Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Dont understand why killers keep on insisting they need buffs

First of all yes not every killer is in the same tier. They dont need too. Some can be played for fun and others to tryhard your way to rank 1. People act as if every killer needs to be Nurse/Spirit tier while those are blatantly broken and I cant take those killers serious when they type "GG" in post lobby because it really isnt. Same as a DS, DH P-3 Claudette with a flashlight also has no right to ever say "GG".

Lets go back to how killers were back before the buffs they got modern killers believe they never received.

Hooks didnt respawn.
The first characer to level now is Claudette but that wasnt always the case. Back at release you told your friends to level up Jake instead. Sabotaging every hook allowed you to stay safe from the killer (Apart from good Billies) by simply running as far away from the basement as possible. Killers could never drag you to it and thus stop the chase.

There was no Bloodlust.
The only way for a killer to get closer was to stick to the chase for far longer than needed now.

Generators couldnt be regressed.
So each one was kept at 99% to force the killer to check on all of them instead of the remaining ones.

Killers vaulted slower than they do now and survivors didnt get staggered from dropping from heigths.
These 2 things combined resulted in literal infinites for survivors never to be caught.

More pallets and small walls often had 2 next to eachother in the same loop.
From infinites to double pallet loops to current state. Weve come a long way.

No aura reading.
There was no aura reading apart from survivor Bond and Empathy. Killers didnt have free true sight to spot the survivors.

There you have it. Think of this the next time you complain. Playing killer was hell and right now you got it easy. Thinking back I cant do anything other than give respect to those killers who sticked to beeing a killer main. With all of the aura reading today and pallet immune killers we got now the killers mains have no right to still complain about the supposedly overpowered survivors.

My opinion on the matter.



  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    Because most people that use bond tend to open lockers hiding players inside them in the middle of a chance empathy is only good at teir 3 and most people run iron and calm spirit to counter any docs that show up well I do and for the special stealth6 build 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Getting many buffs isn't a good point at all.
    I'm not saying what i think, but the amount of buffs don't matter if they're not good enough buffs.
    Killers had it horrible in comparison to before, i agree.
    Especially with the one that you left out: Infinites.
    But saying a side is good enough because they gained many buffs is ignorant.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @Orion said:
    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    I live by Empathy. Mostly because I play 95% solo.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,265

    And yet again the whole 4k theory....

    Do you as survivor want to escape?
    Yes? Good thats nice.
    But you have to stop moving ans let the killer kill you once someone else did the last generator.

    Sounds stupid? Strange, but thats what you're expecting of killers.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited December 2018
    Anyone making these threads just wants to start something up...the community is already on the brink of verbal fighting...

    Neither side is pleased, he said she said...blah blah...

    It's the Holidays.....Holidays.....stuff it about what either said is and says ffs..
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Raptorrotas said:
    And yet again the whole 4k theory....

    Do you as survivor want to escape?
    Yes? Good thats nice.
    But you have to stop moving ans let the killer kill you once someone else did the last generator.

    Sounds stupid? Strange, but thats what you're expecting of killers.

    Not a good argument.

    If killers can want 4k, why can not survivors want 4 escape? Why do they have to want to escape by themselves instead of getting everybody out?

    The problem lies here. What you want is irrelevant because it changes from person to person. You said that as a survivor you want to escape? Yes? No, my answer is no. I want all 4 of survivors to escape, not by myself and this is my win condition therefor the game must be balanced around it. Although it sounds ridiculous, this mindset belongs to most of the killers.

    This is why SWF groups sometimes become too toxic since they couldn't save their 1 friend and they were only be able to escape as 3. They expect every single one of their group members to escape and as a killer if you kill one of them, you get harrased in chat after the match.

    4 escapes and 4 kills should be rare occasions, not a regular thing.

  • Dragon_of_Fantasy
    Dragon_of_Fantasy Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2018
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one hiaspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    Depends on the survivors. Some go for meta builds, while others have a different opinion on what's a strong perk. Others might have a day where they say "######### it, let me try this perk." 

    Personally, I've used Bond occasionally if I don't want to use self care.

    Bond is helpful for other things to:
    ~Seeing where my peeps are at if they're getting chased near me. 
    ~If I see someone going for a save, I'll go back to a gen. 
    ~Get a good idea where a totem is getting destroyed, or where my team is doing gens.

    I've only used empathy mostly for certain quest dailies.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    And for all the buffs we killers took, we also took a ton of nerfs.

    Those who remember the old forums probably remember this epic thread.

    And I've said it before, and I'll say it again - most of us aren't looking to 4k all the time. We just want the killer game to feel less frustrating. Most of us don't mind losing when we're clearly outplayed - we just hated losing because of how easy it was to get our time wasted.

    Game is indeed in better shape than it was int he begining though, I will grant you that.

    I cannot comment on how it is now because I quit the game two months ago as I felt the communities toxicity creeping into my attitude. However, I hope to come back.

    But everytime I even THINK about coming back, I run into this crap.

    This isn't about us and them and "people wanting to 4ks all the time". We just want the game to feel fair. And to those of us who played both sides (myself included), it never feels close to fair most of the time - survivors held all the cards when it came down to time management.

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    • removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    • removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    • removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    • Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 364

    It's because of the rampant pseudo-intellectualism that is spread on here everyday and a particular twitch streamer that cries about d-strike all the time. It's based on the belief that survivors can't have any perks that are actually beneficial to survival. People that play killer all the time want to be in the "power role", which means 4king every single match and deluding themselves into thinking that they are "skilled".

    You can see the constant crying on here all the time about how all means of survival is "toxic" or a "crutch". You're only supposed to run in straight lines and not be able to stealth at all. This extreme entitlement and idiocy manifested itself into the creation of legion, which has completely destroyed the game for me.

    Found the survivor main. Killers SHOULD be in the power roll, it's a ######### asymmetrical horror game for #########'s sake. That doesn't mean they expect to 4k every time, it means they want a game that is fun and balanced. It is not balanced yet, I don't care how bad survivors want to believe it is. We don't think survivors need no perks, but that some of their perks are unfair BS. DS lets people just jump off the killer's shoulder because they hit space bar and leaves the killer stunned for several seconds? How does that make sense? And that's really the main one killers complain about so I don't even understand how you can say we don't want survivors to have any perks that are beneficial, that's just a flat out lie. Honestly the biggest problem isn't even mechanics, it's maps. Some maps are fair. I like Macmillon and Swamp and Crotus Prenn. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I never feel like I got ######### in the ass by the devs, just outplayed or played well. But if I'm on a farm map or Lery's, Haddonfield, or Yamaoka Estate? I feel like the map is ######### me way harder than the survivors ever could.

  • Dsan
    Dsan Member Posts: 1

    Just signed up to say thank you. I had heard a lot about this topic of killers feeling helpless and how there was a lot of debate on the topic, but it seemed to be something that was big months ago. With the new update and some money to spare, I thought I'd check on the game see if I should buy it. Before I did however, I didn't want to stumble into a toxic hellhole of unmatched proportions so I wanted to see if there was any topics of this likeness now, months later. Community hub was moved over to their own forums which tipped a flag for me and upon finding this within a minute of starting up the forums and clicking on General Discussions, my decision is made.

    I'm not coming anywhere near this game. Which is a shame since it looks fun, but if that many people have a problem with things months upon months later I can't just ignore that. Nor can I ignore the constant back and forth in this community. I don't want to play a game and get called out for stupid stuff. I just want to play a game and have fun.

    I hope all of you have fun too. Take care.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    End of the day the games core objective is broken.

    Generators take 80sec to complete.

    4 survivors spawn in and each survivor hops on a gen within 5sec.

    Within say to 20 sec the killer will find and start chasing one.

    Any decent survivor can survive 40sec roughly. (2 hits + DH).

    By the time the killer then picks the survivor up and get them to a hook another 20sec has gone.

    3 gens done - 1 hook

    The hook timer is 120sec to kill

    The killer chases one of the 3 remaining survivors while the other two finish gen or unhook.

    All the killer buffs/survivor nerfs are band aids. They really only hurt newer players and don't help the actual issue.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    I don't think universal buffs for killers is nessesary but I strongly think all killers should at least be a little weaker than billy. There should be killers who are fun, but not trash when compared to other killers. So killers like freddy, legion, leather face, and trapper (IMO) need some slight buffs or changes to make them playable in high ranks cause god knows you can't against a good team of survivors. 

    Instead of universal buffs for killers, all the game needs for balance is a change to how the end game works. Currently if the gates are powered than the best you can get is a extra kill provided the survivors are not idiots. I think the devs also see this and that's why they are taking so god dame long to give us hatch changes and the new end game. When they do release the changes, I think we will see the best dbd can offer for its end game since they are obviously being careful and taking their time with whatever they're doing.
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    I use dark sense and alert in every build... so yea... they do get used, especially by those who want to play stealthy and avoid being anywhere near the killer. 
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    How come anytime survivors come out and tell you they clearly do use them you just brush them off, I use aura perks in every build at least in some aspect. If you’re targeting people who don’t use them in your discussion you should state that because you said the same thing last time you had this comment and started backpedaling when a whole group came to say they use them. If you know what you’re doing killer isn’t hard at all to 3-4K every game and I’m at rank one killer every reset so it’s not like I’m staying low ranked to noob stomp.
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    How come anytime survivors come out and tell you they clearly do use them you just brush them off, I use aura perks in every build at least in some aspect. If you’re targeting people who don’t use them in your discussion you should state that because you said the same thing last time you had this comment and started backpedaling when a whole group came to say they use them. If you know what you’re doing killer isn’t hard at all to 3-4K every game and I’m at rank one killer every reset so it’s not like I’m staying low ranked to noob stomp.
    I agree with @OrionsFury4789.
    I use Bond and Alert. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one hiaspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    Depends on the survivors. Some go for meta builds, while others have a different opinion on what's a strong perk. Others might have a day where they say "[BAD WORD] it, let me try this perk." 

    Personally, I've used Bond occasionally if I don't want to use self care.

    Bond is helpful for other things to:
    ~Seeing where my peeps are at if they're getting chased near me. 
    ~If I see someone going for a save, I'll go back to a gen. 
    ~Get a good idea where a totem is getting destroyed, or where my team is doing gens.

    I've only used empathy mostly for certain quest dailies.
    I take Bond every game. I'd consider it the most powerful perk I use, or tied with We'll make it.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    And for all the buffs we killers took, we also took a ton of nerfs.

    Those who remember the old forums probably remember this epic thread.

    And I've said it before, and I'll say it again - most of us aren't looking to 4k all the time. We just want the killer game to feel less frustrating. Most of us don't mind losing when we're clearly outplayed - we just hated losing because of how easy it was to get our time wasted.

    Game is indeed in better shape than it was int he begining though, I will grant you that.

    I cannot comment on how it is now because I quit the game two months ago as I felt the communities toxicity creeping into my attitude. However, I hope to come back.

    But everytime I even THINK about coming back, I run into this crap.

    This isn't about us and them and "people wanting to 4ks all the time". We just want the game to feel fair. And to those of us who played both sides (myself included), it never feels close to fair most of the time - survivors held all the cards when it came down to time management.

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    • removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    • removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    • removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    • Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

    "I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days."

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck . Ofc a survivor tbags for a reason, sometimes it's meant as an insult and others times it's meant as a compliment. It really depends on the context clues on the situation but saying it's childish for someone to get offended by a tbag is not fair. :/

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair."

    I agree with this statement but... If I can't do well with Freddy, Legion, Leather Face, and other weak killers then was it truly me being bad?
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,265

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    And for all the buffs we killers took, we also took a ton of nerfs.

    Those who remember the old forums probably remember this epic thread.

    And I've said it before, and I'll say it again - most of us aren't looking to 4k all the time. We just want the killer game to feel less frustrating. Most of us don't mind losing when we're clearly outplayed - we just hated losing because of how easy it was to get our time wasted.

    Game is indeed in better shape than it was int he begining though, I will grant you that.

    I cannot comment on how it is now because I quit the game two months ago as I felt the communities toxicity creeping into my attitude. However, I hope to come back.

    But everytime I even THINK about coming back, I run into this crap.

    This isn't about us and them and "people wanting to 4ks all the time". We just want the game to feel fair. And to those of us who played both sides (myself included), it never feels close to fair most of the time - survivors held all the cards when it came down to time management.

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    • removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    • removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    • removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    • Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

    Please read the disclaimer before that list.
    It even states that those points which you're having a problem with is including bugfixes and the likes which are even marked accordingly (*), in a reaction to a survivor list which mainly consisted of those bugfixes.

    Other than that, its not only killers who want sometimes unreasonable buffs to their own side.
    But in the current state of the game some of the killers issues are of personal nature but mechanical issues they cannot solve by "getting good".
    Addidtionally the devs have made the decision to create deliberately weak killers because of "(survivor) fun".

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    Nickenzie said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    • removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    • removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    • removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    • Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

    "I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days."

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck . Ofc a survivor tbags for a reason, sometimes it's meant as an insult and others times it's meant as a compliment. It really depends on the context clues on the situation but saying it's childish for someone to get offended by a tbag is not fair. :/

    "Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair."

    I agree with this statement but... If I can't do well with Freddy, Legion, Leather Face, and other weak killers then was it truly me being bad?
    No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason? It’s been a thing for a 15 years in gaming and no community that I’ve been a part of has cried so much about it. It’s pretty clear why players do it when you come to the forums and see people wanting tbagging to result in things like insta downs. How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me. 
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Nickenzie said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    * removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    * removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    * removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    * Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

    "I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days."

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck . Ofc a survivor tbags for a reason, sometimes it's meant as an insult and others times it's meant as a compliment. It really depends on the context clues on the situation but saying it's childish for someone to get offended by a tbag is not fair. :/

    "Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair."

    I agree with this statement but... If I can't do well with Freddy, Legion, Leather Face, and other weak killers then was it truly me being bad?

    No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason? It’s been a thing for a 15 years in gaming and no community that I’ve been a part of has cried so much about it. It’s pretty clear why players do it when you come to the forums and see people wanting tbagging to result in things like insta downs. How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me. 

    Playing in a way that is frustrating to the opposition is as old as the concept of opposition iteslf, yet how some survivors get so triggered by me standing by their hook for 2 mins that they call me racial slurs and tell me to kill my self is beyond me.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,482

    To be fair the points you made make it sound like people should be happy the game isn't as broken as it used to be, so killer mains should be happy about that. Cause what you describe their is the exact opposite of a balanced game. But just because a game isn't as broken anymore in balance doesn't make it automatically a balanced game.
    However, with that being said, I agree with you. Half of the killers at least seem very viable to me. It's just the weaker killers that still struggle a bit. Obviously a team with four insta heals or DS are still a bit broken. But there are barely any teams with that setup, and killers also have broken things like certain red addons and of course Ebony Moris. I think people just get frustrated with teams that use some ridiculous addons, but forget that killers also have stuff that is overpowered.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2018

    @Attackfrog said:
    Playing in a way that is frustrating to the opposition is as old as the concept of opposition iteslf, yet how some survivors get so triggered by me standing by their hook for 2 mins that they call me racial slurs and tell me to kill my self is beyond me.

    I by no means condone that though so, ok? Racial slurs are a bannable offence, tbagging is not, so comparing them is silly.

    But here we are, once again - having a pissing contest about who is worse when both sides are just as bad as each other.

    and camping is super boring anyway so I very rarely ever get attacked for such gameplay.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    This is bait?.... because truly nurse takes a good amount of time to learn especially on console... spirit is hard as well.. and they both reward which is what players want.. at least its what I want as a player... I'd rather learn a difficult character and be rewarded for being skilled rather then playing a character like legion where wherever I want a hit/knockdown just use frenzy 
  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    Because OP. The Devs NEVER accidentally ruin Survivor utterly.

    Killer though? At least a few times a year.

    At present Killers might as well not even bother looking at scratch marks, or trying to listen for survivors. Cause EVERYTHING is ######### E D!

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Orion said:

    I'm just gonna focus on the one aspect I find most confusing. If aura reading is so powerful, how come Survivors don't use it?

    Because most people that use bond tend to open lockers hiding players inside them in the middle of a chance empathy is only good at teir 3 and most people run iron and calm spirit to counter any docs that show up well I do and for the special stealth6 build 
    Yeah? Well lockers block all aura reading including for survivors seeing each other soooo...
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @My_Dude said:
    Because OP. The Devs NEVER accidentally ruin Survivor utterly.

    Killer though? At least a few times a year.

    At present Killers might as well not even bother looking at scratch marks, or trying to listen for survivors. Cause EVERYTHING is [BAD WORD] E D!

    How have they "utterly ruined" killers this year? lmfao.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    I'm not sure everyone is yelling for blanket buffs for ALL killers.

    Pretty sure most of the higher end killer "mains" agree killers are in a good spot right now except for a couple of them.

    Doctor needs some small tweaks.

    Freddy: waiting on the rework

    Legion: waiting for his injured buff ( he will be completely fine after that change ).

    The rest are playable at rank 1, some are harder than others against the swf sweaty crew, but it's doable.

  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    @Zavri said:
    I'm not sure everyone is yelling for blanket buffs for ALL killers.

    Pretty sure most of the higher end killer "mains" agree killers are in a good spot right now except for a couple of them.

    Doctor needs some small tweaks.

    Freddy: waiting on the rework

    Legion: waiting for his injured buff ( he will be completely fine after that change ).

    The rest are playable at rank 1, some are harder than others against the swf sweaty crew, but it's doable.

    Billywilly is in a pretty good spot too. Just I have to rely more on Aura reading perks now, than tracking perks thanks to scratch marks and the audio being utterly screwed. Makes one of my favorite perks Stridor useless.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    I personally think it has more to do with players thinking they should all be amazing at the game.

    It's a game the more you play the better you become and in a lot of cases some simply won't ever be that good at this game but they feel they should be.

    I don't know if its a mentality thing where everyone feels like they should be great at the game against every other player or if it's an entitled feeling of having things handed to them when they dont want to invest the time to learn.

    A lot of players on both sides seem to think they should win all the time, it's a game, some people seem to forget that games are meant to be fun and in any game you win some and you lose some but it's the journey that matters not the end result.
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    and this here is one of the biggest issues with a lot of killer mains. It's about killers not 4King every match, if they don't 4K every match they are "underpowered" which is the game was made so every killer 4Ked every time the game would be dead right now.