viewers are not there *for you* then *do not* cater to them. Do not cave to demands to play this way, that way, play this game, that game, this Killer that killer, do this to keep me entertained cause you yourself are not good enough for me to bother sticking around. Do not cater to viewers who aren’t there for *you*.

    Again, take it for what you will, I’m just some random nobody on the internet. However please at least consider what I’m saying. I’m concerned. For the players you vs, and for the both of you. 
This discussion has been closed.