Dont understand why killers keep on insisting they need buffs



  • TranquiBoy
    TranquiBoy Member Posts: 11
    Wow, another post of salty survivors. Leet me check how much salty are here. 
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    SenzuDuck said:

    @My_Dude said:
    Because OP. The Devs NEVER accidentally ruin Survivor utterly.

    Killer though? At least a few times a year.

    At present Killers might as well not even bother looking at scratch marks, or trying to listen for survivors. Cause EVERYTHING is [BAD WORD] E D!

    How have they "utterly ruined" killers this year? lmfao.

    1) Huntres Hatchets hitboxes (now reverted)
    2) Clown Bottles not launching correctly (still not fixed)
    3) Broken unhooking invincibility frames (still not fixed)

    Those are not taking into consideration the bugs caused by the engine update, but those are new, so its fair to see how long they take to fix them.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    and this here is one of the biggest issues with a lot of killer mains. It's about killers not 4King every match, if they don't 4K every match they are "underpowered" which is the game was made so every killer 4Ked every time the game would be dead right now.

    I like to think he was joking, but then users with Freddy pics often tend to say that kind of stuff and mean it.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    and this here is one of the biggest issues with a lot of killer mains. It's about killers not 4King every match, if they don't 4K every match they are "underpowered" which is the game was made so every killer 4Ked every time the game would be dead right now.

    I thought he was being sarcastic at first, but after reading his comments i'm not so sure about it.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @PigNRun said:
    1) Huntres Hatchets hitboxes (now reverted)
    2) Clown Bottles not launching correctly (still not fixed)
    3) Broken unhooking invincibility frames (still not fixed)

    Those are not taking into consideration the bugs caused by the engine update, but those are new, so its fair to see how long they take to fix them.

    Oh yea dude, utterly unplayable, totally ruined.

    They tried better hitboxes with the huntress and all the huntress killers that relied on their lag to hit around corners werent happy with the accurate hitboxes, how unfortunate.

    I've never seen anyone complain about clown bottles?

    I don't camp so honestly will never experience the invincibility frame issues so wont comment on that one.

  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    I could care less about 4k's every game I just want a fair shot at catching them. At this rate I might as well turn my sound off when playing Killer.

  • DaRealxFactor
    DaRealxFactor Member Posts: 30
    Iceman said:

    Playing survivor is relaxing 
    Playing Killer is stressful 


    Yes, I agree 1000%. I play survivors prob 80% and killer maybe 20% of time (mostly daily rituals).

    I enjoy the game more as survivor. As killer, especially working my deadly P3 Freddy to Rank 1 a few seasons ago lol, was very hard and frustrating. 

    As killer, you have no help other than your 4 perks. You also have to watch every gen, hunt survivors, and keep track of time. Not to mention if you have a hex in play, that's one more thing you have to watch if you can. 

    As survivor you have your 4 perks plus 3 other teammates, tools and items to help you when/if needed. Add in communication between's almost a guranteed relaxed (fun) game even if you are sacrifced.

    I thoroughly enjoy this game and both sides..but I actually have to be in the mood to play killer LOL! 

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited December 2018
    SenzuDuck said:
    Nickenzie said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    The list is pretty disingenuous.

    • removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*
    • removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*
    • removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*
    • Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    Yes "Nerfs".

    It doesn't help the fact that there's so many weak-hearted players who get upset by tbagging or flashlights. I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days.

    Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair.

    "I've never know a game where people complain so much about tbagging, it's been a thing for like 15+ years, why is everyone so easily offended now-a-days."

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck . Ofc a survivor tbags for a reason, sometimes it's meant as an insult and others times it's meant as a compliment. It really depends on the context clues on the situation but saying it's childish for someone to get offended by a tbag is not fair. :/

    "Game is pretty easy on both sides, and I'll continue to argue that the majority of the issues aren't mechanic related but are player related, in that people think they're better than they actually are, and when they come across a survivor or a killer that is better than them they blame mechanics for all their issues and say the game is unfair."

    I agree with this statement but... If I can't do well with Freddy, Legion, Leather Face, and other weak killers then was it truly me being bad?
    No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason? It’s been a thing for a 15 years in gaming and no community that I’ve been a part of has cried so much about it. It’s pretty clear why players do it when you come to the forums and see people wanting tbagging to result in things like insta downs. How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me. 
    "How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me."

    I'm gonna assume you didn't even read my post, survivors tbag for a reason. It can be meant as an insult or as a compliment/joke. It depends on the context clues of the situation on how the survivor wants the tbag to be taken as. If you see an Ace in the basement with 5 items around him tbagging then he is likely trying to get you to laugh. If a Claudette tbags you after every pallet stun then the tbag is meant as an insult.

    "No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason?"

    Again, I didn't say that you said "Survivors tbag for no reason". I said that you're assuming like a survivor tbags for absolutely no reason. Again... @SenzuDuck
    Nickenzie said:

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck .
    To be honest, I'm done explaining this any further with you. :/
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Nickenzie said:
    "How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me."

    I'm gonna assume you didn't even read my post, survivors tbag for a reason. It can be meant as an insult or as a compliment/joke. It depends on the context clues of the situation on how the survivor wants the tbag to be taken as. If you see an Ace in the basement with 5 items around him tbagging then he is likely trying to get you to laugh. If a Claudette tbags you after every pallet stun then the tbag is meant as an insult.

    "No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason?"

    Again, I didn't say that you said "Survivors tbag for no reason". I said that you're assuming like a survivor tbags for absolutely no reason. Again... @SenzuDuck
    Nickenzie said:

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck .

    Do you even know what you're typing half the time?

    Of course survivors Tbag for a reason but the fact that people are "offended" by it is ridiculous. It's been in gaming for years as a little jest, getting upset and wanting people banned for it is utterly absurd.

    "again I didn't say that you said survivors tbag for no reason"

    I also didn't assume that survivors tbag for no reason I clearly say "It’s pretty clear why players do it". I don't at all think they tbag for no reason, they tbag to distract and annoy because it clearly works when you have killers begging players to be banned for it, it's not offensive, however.

    I think it's best you ignore all my comment from here on out because I'm honestly tired of you not understanding anything.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    The game is just poorly balanced.

    On one hand you get Nurse who needs no buffs and survivors have very little defence against her in a chase.

    On the other hand you get killers like LF and Freddy who are absolutely screwed in loops without a few perks like bamboozle, spirit fury etc

    It's bonkers.
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to ######### you up since he saw you.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @The_Crusader said:
    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Yea, another thing people don't understand, it's a video game and it's supposed to be fun. No survivors want to play where they die 19 out of 20 matches.

    and the game will never be scary to players with 50+ hours no matter the changes they add because we all get over the things we see and do a lot every day.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    "How the hell anyone can get upset by a character model moving up and down is beyond me."

    I'm gonna assume you didn't even read my post, survivors tbag for a reason. It can be meant as an insult or as a compliment/joke. It depends on the context clues of the situation on how the survivor wants the tbag to be taken as. If you see an Ace in the basement with 5 items around him tbagging then he is likely trying to get you to laugh. If a Claudette tbags you after every pallet stun then the tbag is meant as an insult.

    "No where do I say survivors tbag for no reason?"

    Again, I didn't say that you said "Survivors tbag for no reason". I said that you're assuming like a survivor tbags for absolutely no reason. Again... @SenzuDuck
    Nickenzie said:

    Here we go again with you assuming every survivor tbags for absolutely no reason @SenzuDuck .

    Do you even know what you're typing half the time?

    Of course survivors Tbag for a reason but the fact that people are "offended" by it is ridiculous. It's been in gaming for years as a little jest, getting upset and wanting people banned for it is utterly absurd.

    "again I didn't say that you said survivors tbag for no reason"

    I also didn't assume that survivors tbag for no reason I clearly say "It’s pretty clear why players do it". I don't at all think they tbag for no reason, they tbag to distract and annoy because it clearly works when you have killers begging players to be banned for it, it's not offensive, however.

    I think it's best you ignore all my comment from here on out because I'm honestly tired of you not understanding anything.

    Whatever, can't say I tried to have a civilized conversation with you before I completely shun you. :/
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited December 2018

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2018

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    Because Alien Isolation is a game that you play by yourself, in the dark. You sneak around and your own mistakes are what get you killed, it's a lot more scary and isolated.

    DBD is on an online casual game where you rely on team mates to kite the killer and do gens while your'e chased, it never will be scary, but unlike Alien isolation where you will eventually beat the game and be satisfied, in DBD you die by the hand of another person after a 5 - 15 minute matches which would become infuriating if escaping was rare.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @Ryuhi said:
    so your opinion is that "It used to be worse" is more important than "it's still not viable the majority of the time?" play more killer and you will be begging for killer buffs, its that simple. I'm a survivor main pretty much only because fun killers feel weak AF, and the survivors tend to be absurdly toxic overtop of it. I play survivor because its just easier and less stressful. That should not be the case.

    This +100

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

    That isn't something i just said. From the start i've said killer should be about destroying survivors and survivor should be about rarely escaping.

    Killer and Survivor should be flipped. Survivor hard Killer easy.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

    That isn't something i just said. From the start i've said killer should be about destroying survivors and survivor should be about rarely escaping.

    Killer and Survivor should be flipped. Survivor hard Killer easy.

    Except they're both easy af lol.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

    That isn't something i just said. From the start i've said killer should be about destroying survivors and survivor should be about rarely escaping.

    Killer and Survivor should be flipped. Survivor hard Killer easy.

    Except they're both easy af lol.

    Do you 4k every game? I hear Noob3 recently escaped 50 matches in a row.

    Could you 4k 50 in a row?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2018

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Do you 4k every game?

    I don't have to 4k every game to pip? 4King every game is absolutely ridiculous and if you think that's the requirement for killer to not be classed as easy you should play something else.

    You say survivor is easy, do you survive every game? I highly doubt it.

    People bringing up noob3 like it matters, the majority of his team mates died, that says to me that camping hatch as much as possible and having survivors die for you so you can escape seems like ez wins to me.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Do you 4k every game?

    I don't have to 4k every game to pip? 4King every game is absolutely ridiculous and if you think that's the requirement for killer to not be classed as easy you should play something else.

    You say survivor is easy, do you survive every game? I highly doubt it.

    I easily could...Just hide in a locker and urban evade until your team dies...Survivor takes no skill to win.

    I dont consider pips wins. Only 4k and escape.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2018

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Do you 4k every game?

    I don't have to 4k every game to pip? 4King every game is absolutely ridiculous and if you think that's the requirement for killer to not be classed as easy you should play something else.

    You say survivor is easy, do you survive every game? I highly doubt it.

    I easily could...Just hide in a locker and urban evade until your team dies...Survivor takes no skill to win.

    I dont consider pips wins. Only 4k and escape.

    Again, the aim is to pip and rank up, not 4K every game. Feel like I'm talking to a brick wall sometimes.

    Yea, so you're exactly what's wrong with this game, it'll never be good enough for you until you can 4K every time, and then it becomes not a game because why play when only one side can "win" biggest brick wall in history gg.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Do you 4k every game?

    I don't have to 4k every game to pip? 4King every game is absolutely ridiculous and if you think that's the requirement for killer to not be classed as easy you should play something else.

    You say survivor is easy, do you survive every game? I highly doubt it.

    I easily could...Just hide in a locker and urban evade until your team dies...Survivor takes no skill to win.

    I dont consider pips wins. Only 4k and escape.

    So you are that kind of teammate, okay. You let the others do all the job and then get the hatch.
    I would love to see you with other 3 teammates like you.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Do you 4k every game?

    I don't have to 4k every game to pip? 4King every game is absolutely ridiculous and if you think that's the requirement for killer to not be classed as easy you should play something else.

    You say survivor is easy, do you survive every game? I highly doubt it.

    I easily could...Just hide in a locker and urban evade until your team dies...Survivor takes no skill to win.

    I dont consider pips wins. Only 4k and escape.

    Again, the aim is to pip and rank up, not 4K every game. Feel like I'm talking to a brick wall sometimes.

    Again rank doesn't mean anything. You can't say the goal is to pip when it's ridiculously easy to pip.

    If pip is the condition i literally have not lost a single match since the emblem system.

    You could pick legion and just swap targets never getting a single kill and pip because you won a lot of chases hitting with frenzy.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    and this here is one of the biggest issues with a lot of killer mains. It's about killers not 4King every match, if they don't 4K every match they are "underpowered" which is the game was made so every killer 4Ked every time the game would be dead right now.

    Maybe that's what they secretly want. Killer lobby times have already increased. > @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

    That isn't something i just said. From the start i've said killer should be about destroying survivors and survivor should be about rarely escaping.

    Killer and Survivor should be flipped. Survivor hard Killer easy.

    Don't you understand that that would just lead to you enjoying a lobby simulator? Nobody would play survivor anymore. Except if that's what you want. Then my mistake.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @ad19970 said:
    Don't you understand that that would just lead to you enjoying a lobby simulator? Nobody would play survivor anymore. Except if that's what you want. Then my mistake.

    I think the issue with this game is a lot of people thought "Oh, killer Vs survivors". I'll be able to bully those poor players until they quit.

    When in reality (especially now). In terms of mechanics it's pretty well balanced, I've seen 4K/0K with every killer at every rank. I've seen nurses fail and I've seen them decimate, I've seen SWFs fail and Solo squads prevail.

    it's in a very good spot, but then we get people who say if they don't 4K every game it's a loss and the killers should be stronger, and we have survivors who get hit and DC and complain about certain killers being this and that, everyone needs to get over themselves or stop playing if they're that frustrated.

    I've seen people on this forum put devs on blast constantly day after day saying how they've been betrayed and the devs always lie.

    IF that is the truth WHY are you still here? If I genuinely felt that way about a game I certainly would have stopped playing it because I WOULD be frustrated like these guys are, if that's how they feel.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @ad19970 said:
    Don't you understand that that would just lead to you enjoying a lobby simulator? Nobody would play survivor anymore. Except if that's what you want. Then my mistake.

    I think the issue with this game is a lot of people thought "Oh, killer Vs survivors". I'll be able to bully those poor players until they quit.

    When in reality (especially now). In terms of mechanics it's pretty well balanced, I've seen 4K/0K with every killer at every rank. I've seen nurses fail and I've seen them decimate, I've seen SWFs fail and Solo squads prevail.

    it's in a very good spot, but then we get people who say if they don't 4K every game it's a loss and the killers should be stronger, and we have survivors who get hit and DC and complain about certain killers being this and that, everyone needs to get over themselves or stop playing if they're that frustrated.

    I've seen people on this forum put devs on blast constantly day after day saying how they've been betrayed and the devs always lie.

    IF that is the truth WHY are you still here? If I genuinely felt that way about a game I certainly would have stopped playing it because I WOULD be frustrated like these guys are, if that's how they feel.

    We stay because its satisfying when we have good games. So we want to be buffed so we can get more of that feeling. Not getting it leads to frustration and forum ranting but you know that next high isn't far off so you keep playing while hoping for buffs/nerfs. DS/NOED anyone?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779
    SenzuDuck said:

    @ad19970 said:
    Don't you understand that that would just lead to you enjoying a lobby simulator? Nobody would play survivor anymore. Except if that's what you want. Then my mistake.

    I think the issue with this game is a lot of people thought "Oh, killer Vs survivors". I'll be able to bully those poor players until they quit.

    When in reality (especially now). In terms of mechanics it's pretty well balanced, I've seen 4K/0K with every killer at every rank. I've seen nurses fail and I've seen them decimate, I've seen SWFs fail and Solo squads prevail.

    it's in a very good spot, but then we get people who say if they don't 4K every game it's a loss and the killers should be stronger, and we have survivors who get hit and DC and complain about certain killers being this and that, everyone needs to get over themselves or stop playing if they're that frustrated.

    I've seen people on this forum put devs on blast constantly day after day saying how they've been betrayed and the devs always lie.

    IF that is the truth WHY are you still here? If I genuinely felt that way about a game I certainly would have stopped playing it because I WOULD be frustrated like these guys are, if that's how they feel.

    They probably feel "betrayed" if a McNugget is missing from their order. 
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited December 2018
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    and this here is one of the biggest issues with a lot of killer mains. It's about killers not 4King every match, if they don't 4K every match they are "underpowered" which is the game was made so every killer 4Ked every time the game would be dead right now.

    Maybe that's what they secretly want. Killer lobby times have already increased. > @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Poweas said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Because killers can't accept that they suck.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing solo and the killer gets salty as accuses us of being swf.

    Tbh they could be asking just because they face a lot of SWF. After every game, no matter how it went, I always ask if the team was SWF when I play Spirit since SWF is all I face.

    They don't ask, they straight up accuse. Hell I've seen killers get a 3k and then throw a strop and say we were swf and it was unfair.

    They really only will accept a 4k.

    Because a 3k is a loss. Did you really win as a killer if someone escaped? You failed in your objective to kill them.

    4k should be the norm because that's what is fun.

    That's a joke right? 3k is not a loss. You can't honestly want a game balanced so killers can get 4ks every game because that's their objective. Survivors objective is surviving. With your logic, you can just as well say every survivor is supposed to survive, that should be the norm, since that's what's fun.

    2k at the most should be the norm, quite simple.

    Its a horror game the killer being scary is what they should go for. Escape should be almost impossible so it gets tense when it is close.

    1-2 Survivors escape average isn't very scary...Killers should feel oppressive.

    If you were locked in a room with myers you wouldn't be looping and tea bagging you'd be scared because he is guaranteed to [BAD WORD] you up since he saw you.

    At the same time it's also a videogame. What's the point in playing if the odds of escape are too small? Whats the point in playing killer if you're almost guarenteed a 4k?

    Emotional response? Why do people like Alien Isolation when you insta die if spotted by the Alien? Because it's scary it makes you react.

    You're going into this thinking DbD needs to be a competition when it could be a fun scary experience.

    How many hours do people spend on Alien Isolation and DbD? Also, once you've finished Alien Isolation twice hardly scares you anymore. Your comparison is wrong in so many ways.

    I don't see how it is. Giving killers the power they should have to feel strong while making surviving something you actually have to earn makes sense...

    Especially when it's 4v1 the 1 should be stronger than 1 of the 4. Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished.

    Why should killers play if they're just going to get looped and insulted? Get a 2-3k and still survs ez in chat.

    So buff killers or declare survivor team lost if only 1 or 2 escape...

    "Even the best survivor vs the worst killer shouldn't be able to waste enough time for a gen to be finished."
    That's when i stopped reading, when you say that role should be more important than skills. You just want easy matches, no point on keep talking to you.

    That isn't something i just said. From the start i've said killer should be about destroying survivors and survivor should be about rarely escaping.

    Killer and Survivor should be flipped. Survivor hard Killer easy.

    Don't you understand that that would just lead to you enjoying a lobby simulator? Nobody would play survivor anymore. Except if that's what you want. Then my mistake.

    People would continue to play Survivor anyway because it's the only way to play with friends.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    We stay because its satisfying when we have good games. So we want to be buffed so we can get more of that feeling. Not getting it leads to frustration and forum ranting but you know that next high isn't far off so you keep playing while hoping for buffs/nerfs. DS/NOED anyone?

    Yea but you don't want more of that feeling, you only want that feeling, you want every match to be a 4K because lul survivors should suffer and not have bc im a big mean killer.

    Exactly. Killer role should be the fun one survivor should be a scary and depressing one.

    You're just repeating what i'm saying...

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2018

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Killer want buffs, because they want play every killer.
    But not every killer is "viable".
    You need every time addons.
    You need every time good perks.
    You need every time a good killer.
    Just a example:
    Other games like Rainbow Six Siege.
    Do you think the players would be happy, if some operators arent viable,
    because the weapons and abiltiy are rly weak?.
    No they wouldnt be happy.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

    And your argument sounds like pallets are bunkers or reachable at any time.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited December 2018

    I'll just sit here and wait for the community to get along.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

    And your argument sounds like pallets are bunkers or reachable at any time.

    There are literally 15+ pallets on every map. So yeah they kind of are at the moment. Some pallets aren't safe but most are...

    Some pallets are bunkers ever been downed at the killer shack pallet against an m1 killer? Likely not.

    Pallets, Windows and Gen completion time are the 3 major issues at the moment.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

    And your argument sounds like pallets are bunkers or reachable at any time.

    There are literally 15+ pallets on every map. So yeah they kind of are at the moment. Some pallets aren't safe but most are...

    Some pallets are bunkers ever been downed at the killer shack pallet against an m1 killer? Likely not.

    Pallets, Windows and Gen completion time are the 3 major issues at the moment.

    So any chance a survivor has to escape from a chase is a major issue, got it!

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

    And your argument sounds like pallets are bunkers or reachable at any time.

    There are literally 15+ pallets on every map. So yeah they kind of are at the moment. Some pallets aren't safe but most are...

    Some pallets are bunkers ever been downed at the killer shack pallet against an m1 killer? Likely not.

    Pallets, Windows and Gen completion time are the 3 major issues at the moment.

    So any chance a survivor has to escape from a chase is a major issue, got it!

    You could break the chase and hide.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs have always stated the perfect balance is around 2 die 2 escape, if you think the game should be balanced on 4ks well this is not the game for you.

    Some players kill 4 most of there games, some players escape most of there games but those are due to personal skill, time played, awareness, knowledge etc.

    If a good killer can 4k most of the time with an array of killers does that not mean your simply not good enough? The same goes for survivor if you dont escape that much. 

    Not everyone is meant to be great at the game Its time some of the user base realised this and either put more effort in to getting better or accept they never will be in the top bracket.

    You're acting as if this game has a skill ceiling and killers aren't limited by the game itself.

    Drop a pallet bam the killer cant touch you. He either has to kick it as you run to the next or try to mindgame. Both are time waste and gens done.

    BAM it's the nurse, huntress or there's a trap.
    Anyway i clearly see now that you are just here to troll. Have a nice day.

    Oh wow specific killers exist you totally destroyed my argument there! Jeez its like every killer should just play omega blink nurse. EZ killers are balanced because nurse exists.

    And your argument sounds like pallets are bunkers or reachable at any time.

    There are literally 15+ pallets on every map. So yeah they kind of are at the moment. Some pallets aren't safe but most are...

    Some pallets are bunkers ever been downed at the killer shack pallet against an m1 killer? Likely not.

    Pallets, Windows and Gen completion time are the 3 major issues at the moment.

    So any chance a survivor has to escape from a chase is a major issue, got it!

    You could break the chase and hide.

    Difficult to break the chase and hide if you want windows and pallets to get nerfed, especially when killer is faster than survivors.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Vietfox said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    You could break the chase and hide.

    Difficult to break the chase and hide if you want windows and pallets to get nerfed, especially when killer is faster than survivors.

    Viet, just run in a straight line lmao, it's not hard. Ez juke in an open area.

    Yeah, i'm pretty sure it will totally work lol.