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Distortion - Medium Update

According to the developers -

Dev note: Distortion counters a lot of Perks & Add-Ons. The token system and recharge mechanic makes Distortion far too effective and allows Survivors to go unseen for the entire match.

To limit its effectiveness, we have removed the token system and made it so Distortion only reactivates upon being chased. We have extended the duration slightly to help account for longer aura reading effects to compensate.

A lot of killers already use aura reading builds, especially when weave of attunement came out. Making distortion only work during chases will essentially make this perk useless. Distortion's current system gives survivors a fighting chance to play against killers that either use aura reading builds or have extreme stealth characteristics (the Shape, Onryo, etc.). I strongly ask the developers to reconsider this update, as this would make survivors (new and veteran) not have safeguards against killers that intentionally make playing a match unenjoyable.


  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 52

    It's a chase utility perk now, not a "hide all game and never interact with the killer perk", which was horrifically unhealthy for the game. You have to take chase now, and interact with the killer like you're supposed too for the team.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 990
    edited September 15

    I also think think is a better idea than the chase ones floating around. Not everyone can be productive during chase. Everybody can do a gen though.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 26
    edited September 15

    You don't need aura prevention in a chase and most likely you lose the perk during the same chase you got it back. The perk becomes pointless as gaining it back would usually mean you losing it almost right away again. Change the perk to reload on unhook so survivor has max 12 tokens for the whole match. This way the person can't hide "forever" and eventually will cause them to get hooked.

    This perk has some people really blaming it for everything on it on both sides. Killer go "I can't find this one because I don't see his aura he has to be hiding and not doing anything." Survivors go "He never gets chased because killer does not find him and does no gens." They then only remember the bad Distortion users but never even remember the ones that made them win the match by doing everything than normal survivor does. Some people have this odd mentality that if you are not chased you are not doing anything even if you were chased but killer gave up the chase all the time or you fixed most of the gens and unhooked several. Its not the survivors fault if the killer don't bother try to find them or does not find them and if the killer is so bad that can't find a survivor without aura perks then he does not deserve to find them. Many streamer has created the odd mentality that you as a survivor have to sit on the gen until the killer sees you and then runaway to get chased. I never understood why are you making it so easy for the killer to find you. To me its more beneficial to waste his time while he searches you and if he finds you then get chased as usually if they even bother they would find you. You then wasted more the killers time as he first have to search then you the whole chase if he finds you. I have seen way more survivors who let the killer see them runaway and get downed in under 20 seconds from full health and I see that as more major problem that people hiding.

    I feel many people have no real idea how the perk can be used they just see some selfish people using it and its the only thing they remember. People guess what the play style you hate will not vanish because Distortion gets nerfed it will just turn them using lockers and other perks that then will replace Distortion as main reason for them why someone is bad. Don't blame the perk because people use it selfishly.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 26
    edited September 15

    Tying it to chase will kill the perk. Why would anyone use a perk that gives you one use after you get in chase when it most likely will be lost before the chase is done and the new Predator literally would guarantee you to lose it again as it will show you aura when you escape a chase. The perk would become one of the lowest used perks as there is no value gained with the change. It will just make any value you might gain non-existent or very minor.

    I myself would let it have the 4 tokens and just make it refill after you get unhooked. That way you will again have four tokens and only can have max 12 tokens the whole match. This way it will not let anyone hide forever but will give good benefit for anyone who uses it. If the killer has two aura perks or add-ons you would lose those four tokens quite fast anyway, but at least it would bring some value to use the perk and now it would work as anti-tunnel perk too and devs love those. Another way to gain tokens when you unhook a survivor. This would give it maybe few more tokens to use too and cause killers to chase the distortion user if they come back to the hook. Way better way to incentive chases than their idea.

    Post edited by Wezqu on
  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 126

    Distortion hard counters from the start of the trial plus 2 more times no matter what.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,502

    Bad update. There is a reason some players try to avoid chase.

    I sometimes used it and when the killer ran auras (like Huntress) they already chewed through the tokens pretty fast.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 935

    I'd say give it back only 3 tokens but they can be recharged when you get chased, the change the developers are going for is overkill.

  • Ifocusonyou
    Ifocusonyou Member Posts: 2
    edited September 17

    And killers with full aura perk ? If i bring distortion, its to make gen because interact with killer is useless. Why ? good loop are rare, small map, healing, number of pallet nerf, DH nerf, ect… "The reason is crying little fr…ds! The game is full of underage little s and older trolling a******s that need to have an easy 4k game. Gone are the days where players respected the game and strategies. It used to be an amazing community of players and most often last surv got set free. Why? well this created friendships which meant more ppl to play with. Now for some reason those i mentioned feel that they need the 4k as quick as possible to feel any kind of accomplishment. Which in reality lessons everyone's points as well as the killers.

    Honestly the Devs listening to these little F******** is killing the game. Its now just empty bs being a rushed game for both parties involved and its getting pointless. No charm or style of any kind. And from what I hear they are nerfing survs perks again and before any butt-hurt killers start crying.. I also main Michael and its too easy to get 4k. I literally just prefer to scare the living daylights out of them for a while and let everyone build up points before ending the match. (I like to build a re-pore with the survs) If i do run across griefing survs then i just end the game quickly (with 4k as a punishment) to stop the nonsense and move on but its not a challenge and quite boring."