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What *Exactly* Makes NOED Unfair?

So, I'm going to lay out my own position first so nobody's engaging under false pretences- while I don't think NOED is necessarily "fine", I think that it is by no means OP, unfair, or unhealthy. I think it's a mediocre, inconsistent perk that provides very little value at a point in the game where you're running up against the clock to actually use that value.

But... that is not the overriding opinion of the community. The community seems pretty split, and a lot of people seem to think NOED is unfair and/or unhealthy. I've never seen a good argument as to why, so that's what I'm asking for here! If you think NOED is unfair, unhealthy, or OP, tell me why!

Specifically I'm looking for a little more detail- I've seen people say, for instance, that NOED "gives unearned kills" or "rewards bad play", but never any explanation of why they think it does either of those. I do genuinely want to know the reasons behind thinking this way, this isn't a bad faith gesture, but I also will probably prod you for a little more explanation if something doesn't seem to make sense.

Let's try and keep it civil, though! No sense chiming in just to state that you don't think NOED is an unhealthy perk.



  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    This is fair. You played well and you rewarded for this, congrats!

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Haunted is also does not need skill but it limited with a minute. And you need to bait survivors to cleanse it, using with other hex totems maybe. So Haunted is not problematic perk or bad design.

    Devour is stronger than NOED and it rewards you for hooks and non-camp gameplay.

    Rancor is giving info to obsession, so you know killer has it and you can play carefully at end game.

    NOED is different. Killer does not need to do anything. Lose generators and get your reward. And survivors does not know you have it before first survivor down. This does not looks me good design, sorry.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Game is about Sacrifices and escapes and it suddenly gives killer 1-2 more kills on average. I think you understand how it affects mmr

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    or you can just find a totem after all gens done, I'm not sure if it is that "unrealistic"... no different from cleansing a hex, you don't even have to do gens, and killer will likely to do camp or else pretty much letting everyone to escape.

    You aren't even limited by EGC when NOED activates.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Rancor is definitely WORSE than NOED, it gives killer the information of where every survivors are in, and if you die WITHIN game, killers can just slug camp obsession and kill it.

    even worse if it's paired with nemesis, just eat a stun, kill them, they dead.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    My main issue with it is that you don't know it's in play until someone gets hit. You could be going for an end-game save and suddenly you're down because whoops the killer has NOED and you didn't know. Now you die too because you tried to be a nice teammate.

    That, to me, is the only thing that feels unfair about it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    ...Does it, though? In my experience what it does is give 1-2 downs, not kills.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I could see that- the only part that does feel like it might be unfair is that the one guy who gets hit first doesn't have much of a chance to do any of the many things NOED can be countered by.

    I would like to challenge the idea that you die because of that, though. Even with two people hooked, the perk can be deactivated and saves can be made-- and if the other two just leave, what did NOED actually do there? It got one down, and then everyone left, since in this scenario the first hook happened before NOED did anything.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Those kind of way is pretty norm in survivor perks though, I'm not talking about whataboutism, I'm just saying it's pretty clear dev thinks "pretend existence of a perk and adapt according to it" is fine and fair.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    That's a buff, and problem is not really a "do bones" or noed but bubba and facecamp.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You don't need to get hit to find NOED though, just look around for totems and if one is lit, NOED is there.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    And what exactly is the Killer doing during that time?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    NOED is not that strong, i agree with that. But this does not make it good design. You can use NOED with 3 slow-down perks, so maybe survivors will never have chance to cleanse totems.

    But how i would change it? I think NOED should has time limit or it should work like NWO. You will need 4 stacks, so you will need hook everyone once for activate it at end game. So perk will reward you for your good gameplay.

    But Bubba, who camped one survivor should not get second kill with NOED. Or if killer played so bad, they should not get rewards. This is my problem about this perk. 

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I've essentially based my opinion off of the stats I've been taking.

    I've been running Small Game for nearly 4 months and 300 games. I can show you the data, if you are interested.

    NOED had a 20% appearance rate. Of those games, another 20% ended with NOED not adding any additional Kills.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I'm less interested in how often people cleanse all five totems - as that's already not even the ideal counter to NOED - or even in how many kills the killer ended up getting, and more interested in what actually happened in those games.

    For example- I've been running NOED myself as an informal sort of experiment, and there was a very interesting game where NOED did activate, and I got three kills when I'd previously been shaping up to get none. It'd be tempting to take that as evidence that NOED gives kills, but in reality, I was playing Trapper and NOED gave me nothing; someone was already injured when NOED activated and I was right on them, so neither half of NOED did anything, and the other two stepped in traps while going for a save, so NOED did nothing there either.

    In my experience, NOED does very little. It gives you about one down, maybe two, and then it's either cleansed or people just leave.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I did, very briefly, take stats on that.

    NOED actually helped me in around 18% of my games. I counted helping me as giving me a down/hook.

    Because I stopped playing on my own, this experiment was scrapped.

    also, i did record the hooks for the last hundred games. that does sort of show how the match went.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    There's a lot of poorly designed perks. NOED gets attention cause it feels like punishment for successfully completing one side's objectives. It doesn't have to be a last ditch one sided game against a poor killer. Could be tooth and nail survivors fought for every gen done then...

    Game says FU. Devs (not just these but a lot of game designers) never really got it into their heads that no likes getting one shot.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Don't forget deliverance and even kobe, you can't be sure till hook stage 2.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    2 thing that's off with noed's design.

    1) the unpredictability. While yes you can counter noed by cleansing/remembering the spots of all totems, the thing is that's quite a timeconsuming task and every second you spend is a second the killer comes closer to "point of no return pressure"

    Cleansing all totems and losing with a single gen left to see killer didn't have noed is just a feelbad.

    If noed had something like "survivor scream and reveal their position whenever they cleanse a dull" would buff it while removing that uncertainty

    2) sometimes you don't have time to cleanse all totems, specifically with a facecamping killer

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Turn. Off. Post. Game. Chat.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    NOED is an endgame perk but compared to other endgame perks, getting it to proc requires no input from the killer.

    NWO, for instance, requires you to hook all 4 survivors to get max value.

    Remember Me requires you to hit the Obsession 4 times.

    Blood Warden requires you to get a hook after EGC has already started.

    NOED is: if 5 gens pop and 1 of 5 totems is still standing, you get a power up.

    And that's another thing. Countering NOED is unrealistic. There are 5 totems; finding all 5 for a single perk that MIGHT be there is extremely time consuming, and in games where a match comes down to the last precious seconds, it's not feasible to do all 5 in time.

    Another issue is the gameplay it encourages. If it's endgame, then your only objective is securing your kills. So... camping the hook with NOED is all the killer has. And if you're hooked next to NOED, then you're dead; it's basically the same as getting face camped by Bubba.