Slugging For The 4K - An Exaggerated Problem?



  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    topic is about slugging but you changed it ;)

    no survivor would bleed out for 4 minutes if they didnt crawl ;) not my fault you can't sit in one place since you can't do anything anyway. take that L and go for another game, your choice and 4 minutes waiting is your reward.

    ok so its not guaranteed and you're just liar, making some stories to prove your point and you fail again and again. no, hooking 3rd is not as effective and you know that but you still choose to ignore… no surprise

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    oh i see you don't even know what camper means… not surprising. try again

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    still waiting for any argument against slugging for 4k.. you know exactly what's the prize for killing everyone, you just pretend there's no reward.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    The empathy argument isn't valid, because both sides of the game aren't being considered. Slugging has issues on BOTH sides of the game, but instead of addressing both sides, most people want to focus 100% on the slugging issues that affect survivors, and 0% on the slugging issues that affect killers.

    Survivors will sometimes be in situations were the killer can't reliably hook them, especially when the survivors are purposely bringing specific perks or items to place themselves in situations where they can't be hooked. But most of the "solutions" to slugging will punish killers if they are in a situation where they can't reliably hook a sruvivor.

    And this is why I keep suggesting for survivors to get teleported to a 2v8 cage if they have been slugged for a minute. It fixes the slugging issues on BOTH sides of the game.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    Having empathy on the slugging issue, would mean caring about how slugging has problems on both sides of the game. If you are going to ask other people to have empathy, then you should be showing empathy for both sides of the game.

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    wait. you think that your time on this forum is prove of idk your knowledge about game? XD is this joke?

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    oh ego boost.. that's what makes you mad.. no i won't get more points in that time XD and you know that too but again you pretend it's different because you have to prove your point.

    i'm talking with you so i only care if YOU have any argument. if you can't form any argument it means you rly have no idea what you're talking about. at this point you are the only one trolling here.. you're trying to prove you're right without giving any argument, that's not how discussion work.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    topic is about slugging but you changed it ;)

    From your previous post which is implying something different:

    if you think that's stalling then what you say about hiding for much longer ??

    So how are Survivors hiding for much longer than the bleed out? Think before you leap please, this is getting to easy.

    no survivor would bleed out for 4 minutes if they didnt crawl

    One, that's factually incorrect as there's killers that literally do bleed out survivors for kicks. Second off they wouldn't bleed out of the we're hooked would they? Third even if they stayed still, they'd probably be waiting close to the full time anyway while you desperately "search" for the 4th survivor. Can you prove any of these wrong?

    take that L and go for another game, your choice and 4 minutes waiting is your reward.

    Strange how that survivor hasn't lost yet. Firellius (sorry Firellius for the noise) also brought up this point and you strangely ignored it.


    They CAN win. That's why they hide. It's their only way TO win.

    When you got a way to win do you give in? And before you try and compare that to slugging for the 4k, remember that killing the 3rd does not immediately give that 4th the escape. The killer is not giving up a single kill by killing the 3rd, unlike the survivor if they "took the L".

    ok so its not guaranteed and you're just liar, making some stories to prove your point and you fail again and again.

    So let's get this straight: We're liars because we used some poor choice of words because we inferred a thought, that we've been lying about things and failing to prove our point to everyone, and we're apparently ignoring this wholely factual truth that slugging for the 4k is better than hooking the 3rd. This all despite the fact we've pointed out what happens, pulled proof that we have atleast a decent grasp of how things work in the game, and how others are doing the…

    Whatever kinda crazy you have can we get some for tonight's party?

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    The easiest way to fix slugging for 4ks AND trying to gengrind and leave in under 10 minutes, would be to totally rework emblems and make it so Grades truly mean what the community thinks they are: nothing but a marker of time. Right now, a 4k is the difference in Gold or Iri between pipping and not pipping, encouraging this sort of sweaty play.

    If BHVR and the community want to have no 4k slugs, the game needs to not encourage always going for a 4k like it currently does. You cannot blame the players for doing what the game says they're intended to do.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 1

    Instant Mori on 3rd survivor down is not possible with Hatch offerings how they are. That's a guaranteed escape, cause Survivors just run away from the location of the hatch offering and the 4th gets out for free with no way for the killer to contest.

    The only way you stop slugging for the 4k is you give the Killer Instinct on the 4th survivor when the 3rd survivor dies, then buff Sole Survivor to block this effect.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    To be fair, retiring the hatch offerings is also on the table

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929

    Fair point 😅

    Though we are getting a little slim on usable offerings the longer the game goes on 😁

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    I wouldn't mind a total reworking of the idea of how Offerings work, but being that is unlikely to happen -you could just delay the time it takes for the hatch to spawn if there was an instant mori on the third survivor.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 2

    Aye, fair...

    Though as I've thought about it more, doesn't this start to add more problems? What if a player doesn't want to quit? Giving up when the 3rd player is downed is not an universal decision for all players. What about the scenario where 2 players are left, one is distracting as the other is opening the gate and goes down under a pallet nearby. You just force them to die?

    Doesn't the instart mori on 3rd downed survivor guarantee its impossible to save or attempt to escape? No flashlights or flashbang attempts? No stall for Unbreakable? What if they've got Flip Flop and Power Struggle? WGLF and Made For This? What if I've used Breakdown and successfully made a Deadzone?

    What if the 3rd survivor still has hook stages and the 4th has the gate 99d and wants to wait for the hook to try and exchange because they have said perks?

    What about the same 2 man scenario but the chased player gets downed near the line? No heal tech? No body block to help them escape? They just die? What if a player wants to crawl away with Tenacity and try for a hatch escape?

    What about killer perks to fairly play for the hatch? I can't use BBQ and Chilli or Friends to the End to find the 4th? Or get at least a head start while they hide from it?

    This change always forces the killer to play hatch, which is the goal, but what aboit Adepts? You might not care about achievements, but plenty of people do, and this just makes killer adepts even harder…

    Not to mention with your proposed version you have this weird scenario where the Mori isn't in the killers control... What if I as killer have a player DC cause they're a whiner and decide I want to play out my hook stages, kill anyone who wants to quit, but let anyone who doesn't also quit go for sticking it out? Once a second player SoHs, I can't get hook stages anymore and have to stop completely, can't give any flashlight or pallet saves since these players got screwed over by a dirt bag teammate? Soon as I down someone they just die?

    What if I'm Huntress and get an orbital? What if they drop on the floor from failing to mend? Or use Plot Twist? Does the Entity just kill them remotely? Seems a bit weird.

    Unless you want to impose a rule to only allow when the gates aren't powered, or an optional accept mori option, but at this point the rule is starting to become complex and confusing, because it doesn't really make sense anymore if we start throwing on a load of restrictions to account for many scenarios.

    This doesn't sound like a very clean solution, and makes the whole interaction of third down messy and confusing...

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    While this is true, we're also aware theres not going to be a pretty solution. The main thorn that comes in dealing with slugging for the 4k is that its the players freedom and agency. To actually remove it in a way that will keep "resonables" happy (and we're using both terms loosely) isn't gonna be done without impacting them. Your ability to use bbq to find that last survivor is also another's ability to leave that 4th slugged. Things like this why any solution for this is either going to be brutally simple and restricting or heavily to complex.

    That being said, we don't really have any solution we like, so pick a poison and chug.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2

    There surely is a reason people bleed out for 4ks besides "all Killers are jerks that want to ruin the Survivor experience", because Killer players are also humans.

    If there really is an epidemic of this going on, and most games are ending in actual 4 man bleedouts, we need to ask what is making Killers do this. Bad behavior doesn't happen in a vacuum. With all the stuff in the game that encourages not doing this, why are Killers actually doing this?

    I'm just not convinced it's the trite answer of "all the Killer players want to have a power trip" and that's it. There's something else going on encouraging this behavior. We should find out what, and solve it, instead of everyone flinging accusations of being toxic at each other and demanding BHVR fix it with another bandaid. Because sticks historically haven't worked either, do you really handle Decisive Strike by not tunnelling or do you juts tunnel through it anyway because that works? Did all the Killers suddenly stop proxy camping just because anti facecamp was added? Of course not, some learned this was preferable and did it more, and some have just always done this. It didn't really stop anything that Survivors are frustrated about, just the worst kind of camping (and similarly an anti-slug system should therefore only punish the worst kind of slugging, this kind).

    It could even be as simple as Killers misreading Survivor play as more sweaty than it is, or more annoying than it is, and doing this out of frustration. If that's why, then the solution is to make the game less frustrating. It could be that hooking is discouraged, or Killers feel it's discouraged. It could even be that the game focuses too much on encouraging a 4k by any means necessary - if it IS that, clarifying what a win is could fix that, as could making a 2-3k feel as satisfying as a 4k. I certainly am fine with anything between a 2-4k myself, and I'd be encouraged to go for it more if there were some bonus or benefit to not playing as hard as I can to dominate other than feel good vibes.

    But I don't think it's just that "Killers like to power trip". Not by a longshot, because I know plenty of Survivor Mains who also like to powertrip against baby Killers. You can see evidence of this on Youtube titled stuff like "Bullying baby Killers with my flashlight squad!" and "this build makes Killers cry!".

    @Rulebreaker I think you're right, there is no clean solution and the only real option BHVR has is to ONLY punish the worst kind of slugging: bleeding everyone out for four minutes when three or more are on the ground. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that is slugging. You can debate if slugging for a 4k when two people are left is a true toxic slug or just tactics, you can debate if slugging someone who has DS to avoid is is toxic or a tactic, and you can debate if altruism getting many Survivors downed at once is toxic or tactical. But you cannot debate that someone slugging everyone at 4 or 5 gens is being tactical, that is honestly actually just being a jerk to be a jerk.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 2

    Well, of the options presented, an instant mori on the third survivor being downed after 2 survivors are dead seems to come with the far greater negative of forcing the 3rd player to lose, even if they want to still try to win.

    We're basically making it mandatory for survivors to give up once 2 players are dead and go for hatch... and I don't think that is a compromise I'd be willing to make... if a player wants to play and still try to survive, they should have the right to try, and this instant mori suggestion doesn't permit that... ergo it's an objectively bad suggestion that goes against the goal of the game.

    If we're wanting to make it truly unbeneficial to slug for the 4k, the way to solve it would be allow a survivor to give up, but not force them to. If I were to take my old Desperation idea and jack it up:

    After 2 other survivors are dead or dying and situation is at its most dire, unlock Desperation. When fully recovered to 95% or more in the dying state press the rush button to enter Desperation. While in Desperation: -

    • You crawl 50% faster
    • Make 50% more louder grunts of pain
    • Bleedout 200% faster (3c/s or 70s from full bleedout (+30s to recover to 95%))

    I used to have it at 150%, but if were trying to stop slugging hard, if you can bleed out in only a max of 100s, slugging for the 4k is far less profitable and a reasonable time to have to evade the killer. The killer is better off taking perks that activate off hooks to find the last survivor via aura reads rather than gamble on hatch... and the important difference here, is it's the survivors choice if they want to attempt to survive or not.

    Now this comes with the obvious problems of players giving up, which is why the 2 other survivors condition is needed, and things like killer adepts and especially evil incarnate achievements/trophies starting to become quite near impossible, there is no realistic way to ensure you can catch all survivors even if you've effectively won the game, and some challeneges will also suck really hard as well for killer... to be honest it's pretty crap that the killer can't secure a 4k if they need to, and would make a lot of killer challenges awful... but that's the destination no matter what route we go in this thread.

    However this is the route you need to go if you're gonna try and hamfist slugging for the 4k out of the game... You can't make it mandatory that a survivor has to give up. That is antithetical to the entire point of the game.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    No solution will be perfect, and any proposed solution will incur some new issues. The goal is whether the new idea will improve over the existing problems. That's true for problem solving for basically any type of issue, not just video games.

    I should also note that my favored solution would be a rapidly increased bleedout for both thematic and balance reasons, but looking through your list of issues:

    What if a player doesn't want to quit?

    There's lots of situations where I don't want to die or lose, that's part of a game.

    What about the scenario where 2 players are left, one is distracting as the other is opening the gate and goes down under a pallet nearby. You just force them to die? Doesn't the instart mori on 3rd downed survivor guarantee its impossible to save or attempt to escape? No flashlights or flashbang attempts? No stall for Unbreakable? What if they've got Flip Flop and Power Struggle? WGLF and Made For This? What if I've used Breakdown and successfully made a Deadzone?

    I'd be fine with that. In this scenario you have a standoff situation. One survivor is under a pallet, the other can rescue, but if the survivor crawls out from under the pallet the killer picks them up.

    Basically the survivors are now hoping to out boredom the killer. I'm fine with that situation disappearing as well (or basically any situation in DbD that can be described as a standoff).

    I was in a situation like this as killer. Playing on Ormond, doors open, survivor is downed under a pallet, too far to make it to the door, and I know the other remaining survivor has background player. If I pick up, they get the stun, if not the survivor bleedouts. We're just waiting to see whether one of us grows bored first. I'm not sure why anyone would want that situation in a game.

    What if the 3rd survivor still has hook stages and the 4th has the gate 99d and wants to wait for the hook to try and exchange because they have said perks?

    What about the same 2 man scenario but the chased player gets downed near the line? No heal tech? No body block to help them escape? They just die?

    Sure. We've moved the line that a survivor needs to get to to escape a few meters.

    What if a player wants to crawl away with Tenacity and try for a hatch escape?

    Such a rare occurrence that I'd be fine with giving that up as a trade off.

    What about killer perks to fairly play for the hatch? I can't use BBQ and Chilli or Friends to the End to find the 4th? Or get at least a head start while they hide from it?

    Yeah, those perks would be ever so slightly weaker.

    This change always forces the killer to play hatch, which is the goal, but what aboit Adepts? You might not care about achievements, but plenty of people do, and this just makes killer adepts even harder…

    What percentage of total killer games ever played are for adepts? Probably well less than 1%.

    Not to mention with your proposed version you have this weird scenario where the Mori isn't in the killers control... What if I as killer have a player DC cause they're a whiner and decide I want to play out my hook stages, kill anyone who wants to quit, but let anyone who doesn't also quit go for sticking it out?

    Killers letting survivors go is its own whole issue (something I do in the situation you describe). It allows MMR to be manipulated and throws off the stats that BHVR balances the game around. If that is common enough to worry about and this change would address that, its an overall positive.

    What if I'm Huntress and get an orbital? What if they drop on the floor from failing to mend? Or use Plot Twist? Does the Entity just kill them remotely? Seems a bit weird.

    I think this is actually the biggest thing, how weird it would feel and break the game flow. I think that's a far bigger concern than most of the issues discussed.

    Though most of these could be fixed by adding a 'when the third survivor is downed and the killer is or becomes within 8m' requirement.

    Unless you want to impose a rule to only allow when the gates aren't powered, or an optional accept mori option, but at this point the rule is starting to become complex and confusing, because it doesn't really make sense anymore if we start throwing on a load of restrictions to account for many scenarios.

    I think the only relevant situation is gates being powered, and we already treat other things differently when gates are powered like AFC mechanic.

    This doesn't sound like a very clean solution, and makes the whole interaction of third down messy and confusing...

    So as I mentioned above, my preferred solution would be rapidly increased bleedout, say 5 to 7 times the current rate, so a full health survivor has 34 to 48 seconds (and I'd put the rapidly increase to start when all survivors but 1 are down).

    That said, I don't think it is really messy, you're just preferring the status quo design. Imagine that moring the 3rd downed survivor had always been in the game. Would we be having threads posted about how a survivor thought they could have gotten value out of Tenacity or killers wishing they could get value out of BBQ? Maybe on very rare occasions, but nothing like the rate at which people complain about slugging.

    On the other hand, if we did instant third moris, I pretty confident there would be new players confused about why the Huntress auto teleports to a downed survivor.

    I think a lot of mechanics are like that: such as hook grabs. I have a hard time remembering they ever existed (and when I do I remember it's how dull it felt), if hook grabs had never existed (which is true for anyone new coming into the game) I don't think anyone would feel like something is missing.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We're basically making it mandatory for survivors to give up once 2 players are dead and go for hatch...

    We don't understand how this becomes mandatory if the 3rd is insta moried. Its effectively the same if 2 are alive already with gens needing done, they can either both hide for hatch, both work on gens, 1 gen 1 hide, etc. Only now they effectively have 1 "hookstate" (more accurate to say 1 down but we like dramatic). No one needs to give up, its a slightly less chance that both make it out and removing some clutch plays while for killers its an inconvenience because they cant use a hook perk then and cant slug that 3rd survivor.

    Now we may not particularly like this idea but at this point all routes should be looked at. Yes some killer challenges will get harder (no cheeper [({our opinion])} way for the adepts, …we don't actually see evil incarnate getting harder from any solution to slugging for 4k we've seen…)

    If we may tweek your idea, once survivors bleed out bar is below half (they've been slugged for 2 minutes at least) and they're fully recovered then they bleed out faster with all your goodies. This prevents most the extreme cases of abuse from both sides that we can see and helps 4 man slugging a bit as well.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 3

    Well, to clarify:

    We don't understand how this becomes mandatory if the 3rd is insta moried.

    I didn't mean that player actually gives up, I mean by downing and auto executing the 3rd player, this suggestion forces the 3rd player to lose automatically, regardless of any other effects in the game, which has the same effect as if you're forcing them to give up… by forcing the 3rd player to die you're basically saying "well most players give up at this point, you've basically lost, so we're just gonna go ahead and make that decision for you and kill you".

    I highlighted a whole bunch of ways this player can still escape, but there are still more, like Deliverance or Wicked, Adrenaline. No One Left Behind combined with Overcome or Dead Hard. The death of Unbreakable is really felt here... I literally have to use it before 2 players left, otherwise I just die.

    By enforcing an instant 3rd player mori, great, you've solved slugging for the 4k... but in the process you've sacrificed so much and made the game a lot dumber... you've killed all of the ways a survivor player can clutch for their team... and not only have you have killed all the scenarios I've described, you kill all potential future ones as well.

    As you say ideas should be explored... which is what I'm doing... and my conclusion following that exploration is that the suggestion to auto execute the 3rd survivor on down does far more to damage the game than slugging for the 4k does. You acknowledge you don't like it... I loathe the idea... I didn't at first, but the more I thought about it, the more problems I identified. It's a bad idea for more reasons yet than I've listed here... and I've listed a lot of them.

    If we may tweek your idea, once survivors bleed out bar is below half (they've been slugged for 2 minutes at least) and they're fully recovered then they bleed out faster with all your goodies. This prevents most the extreme cases of abuse from both sides that we can see and helps 4 man slugging a bit as well.

    Sure more restricted version. Though my only concern is likely this doesn't do enough to prevent the slug for 4k irritation. It's kinda taking 4 minutes down to 3 minutes, which I don't think addresses the primary concern.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 3

    Aye a lot of what you're saying makes sense, but the issue I have is how many scenarios being killed off with this change. You don't just kill off slugging for the 4k, you also kill off legitimate slugging for the win.

    Scenario 1: If there are 2 of us left, 4 gens repaired, last is at 90%. I have Unbreakable or Adrenaline, and I'm looping to buy time, but get downed.

    On the current system, the killer is now in a quandry, they know they have a gen about to pop, they don't have time to hook me, and they don't know if I have Unbreakable or Adrenaline or not. If I do, then they have to hook me, or risk losing one of us. The killer has a decision to make, can they hook me and try to catch the other survivor before they make it to gate? Or do they leave me slugged and go for the other survivor?

    On the new system, no decision to be made, no thought whatsoever, we kill off any notion of trying to catch the last survivor before they make gate.

    Scenario 2: 2 survivors left, gate is powered, both are injured, and the gate is 50% powered.

    On the current system, if the killer catches the first survivor, they have a chance to run to gate and stop the last survivor escaping. The correct play here is to slug, cause you don't have time to hook the other survivor.

    On the new system, the killer literally can't stop 1 survivor escaping in this scenario… and it's not cause they aren't smart enough to recognise the situation, the game FORCES them to kill the 3rd survivor, so they are stuck in an animation and have to watch the 4th survivor complete the gate unable to interrupt.

    This is awful, because any intelligent killer in our fantasy world with any agency of their own, would never sit killing 1 person, while another person opens the gate behind them.

    There are numerous scenarios like this. You can say they're rare, and sure the slug for the 4k scenario is more common… but that doesn't make this irrelevant…. and this is awful. It reminds me of my irritation with Alien vs. Predator execution animations where you are not safe from damage. I as the alien caught someone, started executing them, and I wanted to do a quick stab through the chest and run back into the darkness before I get killed… but no… I'm trapped in a long ass animation mashing my sprint button, waving my damn tail in their face like an idiot, hoping it ends fast enough for me to get away which inevitably doesn't happen, and I die, and it's really annoying because I as an intelligent entity know that a slow drawn out kill right now is stupid…

    It'd be the same problem here, I as Bubba wouldn't stand gyrating over a survivor I'm killing while the other steals my lunch… These scenarios to my mind are unacceptable. They don't make sense, rob me of my agency and hurt the game more overall with a stupid rule imposed on everyone because of a flaw in the design of hatch. I as the survivor would abuse the same, knowing the killer must kill one of us, he has to try and kill one of us while opening the gate, so he body blocks it for the other… so I just run to other gate in complete safety.

    I almost always give hatch, I don't even take the finisher mori except for rare occasions… and I play more survivor than killer now, and even I'm sat here thinking this is awful from both survivor and killer perspective.

    Bleedout route is far more sensible.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    As we said, it does remove clutch plays. These plays, while very satisfying, are not common (sans maybe deliverance [lesser extent wicked] but the 3 of us have only seen it once within 4ish months). Adrenaline example, you would have to pop that gen immediately (lets say immediately is: after the killer wipe animation) after the 3rd goes down and it would have to be just you 2 left alive. If multiple people have that scenario happen often then we're missing out.

    …honestly not sure why we're defending this one. Argue just to argue maybe? ehh moving on.

    As for more restrictions to your idea, we feel its needed because players will abuse any leeway without a doubt. Could maybe after a minute of the timer is gone, but we see people gonna try to bleed out faster for stupid reason if given half a chance…so we wanna make sure they dont get one.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited January 3

    Yeah, I'm in agreement... the Survivor quit epidemic is nuts atm, giving more tools for it is bad... 😒😒😒

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 271
    edited January 3

    If there is a bleedout faster option added it doesnt even matter if a survivor wants to bleedout faster to go next since they already have the option to suicide on hook to go next. Until BHVR comes out and says they dont want that behavior in the game they are already inadvertently supporting players doing that

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 271

    No. the point is whether or not slugging for the 4k is a problem and the frequency and op was stating survivors should give up and not play for hatch as if the killer wouldnt just leave them on the ground anyway to find the last guy

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    I'm sorry but I refuse to be another jaded DBD player who only ever wants to see the worst in my opponent just because the opponent wants to win. And I refuse to need to win so hard, it ruins the game for everyone else.

    It absolutely does matter.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    I have never, even as a Killer Main, ever understood slugging at five gens. What satisfaction do you even get from a round ending that fast? If you do it on purpose, why do it when it doesn't even pip you or reward you to win so fast? If it happens on accident, how on earth did the MMR mess up so bad it puts actual babies with your higher relative skill level?

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    That's fine and all, and I agree things need to be done to fix the 4 man bleedout issue.

    But I still strongly disagree with you that most players do anything in this game out of actual malice, and I still refuse to be that player.