Badham Preschool (Springwood)
We'd like to know what you think about the Badham Preschool maps, part of the Springwood realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Badham Preschool (Springwood) 604 votes
I definitely feel this map favours survivors. It's extremely big, there at 3 god pallets in main depending on RNG. The window just outside of main seems not too powerful, however is the survivor has a decent amount of space in front of the killer the window can be looped all the way around for ages. God house (the house with 1 window at the top then the downstairs area with a god/very powerful pallet) is very good. I know that this structure appears also on Haddonfield, however I think a map of Schools' size should not have that. My win rate with killer on this map is quite low. Open to debates, just reply.
34 -
This map has a lot of LOS blockers. (+ small amout of holes for killers like huntress, deathslinger)
If basement doesnt spawn in main, survivours have easier time escaping killer grasp.
Houses with loops (2 story, basement one) are really strong.
7 -
Very strong buildings for survivors and amazing dead zones/ lines of sight for killers. Your guaranteed a great chase in one of the buildings until you use your resources, then your forced out into the open for the killer to clean up. It’s a really interesting map that makes you better at looping and tracking on both sides.
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a bit survivor sided but the basement spawn in the main building is not good for survivors. Killers can easily camp and make it a death trap
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My most hated map. There are so many strong tiles, that are all connected with strong filler tiles, around a big map, and dark enough for Survivors to stealth in.
All the buildings have breakable walls that act as dropped god pallets, you need to break them, except for the main building. If you break the breakable wall that's next to the car pallet, then you've made an infinite for Survivors to loop. The main building basement with the right coordination and builds, can mean Survivors that die down there and can't be hooked (assuming Killer Basement Shack offering is used).
There doesn't need to be five variations. They're all miserable and only make it confusing to new players.
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Possibly my least favourite realm to play in. An unengaging strong main that becomes even more problematic when basement spawns shack and survivors start becoming unhookable/near unhookable. Killer interactables in the worst locations make some killers (plague) painful to play as. These maps have some of the safest and most spread gen spawns, making patrolling gens a nightmare on anyone who doesn't have a teleport. It also has some of the most disgusting filler spawns that can connect all the already strong buildings together. Then to make all the above worse there are 5 variants making familarising yourself with the maps unnecessarily difficult and confusing. It would probably be best to take the most balanced variants and completely cut the rest from the game.
When I play survivor I don't even feel like I am winning the game here, it just feels like the map wins it for me.
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As a survivor I love it, as a killer I just hate when I get this map. As people above mentioned, lot of god pallets, lot of good loops one next to each other, few strong buildings. Hope it gets improved soon in the near future.
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Strong main building, strong houses around the map, considerably one of the biggest maps
I suggest that at the bottom of the main building, a hook be added so that when the basement does not spawn there
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Badham is a contender for the worst killer/strongest survivor map. It has everything to be terrible for killer: multiple strong buildings(featuring a semi-infinite against 4.4 killers), abundance of strong interconnected pallets and a very difficult gen spread with gens being able to spawn on 3 different floors. This set of maps should be a high priority for a rework imo.
16 -
Easily the most survivor sided map in my opinion. Big map, very strong loops, many line of sight blockers, many obstacles which make navigation hard for low mobility killers, even filler pallets are often very safe.
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some of the most survivor sided maps in the entire game. it doesn't matter where the survivor goes, they are always safe:
main building has two god pallets + the insane fence loop around it, "house of pain" has a god pallet + 2 window vaults that are really good, the other, smaller building with the single gen in a room has a strong pallet upstairs and several god windows (you have to break 2 walls on that building to even make it playable at all for killer), on top of all of that you also have shack and a incredible amount of really safe filler pallets. badham is incredibly unbalanced.
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The title of this screenshot is "WHERE IS THE BASEMENT????????" This specific underground floor is the most unbalanced thing on all the maps in the entire game.
Someone please explain to me how we can have a large underground floor, filled with narrow hallways, that sometimes doesn't spawn a basement, and never has any hooks? This floor can be a boil over nightmare even when basement is here... but when basement isn't here, it usually involves letting survivors bleed out on the ground, if the survivors get knocked to the ground in one of the narrow hallways.
And yes, when basement isn't here, I've had many survivors purposely get knocked to the ground in one of the narrow hallways, because they are fully aware there's a 0% chance that I can get them to a hook.
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Probably most survivor sided realm in the game. Stupidly strong main building, semi-infinit thanks to window on fence right next to it, in addition two strong building, million safe pallets outside of buildings, fences, shack, almost no deadzones and all these on one map? Bruhhhh, get me out of here. No wonder why it's most popular offering in my killer games.
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...Can we all agree that in both extremes The Preschool is pretty annoying?
Potential Unhookable spot, insane loop thanks to the white fence window.... Very linear and casues very uh.... Boring gameplay.
The fact it doesn't even use its' full size is weird (the corner that has hole in it but doesn't havce stairs). I think adding that part would allow for more... Balancing freedom.
Fun fact: These Maps have very stale Pallet count and also even pretty stale proprtions between "park" ones and "road" ones.
The fences/hedges that can spawn to other Landmarks are actually random and thus can be more... Acceptable but also can stretch by pretty much 35m (any house takes 2x2 tile space, each tile is 16x16 so total is 32x32m you can see some fences start from corner, go to next corner and slightly expand from there).
It definitively needs a set maximum limit on the fence length.
Strong loops all-around, even including the filler stuff, could definitively be a bit weaker...
Maybe add a guaranteed Hook in boiling room part of Preschool and I think it could be an ok start.
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very imbalanced map for survivor. too many god pallets that can easily be chained such as main building, that house of pain, shack. Early game stealth is strong on the map. The map is big for killers because killer have to walk into building then walk out of buildings. The only saving grace of this map for killer to beat strong teams is to hook someone in the main building basement and proxy camp from very start of the game. Other than that, the map looks like 2016 dbd map in term of balance. need heavy tuning down for survivor.
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I mean there's not even an argument to be made here. Badham is EXTREMELY Survivor sided. Tons of pallets everywhere, even filler pallets are very strong, super OP main building with a bottom floor that makes hooking impossible if the Survivor has something like Flip Flop Boil Over because the Basement doesn't always spawn there for some reason, Main is so insanely powerful that you don't even need to know how to loop or run the killer to be able to stay in chase for a good amount of time here. 2 Houses that are very strong AND A SHACK on top of it all. I will never understand how this map hasn't been changed yet.
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Please stop sending me to Badham. Why is this so high on the map rotation.
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Oh. I completely forgot about early game stealth on this map. I don't know what it is about this map, but everytime I get survivors stealthing out the entirety of Corrupt, it is on this map. It's also a map where I frequently will end up in a hatch 2v1 standoff, where both the survivors ultra stealth for 30 minutes. 2v1 standoffs are obviously an issue in itself, but they just feel so much worse on Badham.
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I feel as though there’s too much on this map there’s a “house of pain”, a large 2 story main building, a house, a weird forest area and Ofc a strong shack I think individually there fine but some (except shack) should be omitted on the variations which would make them more distinct and less nightmarish to understand at a glance.
Also as a survivor the map is strong but it is hard to get an idea of the layout due to the variations blending together which is frustrating for new players or players who aren’t obsessed with this game like me😅
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Very much survivor sided.
i like the variations and would like this for more licensed maps to make them not as predictable? Just from a casual perspective though.
This is of course a general opinion but Badham always reminds me how cool official artworks look like compared to the actual maps. So atmosphere more in the direction of the Realm Beyond promo artworks would be neat.
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I really don't know why there's 5 variations and they all have the same issues
Buildings are way too strong with breakable walls the killer is forced to break, School is a huge time waster, car loops are fine but there's way too many pallets overall that connect into each other.
Could probably do with the Haddonfield Treatment and just revise the map all together.
visuals are fine
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We don't need 5 different versions of this map. If the basement isn't in main building it's impossible to hook someone going down there.
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So many pallets, buildings, connective loops for survivors to cut in and out of. This is 💯 my least favorite map to play on of all time.
Needs to be cleaned up a bit. Too many resources. Other than that it’s a cool map!
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The map favors survivor a bit, as much as I hate to say it the window in the front is really strong. Maybe expanding on the boiler room
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I have never really understood why there are FIVE variants of this maps. This feels completely unnecessary and only one would do just fine. It’s just confusing for new players, who struggle to memorize so many layouts.
Buildings are insanely powerful for survivors, yet it sucks to get out from basement if it spawns in preschool. A lot of strong pallets, very few loops that can actually be mind gamed by killers. Great visuals, the atmosphere feels good.
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💯 agreed. This map for me is the worst. Always has been. So glad they’re looking into cleaning it up
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One of the best maps where totems seem impossible to find.
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This is currently THE most survivor-sided map in the entire game. It’s too big and has too many connected filler tiles, which makes gen defense almost impossible for M1 killers. The main building is unbearable to say the least. The fence around it is just like old Haddonfield. Inside there are two guaranteed god pallets and one strong window, not even to mention sometimes it’s literally impossible to hook someone in there if the basement doesn’t spawn.
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The amount of ground to cover for most killers on this map is insane when you figure in the multiple levels in the houses. The loops go on for days with survivors in the houses. Even your bots know this and work those vaults like no other.
Maybe shrink it a bit..and as a dredge player...maybe add a few lockers.
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Do I even need to explain about badham preschool, why is there 4 buildings, 3 of them are extremely stupid, the school is overpowered with the infinite there and without the basement in the school boiler room the school makes you unhookable it's an exploit, House of pain is just busted the stairs are always around the corner and windows here and there is so much free escape and the long fences are dumb, the 2 story house is also busted it's literally an infinite until you break the breakable walls, and why is it the only licensed map to have a shack plz remove the shack, and why does there have to be 5 versions of this map, like no one asked for 5 versions, and badham 2 in particular why does it have like 10 chaining tiles from the house of pain, to the shack, and to the 2 story house and that's only half of the map, plz remove 4 of the versions of this map and rework one of them or just delete this map entirely.
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The Badham maps favor survivors quite a bit, but each of the 5 has its own unique issues. I'm sure a lot of people out there are also curious about why there's 5 variations of the map and none of them are enjoyable, but that's not the topic at hand.
Each of the maps suffers from having two strong landmark buildings (house of pain, 2 story house) a very safe and large main building, and a shack. No matter where you chase as killer it will feel like you're headed somewhere you don't want to chase, especially if you haven't chased it yet to break pallets or walls (but heaven you if you break the wrong wall and make main building stronger.)
Badham 1 is one of the more survivor sided maps in the realm if the killer doesn't just defend a 3 gen that spawns along the road near main building. There's consistent issues with gen spread over there that allow the killer to bunker down and win if survivors don't play smart. That's not particularly fun for anyone, but let's face it the killer was never going to have fun on the map anyway.
Badham 2 is the most inconsistent of the maps in the realm. The gen spread is generally pretty good for survivors, but the spread of buildings is far apart enough that the filler pallets make or break the map. Once those fall the map is a lot more manageable.
Badham 3 is perhaps the most survivors favored in the realm. The buildings are all so closely clustered, and the map always spawns 17 pallets. As long as the survivors maintain a decent gen spread they're heavily favored to win.
Badham 4 is my personal favorite map in the realm to get as killer. Going down to always having 14 pallets instead of 17 is well worth the longer shape that makes the map appear larger while actually being slightly smaller. The shape of the map spreads the buildings out a little more, especially shack with the guaranteed deadzone beside it. This makes the map feel a lot better to play on as killer. It does tend to somewhat 3 gen because of the longer narrow shape making defending a gen near main and one near shack impossible for most killers.
Badham 5 again favors survivors, all maps in this realm do, but this one has some weirdness to it. The guaranteed deadzone in the corner doesn't make sense to me because there's no reason to be there unless you're going down in a corner to waste the killer's time. Other guaranteed deadzones exist to weaken the loops attached to them (which technically this does, but it being on the street side of the house or the side going into the map would weaken it more by making the buildings less chainable). Overall the spread of the buildings is better than on some of the maps in the realm, but having a guaranteed 16 pallets slightly undercuts that.
I think that Badham as a realm should be cut down to 3 maps. Badhams 1, 2, and 4 are the most enjoyable to play on for both sides and should be what's looked at when considering changes to the map. Special attention to 4 since it's head and shoulders above the rest of the realm.
4 -
I'm not too fond of the 5 versions of this map. I would prefer there was one equally balanced version.
The issue with talking about Badham is that one version could be really good and the rest terrible, but no one can tell the 5 versions apart because they all blend together.
The bungalow is alright, but the breakable walls rarely add anything to chases. One variant is pointless, and the other is a must-break that doesn't make the window any weaker.
The two-story is a very strong building with its windows, even with the walls broken.
The schoolhouse is ok, it just takes a while to close the distance, but the breakable walls are foolish to break. there is an interesting choice with whether to break them to easier get to a hook, but then normally the building becomes so survivor sided its not worth it.
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For me personally this map doesn't feel very memorable, it feels too generic even more than the original base maps. It would be great if it were to be a bit more exciting
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Every structure feels heavily favored for Survivors; even if you break every breakable door, which takes forever, the only building that feels remotely easy to play around as Killer is the 2-story family home.
The fence vault outside of Main building is necessary for Survivors to have something to run away to, but it's slightly too strong if a Survivor has enough distance on the Killer from inside Main already before they start running.
Every connecting loop is very strong.
There is a forested section in every version of Badham. On the some of the versions of the map, the forest appears on the edge of the map and playing as Survivor or Killer I don't feel myself drawn to because the edge of the map when it is a forest because is so dark. It's nice to have darker sections for stealth gameplay, but I just often find myself not even being drawn to patrol that way - there is often no generators here, and there are no objects of interest to pique my interest over there.
I like the little easter eggs referencing the movie in Main! Those are fun.
The basement of Main could use a hook spawn.
The size of all the maps feel generally okay, and I enjoy that this realm has a lot of variety thanks to the 5 variations! It keeps Badham feeling fresh every time I get it.
As one of the first realms to be updated as part of The Realm Beyond, Badham somehow already feels like it looks and plays outdated in comparison to other newer maps. But this is more of a minor note - of course things are going to get better over time.
Haddonfield was updated after Badham, and the infamous "House of Pain" (family house with basement) was reworked with it. It may be nice if the "House of Pain" on Badham could be updated.
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Devs if you seriously think this map requires a poll, you have no idea how broken this map is.
It has 4 very strong buildings on it, and is really big to navigate. Not to mention there are 5 variations that get progressively worse for Killer. You had a good idea with removing the picket fence vault a few years ago, but you didn't follow through with it. That small change wouldn't have done much to how Survivor sided it is, but at least it would have weakened an insanely strong main building ever so slightly. When Survivors have too many tile options to link to in chase they are almost impossible to commit to unless they aren't good or mess up massively.
I personally think on licensed maps, there should only be one building, the main one and every other tile should just be a pallet or vault tile. Shack should be reserved for original chapter maps only.
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Has to be the worst realm for killers all around. I'll try to describe the problems the best I can.
1.- (REALLY STRONG BUILDINGS) / This map feels like it has 3 main buildings. First off we have the school, which can spawn 2 god pallets and a fairly strong pallet at the end of the corridor, not only that but its outside area is also crazy strong. You can do an infinite to 4.4 killers in there if you use the outside window efficiently. Moreover, the basement area is horrible also. A god pallet spawns there 100% of the time and if basement doesnt spawn there its really diffivult even impossible in some situations to hooks survivors. Secondly, we have the house of pain, extremely strong building that can spawn 2 god windows and a god pallet in the basement floor of the building. Its an easy infinite loop for 4.4 killers and a extremely strong loop for 4.6, even ranged ones like slinger or huntress. Lastly, we have the 2 story house, which can spawn up to 3 extremely strong windows and a god pallet on the upper floor. This building might is insanely strong and horrible for killers if the survs are good players and loopers, as an example, in one recent stream of Skermz he looped a Nemesis for 6mins straight in that house because even if one window was blocked you could wait the timer out by utilizing the other ones, making it basically a reusable infinite all around for good players. A map with 3 main buildings as strong these ones cant exist.
2.- (STRONG FILLER LOOPS AND CONNECTIVITY) / Another problem of this realm is the big amount of filler, yet really safe pallets that gives the survs all kinds of possibilities to loop and keep connecting loopsand tiles. This is obviously a very serious problem since we got 3 extremely strong main buildings as I mentioned above. From my own experience, I got matches where the survs got 3 filler pallets, which were really save for them, connected into shack and then into the 2 story house thanks to the distance you get when throwing down shack pallet. Connectivity is an important part of looping, but it cannot be this strong, especially when the map's building by themselves could be looped for mins and mins.
3.- (IT HAS FIVE VARIATIONS) / I dont think I really need to explain this one. I dont understand how such an awful realm with awful map design can have 5 variations, each one worse than the last.
4.- (MAP SIZE AND GEN DISTRIBUTION) / The map size of all variations is abhorrent, really big maps with little dead zones, only in the edges of the map, but extremely crowded of loops in the middle. Map size should be reduced. Another important aspect I'd like to point out is the gen distribution, which is also horrible. As surv, since the gen spawns tend to be always the same they're easy to find for them, but for killer is a nightmare defending them, since you have to go upper or lower floors in the buildings or walk a long distance to get to some of them, only for them to be surrounded by insanely safe loops where survs can buy even more time. Gen distribution and map size is something that should go always tied together, in this case both of them are horrible.
5.- (FENCES AND BUSHES) / The fences and bush walls on this map seem to have no end, they're so bad that for 4.4 killers they can be used as infinites and because this items are usually close to the main buildings, they can just connect them, making it extremely difficult for killer to catch up or do something in general.
I hope my summary highlighted in a satisfactory way the HUGE flaws this map/realm has. For those who dont want to read it entirely, basically too much connectivity, god windows and pallets all around the map, 3 EXTREMELY strong main buildings, map size is huge, gen distribution is horrible and fences and bush walls are too long.
Hope this can help the devs to improve this map and PLEASE, delete the 5 variants, no need to have that.
2 -
I don't know why there are five variations of this map. Non variation specific commentary:
Main building is stupid to run. It just wastes so much time, is extremely safe while the pallets are up, and opening the breakable walls only makes it worse. There are 3-4 hooks immediately surrounding the building but no hook in basement. If someone goes down in basement, you typically have to break one of the doors (bad) to hook them. If the basement is in building, it's also one of the strongest basements in the game. It only has two entries which are very close, so it's one of the easiest basements to camp. Getting hooked in school basement is a near guaranteed death sentence for at least one person if the killer decides to use it.
House of pain is way too strong and it would be really strong even if it didn't have a god pallet downstairs. There's no reason for this building to be so strong when badham already has so many other strong buildings and safe loops.
I kinda like playing the two-story house but you pretty much have to break both walls to make it possible to play the windows. There is a lot of room for mindgames and once the pallet upstairs is gone and the doors are open it's not very safe anymore.
The hedges............ why are they so damn long? I have seen hedges that were unbroken for like 32m and it's just absurd. A survivor can be less than a meter away from you on the other side but it still takes 30 seconds just to catch up and you can't even get bloodlust. The hedges are a mistake and should never be able to be that long.
The maps usually have way too many completely safe filler loops in addition to having so many strong buildings. I have seen some disgusting chains. I think the car loops are fine, the ambulance loops are strong but okay, but the big tree loops are way too strong for badham.
Now for the variations:
Badham 4 and 5 are just awful for killers. There are guaranteed three gens in completely safe buildings (main, house of pain, two story house) that are located in the corners of the map. It's impossible for a killer to patrol these gens and defend them, and even worse when there's another gen in shack. These two variations should just be deleted.
Badham 1 and 2 are still strong for survivors but not as bad as 4 and 5. The play area of 1 still has all of the strong buildings but they're fairly close together so there's not as many filler loops between them. In 2 there's at least a chance for good rng and you can create a deadzone on one side.
Badham 3 is actually okay and my favorite badham, mostly because of the large filler area behind main. There's typically a gen setup around main and back of main that you can manage to play reasonably.
Overall, if every variation of badham other than 3 was deleted, I'd be happy.
1 -
As a killer this map often doesn't feel good to play at all. Since several gens are in seperate buildings, far away, with no line of sight, on different levels, and with multiple escapes for survivors they feel largely un-patrollable encouraging more of a 3 gen playstyle of the few gens that are patrollable. Survivors can also stick to the inside gens till last minute, but still make quite a distance due to the available vault locations and pallets. This leads to quite a long time before a dying state (not helped by many pallet loops), which on its own wouldn't be too bad, but paired with the difficuly of applying gen pressure leads to rather frustrating games. So often it feels neccesary to 3 (or 4) gen and to return to unhooks, leading to less fun games.
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As a new 82h player, I defer to the experienced people, but I have to say that if you get a map with the gen spread out then you are very much forced to 3-gen in the middle. If I didn't maindeck Agitation on most killers I am certain that I would have lost at least 4 games due to the main building. The pallet amount is sometimes very off, and the long walls are a PAIN to play in if you have bad connection, because even half a second of lag and you lose like 3 seconds of chase. Deffo survivor sided. I barely play survivor though so maybe the two games where I failed to hug the wall and got downed in half a minute should be indicative of the n00b experience. I will say that I don't think I ever played on II, so I can't comment on that one, but I'd probably listen to edgard, YmPrat or Otz.
I will sya though that I don't know what the big deal with the House Of Pain is. It's not been an issue in most of my matches. But maybe it's the long walls and tree loops messing with me.
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Heavy on the last part.
This game is nearly at 50 maps and they are all somewhat varied themselves. It's become so hard for new players and even experienced players to consistently remember everything on these maps. I just think after a while the same maps become redundant and rather just set more mental work for people to keep up with when the maps could be more simplified for more of a focus on other aspects of the game(because there are a TON of other things you could be thinking about/learning about).
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This map is the biggest definition of ######### MAP currently in game
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This map is so horribly unbalanced that it needs a flat out rework. So many strong buildings and interconnected loops that it feels awful to play on as killer. Love it when i get it on survivor tho lol
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Very survivor sided map overall (could be moderately with some version like Badham III I believe) :
- Hard to patrol for killers due to the generator spawn (3 different floors) AND all the fences/bushes/trees on the way.
- Very good for survivor stealth due to the point above.
- Very hard to defend exit gates due to the first point.
- Very long and easy to play "hold W" main building with an abusable bottom floor when basement doesn't spawn there.
- Other tiles/buildings are strong but are balanced on their own IMO.
Suggestions :
- Open the main building a bit more (not just breakable walls please).
- Put the main building generator upstairs.
- Add one or even two hooks inside the main.
- Remove a significant amount of fences and bushes/trees accross the map (not all).
Post edited by Adrien on2 -
Outside of swamp, Badham is the worst of the old maps. Overly dark, forever walls at times around the house, and way too big. Generator placement (in my matches) is almost always the same.
Playing as survivor you're more likely to escape matches (in my experience, and I'm bad at survivor).
As killer if you're not playing a rather strong character you're going to get destroyed with how close together many of the loops are. Shack also feel like an after thought. Many of my friends on either side don't even bother with it on killer side, and on survivor side hit that gen first, and never go back as there are better tile strings elsewhere.
The only thing I enjoy about it is not tripping over things every three steps like in the newer maps.
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Badham Preschool is one of the most survivor favored maps and that is including every single of the 5 variations that the map has. The size of the maps is not particularly large but the multi-building nature of it vastly difficults the task for the killer to patrol the generators, since checking inside the buildings as well as navigating around them artificially increases the downtime between chases.
The main building is specially powerful when it comes to delaying the killer, since navigating through it in a chase is very time wasting and extrapolates the chase from the rest of the map, making it really hard for the killer to incorporate themself into the match once the chase is finished. It counts with 5 pallets and 2 windows: 3 of the pallets are fixed and located outside along with 1 window at the fence in the front, the other 2 pallets are placed inside, 1 at ground floor and 1 in the underground, each of them with 2 possible spots; the 2nd window is also in the underground. The 2 breakable walls help corralling the survivors so breaking them would only expand their options in chase (specially the one near the generator since it enhances the fence window) yet the killer might still need to break them to reach a hook outside since it is very troublesome to hook survivors from the underground if basement is not in main building (and if it is, it becomes unhealthy with how powerful it is to defend it).
The basement house is both powerful and dull gameplay wise, allowing for little interaction between killer & survivor. On the other hand, the two-story house is far more interactive and therefore a betterly designed building. Both landmark houses are surrounded by randomly generated fences that may have extra window vaults and that sometimes may be extremely long to the point of covering the long side of the landmark tile perimeter (32 m).
With the 5 pallets of main building and the single pallet from Shack and each house landmark, we account for 8 predictable pallets at the buildings of the map. The filler loops are overall quite strong & easily connected with each other and the buildings; and they are surprisingly as predictable as the buildings. The amount of filler pallets is fixed per map and so is the distribution between the garden and road tiles. The only time there is variability in the amount of pallets in all but Badham Preschool II is when a filler loop at the end of the road spawns 2 pallets in the same tile, which is absurd on itself.
In all but Badham Preschool I, some tiles in the road are deadzones which only make the filler distribution more predictable (and both ends of the road are deadzoned in Badham Preschool II which is why it is the only one that can't get a double pallets filler).
Badham Preschool I and III are particularly similar layout wise, variation I focuses more on the road fillers while variation III focuses on the garden fillers. They both have 17 pallets, version I has 3 at gardens and 6 at roads, while version III has 6 at gardens and 3 at roads. Version III also has 1 road deadzone and it is overall a bit weaker than version I because the generators don't spawn as consistently behind main building where many of the garden tiles (the specialty of version III) are found; while version I does get more generators in the road in front of main building (note that the buildings are always facing the road so main building is turned around between these 2 variations).
Badham Preschool II may as well be the strongest out of the 5 (all of them are very survivor favored regardless) since it uses the size of the map to its fullest with its even building distribution. It gets 7 filler pallets in the garden tiles (which are 9 in total) and 5 of the garden tiles are around the shack, meaning that at least 3 and potentially 5 filler loops will be enhacing the shack as well as allowing the survivors to rotate to either of the landmark buildings. It is also note worthy that it is the least likely to get generators in the middle of the road, which makes the fact that it has 3 road deadzones not as problematic for the survivors and it overall makes the generator spread abnormally wide.
Badham Preschool IV & V have a longer shape, version IV counts with the least pallets but it might have the hardest to defend generators given its layout and how it keeps both house landmarks relevant in the middle and therefore harder to ignore. Version V has 16 pallets just like version II, but it is far easier to divide the map than any other version (with the intention to defend an area).
As a result, all 5 Badham Preschool maps are incredibly safe, hard to patrol and outstandingly predictable, giving survivors a very advantageous set of circumstances.
13 -
I still remember a SWF sending me here with map offering + the offering to spawn basement in shack. I thought they were random offerings, but quickly found out it was a sabo squad that would take chase to the lower floor of school and made it next to impossible to hook anyone I downed there (boil over + sabo stuff + no basement there).
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A bit??? 😭
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Not much to say that hasn't already been said but, it's a bad map and the fact that there's 5 of the exact same map with slight adjustments is really unfun, and difficult to learn. The majority of the buildings are unfun to play around as killer as there's not much mindgaming to be done (including the actual preschool). On top of this, the map's lighting makes it really difficult to see survivors, even at a small distance. I really hope it gets a full rework and only has 1 version in the future.
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I like the map. It's big, and has a lot of buildings.
I find it easy to play on Spirit and survivor.
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it's disgustingly broken i don't even know where to start. it's both an indoor and an outdoor map in a sense so survivors are safe against any type of killer. a whopping 4 safe buildings to play around against mobility killers or killers like huntress (with gens to do inside) and outside with millions of quite safe CONNECTING pallets against stealthy killers. ridiculous house of pain is weakened in haddonfield but for some unknown reason kept in this realm.