Killers, please stop dodging.



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Morfedel said:
    they should either remove SWF from the game, or when the game detects SWF groups coming in, give the killer some kind of buff.

    The former will kill the game, the latter has been suggested as a bp bonus but some killers don't want a bp buff only removal.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    @Orion said:
    Why are SWF afraid of playing the game normally? This goes both ways.

    SWF is playing the game normally? I don't understand your point here.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    @BrendanLeeT said:
    Before this post, I'd like to make clear that I DON'T dodge SWF groups unless I've ran into them before and they are a bully squad. I don't have an issue with 2 man SWF groups because they only get a slight advantage but this post is aimed more towards 3 or 4 man SWF teams.

    The issues I have with SWF groups

    Now before I continue, I'd like to say that not all SWF groups are toxic and I've played against some good people that just want to play with their friends for fun instead of bullying the killer. Below I'm going to make a few points with issues that killers run into when not dodging SWF groups.

    SWF Makes some perks useless on killers

    Yes you heard this correctly, communication can make perks on killers completely useless. An example of this is Knock Out, which can be good if it actually works but most of the time, survivors will say over a 3rd Party Program their location and then they can just be picked up, making the killer waste a perk slot and making the perk completely useless.

    Another example are HEX totems and I say this because if one survivor in the group finds the totem then they can just give the location to their friends and it will be destroyed. I can't say how many times one survivor ran past my totem during a chase and then 20 seconds into the chase, my totem got destroyed because they are using voice chats to relay information to others which they wouldn't have known about otherwise.

    My final example is probably one of the most hated perks in the game but Insidious is made completely useless against SWF groups. Yes Insidious is really annoying to go against however if the survivor, who is getting camped, is in a SWF group then all they have to do is relay information saying that the killer is in the basement or near the hook camping, don't rescue me and just do gens.

    Game is extremely unfun

    Most of the toxic survivors I run into are in a SWF group and I say most because solo survivors can be toxic too. Against SWF groups, generators get done so quickly because of the information they receive and how well organised their group can be. Here are some scenarios that gives SWF advantages:

    "Don't rescue me because he's camping" - This will make all of the group gen rush and get them done quicker because if they wasn't in a group or were using comms then the survivors would have to get off the gen to go to the hook to check if the killer is there. Now you can argue that they will gen rush when they get back however it still buys the killer time.

    "The killer is walking over to the gen near shack" - This information gives the survivors an early warning resulting in them getting away extremely fast making the killer unable to get them because by the time he is there, the survivors would have been far gone by then. This makes finding survivors extremely annoying when they know your exact location so they can just avoid you at all costs. Without comms, they wouldn't have known that the killer was coming until they were in my terror radius range.

    "His totem is near a corner of the map" - I've explained this in my SWF Makes some perks useless on killers so I'm not going to go in depth but groups can just relay totem placement info resulting in it getting destroyed when solos would need to look around for it themselves.

    There are obviously more scenarios but I'm not going to make the reply too long. One final issue I have with SWF groups are the organisation. You can assign a person to loop the killer, a person to heal and rescue survivors, and then two survivors to repair generators. If you're not in a SWF group then games don't have organisation and multiple people run in for hook saves, removing survivors from repairing generators however if it's an organised game then gens just get rushed because all of the survivors stay on gens knowing their friend is being saved.

    Reading out killer perks

    Another massive issue is if a member of your group dies, they can just read out all of the killer's perks and addons giving out a LOT of information which you shouldn't have. Reading out perks could make the killer's NOED useless because the survivor that died said "Cleanse totems because he has NOED" making the survivors look for totems to prevent it. If the survivor was solo then they wouldn't have known if the killer has NOED or not.

    Revealing the killers

    Another issue against a SWF group is that they can give out who the killer is before anybody else sees the killer. If the killer is The Shape then they group would know to be on a look out all because of one person spotting the killer in the group. Now you might argue that everyone will find out sooner or later anyway but while this is true, the players still got the advantage and information which they shouldn't have otherwise until they make a sighting on the killer without just being told who it is.


    As you can see, I've listed only a few reasons to why killers dodge SWF groups. They get way too much information and they are just organised and can be a bully squads. SWF just breaks the game in SOME situations and because they get so much more of an advantage then solos or even just 2 man SWF groups, killers just dodge so they can have fun or even stand a chance against them if they are well organised. Although I don't dodge them, I can understand why killers do it and I've had experiences with it when I've played in a SWF team.

    I absolutely agree. You said it perfectly. My question is, surely the devs know this is a problem - but are they going to do anything about it? My fear is that answer is no.

    Either removing SWF, creating two modes, or giving the killers some kind of buff would help these issues immensely. I doubt the first two will happen but maybe the third might.

  • nursewithbamboozle
    nursewithbamboozle Member Posts: 15

    i personally dodge swf because its harder than going against randoms and i want it to be the easiest i can get it to be

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    If you don't wanna get lobby dodged, play alone
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    If you don't wanna get lobby dodged, play alone
    I play solo and still get lobbydodged.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @TheWraith883 said:
    Oh Really? SWF is the most toxic people that you could ever run into. of course, Killers don't want to play against you guys until the developers fix the killers issues and give them more power it wouldn't be a nice game to play with. I really don't understand survivors with friends always have the following

    1- decisive strike
    2- borrow time.
    3- Flash Light
    5- Firecrackers
    6- toolbox
    7- leader perks
    8- medkits
    9- sprint bursts
    10- iron well

    and you blame killers why they dodge you? why would anyone want to play against toxic survivors?

    I've had more toxic solo lobbies than i've had wf lobbies and I've seen solo lobbies have those perks as well and what's even funnier is the following.

    The usual perks layout certain killer mains always complain every swf group has is SC/DS/DH/AD although they alwaw swap out w/e perk is FOM.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Vietfox said:
    @ClogWench said:

    If you don't wanna get lobby dodged, play alone

    I play solo and still get lobbydodged.

    Same and this sewf don't want to play the game normally is total nonsense since how are they supposed to
    get their friends to play to learn the game?

    It's like hey I just got 3 people to buy the game and this help support the community and so I'm going to play with them.

    Apparently entitled killer mains that use the entitled easier win seem to think people that introduce others to the game should be forced to buy a brand new copy. Just so they can play with their friends now imagine if they were forced to do that on a $60.00 game.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Yeah, no. If you use chat outside the game, you're basically cheating, and people don't like being cheated.
    We don't know if you are until we're in the game, but most SWFs do use outside help.

    So why on earth should we have to roll the dice on if we're going to get cheated out of a fair game when odds are you are going to cheat us?
    What's in it for us? Why should we have to put up with a difficulty spike?

    It's getting to the point where I have to roll the dice on if a SWF is going to be filled with #########, sweaty tryhards, and/or people using outside chat.

    And don't get me started on mixed rank SWFs where you aren't even the same color in rank, and letting the higher rank prey on lower rank killers.

    I'm not saying you and your homies pull the bullshit I mentioned, but too many others do to instantly have the trust of the killers that dodge you.

    We care about your wait times about as much as SWF cares about the fun of a killer, and that's slim to none.

    We can agree to disagree. How is chatting with your team cheating? Lol most everything in this game is discernable with or without outside chat. As someone who plays both killer and survivor, i don't have much of a differenc playing against randoms than I do playing against SWF.

    And yeah sweaty tea bagging try hards are annoying to fight but oh so much more satisfying when you down and kill them. Plus, whats the point in pub stomping randoms? Id much rather get better at the game and play against talented, coordinated players. Makes the game much more fun than just, say walking all over easy noobs.
    Becsuse when you tell your pals where the killer is, what they're doing, where their totems are, tell your homies what loadout the killer has in the event you die, you gain several free perks, and info you shouldn't even have.
    It's cheating, bluntly. 

    I like having a fair shake in my games. Even odds. 

    Enjoy the challenge all you want. I'm a bit too casual, and under equipped to want to go tryhard. 

    Frankly if your are breaking the game to beat me, you have no room to talk about my skill.
    It's not like it is hard to figure out what perks the killer/survs are running just learn the perks and watch to see what they use.
    Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd like it to stay secret to each individual until they are dead, or escaped.
    Lol you want it to stay a secret, yet like I said it isn't hard at all to stay alive and find out what perks someone is using within an absolute certainty you just need to know what the effects of a perk is, if you are saying you lack this ability then you need to get it fast or ppl will just run over you.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @ClogWench said:

    The game wasn't designed initially with the mechanic of survivors having constant communication. That already creates a huge power imbalance. Lobby Dodging doesn't make it an easier win, it makes it an even match. At the end of the day the fault is on the devs for refusing to address the imbalance, not the killers who don't want to play an uphill battle or the SWF groups who benefit from the oversight.

    The devs weren't aware of how much an impact voice would have on the game and you really can't buff killers to swef level without absolutely destroying solo.

    Also lobby dodging doesn't make it an even match at all since it's mostly done due to items/clothing and not because it's actually a swf group. I've joined games where the lobby has slowly filled up and the moment someone equips something a killer doesn't like it's instant dodge.

    If they can't see your profile to check your achievements they dodge, flashlight dodge, tool box dodge, medkit dodge. Then if you get the killer later they say swf was the reason they lost even when it was an obvious solo group.

    Lastly most swf groups are potatoes and killers that either don't know how to take advantage of their makeup or refuse to adapt are to blame. Are they harder to face yes they can be but if you know how to handle them most are quite easy to destroy.

    For the most part they're highly predictable down to when they'll go for the save, when they'll try and heal under the hook, where they're most likely to run etc.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    LegitAdventurer said:

    Rebel_Raven said:


    Yeah, no. If you use chat outside the game, you're basically cheating, and people don't like being cheated.
    We don't know if you are until we're in the game, but most SWFs do use outside help.

    So why on earth should we have to roll the dice on if we're going to get cheated out of a fair game when odds are you are going to cheat us?
    What's in it for us? Why should we have to put up with a difficulty spike?

    It's getting to the point where I have to roll the dice on if a SWF is going to be filled with #########, sweaty tryhards, and/or people using outside chat.

    And don't get me started on mixed rank SWFs where you aren't even the same color in rank, and letting the higher rank prey on lower rank killers.

    I'm not saying you and your homies pull the bullshit I mentioned, but too many others do to instantly have the trust of the killers that dodge you.

    We care about your wait times about as much as SWF cares about the fun of a killer, and that's slim to none.

    We can agree to disagree. How is chatting with your team cheating? Lol most everything in this game is discernable with or without outside chat. As someone who plays both killer and survivor, i don't have much of a differenc playing against randoms than I do playing against SWF.

    And yeah sweaty tea bagging try hards are annoying to fight but oh so much more satisfying when you down and kill them. Plus, whats the point in pub stomping randoms? Id much rather get better at the game and play against talented, coordinated players. Makes the game much more fun than just, say walking all over easy noobs.

    Becsuse when you tell your pals where the killer is, what they're doing, where their totems are, tell your homies what loadout the killer has in the event you die, you gain several free perks, and info you shouldn't even have.
    It's cheating, bluntly. 

    I like having a fair shake in my games. Even odds. 

    Enjoy the challenge all you want. I'm a bit too casual, and under equipped to want to go tryhard. 

    Frankly if your are breaking the game to beat me, you have no room to talk about my skill.

    It's not like it is hard to figure out what perks the killer/survs are running just learn the perks and watch to see what they use.

    Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd like it to stay secret to each individual until they are dead, or escaped.

    Lol you want it to stay a secret, yet like I said it isn't hard at all to stay alive and find out what perks someone is using within an absolute certainty you just need to know what the effects of a perk is, if you are saying you lack this ability then you need to get it fast or ppl will just run over you.

    Lemme reword it, then. I'd rather have each individual figure out what someone else has on their own. Otherwise it sounds like they are using a crutch when other people tell them.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited January 2019

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Possible for what? Friday doesn't factor in. 

    Dead by daylight has no mid trial chat at all.
    It is supposed to be antisocial, even between survivors:

    Friday is basically the same exact game as DBD. Sure there is the "walkie talkie" item in game, but other than that, it is almost the exact same game. And when that game first came out, if you were in a party the game would automatically change your party settings to "In Game" and not let you change them to "party chat", but they quickly reverted that because team communication just makes games more fun. So it is possible to prevent the use of Party Chat if they wanted too.

    I played F13 NONSTOP for about a year then I started playing DBD. It’s not the same game at all. The only thing they have in common are that they are asymmetrical survival horror and the rampant toxicity in the games.

    They have different objectives, map sizes, communication, among other things. I see what you mean by them being similar but playing them both is a different story. F13 is a lot less skill based and more based on bullying the killer. Not saying DBD is really that skillful or that the killer can’t be bullied but F13 is just a more relaxed game.

    Even if they did disable Party Chat there is such things as Skype or FaceTime. Unless they remove SWF (they won’t) they can always communicate somehow. I understand the pain of going against good SWF teams but I don’t take the game that seriously. You win some and you lose some, so be it. I’ve been destroyed by some SWF groups and sometimes I destroy the entire team.

    Sorry for being off topic, just wanted to throw that out there.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Lemme reword it, then. I'd rather have each individual figure out what someone else has on their own. Otherwise it sounds like they are using a crutch when other people tell them.

    Hiding perks once someone dies is totally a fair thing and spectating should come with a timed delay similar to what League has but not such a long timer. But say 10 second time delay when spectating so you can't just say turn left at that big rock in front of you.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @powerbats said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Lemme reword it, then. I'd rather have each individual figure out what someone else has on their own. Otherwise it sounds like they are using a crutch when other people tell them.

    Hiding perks once someone dies is totally a fair thing and spectating should come with a timed delay similar to what League has but not such a long timer. But say 10 second time delay when spectating so you can't just say turn left at that big rock in front of you.

    Sounds great to me!

    Now that you mention it, I hope spectating gets extended beyond who ever is left in the trial. I'd like to sit back, and watch some matches live. That aren't youtubers, or twitch streamers. The delay would be fine with me in that case, too.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Sounds great to me!

    Now that you mention it, I hope spectating gets extended beyond who ever is left in the trial. I'd like to sit back, and watch some matches live. That aren't youtubers, or twitch streamers. The delay would be fine with me in that case, too.

    I always like to sit back and watch and see if someone actually makes it out or if that sandbagging jerk gets nailed lol. I also get to see perhaps where the darn hatch was, where that pesky hex totem was hiding but also watch for mistakes and great plays.

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @LegitAdventurer said:

    Not at all my guy. Survivors queue times always take forever. They generally take give or take 5-15 minutes to find matches, just to get dodged and start all over lol.

    On what platform? On PC, my killer queue times are about 2 minutes. For survivor it's almost always instant. East Coast USA.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited January 2019
    Orion said:

    Why are SWF afraid of playing the game normally? This goes both ways.

    A lot of times it isn't about playing the game "normally," but playing a social game with friends. I honestly die more with friends 'cause i'm talking or not as focused, listening to others. Or we do silly mini games cause we're bored. 
  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    I solo or duo que and we rarely get dodged. We both have open profile and dont use items.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @fluffybunny said:
    A lot of times it isn't about playing the game "normally," but playing a social game with friends. I honestly die more with friends 'cause i'm talking or not as focused, listening to others. Or we do silly mini games cause we're bored. 

    And Killers dodge not because they're "scared", but because they want to have fun, and SWF are unfun more often than not.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Orion said:

    Why are SWF afraid of playing the game normally? This goes both ways.

    What does this even mean?

    He refers to survivors playing solo, which was the original intention.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Orion said:

    You can explain away every single complaint from your PoV, but it won't matter. People want games to be fun. If you make their games unfun, they'll dodge.

    It is still kind of hard to guess whether your game will be fun or not only by guessing people at the lobby are SWF. 

    I play on PS4, I had to start playing killer more because survivor wait time is ridiculous. I’ve had over 30 minutes of waiting for a game that gets dodged right as I join. 
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Orion said:

    @Gorgonia said:
    It is still kind of hard to guess whether your game will be fun or not only by guessing people at the lobby are SWF. 

    I play on PS4, I had to start playing killer more because survivor wait time is ridiculous. I’ve had over 30 minutes of waiting for a game that gets dodged right as I join. 

    Any Killer will tell you that SWF make trials unfun more often than not. It's not a certainty, but if the majority of trials with SWF are unfun because said SWF are actively trying to be toxic, dodging ALL SWF is simply the natural result.

    I’m asking how you can be so sure they are all SWF. Toxic SWF are unfun, but it’s not always a certainty that people that log on at the same time are together. I would agree if all 4 of them were, but still... I rarely dodge games, unless they all log on at the same time and show off bloodied p3 sets haha
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Gorgonia said:
    I’m asking how you can be so sure they are all SWF. Toxic SWF are unfun, but it’s not always a certainty that people that log on at the same time are together. I would agree if all 4 of them were, but still... I rarely dodge games, unless they all log on at the same time and show off bloodied p3 sets haha

    I play on PC, so I can literally just check their profiles. However, I do so to prepare, rather than to dodge.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Orion said:

    @Gorgonia said:
    I’m asking how you can be so sure they are all SWF. Toxic SWF are unfun, but it’s not always a certainty that people that log on at the same time are together. I would agree if all 4 of them were, but still... I rarely dodge games, unless they all log on at the same time and show off bloodied p3 sets haha

    I play on PC, so I can literally just check their profiles. However, I do so to prepare, rather than to dodge.

    Well, yeah, you got that advantage on PC vs PS4
  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I want to have fun with Dead By Daylight, so if I see a 4 man swf full claudete p3 with flashlight Im probably going to dodge if Im playing a low tier killer, just because its not even fair

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Yeah, no. If you use chat outside the game, you're basically cheating, and people don't like being cheated.
    We don't know if you are until we're in the game, but most SWFs do use outside help.

    So why on earth should we have to roll the dice on if we're going to get cheated out of a fair game when odds are you are going to cheat us?
    What's in it for us? Why should we have to put up with a difficulty spike?

    It's getting to the point where I have to roll the dice on if a SWF is going to be filled with #########, sweaty tryhards, and/or people using outside chat.

    And don't get me started on mixed rank SWFs where you aren't even the same color in rank, and letting the higher rank prey on lower rank killers.

    I'm not saying you and your homies pull the bullshit I mentioned, but too many others do to instantly have the trust of the killers that dodge you.

    We care about your wait times about as much as SWF cares about the fun of a killer, and that's slim to none.

    We can agree to disagree. How is chatting with your team cheating? Lol most everything in this game is discernable with or without outside chat. As someone who plays both killer and survivor, i don't have much of a differenc playing against randoms than I do playing against SWF.

    And yeah sweaty tea bagging try hards are annoying to fight but oh so much more satisfying when you down and kill them. Plus, whats the point in pub stomping randoms? Id much rather get better at the game and play against talented, coordinated players. Makes the game much more fun than just, say walking all over easy noobs.
    Becsuse when you tell your pals where the killer is, what they're doing, where their totems are, tell your homies what loadout the killer has in the event you die, you gain several free perks, and info you shouldn't even have.
    It's cheating, bluntly. 

    I like having a fair shake in my games. Even odds. 

    Enjoy the challenge all you want. I'm a bit too casual, and under equipped to want to go tryhard. 

    Frankly if your are breaking the game to beat me, you have no room to talk about my skill.
    It's not like it is hard to figure out what perks the killer/survs are running just learn the perks and watch to see what they use.
    Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd like it to stay secret to each individual until they are dead, or escaped.
    Lol you want it to stay a secret, yet like I said it isn't hard at all to stay alive and find out what perks someone is using within an absolute certainty you just need to know what the effects of a perk is, if you are saying you lack this ability then you need to get it fast or ppl will just run over you.
    Killer's running Blood Warden.
  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    I have been a survivor main for a while, Meg main, and have been playing killer recently a lot. I don’t dodge any lobbies and see SWF as a challenger and opportunity to make me a better killer. We all want to have fun and I get mine when I camp a toxic nea. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @Gorgonia said:
    It is still kind of hard to guess whether your game will be fun or not only by guessing people at the lobby are SWF. 

    I play on PS4, I had to start playing killer more because survivor wait time is ridiculous. I’ve had over 30 minutes of waiting for a game that gets dodged right as I join. 

    Any Killer will tell you that SWF make trials unfun more often than not. It's not a certainty, but if the majority of trials with SWF are unfun because said SWF are actively trying to be toxic, dodging ALL SWF is simply the natural result.

    Ok I'm calling bs on this since swf aren't actively trying to be toxic and you and everyone else using that excuse knows it to be false. Yes I know you're using it as an example but it's a flawed excuse to even be used in the 1st place.

    The simple fact of the matter is those dodging lobbies assume whether right or wrong there's a swf in it and even if there is over 60% of the time it's only 2 people. So that gives you 2 solo's that should be easy prey especially given the average should be 2 kills.

    If all you're going to do is dodge because you think there's a swf what are you going to do when it's 4 solo's that destroy you because you refuse to face 2 swf or get better?

    I've had so many games where the killer after getting wrecked or only getting 1 person sac'd would say I should've dodged toxic swf. This despite the fact that the lobby would fill up over an extended period of time one by one.

    But there's this dodgma that anytime a killer does bad it's because swf not because they might make mistakes, or the survivors played just a bit better. Let alone if it's 4 solos that know what they're doing the killer can't play badly and expect to 4k.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Please survivors get better internet 
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I get instant games as Survivor.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Orion said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    A lot of times it isn't about playing the game "normally," but playing a social game with friends. I honestly die more with friends 'cause i'm talking or not as focused, listening to others. Or we do silly mini games cause we're bored. 

    And Killers dodge not because they're "scared", but because they want to have fun, and SWF are unfun more often than not.

    Never said they were scared? I can understand how it's annoying, especially when survivors group together to troll the killer by all having OP survivor items and such. It also means for a different strat with how you play and stuff. Not everyone is toxic, though, and not everyone's even good, really.

  • BlackendSea
    BlackendSea Member Posts: 49
    On ps4, a full swf squad takes literally an hour. If killers don’t like swf, just bring mori’s. I don’t see the big deal.
  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @BlackendSea said:
    On ps4, a full swf squad takes literally an hour.

    This pleases me.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    On ps4, a full swf squad takes literally an hour. If killers don’t like swf, just bring mori’s. I don’t see the big deal.
    As soon as I have any, or as soon as someone flips a switch and loads me up with them magically. 

    I didn't get any, not a one, from the winter boxes. 
    I got a green one normally.

    Even levelled the hell out of a few killers.

    Kinda taking back my aversion to using Moris since I keep running into SWFs so often. I wouldn't mind having a backup plan incase they decide I'm not going to have any fun. 
    Then again, a mori will probably help ensure they get sweaty.

    Until then, well. I don't mind increasing SWF wait times. I'm not terribly interested in gambling on if they're going to be a group of dicks, or not. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I'm sorry but if you think communicating with your team is cheating thats just incorrect. Thats like saying call of duty with friends is cheating if the other team isnt using mics. Or Overwatch,  or Friday the 13th etc.
    Master said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    Yeah, no. If you use chat outside the game, you're basically cheating, and people don't like being cheated. 

    We don't know if you are until we're in the game, but most SWFs do use outside help.

    So why on earth should we have to roll the dice on if we're going to get cheated out of a fair game when odds are you are going to cheat us?

    What's in it for us? Why should we have to put up with a difficulty spike?

    It's getting to the point where I have to roll the dice on if a SWF is going to be filled with #########, sweaty tryhards, and/or people using outside chat.
    And don't get me started on mixed rank SWFs where you aren't even the same color in rank, and letting the higher rank prey on lower rank killers.
    I'm not saying you and your homies pull the bullshit I mentioned, but too many others do to instantly have the trust of the killers that dodge you.
    We care about your wait times about as much as SWF cares about the fun of a killer, and that's slim to none.
    We can agree to disagree. How is chatting with your team cheating? Lol most everything in this game is discernable with or without outside chat. As someone who plays both killer and survivor, i don't have much of a differenc playing against randoms than I do playing against SWF.

    And yeah sweaty tea bagging try hards are annoying to fight but oh so much more satisfying when you down and kill them. Plus, whats the point in pub stomping randoms? Id much rather get better at the game and play against talented, coordinated players. Makes the game much more fun than just, say walking all over easy noobs.

    Well technically you are using a third party program (ts/discord) to gain an ingame advantage. Yeah yeah you wont get banned, but you know what we mean.. Fact is that playing against SWF usually is quite unfun, either they genrush you ala depip squad or they throw each other at the hook while clickin at you ala ochido-gang.....

    Throwing at the hook can be countered, honestly, i love when survivors do that to me. Easy damage, yeah i lose a hook but i also just gained a huge advantage. And as a survivor I body block hooks wether I'm solo queuing or SWF. I'm not claiming to be the best killer, or survivor around. Suffice to say I'm just pretty causal player but playing solo queue vs playing with teams I play the game exactly the same as I would with randoms than I do SWF's. I dont need to hear "killers on me" to notice that the killer is chasing someone. Especially with so many potential sensory perks on the survivors. 

    Yes, but even if I 4k such a SWF with ease, I still dont enjoy the game. And fun is what its all about, you cant play DBD competitively.....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BlackendSea said:
    On ps4, a full swf squad takes literally an hour. If killers don’t like swf, just bring mori’s. I don’t see the big deal.

    Moris are quite expensive, considering how common SWF its impossible to have a mori ready for every SWF

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @Grim said:
    Personally, I don't dodge because I know most SWF's aren't the 4-man Squadette DS death squads they're painted out to be. That being said, you can't expect killers to not dodge when you're abusing an extremely broken aspect of the game. Constant, map-wide knowledge should not be afforded to survivors and some killers feel cheated by this as rightfully mentioned above.

    This is why I think they should just admit that having this mechanic (no communication) in the game is never going to work in a multiplayer game when you also add in the ability to play with a party.

    You can't balance a game around survivors not being able to communicate, requiring perks and addons to give you this info, and then just chuck it all to the wind by allowing groups to play who are going to use 3rd party software you can't stop.

    Even at rank 1, look at the difference between getting hooked when you have Kindred 3, and when you don't; you routinely end up with 2 survivors trying to rescue you, or possibly the whole team, because they don't know if anyone is coming to save you. With Kindred, unless they're being selfish BP dickheads, Kindred allows them to see someone is close, if the killer is camping, and allow one person to focus on the rescue (or none if you're being camped) and the gens can keep being worked on.

    Or just be on Discord and coordinate who is rescuing you, or say, "just crank out gens, I'm being face camped".

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    ClogWench said:
    If you don't wanna get lobby dodged, play alone
    I've been dodged solo queuing multiple times. Point invalid lol. Because people just assume joining up as the same time as other people, or wearing cosmetics, or having a toolbox, or a medkit, or me getting grouped up with other SWFs or...etc the list goes on.

    I play killer as much as I play survivor and never dodge because I'm not a crybaby. No offence to anyone on this forum.

    Also patch notes came through and dead survivors can't see Killers perks anymore so does that make everyone a little less salty?

    Edit: this sounds way more condescending than I intended. Sorry yall.
    Post edited by LegitAdventurer on
  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    @LegitAdventurer said:

    Killer queues are legitimately instant, within 15 seconds i have a full lobby. Survivors are not, with both SWF and solo queue. I'm on PS4. It may be different on other platforms.

    Either Playstation killer to survivor ratios are drastically different than PC or somebody is blatantly lying. And I don't see why it would be the former.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    Dehitay said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:

    Killer queues are legitimately instant, within 15 seconds i have a full lobby. Survivors are not, with both SWF and solo queue. I'm on PS4. It may be different on other platforms.

    Either Playstation killer to survivor ratios are drastically different than PC or somebody is blatantly lying. And I don't see why it would be the former.

    It could also depend on rank and region since this game finds lobbys accordingly. It was a bad night tonight and almost all of my lobbys took at minimum 5 minutes to find a match. It was legit closer to 15 for most of my lobbies. It isn't always this bad but tonight was so bad that I got a group together to do Kill Your Friends because lobby times were so bad haha.

    But also this:

    On ps4, a full swf squad takes literally an hour. If killers don’t like swf, just bring mori’s. I don’t see the big deal.

    So clearly I'm not lying like you're implying lol.
    Post edited by LegitAdventurer on
    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    Stop using >2 flashlights, keys, or toolboxes with swf and I might consider

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    I'll only dodge if I just played against those survivors. Win or lose I hate playing the same people over and over. If I could do it as survivor to avoid the same killer 3 times in a row I would.

    SWF is not that bad. People keep saying "well using comms is cheating DUUURRRRR". Well on Xbox the party system is part of the platform. In fact you can just invite the other survivors to a party in the lobby, no external software required. I've gotten many invites from other survivors, which I almost always ignore because I've learned to not join random people's parties because 99% of the time they are squeekers or #########. First ones caught and then DC almost every time too.

    But yea, SWF isn't really as bad as people say. I'm more scared of the 4 solo survivors at high ranks because these guys got there WITHOUT comms. That means they are way better than the players that always SWF. Plus SWF groups tend to be overly altruistic. I went to play some chill Freddy games last night, got a group of 3 that farmed each other right in front of me. I was basically tunneling and camping not even by choice, I would have been happy to just walk away from the hook but when you save right in my face right after I hook I'm going to punish that. They were cool about it though, said they were tired of tunnely/campy killers and decided to just farm each other. The irony.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    Stop using >2 flashlights, keys, or toolboxes with swf and I might consider

    I don't ask killers to stop using pink addons, i expect the same treatment.
    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    @Vietfox a lot of the pink add ons suck anyway XD