Why is killers being weak suddenly okay?

I keep seeing people say "Killers being C tier is perfectly fine!" And I can't help but wonder why you'd think that? Killers being at C tier literally cannot win and seeing as you're forced into constantly being matched against people who are great at escaping specifically you (MMR) I don't see why its okay for a killer to be in a bad position. Wasn't the standard previously "Every killer should be A tier."?
Cause they want to act like the game is ok when it's not.
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Because she is designed for low MMR players.
Easy to play, easy to counter.
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Killers can be C tier. Nothing wrong with that. But BHVR destroyed all low tier killers with boons and mmr. Dead Hard and maps were also problem, so it is just worse now.
But it is okay, people are buying chapters and cosmetics. So there is not issue.
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Why is killers being in C tier okay that's what no one is explaining. You should be able to play any killer at any rank and as long as you have the skills to back it up, you should have a viable chance at winning. At C tier, a killer cannot do anything about high tier game play. This is a problem with potentially both killers and overall gameplay but that doesn't mean we can't still buff C tier killers as well as balance the game appropriately.
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In a world where DBD had better balance, a C tier killer would be able to win games it would just be much harder.
But in a world where DBD balance caters towards lower skill survivors, C tier is basically a death sentence.
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Because balance team is so bad. They are balancing game around new players. This is why most of maps have stupidly strong loops and pallets. If they finally balance maps, all killers will have chance on all ranks. But for now, Blight and Nurse are only viable killers.
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You should be able to play any killer at any rank... skills to back it up, you should have a reasonable chance at winning
You can. Survivors also get better, so you do as well. Sure some killers eventually get basically useless but they usually have a higher MMR variant for when that happens.
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Twins would like to know why they got nerfed because there was 2 people that did well at high mmr.
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Because survivors are escaping, we don't think it as a problem.
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So a character can suck but as long as people keep buying ######### it's ok?
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Because she has a power that isn’t antiloop killer number 762. It’s a breath of fresh air to air to a lot of people
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So because its good shes a stealth killer she shouldn't be a GOOD stealth killer?
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Anti-loop is boring.
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I mean, no matter what they do there will be killers of all tiers, since every time new killers come out the standard for a killers strength goes up
If we look at what was C tier 3 years ago, it would probably be D or F tier nowadays.
Perfect example as well is Billy, who used to be regarded as an A tier killer who is now put as a C tier or some even think hes D tier. Its not because he got so much worst, every little tactic he had before overheat he still has to this day (except for Space Billy). But there have just been so many new and better killers added that he started to lose the spotlight.
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We should probably make it so that antiloop isn't necessary at higher level pf play then.
That said, she technically does have a very weak antiloop, basically similar to the pig's. No dash, but you can phase out and back in and use the temporary passive phasing to make people second guess themselves at loops, but it of course has the same counter as pigs by just abandoning the loop while the killer mindgames themselves.
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I would agree but if we make anti loop not necessary we run the risk of said anti loop becoming too strong.
I don’t want to give balance ideas for a killer who’s been out for like 2 days but making her TP speed boost last like 4-5 seconds could be an interesting form of anti loop/ chase tool. Also tv’s need to recharge faster
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Okay but that's still not explaining why exactly its 'perfectly okay' for a killer to be so bad they literally cannot win no matter how good they are.
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I never said she shouldn’t be good. I said I have no issue with her being weak because her power is interesting, if she becomes good then even better
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First give an example of a killer that bad.
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Right except no because the only high level viable killers left are nurse and blight.
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Because of the Devs survivor Bias.
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Maybe if the dlc was free but remember this is about 7.99 dollars which right now is not worth the money.
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Where i said it is okey?
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The Executioner
The Blight
The Nurse
The Oni
The Spirit
The Hag
The Huntress
These are all viable at higher MMRS
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Pig especially. She has map pressure sure but she literally has no chase powers. She can't just do a hit and run since crouched she doesn't have the movement speed (Plus COH but even without it she still can't hit and run). On top of this most maps just have the resources allowing you to be chased by an M1 killer for 5 gens + opening gates if both of you are equally skilled. Myers if he doesn't have his P3 since same as Pig he's just an M1 with no other power or potential or even buff to other stats. Kinda PH since his ranged attack is laughably dodgeable. Theres some situations where you physically can't dodge it or even if the PH is like crazy insane with his power than maybe but overall he somewhat suffers this problem. AFAIK Old Clown suffered this problem massively as well. (Adding on I've heard some people say GF which I can see but I don't play him enough to know. Also Plague with no corrupt suffers this problem since it can be a while before a survivor even takes a first hit)
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I'm guessing this is a joke then? "Killers can be C tier. Nothing wrong with that. But BHVR destroyed all low tier killers with boons and mmr. Dead Hard and maps were also problem, so it is just worse now.
But it is okay, people are buying chapters and cosmetics. So there is not issue."
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Maybe not to you. I personally don’t buy or play killers based on strength he’ll I’ve mained clown for 2 years straight. It’s how fun the power is that matters and so far sadko’s seems to be enjoyable at least to me
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I did not say there is not issue for community. BHVR don't care because they are selling chapters and cosmetics, so they don't care balance issues. They don't care Trapper, Pig, Myers, Legion, Ghostface etc are weak against good survivors. So this is not issue for them. And i don't think anything will change. Just look lastest map, another map favors survivors and middle finger to M1 killers.
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Except look at the list all of them except for 2 has issues that are more than just inexperience.
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Sure enjoy it while not being able to actually have fun thanks to the mmr and the devs being survivor biased then.
I'm not saying she has to be over powered but with the current state it takes more than a Borrowed gimmick to be worthed the price tag.
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I'll concede the other two but Pyramid Head has a powerful anti-loop. He can ignore hook-perks that the survivors can employ (BT, DS) and also cut loops when survivors try to drop pallets, vault... vaults, and any other animation. Use his power in a dead zone and of course it's gonna get dodged, but without LOS, provided the killer can make a good read he can get downs easily.
IMO They should remove the warning light tho
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Well I'm talking solely about looping since his cages are pretty decent but when it comes to a lot of loops his power can be dodged and it requires a bit of luck on PH's part since most animations last much shorter than his whole 'Ready and fire' ability. But the best survivor against the best PH I think the best survivor would win.
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So your problem is mmr, not Sadako and her power. And i don't think devs are favors survivors. They just don't know how to balance and they looks numbers. This kinda mistake ofcourse.
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Oni having clipping issues
Executioner and spirit being too telegraphed
Any map with alot of debris on the map for huntress due to her hatchets having clipping issues
Executioner's m2 also being slow as hell
Almost all of the having garbage addons
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MMR is trash but I don’t think the devs are survivor sided. They just don’t know how to balance the game because their inaccurate stats show the game is balanced
Many buy chapters the instant they come out anyway and sadko’s perks are good so I doubt she will sell poorly
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So basically just bugs + incorrect assumptions about PH
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Because they want easy to beat killers that are not a threat. So they can bully them with ease.
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If everything was A tier then people would microsegment that into A,B,C,D,&F tiers.
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well against the best PH in the world the killer would likely win.
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That's why boons exist and most survivor perks are too forgiving atm
Not to mention they made an excuse to nerf twins buy did nothing to the problematic survivor perks.
Also Thanks to mmr most killers suck but unlike some sadako is walking into a losing battle without any power that really holds up on its own.
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Still theres games with tier lists where everyone does agree all characters are viable at all levels. In DBD's current state and play style all killers could never be viable hence why they should also have increase in strength.
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A lot of the reason people tend to think the devs are survivor sided is because of how long fixes usually take. Killers can have sound/animation/camera bugs that completely gimp them and the bugs will stay for years while one of their most common reasons for buffing something on survivor side is due to the alternative being "unfun."
The way they word a lot of their priorities sounds hilariously loaded. I don't think they're as bad as it sounds with that stuff, but its impossible to deny their priorities on the killer side are considerably lower when you look at stuff like how long the silent slug bug has lasted, or stuff like billy feeling absolutely awful since they messed with his chainsaw animations.
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In a scoring system from A to F, C is an above average grade. 'Every killer should be A tier' doesn't seem right, since that'd mean killers would need to lean towards being overpowered, as opposed to a middle of the road point.
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It's not incorrect assumptions his m2 is slow both on the wind up and the shot itself.
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Not really. To beat PH you just need to know how to read killers since all animations he can hit you through are faster than his animation of getting ready to fire and actually firing his wave attack.
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Personally i juste hate when a killer is too hard to play but weak in the same time.
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How much do you play Pyramid Head?
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Every killer should be A tier since top survivors still have a chance to win but top killers still have a chance to 4k as well. It's good balance not OP.
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Not as much as I used to but it doesn't matter.