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Dont understand why killers keep on insisting they need buffs



  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I would like the ranking system to be looked at most of all so we can stop the farming of low skilled players so people with thousands of hours can have "fun". Rank should be based around hours played so 50-hour players are not matched with 4k hour players.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @Raziel said:

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:
    As someone who plays both sides, I can say that both needs buffs in certain areas.

    The argument that "not all killers are meant to be viable" is garbage and should be thrown away. At least until there comes a point where "not all survivors are viable" either.

    Survivors are literally skins once you unlocked all perks on a character. Gameplaywise you dont suddenly play different wether you play a Nea or a Feng. While Killer IS different because you have a completely different power. Acting as if all survivors shouldnt be viable just shows you have no idea how this game works...

    @Raziel said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    First of all yes not every killer is in the same tier. They dont need too.

    What if survivors were also not in the same tier? What if teachables wasn't a thing?

    Yeah because Enduring, Spirit Fury, Ruin and BBQ are all from the same killer aswell...

    Killers have different powers, some are better, others worse. Explain to me how, assuming all perks unlocked, picking any of the survivors has impact on your gameplay performance.

    Thats literally what I said..

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Survivors are literally skins once you unlocked all perks on a character. Gameplaywise you dont suddenly play different wether you play a Nea or a Feng. While Killer IS different because you have a completely different power. Acting as if all survivors shouldnt be viable just shows you have no idea how this game works...

    You kind of made my point for me. The tradition on this forum seems to be insulting whoever you are discussing something with but I'm not going to do that. All I'll say is; you read my statement, did not understand it, and replied with something that reinforces what I was trying to say. So, thanks.

    Point simplified; survivors shouldn't be able to demand something of a killer that they, themselves, have never had to deal with(viability tiers).

    That said, come one clearly Claudette is god-mode survivor play.

    And you keep on thinking survivors never play killer. Survivors need to understand? They do!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    edited December 2018

    @Raziel said:

    @Boss said:
    My god, this thread.
    Y'all had a fun Christmas?

    I guess, according to you, people are unable to have different feelings about different topics. Why would my wonderful Christmas make this game be less of a piece of crap?

    You guessed wrong. :)
    I wonder what you'll assume next.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @powerbats said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    Playing in a way that is frustrating to the opposition is as old as the concept of opposition iteslf, yet how some survivors get so triggered by me standing by their hook for 2 mins that they call me racial slurs and tell me to kill my self is beyond me.

    While playing in away that's frustrating to the opposition is quite old, teabagging the killer is not in anyway comparable to hook camping.

    You can chase that person and down them, the person on the hook can't unhook themselves even with Deliverance because you'll just down them again.

    Also slurs and other insults don't require just one specific trigger, I've been called many things playing both sides just because I outplayed the other side.

    I mentioned it before in this thread but it is a ways after the comment you are responding to, but teabagging, at surface value, is not equivalent to camping, but when you consider how it is intended, it comes with an inherent connotation.

    It is akin to me walking into a biker bar and walking up to the drunkest, meanest person and giving him the finger and saying **** you mother****!...then being surprised when he punches me in the face. I didn't directly control his actions to punch me, but I knew the likely consequences of my own.

    People that teabag in order to taunt or incite know full well that it upsets most people and there might be retaliation in the form of tunneling and camping.

    Why do you think the person designated as a "distractor" in a SWF groups is usually the one who is best at juking, equipped with a flashlight and teabags the killer?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @TranquiBoy said:

    All this thread be summarize in this: 


    * survivors want to teach the killers of how they need play this game. 

    I never see in natgeo a documentary of "How the prey teach the hunter how to cath them". 

    The average in every match is 2k, yeah, but the goal is 4k. 1k, 2k, 3k its not a victory but if one mediocre survivor escapes, its like a "wow! All BP and points of rank for he, because he can escape. That cool, gg"
    Things like SWF, looping, pallet camping, etc, are destroying this game. 
    Killers needs a big buff, and survivors go to [bad word] of. I really dont care wath argument they can say me, because i have my point of view, and i know what i play and, if i wanna a relax/fun time in DbD 24/7, obviously i play with survivor but nah. Every [bad word] head can play with that but i want a real DbD experience. 

    Its all want to say, because the salty survivors are disgusting for me. 

    Yep! 100% Agreed, Survivors need to stop trying to survive and should instead start hooked every trial.

    Not biased at all /.......... KAPPA 

    I don't think you understand what bias is. Being sarcastic towards a comment that is only made to insult a group of players is not bias.

    lmfao, neeeeext.

    I'm curious, if you think this is bias do you really think killers needs huge buffs and survivor should just go and screw themselves?

    This guy states that 3K isn't a win, and then states that killers need buffs, clearly he just wants to 4K every match, sounds like actual bias.

    you guys are so smart :)

    Only certain killers needs buffs and 1 needs a rework... 2k is a win in my book...  and it certainly gives the impression that you're biased when you never give any sort of feedback that's positive to one side this side I'm referring to is obviously the killer side.. 

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Bravo0413 said:

    Only certain killers needs buffs and 1 needs a rework... 2k is a win in my book...  and it certainly gives the impression that you're biased when you never give any sort of feedback that's positive to one side this side I'm referring to is obviously the killer side.. 

    and what positive feedback do I give to Survivor? lmfao.

    Killers have had nothing but buffs, I 3/4K almost every one of my matches now and it's boring. The last time I did poorly I got looped on Crotus Pren asylum, that building is ridiculous. Which is why I keep reiterating that maps need changes to make the game more enjoyable, not survivor or killer nerfs/buffs.

    It's very clear you have no idea what bias is, but please - continue.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    @TranquiBoy said:
    All this thread be summarize in this: 

    • survivors want to teach the killers of how they need play this game. 


    @TranquiBoy said:
    The average in every match is 2k, yeah, but the goal is 4k. 1k, 2k, 3k its not a victory but if one mediocre survivor escapes, its like a "wow! All BP and points of rank for he, because he can escape. That cool, gg"


    Killers needs a big buff, and survivors go to [bad word] of. I really dont care wath argument they can say me, because i have my point of view,


    and i know what i play and, if i wanna a relax/fun time in DbD 24/7, obviously i play with survivor but nah.


    Every [bad word] head can play with that but i want a real DbD experience. 


    Its all want to say, because the salty survivors are disgusting for me. 

    This post made me almost die of cringe.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    play killer for an extended periode of time and you'll understand why.

    its a rarity that killer matches are actually fun. its usually just pure annoyance wile circling the pallet / window spots trying to catch up / mindgame them.
    the thing is: survivors feel great when the killer cant hit them, however, the killer doesnt really feel that great when hooking someone, as that usually means pretty much nothing for the future of the game. the only way a killer actually achieves that feeling is after he hooked someone the 3rd time, as he now sees the results.

    its just no fun.
    and maybe continuous buffs arent the way to go, however a change in the playstyle would work wonders too.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    The only killer buff that I want, is the ability to find a lobby within a reasonable time frame :angry:

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    @Shadoureon said:
    First of all yes not every killer is in the same tier. They dont need too. Some can be played for fun and others to tryhard your way to rank 1. People act as if every killer needs to be Nurse/Spirit tier while those are blatantly broken and I cant take those killers serious when they type "GG" in post lobby because it really isnt. Same as a DS, DH P-3 Claudette with a flashlight also has no right to ever say "GG".

    Lets go back to how killers were back before the buffs they got modern killers believe they never received.

    Hooks didnt respawn.
    The first characer to level now is Claudette but that wasnt always the case. Back at release you told your friends to level up Jake instead. Sabotaging every hook allowed you to stay safe from the killer (Apart from good Billies) by simply running as far away from the basement as possible. Killers could never drag you to it and thus stop the chase.

    There was no Bloodlust.
    The only way for a killer to get closer was to stick to the chase for far longer than needed now.

    Generators couldnt be regressed.
    So each one was kept at 99% to force the killer to check on all of them instead of the remaining ones.

    Killers vaulted slower than they do now and survivors didnt get staggered from dropping from heigths.
    These 2 things combined resulted in literal infinites for survivors never to be caught.

    More pallets and small walls often had 2 next to eachother in the same loop.
    From infinites to double pallet loops to current state. Weve come a long way.

    No aura reading.
    There was no aura reading apart from survivor Bond and Empathy. Killers didnt have free true sight to spot the survivors.

    There you have it. Think of this the next time you complain. Playing killer was hell and right now you got it easy. Thinking back I cant do anything other than give respect to those killers who sticked to beeing a killer main. With all of the aura reading today and pallet immune killers we got now the killers mains have no right to still complain about the supposedly overpowered survivors.

    My opinion on the matter.

    So basically the game isn't so broken as before but it's still really unfair to play killers other than nurse because she actually has power in this assymetrical game. Stop with the bullshit of "not every killer has to be good" why even release them I want to play a killer viable against good survivors in tried of playing Billy and nurse I want some variety in my games. And the game is still survivor sided that is still true right now.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Raziel said:

    1. I highly doubt that you are older than me. Or better educated.
    2. My argument against the OP still stands. When the devs balance the game they DO factor in player skill and compensate lack thereof with mechanics. Example: It's the result of the killer's better skill when a survivor is caught, yet they can bridge this skill gap by using DS. Passing one skill check is not the equivalent of outsmarting your opponent and downing them.
    3. You have not really presented an equation.
    4. The fact that you are leaning on ad hominem in your reply makes me think you ran out of arguments.
    1. Born in 1965 just turned 53, I never said I was better educated.

    2. That's true but just because they use DS doesn't mean they magically get to walk out the exit gates and never get touched again does it. You can also just down them yet again a few meters away and not everyone is great at hitting the skillcheck.

    Now you could argue that yes hitting that skillcheck after looping the killer because they were the bait is outsmarting the killer. If their plan was to waste the killers time as much as possible and then preferably get downed away from any valuable objectives then yes it was.

    (I don't run DS myself and only equipped it for the Laurie adept and at rank 12 when 1st playing tried it 6x. I think it need a nerf but one that works for both sides. That way it doesn't become one of the useless perks but still is good for both sides.)

    1. Actually I did I showed several equations where any or all or any combination of those equations could influence the player ratios. In fact those are a common occurence most online games with DBD being a good example.

      WoW has always had an issue with everyone want to play DPS and there not being enough tank and most of all healers. So they introduced the role to encourage people to play those and thus get into dungeons and raids quicker. Well people figured out they could go in with an off spec not suited for that role and bad gear and get into the dungeon quicker.

      League did it but they learned to counter it by actually forcing you to choose that position and you could swap to another unless someone traded you. They also encouraged it by adding extra rewards for playing the least desirable spot the support.

    What you want is for people to be forced into playing a role just so you can play your favorite role while not wanting to be forced to do the same. Since unless people are forced into playing your desired roles your 4:1 ratio isn't possible 100% of the time.

    In fact people will simply do what they've done before not play until they're not forced into a role they don't want to play. You can encourage it by adding extra rewards but you can't force them into playing say killer or survivor if they don't want to.

    1. If you think I was using Ad Hominem then you're the one that has run out of arguments and good ones at that as evidenced by your replies above.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Raziel said:

    Killers have different powers, some are better, others worse. Explain to me how, assuming all perks unlocked, picking any of the survivors has impact on your gameplay performance.

    P3 Claudette says hi about impacting game performance.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100

    @powerbats said:

    @Raziel said:

    Killers have different powers, some are better, others worse. Explain to me how, assuming all perks unlocked, picking any of the survivors has impact on your gameplay performance.

    P3 Claudette says hi about impacting game performance.

    Compare that with the pallete of powers on the killer side.