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General Discussions


Member Posts: 1,411

How many posts does BHVR need to see before they actually do something about this issue? It has been going on since KNIGHT. How many months ago was that???

And if you guys have the audacity to say 'just play out the match, just break it' you haven't tried playing that in SoloQ. Nor do you understand how LONG it can actually take to do that, and for what? To maybe finish 1 match after 40+ minutes? Some people have lives and aren't glued to their PC's/consoles, and do not want to spend so long on 1 game with little to no BP gain. For the love of god fix it.

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  • Member Posts: 52

    in this space, no one will hear you scream.

    I really think they don't care... they knew with the knight situation that skull merchant will be able to hold hostage game even more. They know how to make some power don't work around gens too... (pyramid head for example)... They just want to sell it to try hards cause it's an easy win and then fix it later...

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    3 Gens Doctor is really annoying and hard, but possible.

    3 Gens Knight & SM are impossible for Solo, but not facing them often.

    Last week I played against 4 SM, and all of them did 3 Gens, which is pretty nice.

    Most 3 Gens were by survivors. Because the nature of they spawn on the same side of the map, usually the first 2 Gens complete on 1 side. Im usually have this as Trapper when I set a few traps on 1 side and 2 Gens on the other side done, that 30% area of the map I dont ever have patrol.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    and you look at the now meaningless area and go "that's 1 or 2 traps I might never get the down time to collect... fun stuff"

  • Member Posts: 5,962

    Yet we see people complaining about it. BHVR themselves said they do not want to punish killers for the survivors' mistakes but here we are with another post that demands 3 gens get nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    me playing as trapper trapping every loop on that side 3 times

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Good for you go buy a cake and celebrate it.

    I've had this happen for months on end, as stated if you had actually read the post since Knight came out. This happens a lot in Soloq, and there isn't much to be done about it.

    lmao calling it a nerf, seems like you're the type of gamer that needs a 3 gen in order to win. Got it.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Now you know when the community complains about something it takes them months to acknowledge it, then more months to do something about it. This is a usual pattern we have all gotten used to.

  • Member Posts: 4,206

    I’m still hoping this solution also addresses survivors that are excessively pre-leaving generators and excessively hiding, because as killer, I’ve been in many games where the last 3 generators weren’t close together, but the games took an extremely long time because I would patrol the generators over and over and over, and never find any survivors because they were always hiding far away by the time I got there.

    Because if the 3 gen solution is 100% a nerf for killers, then survivors will absolutely stall out the game until the 3 gen solution gets activated.

    Is there any preview for the 3 gen solution, that can be shared with us?

  • Member Posts: 475
    edited August 2023

    Yeah Dejavu is good on SoloQ for better knowledge on how the 3gen spawns are crazy right now.

    You pop one and boom get another 3gen to take of and again ...

    And you 99% a gen and then "jolt" regress like 2 because they are close and then Scourge back your gen to 60% and Pop finish the deal and then you left the game frustrated or play killer or better yet play Civ5 or TCM.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I play almost exclusively solo q. and like I said, I just never see it.

  • Member Posts: 534

    theyre changing 3 gens and they also added a perk that punishes the killer for the survivor's mistake (made for this.) Whoever said that either lied or got fired lmao

  • Member Posts: 2,386

    beside skull merchant 3 genning is fine.

  • Member Posts: 8,356

    To be fair, even with a complete obliteration of 3-gens specifically (which we have no basis to assume will or won't happen), you'll still be able to do that. You can choose to ignore the most far-off generator without suddenly creating a 3-gen, there's middle ground there.

    The comment was mostly geared towards the other examples, though, I'll admit. Camping and tunnelling, plus "gen perks decimated" which you can only reasonably think happened if you think stuff like CoB/Overcharge and post-buff Eruption were a solid baseline for strength instead of unhealthy.

  • Member Posts: 979

    3 gens happen even without the intention or survivor fault. Play Deja Vu on Dead Dawg a few times and you'll see it's a natural 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 5,962
    edited August 2023

    I believe it was Mandy, who clarified that a while ago.

    It was stated that there is something in the works to fix the 3 gen issue but it was not meant to affect 3 gens that were caused by the survivors themselves.

    I agree 100% that holding a 3 gen from start to finish should not be an effective strategy. It's probably the least fun way to play this game and it takes 0 effort.

    However, over the last couple of weeks gens have been flying. Some of my matches yesterday didn't even last 4 minutes. And as you can guess, the survivors did rush themselves into 3 gens quite a few times. Had I tried to defend them I might have stood a chance but I decided against it.

    But I digress. My point is, that when gen speeds and efficiency are at a high, then it doesn't make sense to punish the killer for something that the survivors messed up themselves. Meaning, natural 3 gens should not be affected by whatever feature it is that you are working on.

    It's funny because you couldn't be further from the truth. I don't run gen regress in 90% of my killer matches and I don't focus on 3 gens. If I would, than I'd lose a lot more with my most used loadout.

    But it is a nerf. Just as the anti camping mechanic is a nerf. I'm not saying it's bad that these aspects of the game are changed but this will impact the balance of the game and force further buffs to killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    This is different. Also, DBD was free to play this weekend. So those were just a lot of new survivors trying to play the game.

    I'm speaking on the fact that this has been going on since Knight was released. It's a very easy strat because of how their kit is set up + how the layout of certain maps is.

    I don't have an issue with a killer 3-gening when it happens naturally, what I do have an issue with is the rise in gamers that start the game with a build to do that from the get-go. I even went against a Blight ffs that was doing that, A BLIGHT? Why would you as a high-mobility, with one of the best anti-looping powers, feel the need to go for 3-genning?? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

    Genuinely the only one who understands the actual problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,147

    MFW when my 3 gens come from survivors not doing gens i've been near.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    "I never see a 3genning sm so the problem doesn't exist"

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    There should be buffs to certain killers, especially the average M1-killers. But that's a different topic.

  • Member Posts: 8,609

    I never leave the 4 gen/5 gen side of Suffo Pit with 90% of the killer roster. Just break the 3 gen though.

  • Member Posts: 5,962

    I'm not sure how something like this can even happen. I've seen that quite often recently but I can't recall even one instance of something like this happening like a year ago..

  • Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2023

    So, another hand holding from your part to cover the skill issue of the survivor community? Because even if a killer can choose to defend 3 gens from the start, it's survivors work and choice to let him have it or not. Something as easy to do as using Deja Vu and pressuring the killer until the 3 gen it's broken.

    But of course, we can't allow to force survivors to adapt to the game for once, as they are 4 times more players than killers and if they leave who is going to buy all those precious cosmetics we are releasing. QoL improvements for killers? Balance the game? What for? We have to make it easy for survivors so they keep playing.

    Oh, and don't forget to nerf The Pig. That would solve every balance problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,972

    its Not handholding. The greatest dbd team in the world couldn’t even beat the skull merchant! They won but it took them like 55 minutes just to repair the last gen. If the top comp teams can’t repair the gens imagine solo players who are not good at the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,049

    I for one can't wait to see what they make and how fast it takes people to abuse the hell out of it, just like what will happen with the anti-camping mechanic. Maybe they'll bring back basekit Unbreakable for the fun of it, too.

  • Member Posts: 4,206

    When BHVR makes the anti 3 gen "solution", then survivors probably won't have to be mindful at all. They could just fix the 4 safest generators, purposely cause a 3 gen, then stall the game until the anti 3 gen "solution" gets activated.

  • Member Posts: 3,147

    Despite it starting with knight... hes still not that good of a 3 genner.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    BHVR announced to work on a lot of construction sites right now?!

    • 3-gen
    • facecamping
    • tunneling
    • cheater
    • gen rushing
    • unbalanced perks because of swf
    • new chapters with at least 3 new perks on each side
    • map balancing
    • visual map rework
    • rework of killers *waving at the two last remaining twins mains*
    • rebalance of killer addons

    wonder why nothing gets done.

  • Member Posts: 385

    3-Gen situation keep happening thanks to map rework.

    Community demand balance map, their opinion "balance map = smaller map size" then smaller map size mean generator spawn too close.

    Old map like backwater swamp never happen except for Skull Merchant, this killer is special.

  • Member Posts: 140

    Remember when the argument for killers NOT having good or cool perks was "but nurse exists so she having this would be too problematic" now it's "skull merchant and 3 gen is a thing so we can't have that.."

    This is one of the reasons why this game can't and might not escape the stale state any time soon the community is quickly demanding for nerfs but still wants the other side to play the way they want and not with the tools the DEVS themselves are leaving other players (in this thread killers) to play with..

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2023

    No idea why Deja Vu isn't 100% meta. I use it in solo queue and that perk never leaves my build now. Absolutely love it. Does it 100% fix hard 3 genning? No. But in lots of matches its a been a total savior for me.

  • Member Posts: 4,704

    We all know that this is not realistically possible for most killers against an efficient team.

  • Member Posts: 4,704


    But give them duplicated perks and green toolboxes with bnps...

    How fast do you think they would have beaten her?

    They played by their comp ruleset. Without it, I don't think it would have been 50 minutes.

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