Is Jake gay? (Tome spoilers)

I read Jake’s tome lore, and thought it was really good. However, I can’t tell if they intended for us to think he might be gay, or if I’m reading into too much. The quotes that got me thinking were:
”Jake… please… you are expecting a straight thing, and no straight thing has ever been made.”
“And yet his father’s advice did nothing to improve his sense of otherness in relation to the stories and curriculum he was subjected to on an almost daily basis. He still felt like an outsider for lacking interest in the literature and history he was expected to read and memorize as truths undeniable. Seemed like there was a big chunk of perspective missing from the overall narrative being poured into him like concrete that made him feel like he didn’t belong.”
“Maybe the challenge of your generation is… representation. You gotta get your stories out there whether you’re a writer, historian, filmmaker or producer. Seems to me a lot of kids like you in the new country need to hear your story or stories like yours to know they aren’t alone. To know they belong and that they aren’t outsiders in their own home.”
What do you think? Perhaps I’m overthinking but it does seem like gay subtext.
Sounds a tiny bit 💅 but it's Bhvr so it's probably not supposed to
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Yeah, it’s really hard to say. Personally, I hope he is as these quotes seem kinda odd if he’s not.
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Whoever wrote it might've intended it to be gay, but I remember how Claud's tome very obviously implies she's autistic, yet when the devs were asked they were just like "what? huh? no, why would you think that? Of course she's not autistic"
here's hoping their first attempt at gay rep isn't gonna be so easily deniable.
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It’s possible. It’s sadly true that a lot of queer and trans youth run away from home for various reasons as well.
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I don't think so, if he is gay and he was a real person though I would be at his front door in a heartbeat asking for a date
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Mhm, if he is, it’s a very beautiful tome lore, up there with Plague’s for me. If not, it’ll take away from it somewhat.
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I’m gonna live in ignorance and believe it till BHVR deny it! Hopefully they confirm/deny at some point
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And bhvr said: let there be 🍏
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Jake said ‘it’s Adam and Steve’
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Was not he autistic? I don't think he is gay or he likes anyone.
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Eve overrated, Steve activated
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The tome implies he’s dyslexic, not autistic
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Sounds to me like he's being given advice about being "different" in general and how to deal with it and to feel at home on Earth. This doesn't just apply to sexuality either, so, good on BHVR. This is good writing and it's very relatable to the people who need to hear this.
Just important to note that it's not just talking about sexuality.
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"A straight thing" is an expression that basically means something is going to go according to a plan or roadmap. So you go from A to B to C, all the way to the end, with no deviation whatsoever, no surprises, nothing.
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I’m aware of what it means, but considering that it could be a double meaning.
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I feel everyone is going a lil crazy over the want for a gay character though, I am bi myself. I don't think gay should be a character trait or personality trait
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I believe it’s Claudette that’s autistic.
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Read the tome, if Jake is gay they’ve certainly not made it a defining trait. That’s why I hope he is, as they would’ve done it in a very powerful way
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Where in that writing is it making it a personality trait? Feeling like an outsider is a common thing for LGBT people
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We have this conversation literally every month but BHVR have already said they're adding an lgbt+ character so we're just speculating on which character it is :/
Hopefully they won't make a big deal out of it, making a character who is gay and not a gay character, and won't say who it is in every social.
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I never said it was in the writing, I am saying I hope they don't make it all the character is like how most lgbtq+ people are wanting it to be like (also most people that I have encountered that are gay only talk about how they are gay n #########, it is very annoying. As I said I am bi trans myself so don't you dare call me homophobic)
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I hope you're not implying those things are connected, because they're not. Autistic people can and do form romantic connections with other people. I myself had a gay autistic boyfriend at one point.
Doubtful. The rest just sounds like common second-generation immigrant issues.
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I think he meant what he typed out, I hope you are not making assumptions about what someone said in their text when they said something else
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Question: Have you actually asked any LGBT people here what they want in regards to an LGBT character, or did you just rely on what other people were saying on the subject?
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I'm not sure what they meant, which is why I asked for clarification.
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I have read countless posts on twitter, almost all ask for a lgbtq+ character. And that is all that matters
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You could've just said "No".
With the amount of bots and false accounts on Twitter, I'd take anything you read there (from unverified accounts) as 100% false. Regardless, if you read that being espoused by certain accounts on Twitter, then engage with those accounts, don't bring it here and imply we're all asking for that.
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I think youre reaching a bit there.
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Fun fact: A wider demographic than "Twitter users" exists.
Though, good news, BHVR are partnering with an LGBT+ charity which specialise in representation and teaching game devs on the best ways of doing so
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I mean tbf, the Woke idiots how i like to call them are just that, they want nothing but token characters that arent more than their race, sex, orientation, etc. They dont really care about quality or the dmg doing these changes would do (What i mean by that is how often they celebrate when a character gets race/gender swap or is made gay out of nowhere)
Actual sane LGBT people care about representation but good one, which means properly written characters.
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I don't think so.... This is all referring to him be solitary and to his hunting and trapping lifestyle.
You can read into it what you want but I see this as him being more of a off grid self proficient type person.
Don't get me wrong you could tell me Zarina is gay tomorrow and I'd still main her, I just think this is a bit reaching.
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Putting aside the fact that a loud minority is still a minority, as well as the fact that I see a lot more people complaining about them than I see them, that's not what anyone here is doing. There's no purpose to bringing that up here when nobody is doing that except to try to stir up controversy.
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I mean tbf, the Woke idiots how i like to call them are just that, they want nothing but token characters that arent more than their race, sex, orientation, etc. They dont really care about quality or the dmg doing these changes would do (What i mean by that is how often they celebrate when a character gets race/gender swap or is made gay out of nowhere)
I mean, do we have proof you can share with the class? Are these a vocal minority or a majority? Etc
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I may be wrong about this, but I thought I read during an AMA that the devs don't mention anything about any character's sexuality because they want the players to be able to determine it for themselves. Basically all of our headcanon and ships are possible, just not official.
This could be something that another user made up during the AMA though. I really can't remember for sure.
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Can we stay on the speculation, instead of going to politics?
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That is where the majority of posts comes from (Which I should have clarified, my bad), of course there are other demographics. Such as on this forum
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That is a much better explanation than what I did, thank you
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The majority of posts come from Twitter? Do we have exact numbers to share with the class on this- ie Instagram comments + posts, Facebook, actual forums themselves (because oh my lord this topic comes up like at least once every 2 months and we all have the exact same conversations over and over again for a week), etc. Twitter may be the easiest to see them on but I'm not convinced it contains the most.
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Then it was brought to their attention that they'd been giving away characters' sexualities since the Nurse, who was released a few months after the game itself, so they decided to stop purposefully excluding LGBT characters.
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I mean, Twitter is definitely around the top, that place is a freaking joke...
Whats worse is that i often see people from companies such has Marvel or DC that act that way posting there, an example being that mess with "Im NOT Starfire"... dear god.
I wish companies would stop hiring those lunatics and focus on quality first.
Hell those people often have mental breakdowns when their garbage fails hilariously and blame everyone but themselves for it.
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I ######### hope he is
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I mean
So, uh, yeah
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So I guess asking for lgbt representation is now "a freaking joke"..? Or did the words just come out badly or am I too sleep deprived right now to figure out what you actually meant, because that's kinda suspicious
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As far as lore goes, and what you should always assume with lore:
As long as sexuality isnt confirmed, dont assume sexuality.
This goes both ways. A portion of the LGBT community demanded a confirmed gay character, even though only 3 characters(that are not licensed) have 1 or 2 confirmed straight relationship in the past, but were not really excluded to just a straight relationship. And 2 of those characters were dating each other in an alternate universe. BHVR has avoided connecting any character to a specific sexuality. Giving room for players to be creative with personal interpretation. I get that certain players want verification(and I am personally assuming those players are from the US, blame the media if that assumption is false), but I think that players should realize that the best scenario is to avoid pushing labels on fictional characters. It leaves room for future growth and an open interpretation. I've seen people call it lazy writing, but you'd be surprised how many characters are pushed into a small box that leaves very little room for character growth and leads to impossible scenario's that will almost always end up badly.
So yeah, Jake could very well be 99.9% confirmed gay through his lore. Heck, he could even have multiple ex boyfriends mentioned by name in his lore. Just understand that from a lore reason, you want to keep characters as fluid as possible and never 100% confirm anything. Especially considering the fact that these characters are essentially immortal with eternal life(eternal suffering is still eternal life). Jake could very well in 50000 years of suffering through the entity expand his sexuality. Through the entity, it's even possible for Jake to date himself.
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I was gone from the game for a year and only came back a few weeks ago so I've missed everything that happened since the 4th Anniversary and Pyramid Head release. That's why I was asking. Sorry.
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As a partial Jake main, it would be really cool if one of the characters I was naturally drawn to was gay. Especially one with such an amazing tome as Jake, and it would be nice to just have be a natural part of his character.
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It's cool, sorry if I came off as overly aggressive I am very tired right now :')
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Not exactly, they ask for any kind of representation, regardless of if its good or not, you will straight up loss braincells talking to those people...
Basically its not wrong at all to ask for representation, but at least ask for good representation, instead of just checking boxes and making terrible boring characters.
A good example of this kind of mess was announced recently i think it was called "Q Force" and let me tell you, it was SO BAD that people straight up said stuff like "ive met homophobic people that are less offensive than this".
Im kinda new to the lore of the game, so cant say much about it, but if BHVR is doing proper representation like mentioned in that statement in the post above, then good for them for not being total idiots like many others and actually caring about the quality of the writing.
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I'm pretty sure Bhvr already said that one of the original survivors is LGBT,leaving us with Claudy,Meg,Dwight and Jake (not sure if Nea was out at the time).It's a matter of comfirming who.
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Also, just a side note. Just because a character is not created with the intention for them to be gay, does not mean they aren’t. For example, during development of The Last of Us, the devs didn’t know Ellie was gay until near the end of production, but it fit her character perfectly and they expanded on her sexuality in a dlc after.
Even creators of characters can’t always know for sure who their characters are 100%