Boon totems aren’t OP
the PTB boon totems were way way too strong. you can't tell me otherwise.
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The PTB boon totems were bugged and they fixed the "Overlapping" bug. They also reduced the size of the AoE by 4 meters. I agreed with the bug fix and the 4 meter reduction.
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the 4 meter reduction is nothing, it should've been more like 15.
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You act like I think it’s a huge detriment. I was just saying that that’s the downside to using it, not that it should make it completely ######### over the team by trying to activate it.
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You're the one who acted like it's a huge detriment. It's your only counter argument as to why boon totem aren't OP and I refuted it.
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2 heals per CoH blessing is all the survivors need in order to get ahead for time investment, even in the fantasy situation of the killer having the time to snuff and the totem being snuffable.
14 seconds to bless, 16 seconds for a health state, you understand?
That means the first heal is a bit of a sunk cost, but the second is a full 16 seconds not being wasted by someone else on the survivor team to heal you, or an extra 8 seconds granted to you compared to Self-Care. The reason CoH isn't fair, even potentially oppressive, is less because it allows Self-Care, and more that it allows full heals without the extra time investment of Self-Care, the extra time investment of another survivor taking that 16 seconds to heal with you, and potentially all of this without use of an item or perk slot by the beneficiary.
By and large, though, because killers don't have the time or capability to snuff, especially since hit-and-run is gutted with these boons, that means CoH is the snowball perk. Not OP, but in need of tweaks to acknowledge that there's just more potential for abuse in terms of time investment, considering the killer's time is 4x more valuable.
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ShadowStep is ok, it can be annoying in indoor maps, especially tight & many corner path like Lery. Other indoor map not really a big deal but still annoying.
CoH is really need a nerfed. Either Selfcare at 100% speed, or We will make it that unable to heal your self. Honestly I would pick Selfcare at 100% speed. Thats already powerful, as you dont need a Medkit, double Selfcare speed, and not require a teammate to heal you.
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Why though?
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Idea B combined with a cap on how many times a single totem can be reactivated would be best.
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I wouldn’t mind that tbh. I guess there does need to be a risk to using it.
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I don't find them OP because I play a killer who isn't realt affected by either of the perks.
Can't imagine playing against CoH as a weaker killer like Trapper or Pig though.
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I’m guessing Plague?
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Wanna heal? That's fine, I can just injure you easily.
No scratch marks? Didn't use them anyway.
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This is constantly suggested but this would just gut them really. It isn't worth the time sink if it gets destroyed in a second.
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Destroying the totem would be a better way to go.
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I chuckled that you complained about good Totem Spots...
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It really wouldn't though. It is already a time sink for the survivor to do. Hexes are one time use because they provide map wide, strong effects the killer doesn't have to activate or go set up. Boons require the survivor to leave their objective to go set up the boon. They are not the same. Making them one time use would just gut the perk.
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It is. It takes 30 sec to heal yourself and any teammate nearby faster than with Self-care which takes 32 sec. And one time use only challenges u to think before using it. Currently survivors are like braindead. They spam boons all over map just to spam.
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I’ve had teammates who spent a lot of time re blessing totems. That’s another reason why I think they should be a limited use. It’s not fun to deal with in solo queue.
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The "time" spent is almost nothing. Can place one down in the time it takes for the killer to make a pickup & hook.
The amount of disruption boons cause is heavily dependent upon which killer is being used.
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So then you'll go back to complaining that survivors run the same 4 perks
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Didn't you know? A Killer taking 2 seconds is totally more time than a survivor not doing 20% of a gen.
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As if they don't run them now.
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The only real nerf I want: make each successive blessing of a single totem, regardless of who placed the previous blessings, take an additional, cumulative 4 seconds.
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That wouldn't be fair for how weak they are. They are loud and takes only a second for killer to disable them.
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What do u mean not fair? Killers don't tp on them, it takes some time to find and destroy it. Before that u have enough time to heal anyone and run away.
Currently it's 1 slot better self-care for entire team. Either make it one time use only or same weak as self-care.
I'm for one time use only.
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Lmao you don’t know who you’re arguing with.
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They are not as op in soloq but when good swf use them , its completly busted
It should be one time use only or to disable the usage on a totem that killer snuffed, but infinite uses on any totem and nothing that killer can do about it its too strong especialy if there is like 1 or 2 gens left and killer has to defend his 3 gen / 4 gen but survivors just run to other side of map and heal every time , it gets impossible to win for killer
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Was the game so unbalanced before, that we needed to give survivors the ability to rapidly heal, with no medkit, and the ability to hide their scratch marks and auras..... didn't think so!
Just admit you have been given a huge huge advantage that swings any game in your favour. Instead of being all weasily and pretending it's fine.
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They’re not even weak, stop with that nonsense.
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Unless you have bad earbuds, you can hear them from 16 meters away. Self-care for a very tiny area. Survivor has to waste a lot of time finding and blessing it for a small area, for the team.
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Only slightly better than self-care healing speed. The price is blessing a totem, that seems fair.
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If they are spamming boons all over the map, that is a lot of time wasted not on gens, if you are losing those matches that is literally a fault of your own and not the boons.
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Hmm... A lot of time? When i play survivor i find 2-3 totems just by randomly running nearby. So no, u don't waste time at all.
Don't joke like that, it's not funny. U compare 14 sec (blessing) + 16 sec (healing) from boon VS 32 from self-care. And once u set up boon it has infinitive value for your team.
Unless u suck at math and can't count 2+2 there's no way u don't understand how strong COH is compared to Self-Care.
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I can't build space ship and launch it to the moon cause survivors place boon totems. Do u want to discuss it? Cause i never mentioned my winrate.
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The general way Boons are placed and can be reset is fine - unlike Hexes they have a limited range and don’t start off in play so it’s ok that they can be replaced if snuffed out. For balance purposes they just might need to adjust Circle of Healing’s healing speed and/or Shadow Step’s radius of effect. If either perk is out of balance they can be tuned simply by adjusting those two parameters.
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Worth another post 😁
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The only people I see complaining about Boons are people who struggle with the game as is. If a full team has boons, that is so much time saved for me as the killer. Hell I've already seen solo queue people complaining about boon teammates lmao. The more you can place them, the more time wasted for the survivors meaning the killer can pressure. It isn't rocket science, it is basic math. I don't care what your winrate is, it isn't hard to have a good winrate if I just bring NOED alone, or camp and hard tunnel, but I do care about your actual skill as killer, and just to be honest if you are struggling hard with boons, it is because you have stuff to learn and improve.
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I don't complain about winning or losing. My only issue about boons is COH. For almost no effort or 14 sec u give almost infinite value for your teammates. And u need only 2 people run it to abuse it's power. It doesn't matter if killer snuffs one of them or kills COH user. U pick 4 toolboxes, pick COH and show middle finger to killer.
For me it's too strong and i see people who defends it as those who never abused it.
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It has to be good to incentivize using it. Otherwise it is better to bring a medkit or self-care.
Small tiny area to help your team.
Takes time to find totem and bless it when you can be working on a gen instead.
Killer can hear it easily and disable almost instantly.
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- NOED is a different sack of kittens entirely.
- It's much easier to send one of four survivors out to do a hex (you can even give them perks to make this easier!) than a killer taking the time to snuff a totem, that may not even be snuffable (which you'll only realize once you find the fiddly little thing, no aura for you).
- Boons don't need to be gone, stop strawmanning. They need to be adjusted. As they stand, the intended counterplay (snuffing) is unambiguously the wrong thing to do as killer. You have to just brute force through it.
- As much as survivors are against it, the uncleansable totem spots need to be fixed, and the hitbox needs to be bigger.
- Killers need to see the aura of the boon within a certain radius.
- A totem that has been snuffed should not be able to be reblessed.
- Snuffing a totem should put the totem on cooldown for 2 minutes.
- Totem auras should not project through floors.
Easy fix.
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Yeah. Nice try.
What you're ignoring is the fact that snuffing takes *proportionally* much longer for the killer to do. In reality, 14 seconds of a survivor's time is worth 14x4 seconds of a killers time, even if you get lucky and find the thing fast, and can snuff it without fiddly repositioning to get the hitbox right.
There are 4 survivors.
There is one killer.
That's the key problem. As it stands, snuffing isn't a viable strategy. Survivors want you to waste time snuffing, because your time is far more at a premium as a killer than 1 survivor. It's like a 20-30 loop time that you get for zero risk aside from a tiny time investment.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on0
I'll say it again. The only change that really needs to be made is that totems need to be easier to snuff. Mainly, if I am right up against the totem, the prompt should still appear to snuff it out. Aside from that, I think boons are pretty well balanced and not OP. I've found teams as killer who, if they had just done a gen instead of blessing the totem I just snuffed out for the third time, they'd probably have a 4-man escape instead of the last person getting the exit gate (and me giving it to them because I'm nice.)
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Yeah I do find that part of boons annoying. I don’t think that it’s an intended design mechanic that makes it hard to snuff boons, I think it’s more of a hitbox issue.
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True, lie, true, lie. Fun times.
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The way things are going you wont hear them complain for much longer when they switch to VHS,this game is unbearable as killer.
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Oh so if you are in a full 4 man swf, bring all toolboxes, and bring multiple CoH then it is bad? That isn't the boon's fault, that is the power of SWF, and even then, medkits are the items that get extra value with CoH, you don't need CoH if you bring toolboxes and gen rush, you can already do that and still just bring DS UB DH BT.
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No they haven't swung the game in the survivors favour lmao it is the fact that it is a pvp game and it is ridiculous people think that the game should never involve improving and getting better. If you were doing ok before boons, honestly you should still be doing ok, I don't know how you guys are getting abused by them when they have very defined value for survivors and killers
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But since Boons I have gone from doing ok, to getting smashed those same survivors who can nowheal super quick and can hide their auras and scratchmarks.